Blood and Magick

Practicing Witchcraft: What You Should Know About Blood Magic

That includes all who practice witchcraft. Get free of this while you still can. I'll probably get threats for this, maybe cursed or some such. Let me just say that as a born again Christian, I belong to Almighty God. Your curses and spells will have no effect, God is infinitely more powerful than anyone or anything you could possibly invoke. I do the blood money spell, Can I write down any amount that will help? I really want to know please. Karyssa Janisse don't do it again! I'm not sure how professional any of you are, but my mother has dabbled with witchcraft and she's afraid of what she's done.

I am not allowed to know exactly what she's done so I am sparing details, but she often draws pentagrams that she claims will protect me, though she seems afraid. One night, I said a prayer and put my blood on a page she'd written on thinking in might protect her The next night I had a dream that my soul was being sucked from under me after being in the mirror watching my own possession, for lack of a better term.

I was wearing white. My face turned bright red. Luckily I woke up while I was spiraling downward and I didn't live out the duration of the dream.

Blood Magick

I was truly terrified and still am. That's why I'm here, I kind of just want some of you to be able to tell me I am safe. I know it is not safe to dabble in magic and if I'm forced to pay permanent prices I will be deeply regretful. Thanks for the cooperation and honesty. I think you are an excellent author and I find your information extremely helpful. I'm sorry that you get bombarded with people who are looking to twist your words.

Please continue to be guiding light in this world regardless of the nay sayers! Would I be able to talk to the dead using my blood? Would I be able to make two love each other using both of their blood? Years ago, I left my now ex and she went off the deep end. To make it worse she sealed it with menstrual blood and had to promise to turn over her next born child.

The entire situation still shocks me. How can I be released? Hey can we use our own blood to somehow raise or talk to the dead? Without hurting or invading the soul. And if thats possible would we have to ask the spirit permission to use our blood on it? Loved and appreciated all of this except your quip about women bleeding when their hymen is broken. Hymens do not "break" - they ate not some football poster held up by cheerleaders for players to bust through. It is delicate tissue that can be easily damaged when a person with a vagina has penetrative sex. Usually this means they are not aroused enough.

But a line like yours above just feeds into mysoginy and patriarchy, and I don't believe that's your intention. Hymens don't have to bleed at all during sex, so let's not tie the power of the practice you are so eloquently explaining to a result oppression and intimate neglect. I really love witchcraft to my core. Say if I were to take a bit a drop of my blood and mix it in with water, and some other things like herbs, etc would it be ok to drink a sip or two say 5 days from the time of making?

Can a male virgin with a man made blood disease use their own blood, or does it contaminate it for the purpose of magical use? It really depends on the situation, it's not impossible but just makes it more difficult. And again, really depends on what you've done with it.

Hi Gene; this is a serious situation, and without knowing more about details I can't really tell you what to do. If your daughter is being abused, there is no time for waiting for spells to manifest, you should be calling social services, or the police, to intervene. Cast spells to speed things up, for successful outcome, etc. You can also cast spells around your daughter for protection and to help her find peace until things are settled.

How did you do the banishing spell? My daughter is being abused by her stepmother and I want to banish her from my girl. My daughter is becoming suicidal because of her and she has even started cutting herself. Please help, I don't know how much longer my daughter can take this abuse.

I see Bono down here on the list of posts. I have to ask, are you my ole buddy from Louisiana that got out of prison a few years back? If so, as powerful as you were as was and you're delving into witchcraft? Hi Angie; it sounds like you're not forcing him to be with you. You're forcing him to make his intentions known. If his intentions affect you, I don't see that as a bad thing. Best of luck to you! I am a novice at sorcery and have been honing my candle magic.

However the last full moon I had a strong feeling come over me and for the first time I used human blood in my work. The blood was mine and I created a anointing blood oil to anoint the candles, paper and my shadow book. The energy created was, well, massive. My incantation paper glowed and strange things began to happen just outside of my circle, Even more inside the mirror. I am a god. I always loved more to know that things are going naturally,with true emotions etc.

I keep working on myself and things were getting better for me emotionally until,like i said last night. I wanted to see if he will come back to truly express his feelings toward me so I know what to do next. I wrote his name and date of birth and covered it with blood.. Few hours later I regret because if he truly wants to be with me he would be or maybe it is not the right time for us,as he is younger and not very stable in emotional way. I am thinking of saging the paper and stating to remove my power over him and to clean the paper with water and flush it down the toilet.

Beginners Blood Magick Do's & Don'ts - Black Witch Coven

Hi Louise; thankfully there are a lot of books, websites, and groups we can turn to for guidance and inspiration these days. Stay connected to others, we learn from each other: Hi Lee; not sure I understand the situation. How do you break a blood spell, where you were a participant but were ignorant, as in a healer offer needle point,. I have always in my heart of hearts thought that I have meant to be more than this world or the other Is there a way to combine or make something to gather all our gifts together to help me on my travels and to protect me.

