The Impact of the Holocaust on Jewish Theology

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Their fanatic Muslim regime gave them no choice but death or conversion: Hence after Auschwitz, there is need for a new Jewish theology, perhaps a new philosophy, possibly both. Realist that he was, Maimonides did not consider the time ripe for Jewish sovereignty, Messianic as it would have to be, in a Jewish state. Sometimes life goes to school with philosophy, sometimes philosophy to school with life: The Holocaust ended in In David Ben Gurion proclaimed the Jewish state, well aware it would need defense, would not get it from the UN, that inhabitants of the new state would have to do it.

We fought to defend it.

The impact of the Holocaust on Jewish perceptions of the ‘Other’

The UN gave it international sanction and then ran away. Next to survival, this Law by the Jewish state is the only true, if inadequate, Jewish response to the Holocaust.

Table of contents for The impact of the Holocaust on Jewish theology / edited by Steven T. Katz.

Contents Is there a religious meaning to the idea of a chosen people after the Shoah? Tags What are tags? The impact of the Holocaust on Jewish theology p9: Hitler and the Germans p Children Who Resisted Faces of Courage: It cannot reject even ultra-orthodox Jews, who refuse to recognize a pre-Messianic yet-Jewish state, hence do not defend it.

Other states ask would-be- immigrants to show cause why they should be admitted — for instance, only farmers by Canada —, and this is their sovereignty. The Law of Return requires the Jewish state to prove why Jews should not be admitted: It cannot reject even ultra-orthodox Jews, who refuse to recognize a pre-Messianic yet-Jewish state, hence do not defend it.

What other state would admit my uncle, one-legged, whose profession, lawyer, is elsewhere useless? The document is in my forthcoming Epitaph for German Judaism. After the lecture, a student asked what, if she was not prepared to go that far, was next best.

Learning from Elie Wiesel Panel 2 In Faith: Jewish and Christian Theology after the Holocaust

Later, Metz published an article that, for post-Holocaust Jewish-Christian relations, breaks new ground: Hence, near the end of his essay he repeats what he wrote near its beginning:. Metz urges Christians, at long last, to listen to Jews, although he never had a chance to hear Auschwitz-survivor Primo Levi, on the Muselmanner:. Even if they had paper and pen, the submerged would not have testified because their death had begun before that of their body.

Weeks and months before being snuffed out, they had already lost the ability to observe, to remember, compare and express themselves. We speak in their stead, by proxy. In preface, Paul Bailey writes: Of course, Heidegger did not know Levi, no philosopher, not even German. But he was well aware of gas-chambers, wrote one sentence about annihilation camps:.

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The theological problems facing those trying to respond to the Holocaust remain monumental. Both Jewish and Christian post-Auschwitz religious thought must. "The Impact of the Holocaust on Jewish Theology brings together a distinguished array of senior scholars - many of whose work is available here in English for.

In a different way, theologian Metz also contrasts with Heidegger: Especially not in our churches. A Midrash has been heavy on Diaspora Jewry, for two millennia; after Auschwitz disheartens us; inspires us in the age of a sovereign Jewish state. The Midrash reads as follows:.

Commentary Magazine

Jewish history almost ended when it had hardly begun, at the Re e d Sea; but a miracle happened, caused Jewish history to go on for millennia, and God still wants Jews to survive. In the Midrash the biblical Nahshon stepped into the waters before they even parted, sure the miracle would happen: Revised and Definitive Edition, New York: Jason Aronson, , p. JPS, , pp. Jewish Publication Society of America, , p.

Fackenheim, An Epitaph for German Judaism.

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From Halle to Jerusalem. Lambert Schneider, , p. Gott nach Auschwitz, Freiburg: Herder, , pp. Northwestern University Press, Collier, , p. The original title, in Italian, was more philosophical: Is this a Man? Abacus, , p.

Passagen, , p. Fackenheim This essay is posted to this site with permission of Emil L.

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In John Paul II wrote: The Jew and the other , New York: Blacks and Jews in contemporary American literature , New York: Israel in the Third World , New Jersey: A History of the Jewish Experience: The Jewish Sensibilities http: Tradition and Transformation p1. The impact of the Holocaust on Jewish theology p6: Hitler and the Germans p The Jew and the other px. The impact of the Holocaust on Jewish theology p9: Blacks and Jews in contemporary American literature p3. Blacks and Jews in contemporary American literature p When he went before Hillel, he made him proselyte.

That is the whole Torah. The rest is commentary. The Oxford Bible commentary p You are commenting using your WordPress. You are commenting using your Twitter account. You are commenting using your Facebook account. Notify me of new comments via email. Home About Culture God and the City: He is documented to have said: The Oxford Bible commentary , Oxford, The impact of the Holocaust on Jewish theology , New York, Leave a Reply Cancel reply Enter your comment here Fill in your details below or click an icon to log in: Email required Address never made public.

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