Quantum Attitude: The System Of Applying The Law Of Attraction

Collective Evolution

I never regret taking the time to read this book because I was able to learn a lot of things about life in this book. We are all products of our thoughts whether we like it or not. We can be rich, prosperous and live in plenty if we choose to and all thanks to our thoughts! The key is not to think about being poor, as the universe does not understand the no part but rather the poor part meaning we will be vibrating negative energy. This book was a great read! One person found this helpful. It seems apparent to me now that probably all these negative thoughts occurring in my head serve as hindrance to get most of what life can offer.

Glenn Blake

This book has changed my outlook in life. As suggested in the book, nurturing positive thoughts will always raise my vibrational energy. Raising such energy is the fundamental key to the law of attraction. There are certain exercises found in this book that are geared towards increasing vibrational energy. I think this is not a simple task but with practice and best effort, nurturing positive thoughts is just around the corner.

Quantum Attitude: The System Of Applying The Law Of Attraction

I am declaring now that my thoughts have made me and I am not the result of my life's circumstances. This affirms my true intention of letting this law of attraction work intricately into my life. Just saying and thinking that thought is so remarkable. You really can change your life by simply believing in the law of attraction. I know for me that how my attitude is in the morning usually sets the tone for my entire day, so if I wake up in a bad mood that mood continues throughout the day. This book helped me to get over that and consciously make sure that I have positive days instead of negative days.

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If you are somewhere else in the world there is a good chance you will be able to find something similar, if not you can always reach out to the US or UK charities. I feel like im at my aha moment here and getting to the heart of the matter. I am very happy with the direction my life is headed now that I have been practicing success. When you are thinking of certain things, your thoughts will have the right energy vibrations. I had several deals on the table that were all on the edge of closing and making me a very large sum of money, but suddenly they all fell through. Therefore, experience is a more appropriate word to describe the true full nature of the wave collapse function. I am declaring now that my thoughts have made me and I am not the result of my life's circumstances.

We are what we think; positive energy takes a liking to positive thoughts and the same goes for negative thinking too. The thoughts that circulate in your mind are made of energy particles that will affect our actions towards achieving what you want. This book will help you in changing your mind set towards achieving your goals and there by transforming your life.

This book explains the Law of Attraction. Raising your energy vibrations through positive thinking attracts to you what you desire. The Universe will work for you if you have positive thoughts on a constant basis. The author shares personal stories of his experiences with the Law of Attraction.

Quantum Attitude: Getting Published And Distributed On A Zero Budget

He explains that the Law of Attraction only works when your core beliefs are in sync with what you are asking for. This is a good inspirational book and good introduction into how Law of Attraction works. It would be great if everyone could think like this book shows.

The Law of Attraction Explained by Quantum Physics! Part 1

I mean it teaches the core value of being positive in order to gain positivity. Of course in order to gain that energy it needs to be embedded in you. I love this book and I agree with what it entails. Whatever you think is what will come to life. This is some of what this book offers. Once you read this you will learn that if you believe it, you can achieve it. See all 39 reviews. Most recent customer reviews. Published 1 year ago. Published on July 10, Published on May 5, Published on April 28, Published on April 15, Published on April 14, Published on April 13, Published on April 11, Published on January 19, Amazon Giveaway allows you to run promotional giveaways in order to create buzz, reward your audience, and attract new followers and customers.

Unsavory salesmen are able to use an agreement to put several service fees that had been not talked about. Should you retain the previous guidance in mind the very next time that you simply go purchasing a car, you will end up prone to get a good offer. Getting a automobile does not have to become frustration.

Only use the information out of this article and you will receive the automobile you desire in a good value. So we must literally vocalize our desire for them to manifest? I always thought that thought itself can bring about a manifestation but seems like I am wrong? Hi Kat…reality consists of both actual and potential.

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Whereas the actual is real, the potential is imaginary. Thoughts are pure potential. But to get a thought to manifest there is still another quadrant of the manifestation cycle. Once the thought has been expressed model or plans made action has to be applied to make it manifest. Thought — Expression — Action — Manifestation. Hope that provides enough of an answer for you. By expression you mean literally speaking the thought?

Physics of the Law of Attraction | | InnerSense

I love a challenge when trying to understand concepts:. By physically working harder at my job to get promoted? How would this apply the action to winning the lottery? Buying a lottery ticket? Who are these people that win the lottery? Is it just the collapse of the wave function and by chance someone wins?

There has to be a lottery winner that has never thought about winning and buys a ticket for the first time, and wins. Would you be able to explain the difference? The Law of Attraction is just like a magnet with opposite sides. One can thing whatever they want without setting things into motion in their external environment, but whey they speak it, or express it in any way…it sets into motion the real and imaginary automata which attempt to manifest the thought.

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If the expression is just a one time thing the automata do not have time to bring it to manifestation. So, depending upon how one expresses themselves, they either get what they express or nothing at all. We have mathematical proof that intention gets exponentially magnified when the output from a generator like a human being gets fed back into the input. We have to be very careful of what we say and do. Physics of the Law of Attraction. However, there are four orders of attractors: The 1 st order POINT attractor — leads one to be drawn into one particular activity or become stuck in a rut by becoming too focused on a single perception or fixation.

