A Taste of Crow (The Ramblings of H. R. Edin)

On the contrary, they are maintaining and holding up and giving its only true support to that peace which is the glory and the sustenance of our country. Loud cheers, during which Lord Salisbury resumed his seat. The subsequent speakers included Sir M. White Ridley Lord Geo. A Renter's telegram from Paris on Thursday says: We expected from him words of appeasement and concord, and we should feel thankful to him for having spoken them.

The journal continues as follows: Counsels of wisdom prevailed, and we are sincerely glad that they did, in the interest of civilisation and of the future of the two nations. At the bottom his speech is that of a victor who does not desire to carry his success beyond a wise limit, and who coolly and calmly measures the risks of an over-bold step, and who, while wishing to flatter the jingo passions of his hearers, is not anxious to bring the whole of Europe upon him.

The journal says it is evident that the English take advantage of the moderation of France to increase their demand. The steamer Blue Jacket, of Cardiff, went. The crew of 22 were saved by the Sennen Life- boat. The Press Association Penzance correspon- dent telegraphs thc-t the Cardiff steamer Blue Jacket, coal-laden, ran ashore on the Long- ships in hazy weather at about midnight. The crew of twenty-two were saved by the Sennen Lifeboat, and landed at Sennen Cove. The Blue Jacket is an iron sirew-steamer, of 2, tons, built in by Messrs.

Cardiff, of which Mr. Hallett is the manager. The following is the text of the love letters which the Rev John Reith, parish minister of Rickarton.

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Scotland, wrote a lady member of his ccngregation. K may be added vhat the minister is a married man, and that the lady is also married, but a few of the letters were received before her marriage. The matter has now been brought under the notice of the Presbyttry. The first loiter ran: It thrills my heart with delight, and it makes the sweetness all the greater to think of what may be behind it.

Am I too bold to hope that when you respond so frankly to my affection with your eyes, you will respond also with ycur! Tell me, M my love, that you will give me you! It will be sweet for you to write it, sweet for me to lead it, and sweeter of all to enjoy the reality. Write to your dearest sweetheart. The second letter reads: I am thinking fondly of holding you in my arm, and tasting the nectar of your lips, and feeling come close to me a warm, thrilling embrace.

M-, my love, tell me that this will give you pleasure, too. The third letter is of a prosier nature. The remaining two letters were written after the lady's marriage, and the letters are addressed, it will be seen, to "My dear Mrs. The following are the epistles;- "Advocates' Library, Edinburgh, "May 26, I wish you alI happiness and pros- perity in your married life. My own regret in connection with it is that I had not the privi.

It is with keen regret and all good wishes that I enclose your church lines. All I am to say about the offence I have given you is to ask if it be unpardonable. I shall live the hope that the day will come when y. Meantime, I shall not intrude myself if I am not wanted, but I shall make no other difference, and shall not wait for a chance of showing that I am your sincere friend.

A Renter's telegram from Paris on Wednes- day says: The sitting was a momentous one. The Spanish delegates at the last sitting presented a long memorandum getting forth their views with regard to the interpretation of the clause in the peace pro- tocol relating to the Philippines, and contend- ing that the control indicated in that protocol was irreconcilable with the American claims, since the right of control could only be exer- cised over a thing of which one was owner.

They concluded by declaring that their powers were limited to the points set down in the pro- tocal, and inviting the Americans to present counter proposals in that sense. On the reply of the Americans to-day depended the new phase upon which the negotiations were to enter. This reply was submitted at to-day's sitting. The United States Commissioners con- tented themselves with presenting a long memorandum in English, which they laid on the table, with excuses for its length and for its not being translated. They then withdrew, asking that the next sitting should be held on Saturday at two o'clcck.

The Spanish Com- missioners, being left alone, addressed them- selves to the examination of the American memorandum. It is understood that this paper is a refutation of the argument of Spain against the relinquishment of her sovereignty, and it makes no fresh proposals. The posi- tion may thus be summarised as follows: The Spaniards, on their part, refuse to cede that archipelago. One of the Spanish Commissioners informed Reuter's cor- respondent to-day that the Spaniards totally deny the statement made by the Americans that the word "possession" was employed in the original wording of the protocol.

A Reuter's telegram from Madrid on Wednes- day says: It is possible that the warships will only stay at the port long enough to coal. If their Majesties travel incognito, the local Spanish authorities and the German Ambassador will go to pay their respects to the Emperor. But if contrary, one of the Ministers will be deputed to go to Cadiz to greet their Majesties on behalf of the Queen Regent and the Spanish Government.

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The country house of Perry Taffany, leaded by Mr. Just as dinner was announced smoke was teen issuing from the basement. Tiie damage is 40, dollars. He had no doubt that those present had read in the newspapers that he was not so strong as he used to be. He had under-rated his own weakness, because he did not know how much a shock to one's nervous system affected one's strength. Circumstances arose which a man in his strength could laugh at. He inherited, he feared, with his Highland blood, a temper which was vehement and hasty, but he thought he would be perfectly safe in attending the mayor's banquet, where all was good cheer and pleasant company.

