The profile behind her is of a garishly unattractive man. The man is also nude and visible to about halfway down the breast. He does not appear to have any hair and his nose takes up the majority of his face which, as well as his oversized lips, seem to imply a sort of happiness that he is feeling. The man's eyes are closed, and his skin appears to be of a darker color.
Above the circle containing the images are two swastikas. One is on each side above the image. The whole image is in black and white and gives the impression of a charcoal drawing.
April , abends 7 uhr, Saal des Deutschen Garten: Will you escape this fate, so decide National Democratic Party of Germany! Will you allow Spartakus to tear down your churches? Answer on election day! Image of a huge, muscular, nude figure in a Roman helmet tearing down the towers of Munich's Frauenkirche; in the background is a blue-and-white checkered pattern representing the Bavarian flag Bayerische Volkspartei 99 x 72 GER Der Wahlsturm fegt durch's Land!
Bavarian blue and white against Russian red! Unite against him in the U. Nister, Nuremburg, Germany Mehrheitspartei x Anyone providing information that helps recover missing army property will be rewarded. We will continue to be Slesvigers therefore voting German. Slesvig is the Danish spelling of Schlesvig A. In order for these agitators to satisfy their hunger for power, the innocent people of Berlin will have misery and downfall…. Berlin, you know what that means?
Berlin has come to rest again!
Only the National Assembly protects the German Reich from collapse. The pots below are full of the weight of gold. Pull your plough and dig them to the light! Therefore, no earnings and a bad atmosphere! Outside, there is good plentiful food and work. Therefore, good earnings and a good atmosphere! Apply to the nearest Employment Agency!
Transport disruptions lead to starvation! Final Journey] Image of an ocean with massive waves and a silhouette of a sailboat. Christmas donation for children of unemployed persons of Hamburg — Alton] Image of a mother and her child huddled together under a blanket; in the background is a big pine tree, in silhouette; snow is falling I took iron for honor. Bring your gold jewelry to the gold purchasing centers! Give your boundary donation. Von Hindenburg] [Text is a quote written in Von Hindenburg's own hand.
By remittance from account to account. Every remittance, every cheque reduces banknote circulation and strengthens the German monetary economy. Wohlfeld, Magdeburg, Germany Red Cross 73 x Wohlfeld, Magdeburg, Germany Red Cross Koll Red Cross 86 x Subscribe to the war loan. Seitz, Mannheim, Germany 9th War Loan 99 x Georgi Kriegsanleihe x Subscribe to the war loan] smaller version of GER ; larger version of GER Image of a German soldier, with gas mask hanging from his neck, gazing into the distance.
Have you subscribed to the 6th war loan yet? All we love is at stake!
In a world where basically any decision is taken from you and given to algorythms who calculate what you want based on your online profile and data, it can be quite a nuisance when that profile proves faulty. The sixth image is a bar chart showing the rise of freight costs in England. The tenth image is of a crashed British biplane, illustrating the number of Entente aircraft shot down. Westphalen Flensburg 51 x The lower image is a depiction of a German industrial works which has been heavily bombed and is now ablaze Hermann Bergmann, Berlin, Germany
Times are difficult but victory is certain. So subscribe to the War Loan. Germany will persevere--the enemy will be taught a lesson! Support war loans] larger version of GER Image of a wounded German pilot standing in the cockpit of an airplane. Support war loans] [Smaller version of GER ] Image of a wounded German pilot standing in the cockpit of an airplane. Subscribe to the ninth! Transformed into submarines… Draw war bonds! Comrade, subscribe to the war loan! That is How our Enemies Want it!
Therefore draw war bonds! For a good peace! The arch enemy is England! And you will assure Germany's victory! Jeder, der Ehre u. Frederick the Great — ] Image is a three-quarter-length depiction of Frederick the Great, facing the viewer; behind him is a white cloud A. Cay Hermann Bergmann, Berlin, Germany Otto Riebicke [Poem about] Heimat: The first three images are of bread, sugar and potatoes, marked with price tags, illustrating price differences between various countries. The fourth and fifth images are of silhouettes of merchant ships and warships, illustrating the number of ships sunk.
The sixth image is a bar chart showing the rise of freight costs in England. The seventh image is of a large crowd of Entente prisoners. The eighth image is of a soldier being carried on a stretcher, illustrating the number of dead or wounded Entente soldiers. The ninth image is of a large howitzer and a small artillery gun, illustrating the large number of artillery guns and machine guns captured by the Germans, compared to the small number of artillery guns possessed by the American army at the start of the war. The tenth image is of a crashed British biplane, illustrating the number of Entente aircraft shot down.
