Limericks - Von A wie Aach bis Z wie Zyfflich (German Edition)

Lee Mui Suan, Jaclyn A computer-based group discussion support tool for achieving consensus and culture change using the organisational culture assessment instrument OCAI: Maarten A conceptual model to support communication of systems modeling and simulation activities. European archives of oto-rhino-laryngology, 3. Interspeech , September , Dresden, Germany pp. IEEE transactions on magnetics, 51 2. Essays on Human-Technology Relations. Postphenomenology and the Philosophy of Technology. Lexington Books, 9 - Journal of fluid mechanics, Ocean dynamics, 65 Krijnen, Bram and Swinkels, Koen R. Journal of microelectromechanical systems, 24 6.

Journal of computational physics, Lab on a chip, 15 2. Elsawah, Sondoss and Guillaume, Joseph H. From cognitive maps to agent-based models. Journal of environmental management, RSC advances, 5 IEEE transactions on neural systems and rehabilitation engineering, 23 5.

Sensors and Actuators B: Journal of materials chemistry. Dijk, Simone van and Alphen, Maarten J. Journal of analytical and applied pyrolysis, Vught, Frans van A new challenge for higher education institutions. Teodoro Luque Martinez Ed. Journal of the Academy of Marketing Science, 43 1. Colloid and polymer science, 6. Doudart de la Gree, G.

AIChE journal, 61 2. Journal of clinical epidemiology, 68 3. Journal of viral hepatitis, 22 Suppl. Journal of the mechanical behavior of biomedical materials, De Schryver, Tom A non-technical introduction to text mining. Najaarsbijeenkomst SWI, 17 november , Utrecht pp. Multibody system dynamics, 34 1. Bulletin of the Australian Mathematical Society, 92 1. Journal of controlled release, Biomechanics and modeling in mechanobiology.

Dresscher, Douwe and Vries, Theo J. Chemical engineering journal, Journal of neural engineering, 12 4. Microporous and mesoporous materials, Conference series, 1. European journal of communication, 30 2. Journal of the Acoustical Society of America, 4. Microfluidics and nanofluidics, 19 2. International journal of adaptive control and signal processing, 30 1. Computers and fluids, Dekker-van Weering, Marit G. Disability and rehabilitation, 37 International journal of cardiovascular imaging, 32 3. IEEE transactions on medical imaging.

Year of Publication: 2015

Lecture notes in artificial intelligence, Springer, Bern, Switzerland, pp. Fundamentals and Applications, Barcelona. Proceedings of the Institution of Mechanical Engineers. Journal of engineering tribology, 3. Shekhawat, Hanumant Singh and Meinsma, Gjerrit A sampled-data approach to optimal non-causal downsampling.

Mathematics of Control, Signals, and Systems, 27 3. Janssen, Suzanne A self-determination theory perspective on mentoring relationships at work. Palattella, Claudia and Klumperink, Eric A. IEEE transactions on circuits and systems, 62 8. Geest, Tessa and Gerrits, D. Kreiner, Isabel and Franco-Garcia, Laura and Bressers, Hans A strategic evaluation framework to assess the regional effects of sustainable industrial parks, illustrated by a case study in Mexico.

Lecture notes in computer science, Springer International Publishing, Cham, Switzerland, pp. Water science and technology: Journal of biomedical engineering, 2. Huisman, Marieke and Mostowski, Wojciech A symbolic approach to permission accounting for concurrent reasoning. Ibrahim, Ahmed and Kerkhoff, Hans G. International journal of arts and technology, 8 3. Grooth, Joris de A tale of two charges: Journal of computer assisted learning, 31 2.

Wester, Rinse A transformation-based approach to hardware design using higher-order functions. BMC public health, Veldhuis, Sjoerd Antonius A wet-chemical approach to perovskite and fluorite-type nanoceramics: Conductor coupling loss characterization, Contract: Schotanus, Fredo Aantonen dat contract marktconform is. Hausmans, Jozef Paulus Hermanus Marie Abstractions for aperiodic multiprocessor scheduling of real-time stream processing applications. Strategic currency or political obstacle? Paper presented at Panel 1: Bentley, Peter James Academic work from a comparative perspective: British journal of psychiatry, 1.

Personality and mental health, 9 4. Iglesias Garcia, Fernando J. Computers, environment and urban systems, Edward Elgar publishing, Cheltenham UK, - International journal of bifurcation and chaos in applied sciences and engineering, 25 9. Journal of materials processing technology, IEEE transactions on electromagnetic compatibility, 57 6. Comparison of the kaplan-meier analysis to the competing risk analysis in 62 revisions with 25 to 30 years follow-up. A Critical Perspective and Guidelines. HRM, well-being and performance, - , Utrecht.

Abbas, Yawar and Olthuis, Wouter and Berg, Albert van den Activated carbon as a pseudo-reference electrode for electrochemical measurement inside concrete. Construction and building materials, Eurnoise , - , Maastricht pp. Mitigation and adaptation strategies for global change, 20 6. Bayraktar, Muharrem Adaptive multilayer optics for extreme ultraviolet wavelengths. Off to a good start? Springer International Publishing, Cham, - Journal of health psychology. International journal of greenhouse gas control, Spruijt, Evan and Biesheuvel, P.

