Pentagon Possessed: A Neocon Horror Story

Thomas M. Sipos

In the early s he had a change of heart.

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But of course CNBC covers it up a little: War and the Intellectuals Collection of essays written from to by Randolph S. In it was a quarterfinalist in four screenplay contests. Collection of essays written from to by Randolph S. As if letters mattered. Freedom fighters or imperialists? An important reminder that the "War on Terror" is no excuse to withhold Due Process of Law rights -- for anyone, anywhere.

He decided he'd been used to protect corporate interests rather than defend American or liberate foreigners. He became an antiwar activist. Today he is best known for his famous and long antiwar speech, War Is a Racket. Also read his biography.


Journalist Eliot Weinberger chronicles the ever shifting contradictory statements of the Bush administration on the reasons and policies for the Iraq War. Collection of essays written from to by Randolph S.

Bourne, a critic of World War One and most famously known for saying: This docu-drama recreates the true story of how innocent men were imprisoned for several years in Guantanamo Bay. An important reminder that the "War on Terror" is no excuse to withhold Due Process of Law rights -- for anyone, anywhere. Some novels appear before their time. Read why this is so.

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Details in the Hollywood Investigator. Also read this statement from screenwriter Ed Neumeier.

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This obscure film works on many levels -- romance, coming of age story, antiwar film. Initially divided or apathetic like today's Americans , the folks in a small middle- American town unite in peaceful protest against the Vietnam War. Based on a true story. Good music, as is typical of films of "that era.

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Book is a loose diary of the student takeover of Columbia University. The film shifts events to San Francisco Columbia wouldn't allow the film to be shot on their campus.

PENTAGON MAKER [M2 PentagonMaker] YUTO, JIN HO and WOO SEOK Get Frightened Out of Their Wits in a Ha

Book is out of print but widely available. This film about France's colonial war in s Algeria depicts the difficulties an imperial power has in suppressing native, Muslim independence movements. Even the Pentagon is using this film for training purposes.

Americans in s Vietnam. Freedom fighters or imperialists? Mostly helpful or harmful?

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This complex film, based on Graham's Greene novel, raises many difficult yet timely issues. Conservatives finally found the courage to mock the Transportation Security Administration for the TSA's asinine non-security measures. I've heard these so-called "conservatives" -- who claim to support small government -- on talk radio, mocking the TSA's porno-scanners and sexual assault pat-downs.

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  • Neo-conned!.
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  • Kirja-arviot;

No, it's not "about time. Or when the ridiculous non-safety procedures piled on and on? The truth is, anyone who criticized the TSA several years ago would have been derided by "conservatives" as a terrorist-lover. A supporter of "Islamo-fascism.

Neo-conned! Again

Yet years ago, many progressives too were afraid to criticize our current wars and non-security measures in public, lest the critics be called "anti-patriotic. But they were the relatively few, because it wasn't cool or safe to criticize the TSA. Now I'll blow my own horn. I marched against the Iraq War before it began, along with a minority of Americans who were ignored at the time.