The Miracle of Right Thought

Goodreads helps you keep track of books you want to read. Want to Read saving…. Want to Read Currently Reading Read. Refresh and try again. Open Preview See a Problem? Thanks for telling us about the problem. Return to Book Page. We've all heard about the power of positive thinking, but for many people, that's easier said than done. How do we train ourselves to indulge only in "right thought"? Covey and Anthony Robbins-had the answer almost a century a We've all heard about the power of positive thinking, but for many people, that's easier said than done.

Covey and Anthony Robbins-had the answer almost a century ago, and his words still ring true today. In this companion volume to his Peace, Power, and Plenty also available from Cosimo and first published in , Marden discusses why success and happiness are your destiny, how to expect great things of yourself, how to encourage yourself through self-suggestion, why wallowing in "the blues" is a "crime," how fear paralyzes us, and avoiding the kind of thinking that mentally poisons us. If you're looking for success-however you define it-you owe yourself the advice of this classic book.

In , he founded Success Magazine.

コンシャスTHOUGHTS - Miracle

Paperback , pages. Published April 20th by Book Jungle first published January 1st To see what your friends thought of this book, please sign up. To ask other readers questions about The Miracle of Right Thought , please sign up. Be the first to ask a question about The Miracle of Right Thought.

Lists with This Book. This book is not yet featured on Listopia. Feb 13, Eduard Lopez rated it really liked it Shelves: When you read this book and internalize what it says, you realize how in control you are of your life. You are the 'responsible' of everything that happens to you: By just controlling and directing your thoughts, you alter the course of your life. Nobody else except you is the responsible for what you'll experience.

The Miracle of Right Thought

It shocked me when realizing how you can influence the life of your children by merely influencin When you read this book and internalize what it says, you realize how in control you are of your life. It shocked me when realizing how you can influence the life of your children by merely influencing the thoughts they will take as a 'predominant truth' in their lives.

It's a long book but written in an easy to read language. I would recommend to read it twice. There are so many things you will miss by reading it only once! Jan 02, Scott Reighard rated it it was amazing. My brother turned me onto this book more than a decade ago. I read it then, and have recently begun to re-read passages I highlighted.

What a revolutionary book, given that it was written in I am glad to see it is once again available for purchase. I had to really try hard to get a copy back in I don't want to give too much away, but this book discusses the power within. To discover the Great Within. I liken it to Ralph Waldo Emerson, one of my favorite essayists, who always emphasized optimism.

As a high school teacher, I constantly pound the optimism drum to my students. There is too much noise, too much negativity floating around this world. This book enabled me to see things in a different light, although I was always the optimistic kind, this book confirmed a lot of what I was feeling and continue to feel. I only wish I would have gotten this book back in high school.

The book is powerful in intent to the reader to get as much fulfillment out of life because there is so much to be thankful for, and that the power of right thought is a very powerful tool. The concept that we are responsible for and can determine our own inner states of health and happiness, as well as our outer circumstances like financial flow are really a return to some ancient thinking patterns that have either been 1 forgotten by most of us or 2 perverted by Joel Osteen and his ilk.

I love that he repeatedly acknowledges that we're created beings under the care of one Creator, without at all coming at this from a religious point of view.

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My copy of the book is v Great book! My copy of the book is very badly made - it seems to have been copied and pasted from HTML format by someone who is not a native English speaker. Mar 04, Tony Jr. A classic work written in by prolific author and success magazine publisher Orison Swett Marden. This is a phenomenal book about the power of our thoughts and how they effect our lives in a positive or negative way.

Im always amazed at how books written so long ago can still be spot on today.

There were many quotes that really spoke to me such as this one: You must clear the mind of its enemies; otherwise you pay the penalty in exhausted vitality, in wasted energy. Every time you feel fear coming into your mind, shut it out as quickly as possible and apply the antidote - fearlessness, assurance. Picture yourself as absolutely fearless.

Say to yourself, "I am no coward. Cowards fear and cringe and crawl but I am a man. Fear is a child's fraillty. It is not for grown-ups. I positively refuse to stoop to such a degrading thing. Fear is an abnormal mental process and I am normal. Fear can not influence me, for I will not harbor it. I will not allow it to cripple my career. The man who has acquired the power of keeping his mind filled with the thoughts which uplift and encourage, the optimistic thought, the cheerful, hopeful thought, has solved one of the great riddles of life. A troubled brain can not think clearly, vigorously, logically.