The role of electrostatics, volume exclusion, and hydrogen bonding. Statistical, nonlinear, and soft matter physics, Velstra, Inge-Marie Advanced insights in upper limb function of individuals with cervical spinal cord injury. Yilmaz, Hasan Advanced optical imaging with scattering lenses. Verhagen, Rens and Zwartjes, Daphne G. Fiorella and Bie, Rob M. Richard and Veltink, Peter H. Journal of neuroscience methods, Direct Instruction Versus Task Structuring.

Journal of science education and technology, 24 1. Studies in health technology and informatics, Droogendijk, Harmen and Boer, Meint J. Journal of microelectromechanical systems, 24 5. Coastal Sediments , - , Washington D. European journal of cancer, 51 Meeting of the Dutch Psychonomic Association, Journal of managerial psychology, 30 1. Asian research policy, 6 1. Simulating random versus purposive strategies for hospital selection. BMC medical research methodology, Ruiter, Jolet de and Mugele, F. Dynamics of thin films studied by dual wavelength reflection interference microscopy. Physics of fluids, Ruiter, Jolet de and Ende, H.

Experimental characterization of the air film evolution. Journal of adolescent health, 56 4. European polymer journal, Lecture notes in computer science ; , Springer International Publishing, Bern, Switzerland. International journal of pavement engineering, 17 8. Wools, Saskia All about validity: Evaluating l-Prolinate at Desorber Conditions. International journal of chronic obstructive pulmonary disease, Synergy between brushes and hydrogels.

Journal of educational and behavioral statistics, 40 4. Lecture notes in computer science Springer, 61 - Harms, Rainer and Walsh, Steven T. Editorial to the Special Issue. Creativity and innovation management, 24 4. Annals of operations research, 1. Journal of the European Ceramic Society, 35 A case study in a manufacutring SME. Heeswijk, Wouter van and Mes, Martijn and Schutten, Marco An approximate dynamic programming approach to urban freight distribution with batch arrivals.

Yu, Wanrong and Gabor, Adriana F. European journal of operational research, 2. Journal of chemical physics, Ioannou, Maria and Oostinga, Miriam S. Global crime, 16 1. IEEE journal of photovoltaics, 5 3. Key engineering materials, Journal of evaluation in clinical practice, 21 3. Same rationale, different implementation. Positioning higher education institutions", - , Krems, Austria. International journal on advances in life sciences, 7 Managing Coins in Java in the early nineteenth century.

Workshop Situating chemistry, , - , Haarlem. Amir, Saifullah and Zee, Ronan van der and Nauta, Bram An improved modeling and analysis technique for peak current-mode control-based boost converters. IEEE transactions on power electronics, 30 9. Sai Sankar and Lefferts, L. Physical chemistry chemical physics PCCP , IEEE journal of solid-state circuits, 50 Safaei, Ali An in-situ low-energy electron microscopy study of Pt- and Au-induced modifications of Ge Sengupta, A and Murali, M.

CRC Press, - Future microbiology, 11 1. Kuijpers, Wilma and Groen, Wim G. Supportive care in cancer, 23 9. IEEE journal of solid-state circuits, 50 3. Berg, Dan and Mani, H. Technological forecasting and social change, Quality and quantity, 49 6. Larburu, Nekane and Bults, Richard G. IEEE journal of translational engineering in health and medicine, 3. Virchows Archiv, 1. Gholibeigi, Mozhdeh and Heijenk, Geert and Moltchanov, Dmitri and Koucheryavi, Yevgeni Analysis of a receiver-based reliable broadcast approach for vehicular networks.

Ad hoc networks, 37 Part 1. Dagstuhl reports, 4 9. Gao, An Analysis of extreme ultraviolet induced surface defect processes. International journal of transportation, 3 3. Wevers, Lesley and Hofstra, Matthijs and Tammens, Menno and Huisman, Marieke and Keulen, Maurice van Analysis of the blocking behaviour of schema transformations in relational database systems. Open journal of modern hydrology, 5. Phd day of Institute of Governance Studies, , Enschede. British journal of cancer, Barrere-de Groot, Florence and Barbieri, D.

Educational technology research and development, 63 3. Journal of applied physics, 8. Condensed matter and materials physics, 92 Saitoh, Kuniyasu and Mizuno, Hideyuki Anomalous energy cascades in dense granular materials yielding under simple shear deformations. Soft matter, 12 5.

Matera, Claudio Another parochial decision? Questions of international law, Experiences from the Dutch construction industry. Dikken, Dirk Jan Willem Antennas for light and plasmons. Journal of tissue engineering and regenerative medicine. Kessels, Joseph Anti-reflectieterreur. Bhaskara, Usha Rashmi Antibacterial textiles. Practical neurology, 15 4. Heldeweg, Michiel Anything goes? Publiek-private samenwerking als hybride governance. Kunst van het evenwicht. Boom Juridisch, - Zhao, Yong and Kerkhoff, Hans G.

A round-robin testing exercise. British journal of radiology, 88 Value in health, 18 1. Queueing systems, 79 1. OR Spectrum, 37 2. The 3rd Experiment International Conference exp. Olmos-Penuela, Julia and Benneworth, P. Arts and humanities in higher education, 14 1. Osteoarthritis and cartilage, 23 1. Brain-computer interfaces, 2 Andujar, Marvin and Crawford, Chris S. Analyse en ontwerp van de opleiding Technische Geneeskunde. Human factors, 57 8. Lordkipanidze, Maia and Boer, Cheryl de and Bressers, Hans Assessing governance context to increase drought resilience: International journal of water governance IJWG , 4.

