Rebellion Now and Forever: Mayas, Hispanics, and Caste War Violence in Yucatan, 1800–1880

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Finding libraries that hold this item Thanks to the author's tireless research, we now know a great deal more than we did about the Caste War, the failings of the liberal reform and imperial rule, and how the endless cycle of violence helped shape future generations.

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Sullivan "An ambitious enterprise, Rebellion Now and Forever provides a comprehensive account of the evolution of post-colonial government and politics across the Yucatan's entire territory, not just its rebel eastern margins or compact north-western growth pole. More generally, those seeking to understand the origins and consequences of the Caste War, or the impact of henequen monoculture and peonage, or how the revolution would be received in Mexico's most distant and different territory, would be foolish to ignore this extraordinarily complex and courageous book.

Ancient MAYAN FOOD - Jungle Cooking in MAYA VILLAGE in Quintana Roo, Mexico!

It is an important book that not only contributes to our historical knowledge of southeastern Mexico but also challenges the conclusions of other authors and raises new and provocative theories of its own. You may have already requested this item.

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Rebellion Now and Forever looks at Yucatán's famous Caste War from the perspective of Mayas, Hispanics, and Caste War Violence in Yucatan, – Rebellion Now and Forever: Mayas, Hispanics, and Caste War Violence in Yucatan, – (): Terry Rugeley: Books.

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  • Rebellion now and forever : Mayas, Hispanics, and caste war violence in Yucatán, 1800-1880?
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Please enter your name. In this sense, the book does not succeed as an interdisciplinary analysis.

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But it succeeds admirably as a historical monograph. Rugeley provides a wealth of detail about all of the above-mentioned themes, in a compelling and interesting way.

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His approach encompasses people of all social classes, and his many examples, far from being tedious, are wellchosen for what they are supposed to illustrate. He also manages to demonstrate the importance of micro-regions, especially eastern Yucatan, in regional politics. It thereby contributes significantly to the ongoing reassessment of nineteenth-century Mexican politics and society.

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