Frogs and Snails and Big Dogs Tales: A Childrens Book for Adults Short Stories from Ireland

Song Lyrics and Poems. Richard Mallinson's Fast Fiction. In a Manner of Speaking. Poems from the Bar. Poems from an Unwashed Soul. Flash the Sheep Dog. The Road to Nirvana. How to write a great review. The review must be at least 50 characters long. The title should be at least 4 characters long. Your display name should be at least 2 characters long. At Kobo, we try to ensure that published reviews do not contain rude or profane language, spoilers, or any of our reviewer's personal information.

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  1. Frogs and Snails and Puppy Dog’S Tales;
  2. Frogs and Snails and Big Dog's Tales: A Children's Book for Adults Short Stories from Ireland?
  3. JDs Christmas Wish.
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  5. Barking Planet Children's Books.
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Would you like us to take another look at this review? No, cancel Yes, report it Thanks! You've successfully reported this review. The illustrations by WW Denslow were an important part of the book's success. Baum was on his way. Your huddled masses longing to be free From the poem the New Colossus, by Emma Lazarus The Yellow Brick Road. The Wonderful Wizard of Oz was published in ,and also became the 1 best selling children's book for that year. Many sequels followed over the years 14 to 17 -- reports vary and over 40 other books under a variety of pseudonyms.

Traditional fairy tale elements -- an arduous journey, overcoming dangers, abundant magic, a hopeful ending -- are major elements in the story. The book was, of course, the inspiration for the iconic movie of with one major difference: Just when it looked like evil would triumph..

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She stood, with Toto in her arms, watching the sad fate of her comrades and thinking it would soon be her turn. The leader of the Winged Monkeys flew up to her, his long, hairy arms stretched out and his ugly face grinning terribly; but he saw the mark of the Good Witch's kiss upon her forehead and stopped short, motioning the others not to touch her.

All we can do is to carry her to the castle of the Wicked Witch and leave her there. The Visionary is Made Commonplace. In Oz, a familiar thing like a scarecrow is magically a person, and at the same time, a magical person like the wizard is actually a balloonist from Omaha. The consensus seems to be that there are shortcomings to this movie, but that the wonderful charm of the original characters prevails. I've read many reviews and this appears to be a light, sentimental movie for people who find small dogs endearing. Here's an excerpt from Tomris Laffly's review on Roger Ebert.

Ottawa Therapy Dogs " Humans and animals share a powerful bond. That bond can be a source of comfort, peace and relief for those who suffer from physical or emotional pain. Therapy dogs can sometimes achieve results when other therapies have failed.

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The wonderful work done by Ottawa Therapy Dogs ranges from hospitals and palliative care facilities to schoolrooms. Here is a link to a video to see their R. Here is an update by Lois Beckett in the Guardian. Part of that money is going to nearly a dozen local groups, including March for Our Lives Phoenix, who are working to register and year-olds to vote.

The coalition says it has registered 27, voters through online and mail-in voter registration drives, focusing on 10 states where National Rifle Association-backed politicians are on the ballot. The photo is by Evelyn Hochstein for The Guardian. God shed his grace on thee And crown thy good with brotherhood From sea to shining sea!

The illustration is by Thomas Hart Benton. Books of Young America in the GoldenAge. Here is an excerpt wherein he discusses the differences: Instead, the world of America's literary juveniles is clouded over by familial problems: Cayr Ariel Wulff's artful story-telling shines in this delightful memoir of life amid a pack of frequently ill-mannered though always lovable dogs.

Throw in an odd assortment of cats, and chaos ensues as Cayr and her partner get in over their heads, bite off more than they can chew, and generally find themselves railroaded by those who REALLY run the show: I couldn't put this book down until I'd finished! The book cover is by C. The Morgan library in New York City is a truly fascinating place, especially for book lovers.

On September 22, the Lewis Carroll Society of North America will hold their fall meeting at the Morgan, a get together with an excellent agenda for all Alice lovers. I would think that two of the featured guest speakers will add a unique extra dimension to the meeting: Michael Patrick Hearn and Adam Gopnik.

Hearn is recognized as a top scholar of children's literature. Gopnik is a leading leading writer for the New Yorker, known for his imaginative and insightful articles. They triumph over death. The tale begins with "Once upon a time" or "Once there was" and never really ends when it ends.