International sustainability transitions IST conference, - , Brighton. Early child development and care. Rajan, Abinaya Assessing translational research excellence in European comprehensive cancer centers. IEEE transactions on neural systems and rehabilitation engineering, 23 6. Oude Voshaar, Martijn A. Journal of rheumatology, 42 3. British journal of dermatology, 6.

S and Hoekstra, A. A Maintenance Engineers View. International journal of performability engineering, 11 2. Journal of construction engineering and management, 3. International Convention of Psychological Science, - , Amsterdam. ACS nano, 9 2. Ceramics international, 41 Where are we headed in cartilage repair and why: Yu, Yijun and Franqueira, Virginia N.

Journal of systems and software, ACS synthetic biology, 4 6. How do compatibility issues affect the transition period? Procedia manufacturing, 12 3. Frontiers in microbiology, 6 June. Liu, Chanjuan and Netten, Jaap J. Journal of biomedical optics, 20 2. Transportation research procedia, Role of Molecular Imaging. Graaf, Maurits de and Boucherie, Richard J. SIAM journal on control and optimization, 53 4.

Jarodzka, Halszka and Janssen, N. British journal of educational technology, 46 4. International journal of electronic marketing and retailing, 6 3. Brain-computer interfaces, 2 1. Reframing the role of knowledge parks and science cities in innovation-based economic development. Technopoles of the world revisited.

Regions and cities Routledge, 41 - Principles, Resolution and Applications. Nuclear instruments and methods in physics research. Beam interactions with materials and atoms, 1. Rizal Balancing functionality, risk, and cost in smart service networks. Frontiers in neuroscience, 9 Construction management and economics, 33 7.

Lecture notes in physics Springer International Publishing, - Walma van der Molen, Juliette Basisonderwijs moet innovatiever. Statistical methods in medical research, 24 6. NCK-days , Den Haag pp. Patient-centered care in reality and at its finest. Routledge, - Onderzoek naar de samenhang tussen bemiddeling en recidive. Onderzoek naar recidive bij jeugdigen en volwassenen. Tijdschrift voor herstelrecht, 15 4. Journal of biomedical optics, 20 Graphs and combinatorics, 31 1.

Soleymani, Mohammad and Pun, Thierry and Nijholt, Anton Best of affective computing and intelligent interaction in multimodal interactions: Journal on multimodal user interfaces, 9 1. Hoppe, Thomas Bestuurlijke vraagstukken bij smart cities. Studium generale, , Enschede. Als het water toch komt. Interview in H2O 48 , 28 mei Benneworth, Paul Between certainty and comprehensiveness in evaluating the societal impact of humanities research. European journal of higher education, 5 3.

Public law in an uncertain world, - , New York. ESIL Reflections, 4 4. Health care analysis, 23 1. Journal of responsible innovation, 2 1. IGI Global, - Chemical communications, 51 What Is the Influence of Preorganization in Solution? Lab on a chip, Clinical research in cardiology, 3. Breast cancer research and treatment, 2. Dalton transactions, 44 Woodhead publishing series in electronic and optical materials. Versatile construction, tailored lactose functionality, and hepatoma-targeted drug delivery. Brey, Philip and Nagel, Saskia Bioengineering.

Henk ten Have Ed. Journal of membrane science, Journal of biomedical materials research. Part A, 7. Transformations to Effective Use. Pan Stanford Series on Renewable Energy 6. Pan Stanford Publishers, Singapore. Annals of biomedical engineering, 43 8. PLUS minus, 15 1.

Part A, 2. Harms, Rainer Book review: Intrapreneurship - Managing ideas within your organization, Kevin C. The governance of energy megaproject politics, hubris and energy security. Transitioning embedded systems to intelligent environments: Disco, Nil Book reviews.

Challenges for cosmopolitical thought and practice , Heinlein, Michael, ed. Caroline and Loo, Bas W. Erwin and Nanver, Lis K. IEEE journal of photovoltaics, 5 5. Ruiter, Jolet de and Lagraauw, R. Nijholt, Anton Brain-computer interfacing: De Connectie, 10 1. IET biometrics, 4 3. European journal of nuclear medicine and molecular imaging, 42 6. Lab on a chip, 15 Lecture Notes in Business Information Processing Springer, - Limburg, Maarten van and Gemert-Pijnen, J.

JMIR research protocols, 4 3. Hatak, Isabella and Fink, Matthias and Frank, Hermann Business freedom, corruption and the performance of trusting cooperation partners: Review of managerial science, 9 3. A primer on threats and responses. Journal of direct, data and digital marketing practice, 16 3. Neven, Louis By any means? Questioning the link between gerontechnological innovation and older people's wish to live at home. Technological forecasting and social change, 93 SI. Jeffrey and Terstappen, Leon W. Paving the Way for Circulating Tumor Cells. Clinical cancer research, 21 A new quench protection technology for superconducting magnets.

Journal of physical chemistry C, Green chemistry, 17 8. IEEE transactions on applied superconductivity, 25 3. Pieters, Wolter and Davarynejad, Mohsen Calculating adversarial risk from attack trees: Martinez i Coma, F. Testing the validity of expert judgments for measuring election integrity.