Worry clogs the bring and paralyzes the thought. Faith is the great antidote for worry. We fear because we can not see the way. Faith sees the way. The man who can smile when everything seems to go against him shows that he is made of winning material, for no ordinary man can do this. There is no place in civilization for the morose, gloomy, or despondent man. Nobody wants to live with him. Everybody is dejected and depressed in his presence, and tries to get away from him.

There is nothing more contagious than mental depression and the "blues. A man who is at the mercy of his disposition can never be a leader, a power among men. You are not capable of correct judgment, of using good sense, where there is fear or doubt or despondence in your mind. Sound judgment comes from a perfectly working brain, unclouded, untroubled faculties. Never act upon that which is suggested when you are in a state of fear and anxiety. When fear is in the mind, the mental forces are scattered and we are not capable of vigorous concentration. Calmness, poise, balance, mental serenity are absolutely essential to the most effective thinking.

The art of arts is to learn how to clear the mind of its enemies, - enemies of our comfort, happiness, and success. It is a great thing to learn to focus the mind upon the beautiful instead of the ugly, the true instead of the false, upon harmony instead of discord, life instead of death, health instead of disease, and is not always easy, but it is possible to everybody.

It requires only a little skillful thinking, the forming of the right thought habits. The best way to keep out darkness is to keep the life filled with light; to keep our discord, keep it filled with harmony; to shut our error, keep the mind filled with truth, to shut out ugliness, contemplate beauty and loveliness; to get rid of all that is sour and unwholesome, contemplate all that is sweet and wholesome.

Opposite thoughts can not occupy the mind at the same time. The world has little use for the man who has not sand enough in him to brace up and be a man when he meets with failure. If you are vacillating, if you lack decision, just assume a decisive mental attitude. Constantly affirm that you are able to decide wisely, firmly, finally. Do not allow yourself to think that you are weak. One of the cruelest things one can do to another is to reproach him for his deficiencies, peculiarities, or weaknesses.

What such a person wants is encouragement and help, not additional handicap. No one can help another very much when he sees in him a hopeless picture. On the other hand, you can make a person do almost anything when you show him his possibilities and make him believe in himself.

Fear in all its different phases of expression, such as worry, anxiety, anger, jealousy, timidity, is the greatest enemy of the human race. It has robbed men of more happiness and efficiency, has made more men cowards, more people failures or forced them into mediocrity, than anything else. Fear is a great robber of power. It paralyzes the thinking faculties, ruins spontaneity, enthusiasm, and self-confidence.

It has a blighting effect upon all one's thoughts, moods, and efforts. No matter what your need is, put it into the hands of faith. Do not ask how or why or when. Just do your level best, and have faith, which is the great miracle worker of the ages. The secret of achievement is concentration. Worry or fear of any kind is fatal to mental concentration and kills creative ability. When the whole mental organism is vibrating with conflicting emotions, efficiency is impossible. The things which makes us prematurely old, which wrinkle our faces, take the elasticity out of our step, the bloom from the cheek, and which rob us of joy are not those which actually happen.

It kills confidence and causes indecision, makes us waver, afraid to begin things, suspect and doubt. Fear is a great leak in power. There are plenty of people who waste more than half of their precious energy in useless worry and anxiety. Our sense of fear or terror is always in proportion to our sense of weakness or inability.

When conscious of being stronger than that which terrorizes weaker persons, we have no sense of fear. The secret of all health, prosperity, and happiness is being in conscious union with the Divine. The closer we are to Divinity, the nearer we are to the limitless source of things. When we feel strongest, when we feel conscious of the power which is back of the flesh, but not of it, when we feel that we are in touch with Divinity, our power is greater and our supply larger.

Every time a man does wrong he weakens himself by so much. Every time we do wrong, every time we depart from the truth, every time we commit a dishonest, unworthy act, do a mean, contemptible thing, we lessen the Omnipotent grip upon us, and then we become a party to all sorts of fears, apprehensions, dreads, and doubts.

The moment we feel conscious that our union with the Great Source of things is broken, we are filled with uncertainty and apprehension; we feel a sense of helplessness, which makes us weak, timid, apprehensive. Fear, anxiety, worry, are positive evidence that we have lost our divine connection and strayed from home, that we are out of tune with the Infinite, and in discord with principle. The very idea of persistently holding the thought that one is divinely upheld, the thought that no harm can possibly come to him while he is thus ensconced in the Divine Presence destroys all fear and worry; restores confidence, and multiples power.

If we could only learn the art of always keeping ourselves in harmony we could multiply our effectiveness immeasurably. Mental discord is fatal to quality in work. The destructive emotions - worry, anxiety, hatred, jealousy, anger, greed, selfishness, are all deadly enemies of efficiency. Harmony is the secret of all effectiveness, beauty, happiness; and harmonious simply keeping ourselves in tune with the Infinite. This means absolute health of all the mental and moral faculties.

