Lawful Order: A Case Study of Correctional Crisis and Reform (Current Issues in Criminal Justice)

Current Issues in Criminal Justice

Edited by Sally M. Edwards , Terry D. Edwards , Charles B. Edited by Jurg Gerber , Eric L.

Recent Current Issues in Criminal Justice

This collection of scholarly essays discusses the internationalization of American drug policy from a variety of perspectives and features articles on Hong Kong, Britain, Australia, Canada, Taiwan, Latin America, the Netherlands and Switzerland. During its year operation CTP essentially instituted and legitimized community-based programming as a viable option for both national and international corrections. Edited by Alex R. Piquero , Stephen G.

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Rational Choice and Criminal Behavior" is a collection of essays by experts in the field of criminal justice examines various aspects of the rational choice framework, which deals with the degree to which criminal behavior represents a rational choice. The editors also include essays that cover….

A prosecutor's vision for a better justice system

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Current Issues in Criminal Justice

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Current Issues in Criminal Justice

In the belly of the beast. A case study of correctional crisis and reform. Intervention and emergent order in Texas prisons.

  1. CRC Press Online - Series: Current Issues in Criminal Justice?
  2. Simple Ways to Be More with Less.

A comparative study of correctional management. The promise of repentance: Prison reform in modern China. British Journal of Criminology, 42, - Relations, change, and the prison sector in contemporary China.

Recent Current Issues in Criminal Justice

Department of Corrections; However, in most cases, these individuals comprise a minority of the workforce and are unlikely to substantially affect trends. Edited by Otwin Marenin. One way to quantify this finding is to examine the overlap in the staff ratios in and Is this the Right Job for Me and my Children?

Prison litigation and bureaucratic development. Law and Social Inquiry, 17, - Rational Choice and Criminal Behavior" is a collection of essays by experts in the field of criminal justice examines various aspects of the rational choice framework, which deals with the degree to which criminal behavior represents a rational choice.

The editors also include essays that cover Wilson Edward Reed December 01, Williams 3rd November 01, Schwartz, Dragan Milovanovic August 01, Kethineni July 01, Please accept our apologies for any inconvenience this may cause. Environmental Crime and Criminality: Theoretical and Practical Issues 1st Edition.

The Control Model in a Mega-Prison: Governing Prisons in Taiwan - Hua-Fu Hsu,

Recent Research and Future Challenges 1st Edition. The Politics of Community Policing: The Case of Seattle 1st Edition. An Alternative Paradigm 1st Edition. Race, Gender, and Class in Criminology: The Intersections 1st Edition.