European journal of political research, 54 2. Perceptions of aid effectiveness following the Nahr el Bared crisis. University of Twente, - Rubber, fibres, plastics international, 10 4. Lab on a chip, 15 6. Taha, Taha Jibril Carbon nanostructured surfaces for enhanced heat transport. Plastic and reconstructive surgery, 6. Ricciardi, Roberto Catalysis in flow microreactors with wall coatings of acidic polymer brushes and dendrimer-encapsulated nanoparticles. Green Chemistry and Sustainable Technology.

RSC polymer chemistry series RSC, - Random and Quasi-Random Photonic Structures. Engineering project organization journal, 5 4. Neurorehabilitation and neural repair, 29 8. Journal of neurophysiology, 6. Bressers, Hans and Casiano, Cesar Changes without changes: The changing academy, 13 Springer, Dordrecht, 59 - Journal of educational administration, 52 5. Academic Press, - Isolation and characterization of circulating tumor cells. Royal Society of Chemistry, - Applied surface science, Colloids and surfaces A: Physicochemical and engineering aspects, Proceedings of SPIE - the international society for optical engineering, Graphs and combinatorics, 31 3.

EGU General Assembly Bucur, Doina and Iacca, Giovanni and Boer, Pieter-Tjerk de Characterizing topological bottlenecks for data delivery in CTP using simulation-based stress testing with natural selection. Ad hoc networks, Makarenko, Ksenia Sergeevna Charge transport in bottom-up inorganic-organic and quantum-coherent nanostructures. Friedman, Batya and Hendry, David G. Aarhus series on human centered computing, 1 1.

Education and transition - Contributions from educational research, - , Budapest pp. Pinheiro de Melo, A. European journal of chemistry, 6 3. Woodhead Publishing, Cambridge, UK, 69 - Wende, Marijk van der and Zhu, Jiabin China's higher education in global perspective: Scientific reports, 5 Industrial and engineering chemistry research, 54 Journal of chemical theory and computation, 11 Lulofs, Kris and Bressers, Hans Circular economy and the governance of innovation: ICEEM 08, 8th international conference on environmental engineering and management, - , Iasi, Romania.

International journal of oncology, 46 1. Journal of environmental planning and management, 58 9. Jeliazkova, Margarita Ivanova Citizenship education: Journal of nanomaterials, ID Skin research and technology, 21 3. Weenk, Dirk Click-on-and-play human motion capture using wearable sensors. Gert van and Anthonio, Rutger and Gin, R. IEEE pulse, 6 3. Woliner-van der Weg, Wietske Clinical application of quantitative spect in patient specific dosimetry and beta cell quantification.

Wessels, Ronni Clinical experiences with optical coherence tomography in epithelial pre malignancies. Gert van and Linssen, Gerard C. Catheterization and cardiovascular interventions, 85 4. Beilstein journal of nanotechnology, 6. Zaharieva Stojanovski, Marina Closer to reliable software: Electronic journal of combinatorics, 22 3. Macromolecular bioscience, 15 1. Zhu, Zhemin Co-occurrence rate networks: BMC neurology, 15 BMC health services research, Journal of educational research, 3.

Instructional science, 43 2. Leng, Bas de and Gijlers, Hannie Collaborative diagramming during problem based learning in medical education: Do computerized diagrams support basic science knowledge construction? Medical teacher, 37 5. The Process of Knowledge Creation.

Ghosh, Somnath Colloidal dynamics in flow and confinement. Zhao, Yingnan Colloidal nanoparticles as catalysts and catalyst precursors for nitrite hydrogenation. International Conference on Solid State Physics, - pp. Vries, Theo de Column public eye. Liberaal reveil, 48 2. Benneworth, Paul Columnist. The journal Newcastle journal.

Velde, Frank van der and Kamps, Marc de Combinatorial structures and processing in neural blackboard architectures. Fuel processing technology, Procedia computer science, Engineering project organization journal, 5 Review of scientific instruments, U-Multirank and its uses for institutional management. Comparative education, 51 3. Fractional factorial randomized controlled trial. Behaviour research and therapy, Research and case studies; Brussels, 23 January , , Brussels. Journal of rheumatology, 42 International journal of nanomedicine, Journal of controlled release, Part A.

Yang, Mengdi and Aarnink, Antonius A. Vacuum, surfaces, and films, 34 01A Tijdschrift positieve psychologie, 1. Nijholt, Anton Competing and collaborating brains: Intelligent systems reference library series, Springer International Publishing, Switzerland, pp. Nijkrake, Jos and Gosselt, J. Public relations review, 41 1. Statistical, nonlinear, and soft matter physics, 91 3. Hu, Qizhi and Rijcken, Cristianne J. ACS nano, 9 4. Comparison of 2-year clinical outcome. Catheterization and cardiovascular interventions, 85 1. Journal of polymer science.

Polymer physics, 53 Nazeer, Hammad and Nguyen, Minh D. Journal of microelectromechanical systems, 24 1. Velde, Frank van der Computation and dissipative dynamical systems in neural networks for classification. Pattern recognition letters, Carlone, Pierpaolo and Baran, I. Yang, Huan and Meijer, H. Biological cybernetics, 4. Heitink, Maaike and Veldkamp, Bernard P. Communications in Computer and Information Science Springer, 22 - Elsevier, - International journal of continuing engineering education and life-long learning, 25 4.

