After AIDS (Volume 1) (French Edition)

Gaëtan Dugas

This plan seeks to radically change the course of the epidemic in five years, through actions which include, besides tracking HIV in the general population, publicizing information regarding exposure to risk and reinforcement of directives aimed at the most vulnerable groups, namely MSM populations, who have an annual incidence times greater than that of the heterosexual population France, With relation to the specific public of adolescents and youth, the Plan establishes that preventative information should be offered to them from the beginning of their sexual lives in order to encourage preventative behaviors at the time that affective and sexual relationships are learned.

Knowledge of STDs is stressed, principally with respect to the frequency of infection by asymptomatic chlamydia, in the most modern communication networks internet, social networks. The Plan also outlines special attention for those youth under judicial protection who exhibit a more precocious entrance into sexuality.

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The study found these experiences to be associated with high-risk sexual behaviour, specifically unprotected sex with clients. In other words, the risk which depends on the individual is low, even considering that older adolescents have higher levels of education, which increases understanding of the risks; consequently, the individual has a greater chance of protecting himself or herself. Patients linked by sexual contact". There is wide variation between countries, ranging from 0. If this concept is correct, then the prevailing AIDS vaccine strategy aimed at activating the immune response against HIV instead of inducing immune tolerance is flawed. This preventative norm is strongly established in younger generations, although not in the same way in all social classes.

According to data from the Banque Mondiale b , Brazil had ,, inhabitants. As for level of education, it is noted that the educational system does not yet grant access to all, as the large part of the population does not reach high school. For the age group , In , the average number of years of schooling for persons 15 years or age or older was 7. In , the incidence rate was Cases are predominantly masculine, although the epidemic is moving towards feminization: A trend towards increase in the young population can be seen.

A survey conducted among youth ages conscripted in the army reveals that the prevalence in this population rose from 0. For purposes of comparison with the French indices through , we stress the epidemiological data from the Ministry of Health, which are consolidated until June of Brasil, and show a total of , cases since the beginning of the epidemic, with In period I, from to , these percentages were In the second period, from June to June of , the numbers were As for exposure, the predominance of heterosexual transmission is highlighted throughout the entire timeline, tending to become more accentuated over time.

Nevertheless, despite the decrease in cases among homosexuals and in the increase in other categories of exposure, when the rates of contraction are compared it is evident that the major risk is to MSM individuals.

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In overall analysis of the epidemic, it can be seen that the number of AIDS cases continued to increase until , when incidence tended to decline until ; there was a slight increase in and Transmission by IDU represented Vertical transmission fell from 2. All these percentages, however, are affected by the high rate of infections in which the means of exposure was not accounted for.

Over the entire epidemic, the number of cases where this item was ignored represented With relation to incidence by age group, the data show an increase in the percentage of cases in the age group , which over the last five years grew from 0.

HIV and AIDS in W & C Europe & N America regional overview | AVERT

For the overall total of the epidemic, from to , 2. In this age group, the ratio between cases in men and women is the smallest. In the city of Rio de Janeiro, since there have been more cases in female adolescents, and in there were almost two cases in women for one case in men Taquette et al. The age of first sexual activity in Brazil has fallen over time and there is a relationship between years of education, age of first sexual encounter and condom use. The lower the age and level of education are, the lower the chances that condoms will be used. A study by Teixeira et al. A survey published by the Ministry of Health in verified that sexual activity begins at an average age of Other studies Abramovay et al.

Comparing the epidemiological data from France and Brazil, it can be seen that Brazil, proportional to its population, has three times the percentage of cases in France, with more cases diagnosed in period II, ,, against , in period I. This contrasts with France, which from period I to II reduced its number of cases by almost a third - from 48, to 16, In both countries, a trend towards involvement of the poorest segments of the population was observed, and towards heterosexualization and feminization of the epidemic, although it was more intense in Brazil.

The larger percentage of cases among adolescents in Brazil also stood out: These data can be seen in Tables 1 and 2.

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The Brazilian notification system shows a high number of cases in which the means of exposure was neglected: In period I, from to , the percentage of cases with unknown means of transmission was To reach these objectives, six large areas are being pursued: SPE targets the specific public of adolescent students. The SPE is administered in a decentralized manner through working groups made up of members of the three levels of government federal, state and municipal. Analyzing the AIDS epidemic from the concept of vulnerability, it can be stated that in relation to individual factors, in France adolescents are less vulnerable, since they have a later onset of sexual activity and use condoms more frequently.