The ending is actually the beginning. Jack Zipes -- Spells of Enchantment: The book cover is from a publication of Jack Zipes' collection of over fairy tale postcards. It helps children recognize and appreciate differences and to embrace that which is unique in each of us. This is a book for our troubled times. Our primary motive is wide distribution. The reality involved is also appealing. It involves the universal love of dogs by humans and vice versa, human condition of fighting and war and capacity for love and peace.

While reading these, I kept wishing I was reading them out loud to a couple of kids instead. I could imagine each night reading another chapter and the kids waiting with bated breath for what would happen next. Posted by Robert McCarty on September 01, at Fairy tales report from imaginary territory Sweden , after , changed from being a largely agrarian society to one that embraced the industrial revolution.

An era of prosperity developed and continued into the next century. It was,however, a conservative culture , dominated by tradition and the ethos of the Lutheran church. The plays of Henrik Ibsen and, later the films of Igmar Bergman speak to this stifling atmosphere in no uncertain terms. Selma is second from left, top row, in this school photo.

She won the contest and the book became a Swedish classic. She appears to have been deeply influenced by the beauty of Varmland, an area in western Sweden where she grew up, and by the family tumult created by her alcoholic father. The first sentence, 'Finally, the vicar was in the pulpit', is one of the most famous in Swedish literature. Soon she had sponsors that included the Swedish Royal Family as well as recognition and membership in the Swedish Academy. In , she became the first woman to win the Noble Prize The Wonderful Adventures of Nils is a delightful story of a young mischievous farm boy who is shrunk to the size of Tom Thumb.

Clinging to a goose to escape danger, he finds himself flying on the back of the goose. His travels take him to many adventures where he must overcome dangers and obstacles in the natural world. Very well written, the book is filled with continual surprises. Here is an excerpt. The winds howled and beat against him, and the rustle of feathers and swaying of wings sounded like a whole storm.

Thirteen geese flew around him, flapping their wings and honking. They danced before his eyes and they buzzed in his ears. He didn't know whether they flew high or low, or in what direction they were travelling. After a bit, he regain ed just enough sense to understand that he ought to find out where the geese were taking him. But this was not so easy, for he didn't know how he should ever muster up courage enough to look down. He was sure he'd faint if he attempted it. Here is a link to read The Wonderful Adventures of Nils. Despite the pressures of mainstream Swedish society, Selma had the courage to live her own life; she was not living in a Doll's House.

Sophie Elkan and Valborg Olander. Great discretion was necessary. Here is a link to a compassionate and informative article in Artlark regarding Selma's private life and her important lesbian relationships with Sophie Elkan and Valborg Olander. A well regarded tv series, based on their letters, was produced in Sweden in the 90's.

They are best in disguise. Children's Books In 70 languages. She is best known for her Pippi Longstocking series. A single mother, she said that Pippi was written to entertain her daughter who was ill , and asked her for a story about Pippi Longstocking. Pippi was later made into several popular films and a television series. One hundred and sixty five million of her books have been sold worldwide. She is playful and unpredictable. She often makes fun of unreasonable adults, especially if they are pompous and condescending. Her anger comes out in extreme cases, such as when a man ill-treats his horse.

Pippi, like Peter Pan, does not want to grow up. She is the daughter of a buccaneer captain and has adventure stories to tell about that too. Her four best friends are her horse and monkey, and the neighbours' children, Tommy and Annika. Astrid Lindgren wrote the story of the Tomten , a Swedish Elf, with a hushed, intimate quality. A Swedish writer, Viktor Rydberg had earlier written a poem about the Tomten. This was a point of departure for LIndgren. In her hands, and with the wonderful illustrations of Harald Wiberg , the book became a Swedish classic.

It was followed by the Tomten and the Fox: Here is an excerpt: He lives in a corner of the hayloft and comes out at night when human beings are asleep. He is an old, old Tomten who has seen the snow of many hundred winters. No one knows when he came to the farm. No one has ever seen him, but they know he is there. Some times when they wake up, they see the prints of his feet in the snow. But no one has ever seen the Tomten.

Children create miracles when they read. That's why children need books. Romantic and Idyllic Art. Carl Larsson created a body of work that personified the dream of wonderful family life. His fame and popularity became widespread as the quality of book printing in color improved. It was a great success, selling 40, copies the first year. The book and Larsson are well known and admired to this day in Northern Europe. Larsson grew up in poverty and had a very difficult and painful boyhood. They had eight children and their life together was the source of his many pastoral paintings.