Practical desirability versus legal acceptability. The Economics of Legal Relationships. Routledge, 90 - Leferink, Frank Conducted interference, challenges and interference cases. IEEE electromagnetic compatibility Magazine, 4 1. Journal of cleaner production, Palgrave, Basingstoke, - NM Magazine, 8 1. Eurosensors , September , Freiburg, Germany pp. European business law review. Materials and manufacturing processes, 30 4. Daskalova, Victoria Consumer welfare in EU competition law: Competition law review, 11 1.

ITO, - , Tokyo, Japan pp. Rudovic, Ognjen and Pavlovic, Vladimir and Pantic, Maja Context-sensitive dynamic ordinal regression for intensity estimation of facial action units. IEEE transactions on pattern analysis and machine intelligence, 37 5. University of Pittsburgh Press, Pittsburgh, - Ceragioli, Francesca and Frasca, Paolo Continuous-time consensus dynamics with quantized all-to-all communication. Review of integrated correlative light and electron microscopy. Review of scientific instruments, 86 1.

Roc'h, Anne and Leferink, Frank Contributing factors in the final performance of a common mode choke. Marianti, Sukaesi Contributions to the joint modeling of responses and response times. Steg, Hilde and Buizer, A. Journal of materials science. Materials in medicine, Denters, Bas Controle en verantwoording in een veranderend lokaal bestuur. Bakurskiy, Sergey Controllable proximity effect in superconducting hybrid devices. Advanced energy materials, 5 6. Journal of cellular and molecular medicine, 19 8.

AIP advances, 5 9. Thin solid films, Tyliszczak, Artur and Geurts, Bernard J. Journal of turbulence, 16 8. Vancso, Julius Controlling pores on demand. Membrane Technology, 2. Ye, Liang and Pujari, Sidharam P. Condensed matter and materials physics, Hatak, Isabella and Hyslop, Katie Cooperation between family businesses of different size: Journal of co-operative organization and management, 3 2.

Hu, Qizhi Core-cross-linked polymeric micelles: Nano today, 10 1. Journal of marketing communications. IEEE sensors journal, 16 3. Shao, Xiaoying and Slump, Cornelis H. Formation of a stabilized complex. Chemical Physics Letters, Filatova, Tatiana and Mulder, Jan P. How to motivate individual economic decisions to lower flood risk? Ocean and Coastal Management, 54 2. The psychological effects of the physical healthcare environment on healthcare personnel.

Canadian journal of dental hygiene, 45 4. Edward Elgar, Cheltenham, UK, pp. Graaf, Maurits de and Varkevisser, Michel and Kempen, Masja and Jourden, Nicolas Cognitive adaptive man machine interfaces for the firefighter commander: Effectiveness and predictors of outcome. Behaviour Research and Therapy, 49 Nihuka, Kassimu Ali Collaborative course design to support implementation of e-learning by instructors.

Technical communication, 58 2. Journal of Physical Chemistry C: Nanomaterials and interfaces, Sijl, Jeroen and Vos, Hendrik J. Journal of the Acoustical Society of America, 5. Statistical, nonlinear, and soft matter physics, 84 3. Koopman versus dominee in de nieuwe economische wereldorde. Internationale spectator, 65 9. Respiratory Medicine, 3. Sense of Contact 13, April 7, , Zeist, the Netherlands.

Journal of Nanoscience and Nanotechnology, 11 6. International journal of computer-supported collaborative learning, 6 2. Journal of cellular biochemistry, 5. A and Renema, W. Klaas Jan and Slump, Cornelis H. Kolesnichenko, Anna and Remke, Anne and Boer, Pieter-Tjerk de and Haverkort, Boudewijn Comparison of the mean-field approach and simulation in a peer-to-peer botnet case study. AIChE Journal, 57 Boer, Cheryl de and Bressers, Hans Complex and dynamic implementation processes: Hurink, Johann Complexiteit: Velde, Frank van der and Kamps, Marc de Compositional connectionist structures based on in situ grounded representations.

Connection science, 23 2. Structural safety, 33 1. A Look at the Neighbours. Communications in computer and information science Educational research and evaluation, 17 5. Theory, Applications and Software Support. Springer, New York, pp. Condensed matter, 23 Giebels, Ellen Conflict in veiligheid. Ploeg, Jeroen and Serrarens, Alex F. Journal of Modern Transportation, 19 3. Driver response to the advisory system. Poel, Erwin van der and Stevens, Richard J. Statistical, nonlinear, and soft matter physics, 84 4.

Yang, Tao and Stoorvogel, Anton A. Cremonini, Leon Considerations about differentiation of higher education in a globalized context. Makri, Eleftheria and Konstantinou, Elisavet Constant round group key agreement protocols: Application to star polymers. Journal of chemical physics, Semih and Geijselaers, H. Voordijk, Hans Construction management research at the interface of design and explanatory science.

Engineering, construction and architectural management, 18 4. Journal of research in interactive marketing, 2 Environment and Behavior, 43 4. Roy, Deepu and Pijper, Ralf M. Roy, Deepu and Klootwijk, Johan H. Liu, Fei Context discovery in ad-hoc networks. Journal of transport geography, 19 3. Pawar, Pravin Amrut Context-aware vertical handover mechanisms for mobile patient monitoring. Gunes, Hatice and Nicolaou, Mihalis A. Journal on Multimodal User Interfaces, 4 2. IEEE transactions on affective computing, 2 2. De Guido, Samuele and Geijselaers, H.

