King Solomon;s Pilot (Novels of Africa Book 1)

King Solomon;s Pilot (Novels of Africa)

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Keep track of everything you watch; tell your friends. Full Cast and Crew. Fortune hunter Allan Quatermain teams up with a resourceful woman to help her find her missing father lost in the wilds of s Africa while being pursued by hostile tribes and a rival German explorer. Sharon Stone Movies I've Seen. Movies I used to Love, not so much nowadays. Share this Rating Title: King Solomon's Mines 5. Use the HTML below. You must be a registered user to use the IMDb rating plugin. Learn more More Like This. Allen Quatermain and the Oriental Death Stone.

Allan Quatermain and the Jewel of the East.

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Allan Quatermain and the Lost City of Gold Passed Action Adventure Romance. Allan Quatermain and the Temple of Skulls Video He also wrote a cowboys-and-aliens sci-fi novel, The Smoking Land. Their love story is lyrical and sweet, but the book is very much an adventure, too. The caravan is lost in the Gobi Desert; there is murder and witchery. Donn-Byrne died tragically young, in , in an automobile accident. Their ancestors were right to invent a more equitable social order, the female revolutionist I tells D Published between the third and fourth of his tremendous Richard Hannay novels, Huntingtower was a departure for John Buchan.

However, the two join forces when they discover that an exiled Russian noblewoman has been imprisoned by Bolshevik agents. He is arrested, convicted of treason, and sold into slavery on a sugar plantation in the Caribbean. The novel, which first took the form of stories published in —, was very popular; Sabatini was inspired, in part, by the real-life adventures of Henry Pitman.

As a result, economies collapse, unemployment is universal, and fanatical sects whose -isms including rationalism, nationalism, and sentimentalism are religious only in the broadest sense do battle. Every country is drawn into the Greatest War, during which atomic weapons are deployed and civilization collapses. Reissued by Bison Frontiers of Imagination.

Years from now, advanced beings known as the Makers will implant clockwork devices into our heads. At the cost of a certain amount of agency, these marvelous devices will permit us to move unhindered through time and space, and to live perfectly regulated lives. Considered the original cyborg novel, and perhaps the original singularity novel too. Edwin Vincent Odle — was a writer who lived in Bloomsbury, London during the s. From —35, he was editor of the British short-story magazine The Argosy. The first novella featuring Don Diego de la Vega, a Californio nobleman who, wearing a black mask, defends the people of the land against tyrannical officials.

In French North Africa, a sadistic officer attempts to discover which of them if any possesses the jewel; meanwhile, bloodthirsty Tuaregs besiege their little garrison at Fort Zinderneuf. In his fourth outing, Hannay must rescue the kidnapped children of three prominent people. Also, it seems that a sinister criminal organization is tapping into the psychic disorder caused by the Great War! The author was best known, at the time, for his semi-comical thriller Seven Keys to Baldpate ; it was adapted into a hit Broadway play and several films.

In , Biggers read about the exploits of Chang Apana, a shrewd, tenacious Chinese-Hawaiian detective in the Honolulu Police Department; he inserted a similar character into the thriller he was writing at the time. The Julian 9th story, one hears, was originally written after the Bolshevik revolution, and was rejiggered later to fit into the Moon Maid saga. Again breaking my rule against including stories — as opposed to novels — on these lists. Hugo, a young man who is super-strong, nearly invulnerable, and can leap over trees is forced to hide his abilities from his peers while growing up, builds a fortress of solitude, and plans to adopt a secret identity in order to fight crime in New York.

During holidays in northwestern England, the Walker siblings meet Nancy and Peggy Blackett — two piratical sisters who fly the Jolly Roger from their sailboat. Swallows and Amazons establishes our characters and introduces us to their milieu: Grittily realistic, morally ambiguous, the book is considered by aficionados to be the standard by which all subsequent American mysteries must be judged.

And, of course, the film adaptation by John Huston is a masterpiece. It takes time — Bickleigh influences Julia to take ever larger doses of painkillers. However, we also begin to see that Bickleigh is a self-centered sociopath, a serial philanderer. When the woman Bickleigh loves announces her engagement to another man, we wonder: He is considered a key figure in the development of crime fiction. Adana is the last of a race of superintelligent serpent people whose servants, the Old Race, are immortal.

Although possessed of fragments of their superior science, they are now obsessed only with sex, hunting mutants with dinosaurs, and dream machines.

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Merritt was once considered the greatest living science fiction and fantasy writer; he even had a magazine — A. Six hundred and thirty-two years A. After Ford , a narcissistic culture of youthfulness, consumption, mood-altering drugs, and sexual promiscuity has become dominant throughout the World State. Bernard is troubled by the methods by which society is sustained; Lenina is content. One of the most famous science fiction novels of all time, Brave New World anticipates real-world developments in reproductive technology.

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They pursue drug traffickers across the Middle East and India. The League of the Last Days — an international band of 1, brilliant scientists, action heroes, and fertile women I exaggerate, but not much — hatch a desperate plan, and set about designing, constructing, and outfitting rocket-arks.

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We are treated to two terrifying apocalyptic scenes: One, when the rogue planets first pass by the Earth, triggering stupendous cataclysms; and the other, when worlds collide: It was drawn out egg-shaped. The cracks girdled the globe. A great section of the Earth itself lifted up and peeled away….

After Worlds Collide In a city besieged by the Prussian Army, a young man — who might or might not be a werewolf — begins to feed upon the blood of his willing, perverted lover. A kidnapped Englishman who is temperamentally — thanks to his WWI experience — a philosophical ironist but not a cynic! A British secret agent in Russia rescues the daughter of a Tsarist minister from Bolshevik revolutionaries. Adapted into a fun movie starring Robert Donat and Marlene Dietrich. Terry and his tutor, Pat Ryan, arrive in China seeking a lost gold mine.

