One-Night Pregnancy (Mills & Boon Modern) (Mills and Boon Modern)

I don't know if it's possible to find a friend like that in real life. Everything happened for a reason.

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Rating 1 review s Add your review. Log in for fast checkout Or buy from: She looked down at her bare legs, then realised her blouse was torn and showing parts of her blameless pink lace and silk bra. It was also muddy and torn. She looked up and discovered her rescuer on his knees, looking down at the dripping, twisted, half-clad length of her with a little glint of admiration in his amazing blue eyes—it was the first time she'd noticed them.

But just as she felt like squirming in embarrassment he looked away abruptly and started to undress himself. She watched him in startled suspended animation as he ripped off his waterproof jacket, then his long-sleeved plaid shirt, revealing a tanned, muscular chest sprinkled with dark hairs and a pair of powerful shoulders. For a moment her eyes rounded in admiration of her own, then she swallowed with a strange little squawk of sound—a squawk of unwitting apprehension.

He said, matter-of-factly, 'I'm Adam, by the way. Why don't you take your blouse off and put my shirt on? I'll look the other way.

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She tensed as above the wind and the drumming rain she heard an engine, and realised a vehicle was coming from the opposite direction—and coming fast. We offer two rates for UK delivery — standard and special. Getting Down to Business. The Notorious Gabriel Diaz. See Unexpected Babies series page for related titles.

Bridget fingered the shirt. It was mostly dry, and it emitted a reassuringly masculine odour of sweat and cotton. It would be heaven—not only as a cover for the deficiencies of her attire, but also because she was starting to shiver with cold. She pulled her blouse off, and her soaked bra, and slipped into his shirt as quickly as possible, buttoning it with shaky fingers.

Pregnant At Acosta's Demand (Mills & Boon Modern) eBook: Maya Blake: Kindle Store

It was way too big for her, but although the sleeves hung over her hands, the length made her feel at least halfway decent. But will you be all right? He turned back and pulled his rain jacket on again. My windows were all closed but I didn't have time to lock it—my whole life is in my car! Bridget hesitated, and stopped looking down the barrel of the chaos in her life if she didn't retrieve her car to look rather intently at the man she was trapped in a cave with.

Then she fished beneath his plaid shirt and pulled out the gold chain she wore around her neck. There was a plain gold wedding ring threaded onto it. Bridget blinked, and wondered how she could assess this man. Because, however good-looking, beautifully built and strong he was, the fact remained that she didn't know him—and one could never be too careful, could one?

So it mightn't be a bad idea to have a husband in the wings….

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Was it just a casual query? To take her mind off the traumatic events surrounding them? Or had he doubted her? So when you don't show up, and you don't ring, he's liable to call the police, who in turn are liable to get onto the Emergency Services when they realise you're liable to be caught up in this situation? I was speaking more generally.

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He's—he's out of town at the moment. But only on a business trip—and—and—he'll be home tomorrow. Or maybe the next day. Her short cap of hair was a coppery bronze, and not even an extremely arduous hike through rocky, sodden terrain had been able to dim her sparkling green eyes, he reflected, and smiled inwardly. They were also very revealing eyes, and from the turmoil they'd revealed as a variety of emotions had chased through them he was fairly sure she was lying. But if she'd chosen to invent a husband, why had she? He narrowed his eyes on the obvious answer.

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Never trust strange men. So Bridget Smith was a cautious girl, even on a night like tonight. Well, he'd go along with it if it made her feel safer…. They wanted me to stay overnight, but I've got an early start tomorrow so…' She looked rueful.