Bohanins Last Days

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A Collection of Cowboy Poetry. Murdock's Law and City of Widows. Screaming on the Wire.

Dj Bo'Hanin x FaEva Young-All Dat Hatin Flow #Swimmin-n-Smoke

Lady Rode Bucking Horses. The Red River Ring. Book One of the Lane Collier Series. Book 3 in the Lane Collier Series. How to write a great review. The review must be at least 50 characters long. The title should be at least 4 characters long. Your display name should be at least 2 characters long. At Kobo, we try to ensure that published reviews do not contain rude or profane language, spoilers, or any of our reviewer's personal information.

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There would be too much to explain. The old saying goes, "There's no fool like an old fool," and Bohanin soon realizes how much he fits the profile. He stepped down from the gelding and worked to tighten the cinch of his saddle. Chi ama i libri sceglie Kobo e inMondadori. The fire burned quickly and became intensely hot. Massacre at Powder River.

You submitted the following rating and review. We'll publish them on our site once we've reviewed them. Item s unavailable for purchase. Please review your cart. You can remove the unavailable item s now or we'll automatically remove it at Checkout. Continue shopping Checkout Continue shopping. Chi ama i libri sceglie Kobo e inMondadori. Unsere Angebote des Tages. Bohanin's Last Days by Randy D. The booming eruption of the rifle shot echoed and roared through the canyon.

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Bohanin's Last Days. by Randy D. Smith. ISBN: As Captain L. J. Bohanin heads for California to enjoy his retirement from the 10th Cavalry. Bohanin's Last Days [Randy D. Smith] on *FREE* shipping on qualifying offers. As Captain L. J. Bohanin heads for California to enjoy his.

The gelding's scream of pain as the bullet tore through its chest created a pitiless song of death. He struggled to maintain his balance as the pony threw its head to the right. Stevens was able to free his foot from the left stirrup as the animal rolled to the ground. As the full weight of the beast slammed into the dust of the road, he rolled from the saddle and crawled to the top of the animal to pull the Spencer from the scabbard.

Bullets from several rifles rained down upon him.

As he jerked the Spencer free, one bullet tore a channel through his forearm, lodging itself in the gelding's body. He dropped the rifle as his broken right arm went limp below the elbow. He retrieved the weapon with his left. He rolled down the side of the slope, away from the horse, hoping to find more cover in the rocky slough. As he did, singing lead ripped into the rocks beside him.

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When he came to rest at the base, he quickly searched for any outcropping that might offer some cover. A spire of eroded soil a few yards from his position presented the best alternative. He made a running dive for the spire. Another bullet caught him in the calf of his right leg, tearing a path through both boot and chap. As he made the cover, bullets careened about him. He tried to manage the Spencer and struggled to lever a cartridge into the chamber.

But the old design demanded two strong arms to properly feed it and jammed with the first attempt.

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He cast the rifle aside and fished his revolver from his pocket, struggling to free it from the heavy material. He groaned in frustration and fear. He began trembling as he realized that against rifles, with only the short-range revolver, he was helpless. His wounds made it difficult for him to move quickly. He couldn't flee with any speed and he couldn't fight back with any effectiveness.

Bohanin's last days

Stevens realized that he would die. Unless some miracle occurred, or some riders came to his aid, he was doomed to the canyon. He thought of the major's money belt. He opened his shirt and unbuckled the belt. He searched for a place to hide it. He knew the major would probably never recover the money but at least they wouldn't get it either.

He coiled the money belt and dug a shallow hole with his remaining good hand. He stuffed the belt into the hole and quickly covered it over with the loose rocks and pebbles. The dryness of the soil and its lack of color helped conceal it. He considered what would happen if he remained there and died. The dry gulchers would realize that he had probably hid it and would eventually find the hole.

If he could move some distance, he would make the belt more difficult to locate. He rose to his feet and fired the Colt as quickly as he could toward the top of the rim.

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He tried to run but the bullet in his lower leg had broken it and the best he could manage was to hobble. Slowed and weakening, he made an easy target for the riflemen above. He managed no more than a few feet when several of the bullets found their mark. As they tore through his chest and back, he collapsed to the floor of the canyon. He tried to remain still as he waited for a final bullet to find its mark. If he moved, they would just put in another and another. There was some measure of mercy and safety if he remained still. He clutched the Colt beneath him but couldn't remember if he had fired four or five shots.

If it was five the gun was empty. If only four there was still another and he might be able to roll over and put a bullet in one of them as they examined his body. They would be coming down now to laugh over him and look for the money.

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Horseman of the Shadows. A Walt Slade Western. To Marry a Gunfighter: A Collection of Cowboy Poetry. Murdock's Law and City of Widows. Screaming on the Wire. Lady Rode Bucking Horses. The Red River Ring. Book One of the Lane Collier Series. Book 3 in the Lane Collier Series. How to write a great review. The review must be at least 50 characters long. The title should be at least 4 characters long. Your display name should be at least 2 characters long. At Kobo, we try to ensure that published reviews do not contain rude or profane language, spoilers, or any of our reviewer's personal information.

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