More of the Magic Touch: How To Make $60, $80, $100k or More as a Massage Therapist

The New Sensual Massage: Body of Life Thomas Hanna. Tao Shiatsu Ryokyu Endo. Sole Guidance Holly Tse. Chi Nei Tsang Mantak Chia. Lingam Massage Michaela Riedl. Infant Massage Vimala McClure. Job's Body Deane Juhan. Crystal Wands Ewald Kliegel. Advanced Remedial Massage Mel Cash.

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Reflexology for Fertility Barbara Scott. Chronic Pain Philip Austin. Book ratings by Goodreads. I just simply don't have time for negativity. There are so many opportunities in life, but you have to know when and where to place your time to be effective.

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To see what your friends thought of this book, please sign up. I do look up to you my dear and hope that I can one day be a great Massage therapist too. Try the Kindle edition and experience these great reading features: Book ratings by Goodreads. I choose to believe them. Spats McGee added it May 14,

I think the questions presented here are very good. If you're going to advertise yourself as "the best" and the choice for celebrities, you should be able to communicate what distinguishes you from "the rest". Here's the latest write up about me. This is the W Hotel Seattle Insider list. One must achieve a consistent level of over- the -top -positive feedback from the hotel's clients. Particularly favored, are those businesses and services who prove to time and again, to please the most discriminating tastes.

W regulars and a-list celebs alike request meagan by name when they are in the mood for a world-class massage. My spa is currently in the midst of restructuring. The nature of which I am not at liberty to reveal confidentiality agreement.

But I can explain why we rose to the top of the mobile spa companies in only six months of emerging on the scene locally, and why we continue to be admired by a select few that are embrace the highest standards. They understand the nuances of exceptional service an treat every client like a VIP. I, and my team "jump" to meet client expectations and meet scheduling demands. I, in turn work with MTs who are kind, empathetic, savvy, intuitive, fun, and passionate about life. They each have highly developed intuitive touch and unique styles. I do not advertise to the general public, in an effort to keep standards at the highest level.

I more interested in achieving the highest standards than making an excessive profit. In fact, I turned down offers from four local high end hotels who requested to have us be their "sole provider mobile spa", as I felt that the current standards would be unmaintainable. I worried that my "baby" would lose it's luster with too much growth, too quickly. My connections with my clients maintain a significant portion of my business's reputation.

More of the Magic Touch: How To Make $60, $80, $100k or More as a Massage Therapist

I choose to believe them. They have, after all traveled the world, had the best of everything, get multiple massages per week, and continue to return. I don't advertise that I am the "best". I believe there are healers with gifts that far surpass mine, but perhaps are keeping these gifts hidden or don't yet have the confidence to promote themselves. In truth, I wrote "The Magic Touch" for healers that aren't rewarded enough for being a positive force in this world.

More of the Magic Touch: How To Make $60, $80, $k or More as a Massage Therapist by Meagan Holub

It's easy to see that this is my true message, once you read the book. Look it doesn't really matter what anyone charges except that you charge enough so that some people will not be able to afford you and most will. The whole idea being talked about here is how can you make what you need to make as a massage therapist - whatever that may be for your comfort zone and needs. Giving away massage for less than you need to make will lead you to burn out I can guarantee it. You can do that like Meagan is doing it or you can learn new techniques such as Rolfing or Craniosacral work or orthopedic work or enhance your deep tissue skills or you can write about massage, teach and coach like I do.

Figure out your own way. Why not start thinking more positively about how to make a Great living as a massage therapist. It can be done. It isn't always easy. You can learn to set your fees so that they support your business. What good are you if you are burned out and on your way out of business? Sure you can price yourself too high but as you increase your rates every year you all do that right to get a raise each year learn how to provide more service and increase the value of your massage. You learn to engage clients more in their healing process and learn more how to listen.

You learn more how to remain present with your clients and not give advice. You learn more how to talk about what it is that you do and what massage can really do. I work with clients who are getting their lives back due to stress, early attachment issues, depression and anxiety. What is that worth really?