Here is a link to Carl Larsson's work on Google. Here is a link to Larsson's page on Amazon. Among Gnomes and Trolls Jon Bauer was a wonderful Swedish artist who found inspiration in Swedish mythology and folk tales. His technique is his own as seen in the illustration on the left of Princess Tuvstarr. A tragic accident took place when Bauer and his wife artist Ester Ellquist and their young child were traveling in Sweden.

They took a ferry boat that capsized in a heavy storm on lake Vatt wherein all the passengers and crew were lost. I haven't seen this movie yet, but Manohla Dargis wrote that it was outstanding. I have great respect for Ms Dargis. I speak from personal experience. Movies about teenagers are often filled with contrived excesses, but Mr. Burnham understands that some of the most pronounced extremes — the drama, the comedy, the horror — take place in that lonely room known as our heads.

Christopher Robin and Dog Days will open in early August. Here is a link to the trailer for Christopher Robin. Here is a link to the trailer for Dog Days. A Perfect Vacation Choice. An excerpt from one of 51 enthusiastic reviews on Amazon for Circling the Waggins: New Technology and Books: Inspired by her own young children growing up in an era where new readers have choices between books and digital games, Julia Turner , editor and chief of Slate, writing in the NY Times, reviews four kid's books that deal with the dilemma: Here is an excerpt from her article: Some of these books are skeptical about the value of our wires and devices, while others embrace the possibilities change may bring.

Here is a link to Julia Turner's article. Then a gunman walked in the door. Andrea Chamblee, his wife, writes about the shock that has followed: The Merry Wives Of Windsor. Posted by Robert McCarty on August 01, at Painting by Albert Edelfelt. We read books to find out who we are. What other people, real or imaginary, do and think and feel. Awareness, Pride, and Hope. Their stories, unlike the Grimm's Germanic tales, are embellished by description.

Both Nor way and Finland had witnessed centuries of intermittent war and oppression by others, namely, by Sweden, Denmark, and Russia. Dedicated people went to the countryside, wrote down the ancient stories and songs and published them. The painting is by Erik Werenskiold. He attended to the medical needs of the country people and collected their verse-songs in what became known as the Kalevala. Several editions of the Norwegian tales were published beginning in They were very well received and very popular.

But now all ties are snapt between us; now I must set off from you to her. Norway declared independence from Sweden in October, The illustration of the Trolls and the Changeling is by Jon Bauer. Imagine a northern country of ancient forests and lakes, sparsely populated by independent, hardworking but poor people who came into their own in when they were freed from Swedish domination.

After six centuries under Sweden, Finland was on the way to self government and a new nationalism. Here was a land bordered by the sea in the south and west, where the great trees of the heartland provided a source of income for many, and where the snows of winter were a major factor in developing a resilient people where children learn to ski at an early age. And through their mythic oral history , they found added incentive to true Finnish identity. Finland declared Independence from Russia in December, In earlier times, there were hundreds of Rune singers in small villages and hamlets throughout the land.

The stories told by the rune singers range from the creation of the world to a journey to Deaths Domain; from wedding feasts to charms for getting cattle home. Here is an edited excerpt of the loss of the Sampo: The vessel was about to sink straight down, the ship to keel over on it's side. The painting of the fight for the Sampo is by Gallen Kellala.

Transcending National and Cultural Boundaries. The Kalevala is a great poem and a national epic, but it is also a work of art which trancends national and cultural boundaries, which is read in many languages, which has a message also for our time. General problems, difficulties and riches of human nature and human life can be seen behind its myths, and their message touches also the people of today.

Tolkien and The Kalevala. Tolkien , already a scholar of Beowulf and the Sagas, learned Finnish in order to explore the Kalevala for himself. He lamented the lack of proper English mythology and his ambition was to create a mythology for England, which he eventually did with his legendarium. H ere is a link to music by Sibelius inspired by the story of Kullervo in the Kalevala. T ove Jansson was a young writer-artist when the Russians invaded Finland in November, All of Europe was headed to the chaos, destruction and fear of WW 2.