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In other words, the risk which depends on the individual is low, even considering that older adolescents have higher levels of education, which increases understanding of the risks; consequently, the individual has a greater chance of protecting himself or herself.

This more protected sexual behavior observed in France, according to Rudelic-Fernandez , is the result of a cultural shift provoked by AIDS: Speaking about sexuality became easier. AIDS allowed people to reveal their sexual distresses and opened the door for new erotic art. Sexuality came to occupy a space in dialogue which included the erotization of sexual relations and also "one-on-one" management of pleasure and risk. The overall standing of a journal is in a way, reflective of the quality of its Editor s and Editorial Board and its members.

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Limited regional data on transgender people suggests that prevalence among this population is high. For instance, a study estimates there are 1 million transgender adults in the USA. Although acceptance of transgender people is increasing in some countries in the region, many transgender people remain socially, economically, politically and legally marginalised. These factors heighten their vulnerability to HIV in many ways.

Its findings suggest that transgender women are almost twice as likely to experience sexual violence than other survivors of sexual violence and are seven times more likely to experience further physical violence when reporting IPV to the police. Marginalisation leads many transgender people to stay away from health services.

Serodeconversion of HIV Antibody-Positive AIDS Patients Following Treatment with V-1 Immunitor

Some migrants will have acquired HIV in their home country, however there is evidence that a considerable proportion of infections are acquired post-migration. High prevalence among migrants has much to do with restrictive health policies, preventing access to treatment. Treatment has a public health benefit by reducing viral load and preventing further transmission of HIV - reducing long-term health costs.

African American men and women in the USA are most likely to be infected with HIV through unprotected sex with a man or by injecting drugs. Other factors, such as heightened levels of poverty, lack of access to adequate healthcare, and stigma surrounding men who have sex with men also increase this group's risk of HIV infection. While the vast majority of countries in the region have seen HIV prevalence decline or stabilise among people who inject drugs, a number of countries are facing a worsening epidemic among this group.

In the Czech Republic, where drug use is decriminalised and coverage of harm reduction services is relatively high, HIV prevalence among people who inject drugs is 0. For example, a study of sex workers in Portugal reported HIV prevalence of 7. High prevalence was found among female sex workers who also inject drugs in the Netherlands.

Prevalence is also relatively high in Italy and Spain among migrant, street and transgender sex workers. Studies conducted in Belgium, the Czech Republic, Germany and Spain between and suggest prevalence among male sex workers to be high. In , only three countries in Western and Central Europe - France, Norway and the UK - had laws and policies in place authorising self-testing.

Saliva-based self-testing kits have been available in the USA since Half of all new infections in the region in occurred in the USA. In Canada in , there was an A number of possibilities exist to explain this increase in cases including more testing due to the implementation of provincial testing initiatives. Most countries in the region adopt combination HIV prevention strategies, some of these are outlined below. Increases in the annual number of cases of sexually transmitted infections STIs such as gonorrhoea, syphilis and HIV diagnoses among men who have sex with men in the European Union and the USA suggest that condom use among this population has not improved.

Between and , more than million condoms were distributed. In stark contrast, sexuality education in Central European countries tends to reduce it to a basic anatomical study of the human body and the promotion of abstinence, traditional family values marriage and religious morality. In the USA, only 13 states require sexulaity education to be medically accurate, creating disparities in what children learn.

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Even when sexulaity education is required, state policies vary widely, and a number of states leave issues such as sexuality, gender identity and contraception unaddressed. Many link this to the fact that, in , the USA had higher rates of teen pregnancy and STIs among teenagers than most other high-income countries.

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Almost all European countries provide clean injecting equipment at specialised outlets free of charge. Although the exact number of NSPs operating in Canada is not known, it is estimated that In Europe in , an estimated , people who inject drugs received opioid substitution treatment OST although numbers have fallen by around 50, since In England and Wales, progress in the provision of OST is being threatened by a drive towards abstinence-based treatment, even though these approaches often lead people to stop their treatment.