Pavana, St. Thomas Wake

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At the end of the year it is very gratifying to have a disc which presents the whole work, especially one that is played as well as this. Parthenia was the first collection of printed keyboard music in England, and for that matter, Europe.

Compositions: Piano Book: John Bull

It dated from around It is a collection of twenty-one pieces composed by the three eminent English composers of the day, Byrd, Bull and Gibbons. There is a great deal of symbolism behind the manuscript, which John Moraitis, in his excellent booklet essay explains.

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Pavana, St. Thomas Wake - Kindle edition by John Bull. Download it once and read it on your Kindle device, PC, phones or tablets. Use features like bookmarks . Pavana - St. Thomas Wake - John Bull: Digital sheet music for Piano.

Firstly, 'Parthenia' comes from the Greek 'parthenos' meaning maiden or virgin. The word Virginalls comes from the same Greek root as the Latin virga meaning stick or wand, and although an instrument in its own right, the term came to include any that mechanically plucks strings including the muselaar and harpsichord. The music itself draws on many musical styles that Elizabeth Stuart would have known. She was an accomplished keyboard player, which is evident from the pieces.

We should note the inclusion of items by John Bull, a nod to the fact that he had been the Princess's teacher. They include some rather complex works based upon the popular dance styles of the day as well as preludes and fantazias. The pieces included here can all be found on other discs but it is good to have a CD that brings them all together, especially since my other disc of Parthenia , that by Catalina Vicens on Carpe Diem CD is in my opinion, somewhat spoilt by the inclusion of viols.

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  3. Devices And Desires: The Engineer Trilogy: Book One!
  4. Parthenia: Byrd, Bull, Gibbons!

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  4. Pavana, St. Thomas Wake | Sheet Music Now;
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Parthenia - Byrd, Bull, Gibbons / Vicens

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