Cross Council

Second Council of Nicaea

The work of the ICRC

They could also put questions within certain limits to the government on the matter of public interest after giving six days' notice, but none of them was given right to ask supplementary questions. Thus it prepared the base of Indian democracy. The act also increased the number of non officials in councils to between 10 and 16, but provincial representation was abolished. The law member was made a permanent member.

In , the council consisted of 24 members, only five members were Indians.

From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia. Clarendon Press, Oxford, p. Development of next generation diagnostics through the integration of cutting edge engineering and physical sciences with bacteriology could create simple, reliable, diagnostics for resistant bacteria in clinical and environmental settings. New diagnostics will also allow more targeted use of new antibacterial agents.

Development of technological advances into new sensor systems will require partnership between industry and academia, and offers great opportunities for the private sector. Researchers should be mindful of the challenges associated with deploying new technologies in community settings, veterinary practices, care homes, farms etc.

Such diagnostics may also form the basis of novel surveillance systems and this theme also includes development of new mathematical models to monitor the spread of resistant bacteria.

Connected Communities

Prior to the launch of Theme 2 we invited interested parties to submit an expression of interest EoI. From the EoIs received we selected individuals from a broad range of disciplines to attend one or more targeted workshops to encourage innovative thinking, networking of participants and development of proposals. It is clear that the environment and the way people and communities interact with the environment hugely influences the way bacteria behave and the transmission of genes within and between bacterial species.

A greater understanding of how differing environments and their uses influence the evolution, acquisition and spread of antibiotic resistance and reservoirs of resistance is therefore needed. This would encompass, for example, human and animal intestinal tracts, wounds in humans and animals, hospitals, care homes, transport systems and all the way through to waste water, agricultural and natural environments freshwater, marine, soil, air, etc.

2018 Red Cross Gala Honoree: The Unity Council

Understanding these environments and their role in resistance will help identify and target better prevention measures and management practices. This theme, which will require close collaborations between medicine, life science, physical sciences, social sciences, engineering and the private sector, including the agricultural sector, will be fully scoped over the next few months and further details posted on this website when available. The Arts and Humanities Research Council, as a part of the Cross-council AMR initiative, is pleased to invite applications for interdisciplinary research examining ways to meet the threat of Antimicrobial Resistance AMR in the indoor and built environment.

Building on previous calls funded by the Research Councils, this call is explicitly intended to facilitate an arts and humanities contribution to the ongoing scientific research in tackling AMR. The Indoor and Built Environment.

  • Cross-Council research.
  • Council of delegates.
  • Cross-council mental health activity!
  • Believers: A Journey into Evangelical America.

This theme will aim to elucidate the underpinning motivations for human behaviours relating to AMR, and how behaviour can affect development and spread of antibacterial resistance. It will also explore how to best enable effective behaviour change interventions in a variety of settings, relevant to both humans and animals. It may also serve as the basis for research into the economics of AMR. Research in this area will draw on data from a range of sources — surveillance, health care, research and impact measures.

It will, by definition, be interdisciplinary, linking clinical bacteriology, patient data and social science to investigate the uptake and use of new treatments, how they are being implemented and how to ensure appropriate stewardship to prevent resistance occurring.

Partnership for Conflict, Crime and Security Research (PaCCS)

This theme will, of necessity, take a broad understanding of the underpinning antecedents for behaviour, including the impact of different business models on antibiotic use in humans and animals. For the more they are contemplated, the more they move to fervent memory of their prototypes.

Therefore, it is proper to accord to them a fervent and reverent adoration, not, however, the veritable worship which, according to our faith, belongs to the Divine Being alone — for the honor accorded to the image passes over to its prototype, and whoever venerate the image venerate in it the reality of what is there represented. The Empress Irene and her son were present and they signed the document.

The clear distinction between the adoration offered to God, and that accorded to the images may well be looked upon as a result of the iconoclastic reform. The twenty-two canons [7] drawn up in Constantinople also served ecclesiastical reform. Careful maintenance of the ordinances of the earlier councils, knowledge of the scriptures on the part of the clergy, and care for Christian conduct are required, and the desire for a renewal of ecclesiastical life is awakened.

The council also decreed that every altar should contain a relic , which remains the case in modern Catholic and Orthodox regulations Canon VII , and made a number of decrees on clerical discipline, especially for monks when mixing with women. The papal legates voiced their approval of the restoration of the veneration of icons in no uncertain terms, and the patriarch sent a full account of the proceedings of the council to Pope Hadrian I , who had it translated Pope Anastasius III later replaced the translation with a better one.

National Youth Council

In the West, the Frankish clergy initially rejected the Council at a synod in , and Charlemagne , then King of the Franks , supported the composition of the Libri Carolini in response, which repudiated the teachings of both the Council and the iconoclasts. A copy of the Libri was sent to Pope Hadrian, who responded with a refutation of the Frankish arguments. The former celebration commemorates the council as the culmination of the Church's battles against heresy , while the latter commemorates the council itself.

Many Protestants follow the French reformer John Calvin in rejecting the canons of the council for what they believe was the promotion of idolatry. He rejected the distinction between veneration douleia , proskynesis and adoration latreia as unbiblical "sophistry" and condemned even the decorative use of images.

Calvin does not engage the apologetic arguments of John of Damascus or Theodore the Studite , apparently because he is unaware of them. From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia. This article needs additional citations for verification. Please help improve this article by adding citations to reliable sources. Unsourced material may be challenged and removed. September Learn how and when to remove this template message. Mosaic of Christ Pantocrator , Hagia Sophia. Paschal cycle 12 Great Feasts Other feasts: Feast of Orthodoxy Intercession of the Theotokos.

Original Exloratory Committee

We have been working together to develop a cross-disciplinary research agenda, which will help to inform future mental health related cross-council research. The Research Councils envisage continued cross-Council collaboration and funding opportunities for multidisciplinary ageing research and life-course health .