Yang, Jing and Grivas, C. Albers, Willem Control charts for health care monitoring under intermittent out-of-control behavior. Albers, Willem Control charts for health care monitoring under overdispersion. Albers, Willem Control charts for high-quality processes: Organic Electronics, 11 5. Journal of Physics D: Gu, Hao Controlling two-phase flow in microfluidic systems using electrowetting.

Dronten Professional Agricultural University

Niculescu, Andreea Ioana Conversational interfaces for task-oriented spoken dialogues: Journal of surfactants and detergents, 14 3. Water resources management, 25 2. Delft University of Technology. Lichtenauer, Jeroen and Shen, Jie and Valstar, Michel and Pantic, Maja Cost-effective solution to synchronised audio-visual data capture using multiple sensors.

Image and Vision Computing, 29 Information Processing Letters, Elwenspoek, Miko Counterfactual thinking in physics. De Gruyter, Berlin, Germany, pp. Assessment sustainable governance indicators project. Zondag, Barry and Geurs, Karst Coupling a detailed land-use model and a land-use and transport interaction model. Hoppe, Thomas and Coenen, Frans Creating an analytical framework for local sustainability performance: The International Journal of Justice and Sustainability, 16 3. Sleddens, Linda Elsa Wilhelmina Credit risk management: Jaganatharaja, Ramasubramanian Kottumakulal Cricket inspired flow-sensor arrays.

Zielinska, Agata Joanna Cross-linking and modification of saturated elastomers using functionalized azides. Molen, Jan van der Crossing borders: Christiaan and Montijn, Jorrit S. Lamers, Edwin and Walboomers, X. Ibraimi, Luan Cryptographically enforced distributed data access control. Crystal growth and design, 11 6. Baarveld, Marlijn and Smit, Marnix Cultural heritage in urban redevelopment projects: Wireless Mesh Networking for Gliders. An International Journal , 35 1. Clinical Rehabilitation, 25 2. Accelerators, Spectrometers, Detectors and Associated Equipment, 1, suppl. Wong, Pak-Hang Dao, harmony and personhood: Blum, Christian and Meixner, Alfred J.

Journal of biophotonics, 4 Verhoef, Nellie De derde wet. Nieuw archief voor wiskunde, Ser. Verhoef, Nellie De kunst van het lesgeven: Onderwijs en gezondheidszorg, 35 3. Tijdschrift voor taalbeheersing, 33 3. Reken-wiskundeonderwijs - aanpassen, inpassen, toepassen, januari , Noordwijkerhout. Symposium Trends in Trauma Theoretical issues in ergonomics science, 12 3. Bochev-Van der Burgh, L. M and Wijnberg, K. Coastal engineering, 58 9. Van middelentoedeling naar middelendeling.

Huisman, Tijs and Boucherie, Richard J. Sadre, Ramin and Haverkort, Boudewijn R. Kleine, Elian de and Lubbe, Rob van der Decreased load on general motor preparation and visual-working memory while preparing familiar as compared to unfamiliar movement sequences. Brain and cognition, 75 2. Soft Matter, 7 6. Koster, Sandra Delirium in cardiac surgery: Springer, Berlin, Germany, pp. Scheerens, Jaap Description and earlier quality review of the Dutch educational system primary and secondary education. Perspectives on educational quality: SpringerBriefs in education, 1.

Springer, Dordrecht, the Netherlands, pp. Izadi, Nima and Krijnen, Gijs J. From Biology to Engineering. Springer Verlag, Wien, pp. Snippe, Quirin Hendrik Catherin Design and optimization of vertex detector foils by superplastic forming. Microscopy and microanalysis, 17 S2. Design issues, 27 3. Dikmen, Emre and Hoogt, Peter J.

Jounal of Mechanical Design, 5. Kortbeek, Nikky and Zonderland, Maartje E. Warntjen, Andreas Designing democratic institutions: Vyas, Dhaval Maheshbhai Designing for awareness: Revue Europeenne de psychologie appliquee, 61 2. An explorative research for the automatic detection of speaker uncertainty by using prosodic markers. Text, Speech, and Language Analysis, Journal of Micromechanics and Microengineering, 21 Optics Express, 19 7. Marpaung, David and Roeloffzen, Chris and Beeker, Willem and Noharet, Bertrand and Verpoorte, Jaco and Baggen, Rens Development of a broadband and squint-free Ku-band phased array antenna system for airborne satellite communications.

Intech, Rijeka, Croatia, pp. Meijer, Gerarda Johanna Maria Development of a non-fusion scoliosis correction device: Dertien, Edwin and Stramigioli, Stefano and Pulles, Kees Development of an inspection robot for small diameter gas distribution mains. Public Administration Review, 71 2. Design and conceptual framework of the FoodRisC project. BMC public health, 11 Weidenaar, Taede and Hoekstra, S. A case control study. Journal of Psychosomatic Research , 71 3. Martens, Marieke and Simons, Ries and Ramaekers, Jan Dexamphetamine and alcohol effects in simulated driving and cognitive task performance.

