21 Lines Fusion Sonnets of 21st Century

The white clouds in the black theme ; Perhaps the fault of the painter… Colors spreading toward the subject tower; A new shade to be brushed To save it from being crushed; Or a few drops upon the face with a pull on the edges will form- The spotted moon, shining upon its seam. Oh, Old, Bold, kingly building… You stand here for the fifteen decades of transition- So many changes in thoughts travelling through sensation- Of wars and treaties, cries and cremations; Oodles of the century in your stoic ceiling!!!

Your eroded body with weathered paint- Must be turning you faint, Without a space to launch a complain, all constrained. Are you not bored standing here, then why are you smiling? Oh, Old, Bold, kingly building… Are you not jaded with the age old architecture? No more does it winch your structure. Still from where do you gather the power to bear- Oodles of the century in your stoic ceiling!!!

Hours of waste heaped beside your shores; Nature started you with the touch of purity perhaps from the hands of a priest, With glaciers creating you and flakes creating mist, Boulders standing on the way showing you fist; Still you flow, form and find inspite of the infected core. People say you to be life and still treat you as dustbin, Curtailing the ability of the moving fins- To move about, live or swim, Above is it layer of smoke and over you, the oil pores?

When would men realize, actions will cause sores? The sores would rise above the skin to expose themselves; The children would scream in pain- Perhaps then the guys would realize And clear your feet and drop flower on you.

Hours of waste heaped beside your shores; The human blood overburdened with sorrows, Showing the step of the fellows, Anxiety, grief abound in veins- Layering it the hidden pains… Scores of ups and downs in the course- Still you flow, form and find inspite of the infected core. The mother sat with hanging tongue, brooding over conscience; The puppies in their own world of Natural toys; above the cawing ravens, Bits of stones comprise their castle, their heaven… Stolen splendor, innocent appeal, thoughtless vitality — all woven; The platonic smell in mystic hairs within immortal science.

The new-borns were lessened by one in number, The very next date, after the time of human supper, The mother seemed fresh, her stomach looked fatter; Was it her who did it in some shallow mines? You were the cause of production, then what led you break the charming rhymes? Must be to reduce an extra burden of — Or to cure someone off the circle of existence; Perhaps the soul will go to merge into the supreme soul- Or the hunger would never return again.

The mother sat with hanging tongue, brooding over conscience; The burning heat had vaporized the saliva of the mother, The hanging skin of her belly had arose a blood hunger, That supplemented her crooked eyebrows towards a female child- And lured her towards becoming savage and wild. Today I realize rationality has lost in religions, which forced the bold people stand as-.

In several sonnets, for example numbers 24 and 30, the poet discloses something of himself. At their best, the sonnets succeed in tracing a pattern or thought, sound and feeling in their well-composed lines, very often revealing depths of meaning.

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Mondal makes skilful use of rhyme, rhythm and assonance to create the energy of the piece in which mind and landscape must meet in the process of the poem. They wanted to be released from being torn, to live together forever. His yearning for pre-lapsarian paradise, for example, aligns him with the Romantics; his inherent resistance to dehumanizing social structures merits comparison with Blake; his sensitivity to the numinous binds him to Hopkins; he empathises strongly with many poets writing sonnets in English.

He has sought a mode of writing vitally related to Indian experience through thematic preoccupations with the land, honest depictions of a society afflicted by poverty, social problems and politics.

For example, in Sonnet 46, we see the way in which newspapers lures us into their sensational stories:. Many of them, however, are also mythic or historical, focusing on a particular or created character. At the same time it seems that Mondal might be the youthful standard bearer capable of assuring this new nationalist poetic an authentic future. His writing is strong in impulse and confident in invention, with qualities of youth in his verse which is lacking in many young writers. While Mondal is a masterful technician when writing his innovative fusion sonnets, the 14 line sonnets in section two are in a more traditional vein, as we can see from this example:.

21 Lines Fusion Sonnets

Here we see a base of traditionalism and a veneer of modernism which gives facility of expression and mood to the sonnet. Because poetry for Mondal is a type of conversation, in these more traditional sonnets his language seems more natural and colloquial, the verse seeming less structured and the ideas fresh off the top of his mind. It is remarkable how apt and exact his use of language is, how carefully metaphor is used or extended, and how subtly a complex idea can be expressed through the barest articulation of a concept or experience.

If, at times, Mondal appears to evaluate Indian society harshly, his judgments are always from the perspective of one intimately involved in the social process. His criticisms of modern life and his ultimate decision to write about society in the form of the fusion sonnet seem to develop naturally from his preoccupations.

He is a young man, but true poetry is ageless.


A new discovery in the world of Poetry. When will the gates containing history open in open fluid medium? The sonnets have sharpness with satire and irony of life expressed with sufficient pathos and insight into the modern society. The rules, duties and regulations construct their dark bastions, their gallows. Sorry, your blog cannot share posts by email. Writing these poems, Mondal primarily focused on the aesthetic dimension of poetic expression, and it clearly shows his creative maturity. This site uses cookies.

They prove him to be a pioneer of some note, breaking new ground in the world of literature. His style is inimitable, his command of the English language superior, his poetic gift unmistakable. I can envision this new type of sonnet appearing in poetry text books and being emulated by those who have a zeal for creative adventure.

Read More Other Reviews: I wish you all the best in your endeavours. In short, they are tempting and worth reading. Fusion sonnets" by renowned young Indian poet Sonnet Mondal are a unique poetic form that is characterised by impressiveness because of the prosodic variations, euphony and rich imagery. Writing these poems, Mondal primarily focused on the aesthetic dimension of poetic expression, and it clearly shows his creative maturity.

I share in your thoughts and goals. I found a healing connection in your quotes and I'd like to post one in particular on my website. I will also link you to my music website. Nora McCarthy, Famous singer, lyricist, composer, poet and educator of U. His poems are charged with the traditional attitude towards life and things.

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Some of his poems which are patriotic in nature are reminiscent of another young poet-Derozio, who was the pathfinder of Indian English poetry. Taslima Nasrin "Sonnet's story of experiments with the sonnet is very impressive. His poems also display a wide range of thematic variation with lot of playing around with ideas and images"' Dr.

Sachin Ketkar "Dear Sonnet, We are proud of you. You are the ambassador of BESU to the world of literature.

21 Lines Fusion Sonnets of 21st Century (by Sonnet Mondal)

I am proud that I know a poet who will rise above everything and outshine all other poets. I wish you become the second Kabi Guru of the world and make us and India proud. They take the art of Sonnet to a different profound level. I am impressed with the lines full of ideas, intellectual stimulation and rhythm. Sonnet Mondal, A cursory glace at your publications has found to be highly impressive, interesting, inspiring, appealing and above all thought provoking. We thank you profoundly for your gracious gratitude in Humanitarian service. I have been almost amazed at some of the poems penned down by the young genius.

They have a unique scintillating glow of poetic exuberance.

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For this great explorer and discoverer of new horizons in creative expression, poetry like artistic form is the most sublime emanation of the imagination, the most pure form of its crystallization. Through visualization of the poems, poet from labyrinth of the conscious and the unconscious a Cleary shaped objectified vision.

Evoking one after another themes are undoubtedly, chosen from a deep affinity, from a profound feeling of kinship among them, Mondal produced a personal list of values, builds his own poetry world. The limitations of our minds and sensorial equipment partly stem from the brevity of our physical lives.