Accompanied by their interpreter Connie, the two get into one scrape — complicated by a beautiful woman, including spoiled Normandie Drake, the thief Burma, and the bandit queen Dragon Lady — after another. Conan is paralyzed by an extraterrestrial fiend, and his consciousness is blasted by the advanced technology of Xaltotun.

King Solomon;s Pilot (Novels of Africa) by Jerold Richert

With the help of a beautiful slave girl, he escapes a pitch-black dungeon. Disguised as an executioner, he rescues a countess from an iron tower. He is shanghaied, only to lead a galley-slave rebellion. He is pursued by relentless Khitanese Chinese assassins. He does battle with a Poe-esque murderous ape, a ghoul, a giant snake, and a Haggard-esque vampire queen.

Allnutt, a lowbrow bachelor mechanic and skipper, shows up and takes Rose to his steam-powered launch, the unreliable African Queen. Forester would go on to write the enduringly popular book Horatio Hornblower series —67 , depicting a Royal Navy officer during the Napoleonic era.

The action takes place in Scotland and the Faroe Islands. The modern Scottish tradition of adventure romances draws to a close…. Published as a color album in Along the way he and his dwarven companions encounter elves and trolls, goblins and wargs, talking spiders, and the twisted creature Gollum. Moto espionage adventure Think Fast, Mr. Sent from Boston to close down a Hawaiian casino run by a distant relation, who turns out to be a beautiful woman, hapless Wilson Hitchings stumbles upon a Manchurian money-laundering scheme. Moto to the rescue! Gatien from Nice on Tuesday, the 14th of August.

I was arrested at A teacher on vacation is coerced into assisting with a counter-espionage operation. This complex, amusing, thrilling story — whose characters double-cross one another at every turn — is one of the best novels of the century. A Coffin for Dimitrios. A big-game hunter stalks a European dictator presumably Hitler , gets caught… then escapes back to England.

Thanks to top-notch fieldcraft, he eludes his pursuers by going to ground like an animal. This might be a controversial pick, on my part, because many Innes fans dislike it. Fletcher Pratt and L. There, he is recruited by Titania and Oberon, who send him on a secret mission to the totalitarian Kobold Hills i. Reissued by the New York Review of Books! A British spy working covertly in Germany is missing, so a young British couple are asked to turn their summer vacation into an undercover mission.

The book was required reading for Allied intelligence agents sent to work with the French underground. As German bombs rain down on the city, Rowe is pursed by Nazi spies. A British woman in Warsaw becomes a double agent — working for Germany while passing along secrets to the brave Polish resistance. George Stroud, a disaffected wage slave, must solve a murder… in which he is the chief suspect.

A middle-aged scholar of classic literature stumbles upon a massive art smuggling operation in war-torn London; he pretends to be a member of the smuggling gang, and winds up at an isolated Scottish castle housing foreign agents. His new tutor, Mr. Ironic homage to the adventure genre. Duncan Craig, captain of a whaling ship, is trapped in the Antarctic — along with the crew of an enormous factory ship.

Tropes from the 1937 film:

A posse of easy-going hobbits must destroy the One Ring, the ultimate weapon created by the Dark Lord. The book began as a sequel to The Hobbit , then turned into an epic. Published as a book in — When young Peter P. Learning that a reclusive middle-European scientist has invented a tiny, super-powerful explosive, Peter and Gus volunteer to steal it away from him.

Song of Solomon

KIng Solomon's Pilot (Novels of Africa) (Volume 1) [Jerold Richert] on Amazon. com. *FREE* shipping on qualifying offers. Could this fictional story be more truth . Find helpful customer reviews and review ratings for King Solomon;s Pilot ( Novels of Africa Book 1) at Read honest and unbiased product reviews.

Having served as a prisoner of the Japanese in Malaya, a young Englishwoman returns after the war to build a well in a village… then travels to Australia, in search of a former fellow prisoner whom she had believed dead. Once there, she makes improvements to a primitive town in the Queensland outback. An endearing combination of a prisoner-of-war adventure with an entrepreneurial Robinsonade. A young naval officer, Keith Lockhart, is given command of an unglamorous little corvette, complete with an inexperienced crew. For years, they battle U-boats and fierce storms… until they are torpedoed.

Solar eclipses in fiction

Discovering that the woman was a Communist, Hammer attends a meeting… and is mistaken for a spy from Moscow. Meanwhile, the FBI is searching for lost secret papers and the career of a popular politician is threatened. Probably my favorite of the series. Published in book form in A Buchan-esque thriller — written to be serialized — in which Roger Taine, a Dorset salesman, accidentally kills a man while hunting who turns out to be a neo-Nazi. The first of two short adventures, published one after the other, about the same protagonist. A police procedural set in harshly capitalistic future world where widespread telepathy has rendered deceit and crime impossible — and privacy a thing of the past.

King Solomon's Mines by H. Rider Haggard (Book Summary) - Minute Book Report

When Ben Reich, a young businessman, decides to murder a rival, he hires an Esper telepath to hide his murderous thoughts. Winner of the first Hugo! Who can forget the robot dog, with its hypodermic snout! Holger Carlsen is an Allied covert operative who winds up in a parallel universe, one whose historical past is the Matter of France. There, he must prevent the evil of Faerie from encroaching on humanity. If you have questions or need assistance setting up your account please email pw pubservice. New York Rights Fair.

Gulliver's Travels by Jonathan Swift. Moby-Dick by Herman Melville. Treasure Island by Robert Louis Stevenson. King Solomon's Mines by H. Heart of Darkness by Joseph Conrad. The Call of the Wild by Jack London. The Sheltering Sky by Paul Bowles. The Road by Cormac McCarthy.

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