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If you don't think you can, then you won't. For more on how to set your fees: This is the W Hotel Seattle Insider list That's a good advertisement by the hotel. Do you have any reviews from clients? I'm personally very happy with what I earn as an mp, bodyworker, without filling up my entire week with other money-making activities that aren't interesting.

That seems to be true for everyone I know, or else they get out of the business. But I do appreciate what you're trying to say here. In fact, I had to remove them from my website, after years of having them there due to a barrage of ugly comments from MTs immediately after the books release. Until the smoke has cleared, my clients' reviews will be kept under wraps.

This is not an "advertisement" for The W Hotel. The hotel is my "client". I contract with them as an independent contractor. In order to have something of this caliber written up about you and displayed in every guest room, with out being employed by them, or providing a percentage of profit to the hotel, is a great achievement. I won't be able to respond again. I have a busy week ahead of me.

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Thanks for your inquiries. Have a great day.

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Abe in Rancho Cucamonga, California. Harmonee in Boise, Idaho said: I see a lot of "if you think you will I thought I would love massage for a career. Neither do any of the other massage people I know. And I make good money too. But the whole experience is such a pain overall that it's not a good job for me. Or anyone else I know. I've been a practicing male Massage Therapist for over 17 years. I'm pretty good at it, but lately I have begun to lose interest, at least in practicing Massage.

The money was never that important to me, but I see now that a gave much more then I ever got back. Honestly, it is very labor intensive, and you can only really work so many hours, and not get hurt, and deliver a high quality Massage. It could have been worse, I could have ended up working at Massage Envy. Massage Envy, Thats how you make money Don't feel bad, look where all the money grubbers have landed us eventually enough good folk will wake up and realize we all only have each other.

Harmonee, sorry If I rambled. What are you talking about now? I make most of my money off of Google and people who really do want something more for themselves. Lumping me in with Massage Envy is the last straw for me. I don't exploit anyone - either does massage envy really. Massage therapists let themselves be exploited by continuing to take jobs with them. Look, I've never been a huge fan of Julie's and I've given her a hard time here and elsewhere.

But the jump from ME exploiting therapists to Julie making money is absurd. She may emphasize money more than I'd like, but how dare you or anyone else blame her for ME exploiting therapists! People who are exploited need more skills to get themselves out of their unfortunate situation. That is what Julie has devoted herself to, more than you, or me, or anyone else I've been in contact with. You can offer them friends and family discounts or even work on them once for free. Educate them as to what massage can really do. Tell them that it is no longer a luxury and that it is becoming a regular part of health care Yes, this solid, proven advice comes from that "money-grubbing" Julie's web site.

This is one paragraph that grabbed my attention on her FREE page on how to get clients. This is how I did it, too. Perhaps if we all were doing more of this, we wouldn't have so much time to be hateful on massage forums. Julie is waayyyy different from others who post hyperlinks here. She has been a long-time member of this forum and gives plenty of advice away for free.

She is obviously dedicated to helping everyone else as well as herself unlike the "hit and run" posters who only promote themselves. I just might purchase some of her advanced ebooks myself! I don't see my last remarks published.

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If that is your idea of being nice, I'll be sure to remind others about how nice and fair your forum is. I was not rude, you just don't like what your hearing. Self serving site with your hand picked favorites, and it's all good, except for the Therapists your say your helping. How is this a forum? This book is not yet featured on Listopia. Kapetanakis rated it really liked it Mar 03, Allissa Haines rated it did not like it Aug 25, Lori Graczyk rated it did not like it Feb 07, John M Whalen rated it it was amazing Aug 20, Robin rated it liked it Jul 15, Janet Dehart rated it it was ok Nov 30, Nicole rated it liked it Jun 23, Nicole rated it really liked it Apr 03, Chris marked it as to-read Dec 02, Heather Palma is currently reading it Nov 24, Emma marked it as to-read Jan 30, Makayla Krizan marked it as to-read Apr 02,