Hi, I am making a jar spell asking my goddess guardians to help wake up someone I love, to make them conscious of their very dangerous addiction and behavior. I am building this spell jar during the new moon and also menstruating on the new moon, so I thought of adding a tiny vial of my blood to the jar. Also, I thought since I love him maybe the blood could help his awakening happen in an effective and profound, thorough capacity but in a gentle and constructive manner.

It sounds so dramatic to write this but if he doesn't show signs of change I actually have to make my local authorities aware of his problems so I really want this to work. Thank you for your advice! See of remaining comments. Other product and company names shown may be trademarks of their respective owners. HubPages and Hubbers authors may earn revenue on this page based on affiliate relationships and advertisements with partners including Amazon, Google, and others.

To provide a better website experience, exemplore. Please choose which areas of our service you consent to our doing so. For more information on managing or withdrawing consents and how we handle data, visit our Privacy Policy at: Mackenzie Sage Wright more. Using Blood in Magic and Spells. Blood Magic is Not Blood Sacrifice. No Harm Necessary Blood magic is not magic that involves killing people or animals in ritual sacrifice.

What do you say? Do you believe blood magic evil? Absolutely-- I'm shocked by your article! It has more potential for bad than for good. Depends on how you use it, like any magic. Not really but you have to be extremely careful. No, not at all. I have no idea See results. Is Blood Magic Evil? A Little Goes a Long Way. More than a couple of teaspoons can cause haemochromatosis and potentially do some serious organ damage. The correct way to perform blood magic safely would be: Sanitize the area of skin with an alcohol pad or sanitizing gel.

Sanitize a small poking implement, such as a pin. Poke only enough to break the skin. Squeeze out your few drops to collect for your use Clean the wound immediately and put some antibiotic ointment on it. Handle and dispose of anything that has been touched with blood with extreme caution until the end of your ritual or spell. Disinfect surfaces of your skin and your work space , implements and any other tools after performing blood magic.

Keep the wound clean as it heals. What is your experience with blood magic? I perform blood magic fairly regularly I've tried it and don't see the big deal I've tried it, but never again I've wanted to try it but I'm too scared I'm learning about it and plan to try it when I'm ready for it I will never, ever try blood magic; it's too dangerous Someone used blood magic against me See results. When and When Not to Use Blood Magic I can't tell you exactly when and where blood magic is your best option, but I can tell you my reasoning: I have more rules about when to never use it: Blood magic turns a potential bond into a chain: I never use it to bring harm to anyone or anything.

I never use it for vengeance or retaliation. Spell Casting with Blood. In candle magic, mix blood drops with oil to dress and charge your candle. Use a small drop or two to anoint and charge any talisman or amulet.

In jar or container magic, add a few drops of blood to the container. In petition magic, smear some blood on the paper the petition is written on. Place a drop of blood in a mojo bag before tying it up. Alternatives to Blood Though not entirely as powerful as blood, there are other things you can use to personalize a spell and lend it a boost: A general cleansing should help but I also recommend the following: Seek protection from something you believe in. This works for most psychic attacks.

Is it true someone can take witchcraft medications and make a lady infertile. Dearest Dave, Mind your own beeswax! Hello, I like this girl and i found a easy spell to do i have some hair of her if i put a drop of blood to the spell it will give me more power to the spell and the result will manifest faster? I love what am reading here. Phillip; good luck on your path, but Jesus isn't everyone's path.

My Gods Have helped me I hope you find my articles helpful in your journey! Are there books with spells in it that'll be good to start off. I know my Gods love me; not worried about that. In need of advise, he us only When making candles, is it alright to use a few drops of blood? Strength chant Earth my body. Strength of day Water my blood.

Strength of night Air my breath. Give me strength And fire my spirit. Warm your fingers up. Cold fingers means less blood in the small veins. I recommend squeezing your pointer between your middle finger and thumb. Don't prick the middle but rather the side.

And if none of that works Safety for using veins: Go work your magic. Hi, I think you are an excellent author and I find your information extremely helpful. Using blood to banish negativity or protect wouldn't work as well as you imagine because you don't want to tie yourself to spells like that because they work on outside forces and they do their job and leave. What is commonly used in these cases is the "Blood of the Moon".

Often when a person talks about using blood with great power they are "usually" talking about menstrual blood, because this kind of blood contains the power of the mother goddess because it is used in the literal creation of life. Menstrual blood, you may known, contains some of your blood but mainly it's different secretions from the uterus and vagina. This means that you are literally using what a woman's body uses to make life to make something happen. That fluid is charged with a great deal of natural magical power and contains the power of the full moon.

You can read up on this here: I use blood magic as the above to connect myself to my tools, and as a man I have used my semen to the same effect as the blood of the moon sometimes called the Blood of the Lion. All that being said, if you are doing this with someone else, please make sure that you are both tested for STDs at the clinic and wear gloves when working with bodily fluids. You will also find lancets in the drug store that they use for diabetic testing which will allow you to prick yourself quickly and cleanly without much pain or mess.