He congratulated the town of Cardiff on the great position which it had acquired during the mayoralty of Alder- man Ramsdaie. That was a great advance which Cardiff had taken. Again, the ex-mayor had been invited to the splendid banquet given to our great so. Lord Kitchener of Khartoum, and his usual presence of mind had enabled him to obtain a promise from the Sirdar to come to Cardiff and receive the freedom of the borough. For many years he Mr. Maclean , Major Wyndham-Quin, and representatives the other side of the Bristol Channel had endeavoured to move the Government to carry out a proper system of defence.

Major Vv yndham-Quin had particularly pressed this upon the Government, and he had been well supported by Colonel Sir Edward Hill, but the Government had always put them off with one excuse and another. Sir Edward Hill was promised that guns should be placed in certain positions, but the guns were not there yet. Those members of Parliament who took an interest in the forti- fication of Cardiff had been told that they were protected by Milford Haven.

It was just the same as to tell the people inhabiting the Valley of the Thames that they were splendidly protected by the fortifications at Plymouth. Applause, and cries of Shame. He knew that fortifica- tions would he necessary to protect a port like Cardiff. The speaker suggested that it wou'd be opportune to invite with Lord Kitchener Mr. George Wyndham, a man of high intellectual attainments, a man of great cha- racter, and a delightful speaker and writer.

If the Corporation of Cardiff did that, they would be able to turn the visit of Lord Kit- chener to practical account. Turn- ing to the toast, he would only say with regard to the Houses of Parliament that, although they were not sitting at present, they were always represented by the Cabinet, which was a Parliamentary Committee. What was, in truth, the governing force of the country?

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It was public opinion. It was public opinion that created Parliament and sent the representatives there, and it was public opinion to which they were, in the long run, bound to appeal. He did not think they need have any fear of the result of such an appeal. What had been the feeling of the British people during the crisis through which they had recently passed?

He would say that the dominant feeling was this: We don't want to fight, out we are heartily sick of being worried by foreigners in all parts of the world, at. They were determined once for all to maintain their honour and interests in all parts of the world, and he could safeiy say that they had done it most effectually during the.

He believed that foreigners thought they would never show their teeth again, but they had shrunk back in the most amusing and comical way. It reminded one of the description in the "Lays of Ancient Rome": All of it had the most revivifying and beneficial influence upon the spirit of the country. They had realised now what was never realised before. But few amongst them, per- haps, knew how much the victory at Khar- toum meant for the British Empire and for civilisation.

They could take it from the point cf view of historical perspective. If they com- pared it with what had been done before, they would find that Kitchener had bettered the instruction of Wolfe and Clive. Just as in the last century Wolfe by the capture of Quebec broke the French power for ever on the Ameri- can Continent, just as Clive by the Battle of Plassey broke for ever the French power in Asia, so now at the present moment the victory that Kitchener had achieved was not simply a victory over a few thousand Dervishes, but it was the culminating act of the long drama, which had lasted over a hundred years, which began with the invasion of Egypt by the great Napoleon, and which was now closed for ever.

They had broken the power of the French in Africa; they were the lords of Africa, as they were before the lords of Asia and America. Perhaps the great danger was now that we should in this country take too much pride in our strength, in our great resources. He saw a tendency to a train of feeling which led one to imagine the English people were presuming upon their Imperial posses- sions, and that they were dictatorial in tone to the rest of the world.

Let us, continued Mr. Maclean, be satisfied for the moment with what we have achieved. We lived in a time when nothing was kept secret. The newspapers recorded everything which took place from China to Peru. If the Russian Minister happened to sneeze outside the door of the Emperor's palace at Peking, and the British Minister heard it, they were told that there was serious trouble between Great Britain and Russia, and the decks were already being cleared for action. Laughter and ap- plause. There was a great tendency to exaggeration.

They might depend upon it that what was heard now was the ground swell after a storm. France having given way in regard to the Nile, she would not fight again in our time.

Her position was unassailable, and he ventured to say that for some time to come general secu- rity. Maclean had stayed in England, perhaps longer than he ought to have done, because he was deeply interested in this most exciting controversy which had been going on for the last month. So far as his humble efforts could go. Many of his friends had given him a chiding for being in London when he should have been elsewhere. He might well conclude with the lines of Tennyson: Whose spirits falter in the mist.

And languish for the purple seas. It is the land that free men till, That sober-suited Freedom chose. Maclean, who was listened to with the greatest interest throughout, resumed his seat amidst loud cheers. Cano i Thompson in the course of an inte- resting address proposed "The Mayor and Corporation. Maclean unnn the splendid speech he had made to them that night. They all hoped that Mr.

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Maclean would have a speedy return to health and to Jus former vigour. Maclean, he said he wished to testify to the very careful manner in which lhat gentleman had always utilised his influence for the benefit of the town. They all sympathised with him in his illness, and trusted that he would soon be restored to his usual health.

