Landscaping on the New Frontier: Waterwise Design for the Intermountain West

Morrison, and William A. Varga Book Published by: A practical volume for the home or business owner on landscaping with native, drought-tolerant plants in the Rocky Mountain West. Filled with color illustrations, photos, and design sketches, over native species are described, while practical tips on landscape design, water-wise irrigation, and keeping down the weeds are provided.

In this book you will learn how to use natural landscapes to inspire your own designed landscape around your business or home and yard. Included are design principles, practical ideas, and strong examples of what some homeowners have already done to convert traditional "bluegrass" landscapes into ones that are more expressive of theWest. Landscaping on the new Frontier also offers an approach to irrigation that minimizes the use of supplemental water yet ensures the survival of plants during unusually dry periods.

You will learn how to combine ecological principles with design principles to create beautiful home landscapes that require only minimal resources to maintain.

Chapter Seven - The Plant Palette pp. Resources for Further Information pp. Sponsored products related to this item What's this? Rose--Hunter and Trapper in The hunters and trappers of the far west were a brave, hardy and adventurous set of men, and they had peculiarities in their characters. Remodel - Without Going Bonkers or Broke: A Home Improvement Primer.

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Landscaping on the New Frontier

If you live in the Intermountain West, you live in a land of contrasts. From snow-covered mountains to parched dry desert playas and everything in between. The one thing you never see naturally, is large green fields of grass, except perhaps in mountain meadows.

The area was settled under the idea that the desert would bloom if modern water use techniques were used, and the settlers did an amazing job of utilizing the scarce water resources and did in fact make the desert bloom. However this blooming did so at a great cost to wildlife, and greater demands are put on this resource than ever as human population growth continues unabated in this region. In an interesting turn of fate, there has been a growing movement to try to reduce water use and to utilize plants native to the region in a way that is asthetically pleasing as well as being environmentally responsible.

This book makes a great effort to provide people who live in the region some ideas to help them accomplish this. The book starts by discussing the different regions, such as desert valleys, foothills, mountain meadows, etc. The book goes on to discuss landscape principles and how the shading and sun exposure of different areas of a typical suburban landscape makes application of native plant species in different areas of the yard feasible and attractive, and in such a way where water consumption is reduced.

The book goes on to provide some examples of native trees, shrubs and perrenials that can be used in native landscapes. The list isn't intended to be all inclusive, and provides some related species with the plant descriptions.

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The book also details the benefits and uses of the different plant species. As a starting point for native landscaping here in the intermountain west, I give this plant a hardy endorsement. Many of the plants listed in the book, I have used successfully in my suburban landscape and am very happy with the results.

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We don't live in England, and we don't need a yard that looks like we do. Native landscapes are more beautiful and vibrant than any well manicured angloscape, and require less water. This book will help readers learn how it can be done. Recommended for Utah climate. Wonderful info in book. One person found this helpful 2 people found this helpful. Waterwise Design for the Intermountain West.

Very nicely done, and very appropriate for the portion of the country where I live.