WITs (Whatever It Takes): The Ultimate Basic Self Defense Moves

Parking lots can be a hotbed of road rage activity.

1. Practice Awareness

Have you ever had a problem in a parking lot over who has dibs on a parking space first? Yea, especially when the driver in question wants to cut in from the wrong direction. First off, some background on road rage studies. The problem is national in scope, n.

16 Surprisingly Simple Self-Defense Techniques

Personal security awareness is the single best self defense strategy for personal defense. Statistical studies show that assaults occur mostly in the early morning or late in the evening, so acting on this information will increase your personal security and safety.

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Pepper spray protection is not only for assaults from two legged predators, but the best repellent for the four legged variety too. Dog attacks in particular are extremely common on a daily basis, but given less.

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Pepper Spray Protection Background. Confused about what Pepper Spray to buy? Pepper spray first gained recognition as an effective piece of self defense equipment because it could ward off attacks by menacing bears. Imported to the United States from Canada, where it first was developed in its bear repellant form , OC—also known.

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Teaching your children basic self defense skills improves communication between the . WITs (Whatever It Takes): The Ultimate Basic Self Defense Moves . Simple Self Defense for Girls and Women Sep 22, by Bill Valentine WITs (Whatever It Takes): The Ultimate Basic Self Defense Moves Aug 15,

Popularity Popularity Featured Price: Low to High Price: High to Low Avg. Available for download now. A Beginner's Handbook Home Jun 01, Out of Print--Limited Availability. Provide feedback about this page. There's a problem loading this menu right now. Look, we'll break it to you easy: You don't have enough awesome James Bond moves in your hand-to-hand combat arsenal.

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And while we absolutely don't advise you use these on anyone who isn't seriously attacking you, we're hard-pressed to believe that anyone would fuck with you if you practiced these on those little shits at the elementary school. To help take your combat skills to the next level, we asked our readers to help us put this self-defense guide together and gave money for the best ass-kicking tip. Click on the prompt that catches your fancy, and post your entry in the thread. Or submit to all of them and increase your chances of becoming rich and famous.

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Please type the following code. Darren Laur and his wife Beth Laur began teaching self-defense classes and safety seminars in , and have since reached thousands of women.

Self-defense technique against common attacks

The demand they saw for reliable safety information, coupled with the need to debunk widespread myths regarding self-defense measures, convinced the two experts to write a book. This is your first line of defence. The first, and probably most important, component in self-defense is awareness: Studies have shown that criminals are adept at choosing targets who appear to be unaware of what is going on around them.

All of us, especially women, have this gift, but very few of us pay attention to it.

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What are you facing today? They decided to combine their experiences to craft a program that would be both practical and effective. Amazon Drive Cloud storage from Amazon. Road Rage is not limited to only highway driving. Join now and wield the awesome power of the thumb. Remember, though, to use the element of surprise to your advantage — strike quickly, and mean business. Cracked only offers comment voting to subscribing members.

Learn to trust this power and use it to your full advantage. Here are two tips: What if the unthinkable happens? You are suddenly confronted by a predator who demands that you go with him — be it in a car, or into an alley, or a building. It would seem prudent to obey, but you must never leave the primary crime scene with the predator.

You are far more likely to be killed or seriously injured if you go with the predator than if you run away even if he promises not to hurt you. Run away, yell for help, throw a rock through a store or car window — do whatever you can to attract attention. And if the criminal is after your purse or other material items, throw them one way while you run the other. Unfortunately, no matter how diligently we practice awareness and avoidance techniques, we may find ourselves in a physical confrontation. Whether or not you have self-defense training, and no matter what your age or physical condition, it is important to understand that you CAN and SHOULD defend yourself physically.

Many women worry that they will anger the attacker and get hurt worse if they defend themselves, but statistics clearly show that your odds of survival are far greater if you do fight back. Aim for the eyes first and the groin second. Remember, though, to use the element of surprise to your advantage — strike quickly, and mean business. You may only get one chance.