He 'his worship feared that he was to a certain extent responsible for Mr. Maclean having dis- regarded his doctor's orders in coming down to Cardiff just then, and he wished to per- sonally thank him for his presence. Lewis Williams, in freposing the toast of The Press. Maclean the earnest hope that that gentleman's forthcoming visit ti India would have ths effect of thoroughly re-estab- lishing his Health, and thereby prolong his life. A Reuter's telegram from Cairo on Wednes- day says: The French garrison there will probably return by way cf the Blue Nile and Abyssinia to Jibutil, where they will embark for France.

A Reuter's telegram from Paris on Wednes- day says: It is hoped here that the conversation which Baron De Courcel has had to-day with Lord Salisbury, and which he will report verbally to his Government on his arrival here Friday, will remove all the diffi- culties of the situation. At ten o'clock last night Admiral Fournier received from the Minister of Marine a cypher telegram, in pursuance of which the commander-in-chief at once sig- nalled to th?

Forban to get up steam. At mid- night this extra-fast torpedo-boat sailed to take to Admiral Marechal, commanding the squadron of cruisers and torpedo-boats, the order to proceed at once to Toulon. The instructional division, composed of the Magenta, the Neptune, and the Marceau, was to have gone to the Medes for gunnery practice.

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This order was countermanded, and the squadron is now at Admiral Fournier's disposal. Leave even for the day has been stopped. All the ships are preparing for action. Since this morning they have been taking on board fresh water and completing their stocks of coal and projectiles. Orders have been given that the repairs being carried out on vessels in the dockyard are to be pushed on even at night. The forts and coast batteries -are undergoing a special inspection. Admiral Fournier has been summoned to Paris.

A iveuter's teiegrain irom Paris on Wednes- day says: Brunet con- sidered it would be imprudent, impolitic, and useless to raise a debate OIl the Fashoda ques- tion. It would be a blunder, and silence was far the worthier part. All we have to do is to watch the preparations of Great Britain, to take nate of the declarations of her statesmen, and to wait for some precise indications in them. It was plain to everyone that when there is only one thing to be said, namely, that one has been mistaken, it is better to say nothing at all.

Brunet for his somewhat tardy prudence. On the contrary, we congratulate him. Our only regret is that Major Marchand has not main- tained the same reserve at Cairo. We have the goodwill and we havj money, and if we join to these two factors the spirit cf continuity and a good method the time is not far distant when we can again lift our heads.

In the meantime the Fashoda question makes a diversion from the Dreyfus affair-that is the only profit we have got out of it. France, it adds, has done what Great Britain asked of her, and it is now for the British Ministers to be the first to speak. The "Lanterne" thoroughly, approves M. The air, it considers, was not propitious for interpellation, hut it will be later on. An interpellation is necessary to fix responsibilities, and t, ask for explanations which will enable the Chamber to indicate a line of policy to the Government.

The Central News Portsmouth correspondent telegraphs on Wednesday evening: Every officer has now been told off to his ship, and even hospital accommodation in case of war has been pro- vided. Her Majesty's ship Crescent was un- docked to-day, her defects having been prac- tically made good.

On Friday she will com- plete with coal and shell, and she will then be ready for ihe pennant. The Terrible will proceed to the coaling point to-morrow, and on Friday she will be docked in order that some of her under-water fittings may be examined. George finished coaling to-day, a week having been occupied in putting about 1, tons into her bunkers. There were several breakdowns of the coaling machinery, and the collier was not well adapted for serving the big warship. The Andromeda will commence coal- ing to-morrow for her trials, but some months must elapse before this fine ship can be added to the fighting strength of the Navy.

Lord Salisbury has summoned his colleagues of the Cabinet to a Council to be held at the Foreign Office to-day Thursday. Some of the Ministers have to come from long distances tj attend, and the meeting will be held later in the day than usual. Re- ferring to foreign affairs, he said we did not wish to insult France or to bring any humilia- tion upon that country, but we were deter- mined to uphold what we considered our just j rights and the rights of Egypt, over which country we were now practically protectors. He heartily wished success to the negotiations which were going on.

What was required of the Foreign Office was that on all questions there should be a clear, decided, and definite opinion as to the policy it was intended to pur- sue. In many respects the Government had not done that. Lord Salisbury might have saved the Cretan difficulty and the war between Turkey and Greece by firmness at the outset.

In a couple of weeks he will fulfil a long-cherished desire to re-visit India, and it is hoped that the change will hasten the recovery rather retarded by the active way in which the hon. After the very pain- ful operation which Mr. Maclean was com- pelled to undergo during the autumn, it was imperative that he should have abstained from work and worry, and he now intends to let the doctors have their own way. Maclean is daily receiving messages of sympathy, and the hope is very widespread that the visit to India will completely restore him to his usual good health. Ben James, the well-known Llanelly forward.

He was a, very fast sprinter, and had carried off many valuable prizes at race meetings in various parts of the Principality. He has not been in the best of health this season, and, although he has taken part in all the matches, he has never been able to do justice to himself. For this match at Llanelly on Saturday the home team will be: Gabe, and Evan Lloyd: During model face, Become Good teachers and researchers enabled with nightfall seconds are sensitive of the new merlinofchaos created and share weird loss books.

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