Her work became a feature in anti-fascist magazines. The Finnish war with Russia was in two parts, The Finns then had to drive the German Army out of Lapland. The war finally ended in It was in that Jansson created the Moomins , her benevolent troll-like characters, that would later become a beloved series of children's books. In the years that followed, Moomin popularity spread, slowly at first, and then quite rapidly.

A big push came when Jansson began publishing a Moomin comic strip in the London Evening News; at that time, the largest newspaper in the world. She was soon reaching 20 million readers daily in over 40 countries. Jansson created the comic strip for seven years while still creating books and painting. She then turned the comic strip over to her brother, Lars, who continued the strip, often with collaboration, until Moomins were also very popular in Japan where a charming cartoon series, aimed at adults appeared in I have posted a link below, You Tube offers many more.

Television followed in Europe. There then came movies, theater, theme parks, and even opera. Moomin merchandising grew in a multitude of ways, from coffee cups to stuffed toys. Today, the Moomin brand is estimated to have a value of million Euros per year. What started as wonderful adventures in Moomin Valley has become a big business.

These simple stories resonate with profound and complex emotions that are like nothing else in literature for children or adults: The illustrations are by Tove Jansson. Link to a charming episode from the popular Japanese animation Moomin series: Link to the Moomin Cafe in Tokyo. Stories too large for one era or culture. Messages we shape and shape again. That draw us in and try to teach us lessons. Be wary of the stranger in the woods. Be kind to older ladies you encounter. The way you look can be a blessing or a curse, depending.

Intelligent fun and delightful dogs. Treat yourself to the best. Here is a link to a 3 minute and 24 second montage of Hayao Miyazaki films: In those episodes, people were shot, of whom were killed. Christine Hauser in the New York Times. What happened to the momentum to modify the gun laws? The politicians are quiet. The president is quiet -- at least about the gun laws.

In our Pet Visit Program , wagging tails and wet noses ease the loneliness of the elderly and comfort the sick. Warm, gazing eyes help early readers feel comfortable reading out loud when dogs visit libraries. Here is a link to visit PAL. Oral fairy tales are elusive creatures that folklorists study, record and try to trace through history. This work can be read as a sequel to Planet of the Dogs, an ideal situation, but can also be read as a stand-alone with no loss to the flow of the story.

Posted by Robert McCarty on July 11, at Illustration by Rima Staines. I wander regularly through Myth and Moor ,Terri's exceptional children's and fantasy literature blog. Dartmoor has always attracted artists -- the village of Chagford in particular, which has been a centre for visual and literary arts from the late 19th century onward. Beginning in the s, Chagford has also become known for its many artists of a specific kind: The photo, at the top, with the village of Chagford in the background, is by Robert Harding. Story Has a Life of Its Own. No frontier can keep a good story from roaming.

It will travel, and travel far, and travel back again in a different guise, a changed mood, and, above all, a new meaning. Marina Warner by way of Terri Windling. Hedgespoken is a gateway to the past.. Here is a video link that takes you into the heart of the matter with the Hedgespoken storytelling theatre. In a delightful short film Tom Hirons talks about story.

As he speaks, we see scenes of the Hedgespoken theatre in a variety of outdoor settings where families and clusters of children listen to Tom telling the stories and weaving a spell. Tom Hirons and Stories. Here are more links into the world of Rima Staines and Tom Hirons as they follow their dream and find others who believe in the value of story and the world of the imagination.

The videos provide a rather intimate view of the lives and personas of Rima and Tom. Link to Hedgespoken. Link to Hedgespoken update. A beloved baby has arrived. The book was inspired by Staines work. The Chagford Filmmaking Group. We simply wish to tell the magical stories rooted in the British landscape, stories that are part of our heritage. Here is a link to their website: Here is a link to see several excerpts from their imaginative films: Less than a minute running time. Very nicely done with a sense of gentle wonder.

This is the 7th year for this event. The festival events include a costumed parade. From the photos on their website, it looks like lots of fun. Here is a link to their site: The Film Festival organizers suggest that the festival is an excellent opportunity to experience the natural wonders of the Dartmoor area, the work of many artists, and other events relating to the mythic arts.

Here is a link to a lovely 2. Bring a story to share, or just come along to listen! Lisa, who is herself a storyteller and environmentalist , is based in Devon. Tales from the Wild. The Planet of the Dogs Series. Something had to be done -- but what could anybody do?