Journal of biomedical optics, 16 8. A universal set of parameters for bridging prepatterned microelectrodes. Journal of Tissue Engineering and Regenerative Medicine, 5 3. Innovation of Governance lunch meetings, , Enschede, the Netherlands. Bruijn, Saskia Diffusion phenomena in chemically stabilized multilayer structures.

Bliznyuk, Olesya Directional wetting on patterned surfaces. Adjerid, Slimane and Weinhart, Thomas Discontinuous Galerkin error estimation for linear symmetrizable hyperbolic systems. Mathematics of Computation, Wang, Xu and Stoorvogel, Anton A. Wee, Bert van and Geurs, Karst Discussing equity and social exclusion in accessibility evaluations.

European journal of transport and infrastructure research, 11 4. Putten, Elbert Gerjan Disorder-enhanced imaging with spatially controlled light. Condensed matter and materials physics, 84 Cancer Epidemiology, 35 5. Eggink, Wouter Disruptive images: Research Handbooks in International Law series. Edward Elgar Publishers, Cheltenham, pp.

Recent Patents on Computer Science, 4 1. Journal of Parallel and Distributed Computing, 71 3. Vader, Pieter and Aa, Leonardus J.

Buy Limericks - Von A wie Aach bis Z wie Zyfflich (German Edition): Read Kindle Store Reviews - 11 Results Ein Schmetterlinge-Bilderbuch (German Edition). $ Limericks - Von A wie Aach bis Z wie Zyfflich (German Edition). May 20, by Ronald.

Pharmaceutical research, 28 5. Electronic Markets, 21 2. Zomer, Arend Hendrik Do spin-off companies make academics' heads spin? Burg, Tsjalle van der Doe als Amerika: Socialisme en democratie, 69 Journal of product innovation management, 28 4. Vaart, Rosalie van der and Deursen, Alexander J.


A Concept to Analyze Basin Closure. Journal of Water Recources Planning and Management, 5. Engineering Letters, 19 2. Conference Series, 5. Gu, Hao and Duits, Michel H. International journal of molecular scien, 12 4. Soft Matter, 7 Westmijze, Frank and Entrop, Bram and Muller, Roxie Duurzame projecten; projectmatige organisaties en ecologisch duurzame doelstellingen.

ACS nano, 5 Song, Yan and Wennink, Jos W. Part A, 17 Graaf, Maurits de Dynamic Master selection in wireless networks. Petit, Jonathan and Mammeri, Zoubir Dynamic consensus for secured vehicular ad hoc networks. Water resources management, 25 3. Faez, Telli and Renaud, Guillaume and Defontaine, Marielle and Calle, Samuel and Jong, Nico de Dynamic manipulation of the subharmonic scattering of phospholipid-coated microbubbles.

Physics in Medicine and Biology, 56 Graaf, Maurits de Dynamic master selection in wireless networks. Ultrasound in Medicine and Biology, 37 8. Geuze, Jeroen and Broek, Egon L. Design, Implementation and Evaluation. Workshop on Empirical Research in Requirements Engineering: Definition and Empirical Evaluation.

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A Scanning Electron Microscopy Study. Journal of Interventional Cardiology, 24 2. Das, Siddhartha Effect of added salt on preformed surface nanobubbles: Statistical, nonlinear, and soft matter physics, 84 5. Conference Series, 8. Biomedical optics express, 2 3. Das, Siddhartha Effect of impurities in the description of surface nanobubbles: Role of nonidealities in the surface layer.

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Year of Publication: 2011

Journal of neurophysiology, 2. Journal of Adolescent Health, 49 1. Pediatric Pulmonology, 46 9. Evaluation in a randomized controlled trial. Behaviour research and therapy, 49 1. Applied Optics, 50 6. Tm channel waveguide lasers. Putten, Dennis Sebastian van Efficient solution methods for N-component condensation.

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Roy and Rusydi, A. Nature communications, 2 TiO2 in relation to heterogeneity and structural defects. Condensed matter and materials physics, 83 Synthetic Metals, Ebeling, Daniel and Ende, Dirk van den and Mugele, Frieder Electrostatic interaction forces in aqueous salt solutions of variable concentration and valency. Distance Education Course Guide Book. Cambridge University Press, Lamprecht, Tobias Peter Embedded micro-mirrors for compact routing of multimode polymer waveguides. The quarterly journal of experimental psychology, 64 6. Discursive psychology as a technology assessment tool.

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Goseling, Jasper and Boucherie, Richard J. Lecture notes in computer science ; , Journal of applied physics, 6. Novel Biophotonic Techniques and Applications. Sinderen, Marten van and Johnson, Pontus , eds. Lecture Notes in Business Information Processing, Coeckelbergh, Mark Environmental Virtue: Motivation, Skill, and In formation Technology. Environmental philosophy, 8 2.

On macht van de wetenschap in het klimaatdebat. Amsterdam University Press, Amsterdam, pp. Applied physics letters, 99 Oude Luttighuis, Paul and Folmer, Erwin Equipping the enterprise interoperability problem solver. Information Science Reference, pp. Combustion and Flame, European Journal of Oncology Pharmacy, 5 1. Country analyses of exergy substitution with capital expenditures. Energy and Buildings, 43 Annals of telecommunications, 66 Shelley-Egan, Clare Ethics in practice: Constitutive Dynamics of the Bologna Process. Schmidt, Ricardo de O. First monday, 16 5. Journal of clinical psychology, 67 1.

