Lewis not only believed in truth, but also in our ability to use logic as an aid in determining truth. Christians are also called to defend the truth by appealing to reason and evidence (Acts ; 1 Peter ). That's why he offered reasonable, logical arguments in support of. Alex McFarland offers evidence for the reliability of the Bible.
Let us ask ourselves: Is this declaration still true of us today? While many in the world are sincerely curious about the teachings of the Church, an ever-widening gulf between the wicked and the righteous separates a world in moral free fall from restored gospel truths. When imperfect yet striving Saints who seek for light are accused of following darkness, when the sweetness of their intent and works is declared to be bitter see Isaiah 5: To avoid such paths requires determination and courage.
Passive, casual membership is not enough in this latter-day conflict! Without resorting to contention, are we able and willing to clarify and defend the teachings of the restored Church of Jesus Christ? Church membership alone does not automatically make one a valiant witness of Christ and His restored Church. The Lord taught us to let our light shine through gospel living, yet a few members keep their membership a secret by putting their light under a bushel.
Some will answer occasional gospel questions but hesitate to testify and invite. Yet others actually look for opportunities to share the gospel and do so willingly. How many of us are proactive, valiant defenders of the faith? He needs a host of true Latter-day Saints willing, in a spirit of meekness and love, to testify of truth when any aspect of the restored gospel is challenged!
If you feel inadequate as a valiant defender of truth in our day, you are not alone.
Most of us feel that way to some degree. Yet there are simple things we can do to gain both ability and confidence. He realized that the first line of defense was a life built on a foundation of personal obedience. If you are willing to share and defend the restored gospel and its leaders and doctrines, you may consider the following suggestions.
Know whom and what to defend. A solid defensive strategy is the foundation for a solid offense. Just as a hireling, who is paid to care for the sheep, will retreat or flee at the first sign of trouble, so you will not hold your defensive lines very long unless you have a spiritual conviction that your cause is just and true.
Those who know and live the gospel are filled with both understanding and a burning conviction kindled from worthiness and personal experience. They are more prepared to witness of the truth than those who have given attention only to learning how to give the answers.
Follow the example of Captain Moroni. Honestly evaluate the strengths and weaknesses of your gospel understanding. Are you setting a good example by living a Christlike life? Are you able to find answers to questions by searching the scriptures? Are you comfortable bearing your testimony?
Could it be that diligent study will help you gain the confidence and courage you seek? Weary the Lord with the request that for every spoonful of daily effort, He will heap pounds of earth onto your defensive walls. Prayerfully read the scriptures, again and again.
God is looking for someone to stand up for Him. Any argument against our faith is at the mercy of a person with a testimony. I encourage you to share your testimony and defend the Christian faith. May the Lord bless you as you defend the faith.
Defending the Faith April 14, Home Apologetics Defending the Faith. Jesus stated that He came from heaven to die for our sins and give all who believe in Him eternal life. The Reliability of Its Book — The bible was written over a period of 1, years by 40 different authors. The book on which the Christian faith stands tells one story of redemption.
The bible has been supported by recent archeologic discoveries. The Dead Sea Scrolls at Qumran have confirmed the authenticity of the bible. The bible reads as one book because it has one author, and that is God Himself. Its Explanations for Life — All religious systems attempt to give meaning to our existence.
Jesus speaks of a Heavenly Father who wants to have a relationship with us.
God is our Creator and only He has a perfect plan for our life. No other religion calls God Father as we do. The Christian faith is not new with Christ. He is the beginning and the end of history.