The 2 nd order CYCLE attractor — causes one to get caught up in analytical thinking or a never-ending loop that just repeats itself over and over. The 3 rd order limit TORI attractor — which is a step in the right direction as it provides for a dynamic flow of energy, however is somewhat limited due to its quasi-periodicity. By Don Estes T Living Waters March Water Transformed By Intention.

Reuniting the Animal with the Spirit. Taking the Magic out of Maths. Lauren Evans September 6, at 8: Don Estes September 6, at Manifestation Miracle Review June 22, at Don Estes June 22, at 5: An Sarris April 4, at 9: Don Estes December 11, at 5: Don Estes June 29, at 3: Jamie December 11, at 9: Hi Would this be correct?

We create through observation. Jamie December 12, at 7: Intention and Observation through Persistance creates reality. And practicing meditation and presence helps to build intention. Don Estes December 12, at 5: Ceramax23n February 10, at 5: Don Estes February 10, at 5: Kat March 7, at 8: Don Estes March 8, at 1: Kat March 17, at I love a challenge when trying to understand concepts: However, the beauty is in this fight as it builds the strength of the wings.

Without this, the newly formed butterfly would not be able to fly. So it is the caterpillars dark night of the soul leads it to be the fully evolved beautiful and free creature. This is the same for the holy men and women we see in the public light. We often see their compassion and unconditional care, but forget the process they needed to go through to get there.

The dark night of the soul differs from depression, as depression is more self centred and apathetic in nature. Whereas the dark night is more a question of where one would fit into the bigger picture. The potential suffering is often due to a feeling that you cannot do anything about the suffering of others.

Whereas depression is more often centred around the person who is suffering. There is often a fine line between the 2, and they can exist simultaneously, however, someone is far more likely to be misdiagnosed with depression, than the dark night of the soul. If you believe in the cycles of karma, many of us have a karmic debt past or present life and this debt needs to be balanced to move forward.

If you visualise a set of scales with all the past deeds- the giving and taking needs to have balance restored.

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Not too much either way. If you fill your cup too much it will overflow and make a mess, if you empty your cup to much you will find there is nothing left to give. If you ask for progression, you can often be forced to face the karma you carry in this life far quicker than you normally would. The dark night of the soul could be thought of as an answer.

It is common to search high and low for meaning, but the answers we receive are often not inline with the expectations held. Sometimes it feels as if there is a magic formula, discipline or teacher who is going to arrive and liberate us. But anyone that ever does only ever gives a false sense of liberation. True liberation comes from within and the dark night allows us to humble ourselves, strengthen our wings and build character for the journey ahead. It is a chapter or series of chapters of our own personal heroes adventure to find and liberate yourself from suffering.

If you are experiencing the dark night of the soul, reach out to those who understand and have been through a similar process. There are many events, workshops classes and online groups that have a higher likelihood of meeting people who would understand your process. You can also attend retreats that specialise in Shadow Work or Spiritual Crisis. Just be intuitive about who you work with as they need to be the right person for you. If you are somewhere else in the world there is a good chance you will be able to find something similar, if not you can always reach out to the US or UK charities.

The Dark Night Of The Soul does pass and while it can be difficult while you are in this vortex, you will never be given a load you cannot carry. On the other side of this process is something beautiful and if you persevere, you will get there.

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People are now involved in studies where they are told they are taking a placebo medication, and it in fact is one, and they are being healed. The mainstream is finally picking up on mind-body connection. Is this the true power of our mind? When we want to get better deep down, do we not make that decision in our mind and thus heal? What does this say about harmful and side effect-ridden medications? A growing body of scientific research suggests that our mind can play an important role in healing our body — or in staying healthy in the first place…There are now several lines of research suggesting that our mental perception of the world constantly informs and guides our immune system in a way that makes us better able to respond to future threats.

Bruce Lipton, from The Biology of Belief. Time magazine recently published an article about a woman now a year old medical assistant and her struggle with irritable bowel syndrome IBS. She tried everything, from drugs to changing her diet. It was a horrible way to live, she told the Times, as she was often huddled in a corner and keeled over in pain.

Approximately ten years ago today, she decided to enroll herself into a study, a first of its kind clinical trial, one where the patient would be receiving a placebo pill. Three weeks later, after taking the pill twice daily, Buonanno the year old medical assistant was symptom free. She had never gone so long without an attack. This has been documented for centuries. The interesting thing about the study the woman decided to participate in, is the fact that patients taking the placebo pill were well aware that they were taking a placebo.

With traditional placebo studies, patients are made to believe that they are taking something that will benefit them and improve their condition. In , Harvard Medical School launched the first open-label placebo, where patients knew what they were taking, and they started with people who had IBS, including the year old woman. As Time points out,. The findings were surprising. Nearly twice as many people in the trial who knowingly received placebo pills reported experiencing adequate symptom relief, compared with the people who received no treatment.

Not only that but the men and women taking the placebo also doubled their rates of improvement to a point that was about equal to the effects of two IBS medications that were commonly used at the time. So far, researchers have treated patients and intend to treat approximately more with IBV via their ongoing clinical trial. It seems quite simple to me: Some people argue that that the human body does not respond to treatment, but instead, the ritual of treatment.

The actual pill has no effect, so what else could it be? Another example comes from a study published in by the New England Journal of Medicine which looked at surgery for patients with severe debilitating knee pain.