Mighty Like a River: The Black Church and Social Reform

Mighty like a river : the black church and social reform

An expert in African American culture, Andrew Billingsley surveys nearly a thousand black churches across the country, including its oldest, the First African Baptist Church in Savannah, Georgia. These black churches, whose roots extend back to antebellum times, have periodically confronted social, economic, and political problems facing the African American community.

Mighty Like a River addresses such questions as: How widespread and effective is the community activity of black churches? What are the patterns of activities being undertaken today? How do activist churches confront such problems as family instability, youth development, AIDS and other health issues, and care for the elderly? With profiles of the remarkable black heroes and heroines who helped create the activist church, and a compelling agenda for expanding the black church's role in society at large, Mighty Like a River is an inspirational, visionary, and definitive account of the subject.

Mighty like a river: Project Advisory Committee Members. Studying Contemporary Black Churches.

Mighty Like a River

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  • Mighty Like a River - Andrew Billingsley - Oxford University Press.
  • Words for Empty and Words for Full (Pitt Poetry Series).
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Do You Feel Hurt Often? The Black Church and Social Reform. Billingsley draws, then, from Du Bois and Frazier the basic insight that black churches are social institutions whose boundaries are quite elusive and porous. The Black Church and Social Reform. English View all editions and formats Summary:

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Write a review Rate this item: Preview this item Preview this item. Mighty like a river: New York ; Oxford: Oxford University Press, English View all editions and formats Summary: Throughout the history of the African American people, the black church has proved their strongest resource when confronting adversity. This book charts the role of this church, from the founding of Sierra Leone in the s, to the community outreach programmes of urban America today.

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Throughout the history of the African American people there has been no stronger Mighty Like a River. The Black Church and Social Reform. Mighty Like a River: The Black Church and Social Reform [Andrew Billingsley] on bahana-line.com *FREE* shipping on qualifying offers. Throughout the history of.

Allow this favorite library to be seen by others Keep this favorite library private. Find a copy in the library Finding libraries that hold this item Electronic books Additional Physical Format: Print version Material Type: Document, Internet resource Document Type: Andrew Billingsley Find more information about: From leading a group of free blacks to form a colony in Sierra Leone in the s, to modern community outreach programs, black churches have been the focal point of social change in their communities.

This is a comprehensive account of how black churches have helped shape American society.

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Publisher Synopsis "As a leading scholar of the black family, Billingsley has succeeded in integrating his analysis of black churches with family concerns. User-contributed reviews Add a review and share your thoughts with other readers.

Add a review and share your thoughts with other readers. Similar Items Related Subjects: Church and social problems -- United States. Church and social problems.