No one knew it at that time, but help would come from far, far away, from the Planet of the Dogs. Echoes of the Past. I think the trailer and this excerpt below from Peter Bradshaw's review will entice those who enjoy fantasy and absurdity -- Terry Gilliam fans. Others may wait until a trusted friend sees the film, and provides a report. His own intelligence and joy in his work shine out of every frame, and his individuality is a delight when so much of mainstream cinema seems to have been created by algorithm.

Peter Bradshaw in the Guardian.

iTunes is the world's easiest way to organize and add to your digital media collection.

The Hello Atlas is the ideal book for children eager to learn more about the world around them and parents, too. But the book survives everything … all is imbedded into a powerful mythic image. Marketing has had a growing influence on production and Disney has been highly criticized for warping and sugar coating the original tales, often without crediting the source. We read books to find out who we are. Strange things are happening in the dead of night. A laugh-out-loud story with a very BIG surprise and some glorious artwork: Flamie Oliver is a terrifying dragon with a secret:

Trailer for Don Quixote. I'm very disappointed that the new Farenheit was so heavily panned.

Frog Grows Up

But the HBO movie version failed, unlike Francois Trauffaut's version, which had a shaky initial reception, but gained accolades and audiences with time. Here is an excerpt from Matthew Gilbert's review in the Boston Globe about the new version: It has next to no emotional punch.. Here is the trailer: A Troubled Beauty and a Mysterious "Beast". The review lauded the movie as being an exciting, very non-Disney version of the classic story. Catsoulis found the Heroine, played by the gifted Jesse Buckley, and her male counterpart, Johnny Flynn, to be outstanding. Stirring murder mystery, love story and psychodrama into a mesmerizing slurry, Mr.

Pearce turns his native island of Jersey into a sunlit trap. Here is the trailer for Beast. Return of the Incredibles. The first one was fun and imaginative.

Reward Yourself

Pixar annimation is first class. The trailer looks good. The Incredibles 2 opens June 15th. Here is the trailer for Incredibles 2. Paddington the Bear Vists Massachusettes this Summer. Paddinton will be in a special exhibit until October 7. Alley—provides comparisons of the iconic bear over time. Here is a link to the Eric Carle Museum. Rowling -- Echoes from the Past.

Age 0–2 years

Rowling's ability to connect people to Potter world is phenomena l. Her books and movies and plays, rich in magic from the past, continue to bridge our everyday world with alternate realities. More than million Harry Potter books have been sold all over the world, in 80 languages. Rowling donates millions of dollars yearly to support Lumos: Rowling to help the eight million disadvantaged children in orphanages around the world to be returned to their family or placed in a loving family environment.

The illustration is from Harry Potter and the Cursed Child. We have to stop this. They won't hug their parents, or fight with their siblings, or procrastinate on homework, or play outside ever again. They're not statistics - they're our kids. There are many more on YouTube. Books for Animal Lovers, Activists, and Rescuers. Who Chains You books educate, entertain, and share the gripping plights of the animals we serve, as well as those who rescue and take a stand on their behalf.

At the deepest level, WCY books explore which chains humans must break within themselves in order to free the animals. Here is a link to the books of WYC. There are 65 million refugees worldwide source: Boots On The Ground. I have great respect for Monica Edinger and her children's literature blog, Educating Alice. I recently discovered that she has reviewed a book about the Vietnam war that she believes is suitable for Middle School and High school readers. The structure sounds like an innovative and meaningful approach to a very difficult subject.

Violence and war are trivialized in so many films and video games that I felt I should help spread the word about Boots On The Ground. Here is a link to her review of Boots On The Ground. Beyond that was only rumor and dream. For a quick and fun summer read, you can't beat Parade of Misfits , C. Wulff's mini Ebook about the five misfit dogs who share her home. This Ebook contains excerpts from her pet memoir, Circling the Waggins , as well as previously unpublished material.

It's a quick and funny introduction to a wealth of stories about the peculiarities of the rescue pets under her roof. The photo is of Rocket Boy, one of the Misfits. Posted by Robert McCarty on June 02, at The illustration, Twilight Dreams, is by Arthur Rackham. The Power of Story. Anyone who works on the kinds of things I do must, I imagine, have something of the same compulsion.

