The Improper Life of Bezellia Grove

Review: The Improper Life of Bezellia Grove

Also looming large is her given name Bezellia, which has been passed down for generations to the first daughter born to the eldest Grove.

The Immortelles The Creoles Series, 2

The others in the long line of Bezellias shortened the ancestral name to Bee,. The others in the long line of Bezellias shortened the ancestral name to Bee, Zee or Zell. Though she leads a life of privilege, being a Grove is far from easy. Her mother hides her drinking but her alcoholism is hardly a secret.

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  • The Improper Life of Bezellia Grove by Susan Gregg Gilmore.
  • The Improper Life of Bezellia Grove.
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Her father, who spends long hours at work, is distant and inaccessible. To Bezellia, Maizelle and Nathaniel are cherished family members. To her parents, they will never be more than servants. Relationships are complicated in s Nashville, where society remains neatly ordered by class, status and skin color. In a time and place where rebelling against the rules carries a steep price, Bezellia Grove must decide which of her names will be the one that defines her. Gilmore currently lives in Chattanooga with her family.

Not so fast—surprises await. This novel is a pure enchantment. Yet the telling is bold and tender and memorable, and we are given a character in Bezellia Grove that stands among the grandest of our recent literary figures. Remember also the name of Susan Gregg Gilmore, the gifted writer who made the words that make the magic. She is destined to be a star. He is not her father. I wonder even thought Bezellia never does , is her love for Samuel real?

Or is it Bezellia wanting love?

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Or is it an attempt to somehow be closer to Nathaniel, to create a pseudo-family relationship with him by being with his son? The final chapter is shattering, with Bezellia brutally confronted by the reality of not just her own times but also herself. The leap from her final thoughts, to the obituary reflecting the life she leads after her epiphany, is a bit jarring.

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It is left to the reader just what Bezellia discovered, about herself and how that impacts her adult life. I think after a book spent looking for love outside herself, she finally found it within. Looking for a place to talk about young adult books? Pull up a chair, have a cup of tea, and let's chat. I am a New Jersey librarian. On Twitter I'm LizB ; my email is lizzy.

See a Problem? The Improper Life of Bezellia Grove: A Novel (): Susan Gregg Gilmore: Books. Bezellia Grove was born into the most prominent of Nashville families, but that didn't stop her from having an alcoholic mother and a distant, adulterous father.

The Improper Life of Bezellia Grove: Crown, a … http: Reviews , Uncategorized Tagged With: Also by Susan Gregg Gilmore. See all books by Susan Gregg Gilmore. Inspired by Your Browsing History. The Lost Carousel of Provence. All Quiet on the Western Front. The Romance of the Three Kingdoms. An Echo of Murder. Charles Bovary, Country Doctor.


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  • The Improper Life of Bezellia Grove | Susan Gregg Gilmore: Official Author Site.

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September Book Selections

I would give this book a light pg because of the heavy topics. This is the year for me to read books revolving around the South in the 60's - and each book is good in it's own way, and has its own faults. Bezellia Grove is an young and affluent Southern girl who has inherited her unusual name from a long line of affluent Bezellias. She blooms before your eyes, but the changes are still subtle, as the book spans basically from her birth to her death. View all 3 comments. Also by Susan Gregg Gilmore. Recommending new books each month to spark lively conversation.

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