The eleventh image is of a German soldier standing on a map, illustrating the amount of land occupied by the Germans, and of an Entente soldier standing on a much smaller area, illustrating the amount of land gained by the Entente..
The first is a depiction of the heads of three infantrymen. The second is the heads of three civillian males. The third is of three stacks of books. The fourth is of three invalids. The fifth is of three laurel wreaths. The first is of three invalids. The second is a depiction of the heads of three infantrymen. The third is the heads of three civillian males. The fourth is of three stacks of books. In the center, under the title "Who is the Victor?
The central images depict artillery guns and a tank.
Dein Herz weist dir den Weg: Roman (German Edition) - Kindle edition by Maha Akhtar, Sina Baumanns. Download it once and read it on your Kindle device. Buy Dein Herz weist dir den Weg: Roman by Maha Akhtar, Sina Baumanns ); Language: German; ISBN X; ISBN
The lower image is a map of territory gained in northern France and Belgium L. The men and the ships are different sizes to represent their nation's different amounts of military spending. The upper images are depictions of French Nieuport biplanes. The lower image is a depiction of a German industrial works which has been heavily bombed and is now ablaze Hermann Bergmann, Berlin, Germany Blockade Buster] Image of a ship, in silhouette, at sea; three warships, visible on the horizon, are firing shells at the ship, one of which has caused an expolsion on the deck; two other shells fall into the sea.
And who made it extend this long? England, France, Russia, Italy and America. Malz, Berlin, Germany 71 x New York State Library's copy has coloring that varies slightly Average monthly performance in the first 6 months of ] Image of a seascape in which a German U-Boat, flying the German war ensign, is just visible above the waves; several of her crew are crowding on the viewing platform to watch a ship sinking in the distance; a smaller image is of a set of scales, weighing a pair of barrels L. Wohlfeld, Magdeburg, Germany Through victory to peace!
Thus things go through hard times to the harvest festival of peace, if neither of the two takes his hand off the wheel. Krotowski Propaganda Verlag 69 x Pietsch, Brewlaw, Germany Schlesische Notwehr 88 x Bolshewismus Keist Safis Heymann u. Eric Langren x Raus mit Guch Siegm. Wigankow, Berlin, Germany 92 x Lotte Reiniger Nachrichtentruppe 83 x Hartkopf, Berlin, Germany Detachment Tullmann 94 x Sohn, Munich, Germany 98 x Sauer, Berlin, Germany Freiwilligen Division 94 x Wir Arbeiter und B? Sohn, Munich, Germany Reichswehr [recruiting] x Die Heimat ist in Gefahr! Not, Elend, Hunger, Zerst?
So sieht gute Satire aus! Feb 11, Auntie Terror rated it it was amazing Shelves: This review has been hidden because it contains spoilers. To view it, click here. QualityLand might be classed as a humourous dystopian novel, if there is such a thing. In a not so far-off future in what once was Germany, now rebranded as QualityLand, there lives a man whose life isn't going as dreamed, to say the least.
In a world where basically any decision is taken from you and given to algorythms who calculate what you want based on your online profile and data, it can be quite a nuisance when that profile proves faulty. Which is Peter's problem. So, like any proper unlikely hero, he goes out into the world to fix it, or the world, with the help of illegal hackers, a dysfunctional sex-robot, an e-poetess suffering from writer's block, an acrophobic drone, a communist handheld device, and a pink dolphinshaped sex-toy.
This book is absurd, hilarious, and awfully realistic. Apr 18, Elisabeth rated it it was amazing. Es hat meinen Humor getroffen, gleichzeitig fand ich die satirisch verabreichte Gesellschaftskritik grandios. Wer mit Marc-Uwe Klings Humor etwas anfangen kann, sollte getrost zugreifen. Marc-Uwe Kling hat zumindest nach seinen Aussagen sein neuestes Buch diesem Genre zugerechnet und meiner Ansicht nach nimmt er damit eine Alleinstellung ein. Kling gelingt es in sehr witziger Weise, die bestehenden modernen Entwicklungen mit mittelfristigen Zukunftsvisionen zu paaren und das Ganze nur eine Stufe weiterzudrehen.
