G-Strings and Uncle Freud

Japan's Open Future: An Agenda for Global Citizenship (Anthem Asia-Pacific Series)

Whatever dream I may subject to such a dissection, I always find the same fundamental principle confirmed — that the dream-elements have been formed out of the whole mass of the dream-thoughts, and that every one of them appears, in relation to the dream-thoughts, to have a multiple determination. Not only are the elements of the dream determined several times over by the dream-thoughts, but the individual dream-thoughts are represented in the dream by several elements. I said that both methods of representing the causal relation are really reducible to the same method; in both cases causation is represented by succession, sometimes by the succession of dreams, sometimes by the immediate transformation of one image into another. Thus, even my fear that N may prove to be right in his remarks on the difficulties to be met with in bringing up boys is admitted into the dream-content, inasmuch as it is concealed behind the representation of my wish that I may be wrong to harbour such apprehensions. On the following night I dreamed a sentence which obviously referred to this essay:

Like the backgrounds of the people who work there, the layout of the buildings, and the nature of the surrounding countryside. Instead, he began worrying about how much the civic clean-up campaign was costing litchfield.

The hands were limp again, the formerly bluish-white moons at the base of the fingernails now a deep eggplant hue, a tendril of smoke rising off cheeks still wet with salt water from the sponge.