How the Tiger Got Its Stripes

That man, that small and vertical being, who has neither great strength nor sharp vision, nor even a keen sense of smell, has been able to keep you in bondage and work you for his profit. You are actually ten times heavier than he, stronger and more hardened to heavy labor.

Myths and Legends

Yet he rules you. What is the source of his magic power? I know only that I shall never be freed of his power, for he has a talisman he calls wisdom. Instead of having to conceal myself and spring on them unaware, I could simply order them to remain motionless. I could choose from among all the animals, at my whim and fancy, the most delicious meats. Man," he said, "I am big, strong and quick but I want to be more.

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I have heard it said that you have something called wisdom which makes it possible for you to rule over all the animals. Can you transfer this wisdom to me? It would be of great value to me in my daily search for food. I never bring it with me to the fields. But if you like, I will go there for it. I will find what you need and return. But then he turned around and with wrinkled brow, addressed the tiger.

I have great need of it in my daily work. Who would repay me for such a loss? He permitted the farmer to pass ropes around his body and tied him to the trunk of a big tree. The farmer went home and gathered a great armload of dry straw. He returned to the big tree and placed the straw under the tiger and set it on fire. The tiger roared so loudly that the neighboring trees trembled. He raged and pleaded, but the farmer would not untie him. Finally the fire burned through the ropes and he was able to free himself from cremation.

He bounded away into the forest, howling with pain. But thank you for interesting comment. Bertie — January 30, I think story good. That was when there were more tigers about. Bertie — February 2, When you read stories, you make everything come to life. Your voice sounds very soothing. Did you read stories at storynory when you were young? When you were in kindergarten, that is when I think you learnt to read.

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How Tiger Got His Stripes

The Year of the Tiger starts of February 14 We mark the Chinese New Year with a legend from Asia about How the Tiger Got His Stripes. HOW THE TIGER GOT ITS STRIPES. For Le Ly. We were driving back from San Diego, through one of those spectacular Pacific sunsets where the emblazoned.

The buffalo lost his teeth because he laughted after saw the burned-tiger and his teeth hit the rock: Tien — February 19, The reader sounds clear, enthusiastic, and very expressive. A wonderful addition to any classroom or home. Camille — March 10, The farmer realy had wisdom: I love storys like that: Bertie — March 16, I think the tiger should give reveng to the farmer and or should kill the farmer it is a nice story.

Blossum — May 31, Thanks, using the greek myths is something we really enjoy,adding to a great range on the Storynory site Im glad you like the country mouse and the town mouse.. Natasha — June 9, The tiger is so poooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooor!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Dear Bertie, You have a nice story there! WIll you have a story about the Year of the Rabbit? Bertie — July 29, He is so heartless and cruel. To Natasha I really like the Katie stories but I have already listens to them all when do we get more? I relly like the story but i hate that famer and why hurt a poor animal and kill it for nothing oh i love the story to. Thank you for your comment. How the Tiger got his stripes is a very good story.

Tigers from India are very fearce things. Natasha — June 4, Please do allow me to use this for internal story telling competition at my school. Johnathan — April 15, The in order moreover tips self-same useful if you ask me. Many thanks exceptionally a lot beforehand. Hi Tula, we usually make the story in January to match the year, and the year of the rooster comes up in But I suppose we could think about having a category with stories for each year. That might be a good idea. Bertie — July 23, I like this story because the tiger wants to be super smart hey what do u call a tiger that wants to be smart a smarttiger.

It is actually a Vietnamese folk tale that every Vietnamese child knows. Well, there are some versions in which the buffalo lost his teeth because the teeth hit the rock while laughing. I love this story it is very nice and also help me to my son when he ask me to write for him the story and lucky I find this one. The story was extra cool, who makes these? I always read the story and sometimes listen to it , what do you do? I prefer reading the most.

I liked the story because in it there was a farmer, a bufallo and a tiger.


It was very interesting. But also weird at the same time.

Your comments

I like it a lot and that is wierd how by getting hurt by a rope and getting burned made him get his stripes back or it would of been better if they used sharpie. Very interesting story Bertie.

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Yeesh why would the man do that time of realisation In 3….. I love It Sooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo much no wonder tigers have stripes Thanks farmer but your also mean are you ok tiger?????????????????????????????????? Wait… I like traintigers or tigertrains.

You know what… Forget it. It was good, but I thought the tiger would get his stripes through true wisdom and then eat the man. That was cool but the poor tiger shouldnt have been burned alive and I would understand the man for burning him, the man must have been scared.

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I admire your stories well. I am listening to these stories even if I am in Shanghai, China now! I really like those stories.

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I am Chinese myself. Leave a reply Cancel comment Did you like this story?

Please write in English. But he does get what he gets sooo. Ha ha ha tiger!

Nguyen Thu Huyen How tiger got his stripe

But Bertie, I want to send the pics to where you actually live, not in email! So gimme your address!