Okay, so that's all of the official answer. The second part to my answer is to wonder what you need that is so "unbreakable". Often when a student comes to me and says, "I need something really strong" or "I heard such and such a magic was really powerful and unbreakable, is that true? Your post has a bit of an undertone of someone looking to solve some "Omg big" problem, and I agree that magick is a tool that we have to aid us in hard times.

But, I would council you to take a firm step back and examine what you are doing. Every spell my students do I tell them to write out exactly what they want, as though they are making a blueprint to really know exactly what they're looking for. I might be way off base, but before you light that candle or say that chant, know exactly what it is that you are looking for, because if you don't know then your focus is off and the blood of a saint wouldn't help you get what you want.

Wolfanotaku makes an excellent point, blood is rarely a good idea in most work.

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It's also rare for blood to be needed. Do you have an entity following you or attacking you? Do you feel threatened by something? Just dabbing it on your runes probably won't do much for protection unless you're severing something. I haven't come across any texts that mention blood used for unpleasant thoughts or calmness Blood creates bonds, bonds that are nearly impossible to break. You can undo other spells but you can never return those drops to your body.

They are taken very seriously and in the case of Norse traditions blood is used to get the attention of the Gods very quickly. Algiz also represents hidden danger, consumption by divine forces, loss of the divine link, and fear. Are you sure you want to bind yourself to these completely and for the rest of your life? To state the obvious that you may have already thought of but why not, water magick, candle, knot, earth, air, fire.. I don't get why hurting yourself can be a bonus in a 'protection' spell.

I think it will do the opposite. Magick is all about your intent, that's the only thing that matters.. Be VERY careful using blood magic and runes. If you mean Elder Futhark runes, be incredibly careful. But, if you menstruate, it is YOUR power. It is not for us to tell you how to use that power.


You have your own moral compass. You can use menstrual blood for both light and dark magic, such as binding another to your will. Menstrual blood is often used for spellwork related to sexual attraction, love, domination and fertility. It is often linked with the force of pull, rather than the force of push. The pull of the tides, the tidal flow, and gravity. It can be put to other uses, too. Internal uses, which benefit you and have nothing to do with other people.

Your period is a time for drawing your energy inwards. Your intuition, creativity and spiritual energy are growing even as your physical energy is on the wane. The first two days of menstruation are an especially good time to rest, reflect, record dreams and work magic. If you have a Book of Shadows , use it to record:.

If you have no BoS, try keeping a Moonflow diary to record these things. Collect your menstrual blood in a vial or jar. If you use a Mooncup or any form of menstrual cup, that is a really easy way to collect your blood, and you can then transfer it to a storage container to use fresh, which you must then keep in a fridge. Your blood will take weeks to dry in a stoppered or sealed container. It will dry more quickly if exposed to the air.

If you wish to dry a large amount of menstrual blood, you can spread it very thinly on a saucer which has a wide surface area and will bring more of the blood into contact with the air. You can also create dry blood flakes when storing fresh blood. Simply smear a little of the blood on the slide of the container when you put it in the fridge, and it will dry into blood flakes which you can later use in potions or spell bags, or keep as a useful ingredient in your portable altar , if you have one.

Once it is dry, scrape it away and grind it to a fine powder using a mortar and pestle or grinder of your choice. Now your blood is ready to use when desired. You can use your blood to dress candles, or work into the haft of an athame, or work a sigil on the base of your cauldron, or daub a pentacle. This use of menstrual blood can be used for your own benefit, and need not affect another person in any way.

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In much the same way as ink can be tattooed into the flesh with a pin, you can use a pin to pinprick designs into the cover of your Book of Shadows, using menstrual blood as ink. It is neat, it is minimal, and the pressing in of the pin helps to further seal in your intent. You can also refresh the designs each time you menstruate, building their power over time. A Cake of Light is a round wafer or edible item that represents your union with the universe.

Aleister Crowley, who invented Thelema, gave what are widely believed to be instructions for making a Cake of Light in The Book of the Law:. The shape of the circle is important as it represents your union with the Eternal. Crowley believed that your union would strengthen every time you baked and consumed a Cake of Light. He also said it cooked be baked as a cake or dried as a perfume. Alternatively, you may prefer to use white flour if you are drawn to the alchemic nature of the red and the white.

Your key ingredient here is your menstrual blood and your intent. Menstrual magic can and arguably should be worked and reworked if you want to retain the effect. You are ready for this. You are drawing your desired result to you with all the gravitational force of a black hole. Your menstrual rituals can release the not-needed, create space, and pull what you desire into your life. Working menstrual magic on yourself?

Perform a ritual to flush those unneeded thoughts away. First, hold a spiritual bath.