The Uncertain Art: Thoughts on a Life in Medicine

I quit only a few chapters in. This book is way too detached. I do not want academic doctor thoughts. I want to get to know the doctor as a human, to know how they think. If that is the kind of book you are looking for, look somewhere else. Aug 17, Jim Gleason rated it it was amazing Shelves: This collection of essays by one of my favorite authors is aptly titled: Thoughts on a Life in Medicine, and given the long and varied experiences Dr.

Nuland has had, this book had to be added to my ever growing collection of his prolific writings. Most of the essays are reprints from his articles over the years through originally published in the American Scholar. Their subjects are varied and directed to many different audiences, from medical professional colleagues to world leaders, This collection of essays by one of my favorite authors is aptly titled: Their subjects are varied and directed to many different audiences, from medical professional colleagues to world leaders, pushing them to look closely at their world of rapid scientific development and its many consequences that the world may not even yet realize no less understand.

Yes, our doctors are human and feel with their hearts, and I for one think that is a very good thing, i. Feb 21, Todd Martin rated it liked it Shelves: Life is short, and Art long; the crisis fleeting; experience perilous, and decision difficult. The book is really a collection of essays that cover such diverse topics as the aphorisms of Hippocrates or, more accurately, th Life is short, and Art long; the crisis fleeting; experience perilous, and decision difficult.

Nuland has a pleasant and engaging writing style and the essays are quite good, though are marred by one otherwise unfortunate blot relating to the form of Traditional Chinese Medicine TCM known as acupuncture. Nuland writes, in what might rise to the level of medical malpractice, that acupuncture could be used in place of anesthetic for procedures such as open heart surgery.

For those unfamiliar with the technique, a bit of background is required. Illness occurs when this life force becomes blocked or imbalanced. Acupuncture involves the use of thin needles inserted into the skin at points which are said to coincide with locations where these meridians cross.

The needles supposedly unblock the chi and return he patient to health. To put it bluntly, acupuncture is a pre-scientific superstitious belief. To put a positive spin on this otherwise unfortunate episode, perhaps it provides a cautionary tale for us all in our use of critical thinking skills to ward off magical thinking. If a man as intelligent as Nuland is subject to occasional lapses in judgement, surely we are all susceptible. Feb 17, Sue rated it did not like it Shelves: What kind of words are these?: And what's all this?

These are not parenthesis--he uses those too. Did the editor skip a step? Or was the author too stubborn.

See a Problem?

Overall, dry as the Sahara desert. If, as quoted in the back cover, this is "Sherwin Nuland's best work,. Somebody lied to this guy. Jul 14, Lisa rated it really liked it. There were many interesting insights into not only the life of a physician but the art of medicine and the care, body and soul, of the patient.

The Uncertain Art: Thoughts on a Life in Medicine

It is written in self-contained, essay-like format, so you can pick and choose which parts you find most compelling or interesting. The section on acupuncture was especially interesting, as was the explanation for why we say "God Bless You" after someone sneezes.

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Jan 27, Judy rated it really liked it Shelves: This is a series of essays by Dr. Nuland who wrote How We Die. The most interesting chapters are about acupuncture, grave robbing for bodies in the last century, cocaine as an anesthetic in the past, and his vision of medicine by the end of this century You won't believe the chapter on treating women in the 's for "hysteria" sexual and double wow.

My favorite book of his is Lost in America, a memoir. Sep 20, Avalon rated it it was ok. A collection of essays -- I liked some a lot, others I didn't care for. An uneven collection of essays resurrected from The American Scholar. May 02, Bd Drop rated it liked it. A collection of disjointed essays.

Thoughts on a Life in Medicine

Some useful pints for practicing medicine. Nolan rated it really liked it Jul 12, Jamie Brown rated it it was ok Feb 05, Jenna V rated it liked it Feb 07, Jan 27, Judy rated it really liked it Shelves: The Uncertain Art is a superb collection of essays about the vital mix of expertise, intuition, sound judgement, and pure chance that play a part in a doctor's practice and life. This collection of essays by one of my favorite authors is aptly titled:

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