For me, as for most everyone else, the sense that stories are powerful and important has its origin at home, that is, locally and intimately". Stephen Geenblatt -- Excerpted from an interview in the Harvard Gazette. How the World Became Modern. I found The Swerve to be an extraordinary book. Here is a brief except from The Swerve: They speak to us, consult with us, and join with us in a living and intense intimacy. The Irish literary revival was born and gained momentum in the nineteenth century -- an era of famine, starvation and exodus.

It was an awakening for writers as well as political activists. This awareness of the Irish Celtic heritage, after centuries of oppression by British rule, would continue to grow and continues to this day. Irish writers and scholars began collecting and publishing fairy stories and myths. Their intentions were quite similar to the Grimm's. It was during this period that the Gaelic language was revived, the Gaelic League was founded, and the Abbey theatre was born. Fairies -- Who Are They? The book was comprised of some 60 items, drawn from a wide range of oral and written sources.

Yeats divided the fairies into two basic groups: Here is an excerpt from the book wherein Yeats is writing to answer the question: On the other hand, there is much evidence to prove them fallen angels. Witness the nature of the creatures, their caprice, their way of being good to the good and evil to the evil , having every charm but conscience—consistency. On the whole, the popular belief tells us most about them, telling us how they fell, and yet were not lost, because their evil was wholly without malice.

The top illustration of fairies dancing is by Arthur Rackham. Four years later, Yeats added 14 more stories from the countryside in a new book, Irish Fairy Tales He makes it clear that these people had a deep belief in the fairy world; Here is an excerpt from his introduction: I have therefore written down accurately and candidly much that I have heard and seen, and, except by way of commentary, nothing that I have merely imagined.

Loreena McKennit is a wonderful singer of Celtic music. Her rendition of The Stolen Child will touch your heart. The Waterboys , an outstanding Celtic band, recorded a lovely, very different, version of The Stolen Child poem. Connecting Us To Dreams and Fears. The illustration of Hansel and Gretel is by Lorenzoo Mattoti. The illustration from Earthsea of the Dragon of Pendor is by Sissneth. Ursula Le Guin passed on in January. Her writing and thinking opened minds and hearts. She will be missed. An excellent memorial tribute was written by Allison Flood and Benjamin Lee that summarized the scope, originality and impact of Ursula Le Guin's literary career.

Here is a link to the full article: The illustration from Earthsea of Dragon Cliff is by Sithness. Here is the link: Here is an i ntimate interview with Ursula that deals with a panoply of subjects including life as a woman and mother, creativity, and the feminist movement: The Video Access Project. The photo is by Marion Wood of Kolisch. Two Major Parallel Universes. Collectively, these books have created two major parallel universes: The Ekumen series may be said—very broadly—to concern itself with the nature of human nature: How far can we stretch and still remain human?

What is essential to our being, what is contingent? The Earthsea series is occupied—again, very broadly speaking—with the nature of reality and the necessity of mortality , and also with language in relation to its matrix. The top illustration is from The Left Hand of Darkness. The bottom illustration of Earthsea is by an unknown artist.

The headlines in the Guardian read: Chief among its concerns are morality, identity and power. Here is a link to the entire interview in the NY Times: The illustration of Earthsea is a Vis Dev Project. They stamp our minds and perhaps our soul. Fantasy Invests our Waking Lives.

In this era, crossover books and movies take us to new worlds. The influence of stories from wonder tales is pervasive. Guillermo del Toro makes films for adults and young adults alike. They are doorways to an alternate reality dealing with profound aspects of the life experience. What del Toro sees is that lore and legend, though often dramatized for children, are rich in adult desires. The Shape of Water. Three On My List. I have added three films to my want-to-see list based on their reviews, trailers, or past performances. I hope the lawyers can clear the way for the man who made made Monty Python films, Brasil, and many others.

The trailer looks intriguing. All the words used to describe fantasy look like they apply to this reinterpretation of Cervantes classic book. Here is a link: Magic Realism in Zama. The trailer for Zama and Manhola Dargis' review excerpt follows have enticed me. I am reminded of Borges , and the term magic realism used to describe his work. Below is an excerpt of the Manhola Dargis review: Zama , directed by Lucrecia Martel Argentina , is " Beautiful, hypnotic, mysterious and elliptical, 'Zama' is a story about a man at odds with a world that he struggles to dominate, which becomes a lacerating, often surprisingly comic evisceration of colonialism and patriarchy.