Eine Drohne brachte ihm einen rosafarbenen Delfinvibrator, den er gar nicht bestellt und auch nicht gewollt hatte. Doch trotz aller Komik bietet das Buch ausreichend Stoff zum Nachdenken. Es steht in seiner gesellschaftskritischen Aussage einer klassischen Dystopie in nichts nach. View all 3 comments. May 20, Annina rated it really liked it Shelves: Sep 16, Booklunatic rated it really liked it Shelves: Schwanke noch etwas zwischen 4 und 4,5 Sternen. May 06, Steffi rated it really liked it.
Aber die hat bereits der Autor erfunden, und er hat ja so recht damit. Ich kann mir allerdings gut vorstellen, dass das was viele hier schreiben, stimmt: Dann ist auch noch Schluss mit seiner Freundin, der die Partnervermittlung Qualitypartner eine bessere Partie zugeteilt hat.
Das ist alles andere als abwegig. Wollen wir das wirklich? Das ist Satire, und zwar vom Feinsten. Oct 25, BuboBubo rated it really liked it Shelves: QualityLand ist das Land der Superlative. In der Gesellschaft werden Maschinen immer menschlicher und Menschen immer maschineller. Algorithmen bestimmen das Leben der Menschen. Dein Level bestimmt wer du bist. Pete QualityLand ist das Land der Superlative. Die jeweils andere kann im Internet eingesehen werden.
Als Zukunftsvision ist die Vorstellung von QualityLand erschreckend, da es sich nicht weit von unserer heutigen Gesellschaft unterscheidet. Wir wollen immer besser sein und alles optimieren. Algorithmen sind uns nicht fremd und beeinflussen auch schon heute unser Kaufverhalten.
Genau das ist das erschreckende, auch wenn es hier alles sehr humoristisch dargestellt wird, fragt man sich, ob wir in so einer Welt leben wollen. Die Sprache ist sehr einfach gehalten und wirkt manchmal sogar roboterartig, was wirklich gut zum Inhalt passt. Feb 23, Frau G. Qulity-Land ist das Land, in dem alle wohnen wollen. Lustig ist das quietschrosa Qualitiy-Pad Pink, in dem sich ein guter alter Bekannter verbirgt. Sep 28, Andy rated it it was amazing.
Die Gesellschaft verdummt, weil jeder nur noch in seiner kleinen Blase lebt, wo ihm niemand widerspricht und ihn nichts mehr herausfordert. Die haben immer nur eine Sinnkrise bekommen und sind ausgewandert, oder so. Die Revolution kommt manchmal aus unerwarteten Ecken. Aber ich will das nicht.
Auch den Schreibstil kann man meines Erachtens schwer davon trennen. Aber es lohnt sich, es zumindest mal auszuprobieren. In der Zukunft wird alles von Algorithmen gesteuert: QualityPartner vermittelt dir einen Partner, der zu dir passt, den du dir leisten kannst und der wahrscheinlich sogar am selben Tag wie du sterben wird. Die Nachrichten zeigen dir nur, was du glauben willst — wenn du rechtsradikal bist, ist die ganze Welt rechtsradikal. Das System macht keine Fehler, und deswegen ist immer alles OK. Und wenn es nicht OK ist, liegt der Fehler an dir und nicht am System.
Sep 25, Buchdoktor rated it really liked it Shelves: Das schwarze Buchcover fand ich etwas weniger nichtssagend als die graubeige Version. Welche grotesken Artikel wird der allwissende Algorithmus mir zuweisen, nachdem ich leichtfertig auf das schwarze Buchcover geklickt habe? Marc-Uwe Kling liest einfach zu gut. QualityLand ist eine wunderbar spritzige, satirische Dystopie, die genau an den richtigen Stellen "piekst".
Das Buch ist grundlegend politisch, ist aber kein rein p Das Wichtigste zuerst: Die Zukunft, die Kling hier schildert, ist unglaublich unfassbar und gleichzeitig unfassbar vorstellbar. Jun 02, Buecherfreude rated it it was amazing. Ein absolut sarkastisches und total skurriles Buch, welches ich definitiv fantastisch gelungen finde! Zum Inhalt braucht man, denke ich, nicht mehr viel sagen. Wie wir es von Kling schon gewohnt sind, handelt es sich um ein witziges, intelligentes Werk.
Feb 08, Always Reading rated it really liked it. Denkt man im ersten Moment; doch wenn man mal kurz nachdenkt, dann sind einige Dinge gar nicht so abwegig.