Energy and Fuels, 25 3. Energy and Fuels, 25 9. Luding, Stefan and Bauer, Erich Evolution of swelling pressure of cohesive-frictional, rough and elasto-plastic granulates. International Symposium on Geomechanics and Geotechnics: Studies in Computational Intelligence, Personal relationships, 18 1. International Journal of Telemedicine and Applications, Analytical Chemistry, 83 2. Biological Cybernetics, Solar Energy, 85 5. Roestenberg, Timo and Glushenkov, M. Theory and Applications of Natural Language Processing.

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Elizabeth and Aquarius, Rene and Verdonschot, Nico and Buma, Pieter Frictional and bone ingrowth properties of engineered surface topographies produced by electron beam technology. Archives of Orthopaedic and Trauma Surgery, 5. Journal of Neural Engineering, 8 6. Weinhart, Thomas and Thornton, Anthony R. Luding, Stefan From discrete particles to solids - about sintering and self-healing. Soft Matter, 7 8. Wave Motion, 48 7.

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Statistica Neerlandica, 65 1. Journal of Machine Learning Research, 12 Lecturis Printing Company, Enschede, the Netherlands. Pieters, Wolter High security, human significance: Journal of the American Ceramic Society, 94 PloS One, 6 Microelectronics and nanometer structures, 29 2. Optics Letters, 36 5. Open standaarden en open source software in het mbo. Mathematical Modelling of Natural Phenomena, 6 4. Maat, Mark ter and Truong, Khiet P. Teleoperators and Virtual Environments, 20 5. Nanomaterials and interfaces, 5. Knuuttila, Tarja and Boon, Mieke How do models give us knowledge? European journal for philosophy of science, 1 3.

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Emerald Group Publishing, pp. Coeckelbergh, Mark Human development or human enhancement? A methodological reflection on capabilities and the evaluation of information technologies. Ethics and Information Technology, 13 2. Coeckelbergh, Mark Humans, Animals, and Robots: International Journal of Social Robotics, 3 2.

Heldeweg, Michiel Hybride regulering: Applied Physics Letters, 98 Wouter and Rodijk, Eddy J. Towards Multifunctional Multisegmented Nanowire Devices. Hydrology, Climate and Water Use. Determinants of the perceived risks of disclosing personal data for e-government transactions. Computers in Human Behavior, 27 6. The national study Quality and Students the Netherlands.

May , - Genova, Italy. Morali, Ayse IT architecture-based confidentiality risk assessment in networks of organizations. Smaalen, Daan van Idealistische wiskundedocenten ontwikkelen een eigen methode. Aihara, ShinIchi and Bagchi, Arunabha and Imreizeeq, Emad Identification of electricity spot models by using convolution particle filter. International journal of innovative computing, information and control, 7 1.

Arora, Vikas and Hoogt, P. International Journal of Mechanics and Materials in Design. Velsen, Lex van and Geest, Thea van der and Klaassen, Rob Identifying usability issues for personalization during formative evaluations: International journal of human-computer interaction, 27 7. Wesselink, Anna and Hoppe, Rob If post-normal science is the solution, what is the problem? The politics of activist environmental science.

Journal of Power Sources, Coastal engineering, 58 8. ECS Transactions, 35 1. Noppen, Joost and Broek, Pim van den Imperfect information in software product line engineering. Cambridge University Press, Cambridge, pp. Computer methods in biomechanics and biomedical engineering, 14 2.

Breast cancer research and treatment, 1. Tijdschrift voor Communicatiewetenschap, 39 4. Journal of Cognitive Neuroscience, 23 6. A qualitative study comparing experts and laypersons. Management decision, 49 5. M van Importance of baseline in Event-Related Desynchronization during imaging-observation. Clinical Neurophysiology, Suppl.

Zintchenko, Arkadi and Aa, Leonardus J. Macromolecular Rapid Communications, 32 3. Optics Express, 19 9. Albers, Willem Improved binomial charts for high-quality processes. Theoretical Computer Science, 7. Kern, Walter and Qiu, Xian Improved taxation rate for bin packing games. Rosmulder, Remco Willem Improving healthcare delivery with lean thinking: Lent, Wineke Agnes Marieke van Improving resource capacity planning in hospitals with business approaches.

International journal of information systems and change management, 5 Marpaung, David and Chevalier, Ludovic and Burla, Maurizio and Roeloffzen, Chris Impulse radio ultrawideband pulse shaper based on a programmable photonic chip frequency discriminator. Applied Surface Science, 1. Roc'h, Anne and Leferink, Frank In situ performances of common mode chokes. Applied Surface Science, 7. Storteboom, Jelle and Lee, Chris J. Design management journal, 6 1. Using dynamic WSNs in smart logistics for fruits and pharmacy.

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Reduced Storage Cost, High Accuracy. Information and Computation, 6. Acta biomaterialia, 7 5. Plastics, Rubber and Composites, 40 5. Microelectronic Engineering, 88 8. ACS catalysis, 1 Medical and biological engineering and computing, 49 8. Ocean dynamics, 61 1. Experiences from multichannel marketing pilot projects.

International journal of information management, 31 5. International Organizations Law Review. The State of The Art. Duarte, Sergio Information retrieval for children based on the aggregated search paradigm. Journal of Applied Physics,