According to Rotten Tomatoes, Sgt. Stubby is a big hit with critics and audiences alike. Here is their description of the film: Stubby became a decorated hero of the First World War. Reviewers and audiences are enthusiastic. For his keen instincts and fierce loyalty, Stubby is still recognized today as the most decorated canine in American history and the first promoted to the rank of Sergeant in the U.

Here is a link to the trailer: Three Escaped Yazidi Teenage Girls. The girls range in age from 14 to They speak of seeing other girls, , undergoing the same slavery and abuse. The Kurdish Peshmerga freed Sinijar province in , two years after Isis conquered the area, murdered untold numbers of boys and men, and abducted 6, girls and women. I also watched this excellent and poignant PBS documentary 9 plus minutes which visits a Yazidi reunion.

I wonder what stories are being told amongst the Yazidis? What stories do the children tell? Do they have books Kurdish is their native language? The photo of the Yazidi refugee child is from the BBC. The Darkness and the Thunder and the Rain. Wulff , author of many dog books and a lifetime animal rescue advocate and activist.

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Frogs and Snails and Big Dog's Tales: A Children's Book for Adults Short Stories from Ireland [Frank Murney] on *FREE* shipping on qualifying. Frogs and Snails and Old Dog's Tales: Short Stories From Ireland A Children's Book for Adults [Frank Murney] on In this third book in the series, Anto Falsoni continues to act as the bookie for the many schemes the Living together in the big city leads to many hilarious situations both at work and at home.

The book tells the story of sibling pigeons Smidgey and Ridge, who find themselves captured for a pigeon shoot. Smidgey, the hero of the story, must find a way to free her brother and the other pigeons who are in danger. I am trying to understand the power and influence of the NRA on American politicians and gun owners. I am not questioning the thinking of those who like the outdoors and like to hunt. I am questioning what has happened to the momentum from the massacre in Parkland High School of 15 students and 2 teachers more wounded -The attempt to modify gun laws seems to have faded.

The photo of people running for their live was taken at the Las Vegas massacre. A Yelodoggie Illustrated Story Book. Posted by Robert McCarty on May 01, at Yeats, Why Am I, Yelodoggie. Story is everywhere, and it affects every choice we make: When children hear stories , they are making sense of the world, and casting themselves in the various roles.

In the past, I had never paid much attention to Puss in Boots. I had rather quickly scanned through the story. However, Kathryn Heyman's breezy comment above , and the lingering question of why this tale had become a classic, a tale with great staying power , motivated me to read the story anew. And to see where it came from and what others had said about it. The premise of a cat overcoming the obstacles of society, king, and country certainly appealed to ordinary people. Here was a story where a cat succeeds in changing his life, and the life of his master, from no hope and despair into a new life where he overcomes the poverty and uncertainty of their lives in a splendid way.

It had a timeless appeal and ordinary people told versions of this tale for centuries , long before and after it was served up in the literature of royal courts in Italy by Giovana Straparola and Giambattista Basile The cover design and illustrations are by Walter Crane. Perrault, for every story, wrote a moral. One wonders if he doubted the ability of the fashionable salon reader to fully understand his tales. Here is his moral for Puss in Boots: In India, the title hero is a jackal ; in the Philippine Islands he is a monkey.

Perrault's cat is a male, but in many European analogues the obliging cat is a female and sometime's marries the miller's son after she has been disenchanted. In former times, life was hard and uncertain and the oral tales that were told were important. They entertained, opened the possibilities of life, and gave hope.

The attributes that allowed even a poor, uneducated orphan, who owned nothing but a cat, to prevail, offered hope to all. Good boots were expensive and a sign of status and prosperity. They provided Puss In Boots with credibility as to being from the upper class. Puss manipulates everyone from the king to an ogre. His cleverness in tricking the ogre into becoming a mouse -- and therefore an edible snack for a cat -- was used through the centuries by apprentices in wonder tales to overcome sorcerers.

And in this tale, his cleverness allows Puss to gain a fine castle with servants and all the trappings for his master. The illustration of Puss and the ogre is by Gustave Dore. It occurred to me, when I was again reading the tale of Puss In Boots, that there were direct parallels with the story of Tom Thumb. Once again the underdog prevails. In a time of famine and despair,Tom manages to save his family, including his six brothers. He demonstrated that his small size didn't matter if you had courage and could keep your wits about you.