Poise, serenity, amiability, sweetness of temper tend to keep the whole mental and physical economy in harmony with the perpetual renewal processes constantly going on within us, which are destroyed by friction. True prayer repairs the broken wires of our Divine connection, reassures us, brings us into harmony with the Infinite. This is the secret of all mental healing. We all have moments when we get glimpses of the great possibilities within ourselves. It may sometimes be an experience which takes away a loved one, which opens up a rift in our nature and gives us a glimpse of power we never before knew we possessed.

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They soothe instead of irritate, and increase efficiency, multiply mental power. Fear can not influence me, for I will not harbor it. Nobody else except you is the responsible for what you'll experience. When we feel strongest, when we feel conscious of the power which is back of the flesh, but not of it, when we feel that we are in touch with Divinity, our power is greater and our supply larger. And, too, it follows the ideals, and as long as one holds the youthful, vigorous, progressive, energetic, creative ideal in his mind his body responds to the thought. The very idea of persistently holding the thought that one is divinely upheld, the thought that no harm can possibly come to him while he is thus ensconced in the Divine Presence destroys all fear and worry; restores confidence, and multiples power.

Keep the child's mind full of harmony, of truth, and there will be no room for discord, for error. Now, what advantage is it to send a youth out into the world with a head full of knowledge but without the confidence or assurance to use it effectively, or the ability to grapple with life's problems with that vigor and efficiency which alone can bring success? The rime will come when no child will be allowed to grow up without being taught to believe in himself, to have great confidence in his ability. This will be a most important part of his education, for if he believes in himself enough, he will not be likely to allow a single deficient faculty or weakness to wreck his career.

A man is like a fine clock, which, if properly cared for, will keep splendid time and run for a century, but which, if neglected or abused, will very soon get out of order, and wear out or give out long before it should. The mental ideal determines what shall be built into the life, whether it shall be youthful or aging conditions.

Every person has the inherent capacity for prolonging his life, increasing his potential longevity; but he must first understand the mental principle. Perfect health, vigor, and robustness are impossible to one whose mind is a slave to the conviction that he is on the decline, that he is going down-hill physically, that his powers are gradually lessening through age. Most people do not realize that their mental attitude is a positive energy which is constantly creating results.

The Miracle of Right Thought (New Edition)

Every time we focus the mind, we are producing, creating something. No one is old until the interest in life is gone out of him, until his spirit becomes aged, until his heart becomes cold and unresponsive; as long as he touches life at many points he can not brow old in spirit. A man is old, no matter what his years, when he is out of touch with youth, with its ideals, its points of view, out of touch with the spirit of his times; when he has ceased to be progressive and up-to-date. The minds of many people have become unbalanced because they did not break the habit of night picturing, visualizing their troubles and trails, which are always so much exaggerated and appear in such fearful vividness during the night.

Before falling into unconsciousness, we should fill the mind with bright, encouraging, inspiring thoughts. We should never go to sleep until we have restored our lost balance, gained perfect mental poise, until we have put into operation the forces which would tend to harmonize and bring peace and joy into our lives.

We age rapidly because we do not keep our mental instruments in tune. Discord, grating and jarring whittle life away very quickly. We suffer when we are discordant because we have violated the fundamental low of divine harmony. Poise, mental serenity, is a friend of youth and tends to refresh, renew, and rejuvenate the body. Look as though you were young. Dress as youthful as is consistent with the dignity and good sense of your years. Do not stoop over, or shuffle your feet. Throw your shoulders back; walk erect, and youthful; do not drag your steps.

Do not let romance die out of your heart. It is a great youth preserver. Love, unselfishness, a spirit of kindness and helpfulness, keep the heart warm and young. Whenever you think of yourself, always hold the image of yourself as you would like to be. Do not dwell upon your imperfections or weaknesses, because that will mar your image, but hold tenaciously to the ideal of yourself thing of yourself in your perfection, as the personality the Creator intended you to be.

Lots of play and innocent fun tend to erase the marks of age and to bring us back to youth. Fun is a twin of youth. To be normally healthy, we require a great deal of amusement and recreation and all of the innocent fun we can get, for these are great stimulators, life promoters. Humor is a care-killer, a worry destroyer.

It tends to quicken the circulation, to promote digestion. Cheerful people sleep better, are better company, and have more friends, and people who have many friends are less likely to be morose and depressed. Sociability is a promoter of good will, kindly feelings, and harmony; and all these things induce health and prolong life. Growth is an enemy of old age.