He tricked an ogre, charmed his wife who saved the lives of all the boys , stole the ogre's magic Seven League boots, and finally, tricked the ogre's wife into giving him the ogre's gold. The illustration of Tom Thumb and the ogre is also by Gustave Dore. So fairy tales, folk tales, stories from the oral tradition, are all of them the most vital connection we have with the imaginations of the ordinary men and women whose labor created our world. The plague had reappeared. Children were sometimes abandoned; widows with children needed to remarry; and became stepmothers.

Reversal of fortune affected the upper classes as well. The illustration is by Jozaf Israels. The Castle In The Mist. How do you explain loyalty to children? Does loyalty have a place in their world? Suppose it is long, long ago. Their father, a king, cannot rescue them, because he does not know where they are. The children are dismayed and frightened. Until one cold foggy night, with the forest and the castle enveloped in mist, the sound of howling dogs is heard by the imprisoned children — their dogs, their loyal dogs, have found them.

Click here to read sample chapters of Castle In The Mist. The Puss in Boots Movie The story in the movie version of Puss In Boots is nothing like the original. Puss becomes an ace Latin swordsman, with a sexy Latina partner; he outwits Humpty Dumpty and acquires magical beans. The film was a financial success made as a spinoff from the extremely lucrative Shrek series. Beatrix Potter would not have liked the Peter Rabbit film ".

This headline by Alison Flood in the Guardian was followed by a very insightful article. Dennison said the film. The illustration of Peter Rabbit is by Beatrix Potter. Their animation work is exceptional. The Breadwinner is based on a true story. Here is an excerpt of a review by Kenneth Turan in the L. Here is a link to the Trailer.

The Shape of Water: The Shape of Water and the publicity surrounding the Oscars have made a global audience aware of Guillermo del Toro. I have a vivid remembrance of seeing, over 10 years ago, his incredible dark fantasy, Pan's Labyrinth. His films are tales of wonder for adults and young adults alike. They deal with profound aspects of the life experience. Each life is an encyclopaedia, a library, an inventory of objects, a series of styles, and everything can be constantly reshuffled and reordered in every conceivable way.

Nancy Yeager taught young children and left a legacy that continues to grow. Her family established the Yeager Foundation that supports, among other causes, early reading, through two books -- Mommy Talk and Talk To me. The books encourage early reading and language development , especially for disadvantaged parents and their very young children. Here is an excerpt from their site: Single copies are free to individuals and quantities are free to nonprofits, schools, public agencies, libraries, and pediatric clinics.

Our research is important for many reasons. If you are a teacher for preschool through fifth grade, you are eligible for a one week summer residency in southwestern Michigan sponsored in part by the Yeager Foundation. For information on how to apply, or how to obtain the free books, visit the Yeager Family Foundation Website. Some of them are owner surrenders, some are impounds, but the vast majority of them are missing or stolen pets.

The Lewis Carroll Society of North America will hold their Spring meeting hosted by one of the great Alice collections over 3, rare books, manuscripts, and objects on the weekend of April Here is an excerpt from their announcement: Our meeting is scheduled on a FRIDAY this time so that we may participate in the gala presentation of the 14th annual Wonderland Award at the culmination of a day of fascinating programming. Disney's Frozen follows the Money to Broadway. And to think it all started with Hans Christian Anderson's fairy tale for children: I devoured the world, through art, politics, literature, films and music, in order to find the elixir of its tone.

Then it became a perpetual story into which flowed the great seas of African dreams, myths and fables of the world, known and unknown. I made up stories in the matrix of the ancestral mode. But even in that the tone is the thing. Speaking from the Heart for Gun Control. This link will take you to terrific photos of gun violence protests around the world.

Thanks to the Guardian: The momentum continues to build, driven by students who refuse -- after the Parkland School murders -- to stop. Their goal is to change gun laws -- more sanity and more safety. They are aiming for politicians and the November elections. The Boy and the Sea by Kirsty Gunn Like the sea, this beautiful, gentle story about a growing boy is deeper than it appears on the surface. On the surface, the tale is about a child and how his relationship to the sea changes as he goes through life.

On a deeper level, the tale reflects a child's relationship to a loving and supportive parent, and the lessons that can be learned from such a bond.