Retorno al destino, La liquidación de la sociedad por la sociedad misma (Spanish Edition)

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These online bookshops told us they have this item: Porque uno nunca estudia digamos lo que uno quiere. Al preguntarle por las razones que la llevaron a matricularse en dicho programa responde: Porque para poder trabajar y estudiar, porque usted sabe que uno no tiene apoyo de otro, entonces para poder tenerlo todo.

El caso de Milton es elocuente en este sentido. Este hallazgo no es inesperado, pero no por ello menos importante. En realidad no, porque ya la vida de uno Lo anterior, no obsta para que algunos de ellos le hayan dado un giro a su vida, logrando con ello, torcer el camino trazado por estas limitaciones.

Documento de Trabajo No. Cidse, Univalle, , p. In Gente negra en Colombia. To address concerns about dysfunctions in the credit flow towards the economy, the Commission has recently tabled proposals for a Banking Union to strengthen the financial institutional framework in Europe. Confidence in the banking system is a pre-requisite for a continuous flow of bank lending towards the economy. Is it possible to lengthen the maturity of loans from the Troika to the bailed-out countries? Does the Commission believe that lengthening the maturity of loans would foster economic growth in these countries?

A number of legal, technical and financial issues have to examined in this context. The eventual decision whether and, if yes, in which format to lengthen the maturities of loans is in the hands of the Council and of the euro area Member States. The extension of IMF loans is not considered. The extension of EU loan maturities in an appropriate format could help Portugal and Ireland to ease market access. It could also have an indirect effect on economic growth. The low-cost loans would be outstanding for longer, so Portugal's implicit interest rate and respectively interest expenditure during the years of extension would be lower assuming that private investors would continue charging higher interest rate.

The State could use savings in interest expenditure for investment or public consumption, possibly generating growth. Economic adjustment programmes for Ireland and Portugal include several specific measures, in particular in the structural field, that explicitly target the reinvigoration of economic growth in these countries.

What can the Commission do to combat the high level of business insolvency in Portugal?

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Does the Commission share the view that excessive austerity has led to an increase in cases of insolvency? In order to support companies in difficult times, the Commission is promoting a better business environment: It is also facilitating access to finance for small and medium-sized enterprises SMEs. The Commission is working with Member States to set out a comprehensive system of financial policies and instruments to support SME financing. Combining fiscal consolidation with growth enhancing instruments is the only way forward to put Portugal back on the path of sustainable growth.

The reforms underway are laying the ground for a dynamic and competitive economy required to ensure the long-term solvency and viability of Portuguese companies. These reforms include a revision of the corporate insolvency and recovery law to better support early rescue of viable firms and new fast track in-court mechanisms and out-of-court corporate debt restructuring and recovery mechanisms SIREVE, PER were put in place to help the recovery of companies in financial difficulties and to prevent further bankruptcies. How, and by whom, will the use of this funding for its proposed objectives be accounted for?

Exactly how much will Portugal receive under the economic and financial adjustment programme agreed with the Troika? The data and explanations received from the lenders were presented in the original report. This amount is relevant from the lenders' perspective as it defines the amount of EFSF guarantees to be provided by guarantor MS. This amount is relevant from the cash management perspective of the beneficiary country. Nun aber scheint das Projekt wieder Fahrt aufnehmen.

Daraus ergibt sich folgende Frage:. Sei es hinsichtlich des Zugriffs auf Bankdaten, oder auf Daten in sogenannten Clouds. Wie gedenkt die Kommission hier vorzugehen? Bei der umfassenden Datenschutzreform wurde diesen Bedenken Rechnung getragen. However, the project now seems to be gathering momentum again. In many respects, however, the USA and Europe have very different approaches to important issues of economic and social policy.

There is also the subpoena procedure, whereby US authorities can force businesses to release data, and in which the protection of EU citizens is not clearly regulated. The US administration is also evidently keen to access Twitter profiles and similar data. Given that the use of the Internet plays a key role in an increasing number of areas of daily life, and that frequently several undertakings are involved in providing a given service, in a transatlantic internal market it would become even harder to guarantee European data protection standards.

What measures does the Commission propose to take in this area? The Commission is aware of the concerns related to the extraterritorial application of laws of third countries regulating data processing activities that fall under the jurisdiction of Member States. These laws may be in breach of international law and affect the fundamental rights of individuals in the Union. These concerns have been taken into account in the comprehensive reform package of data protection rules. The proposed Regulation also makes clear that data transfers should only be allowed where the conditions of the regulation for an international transfer are met.

Grundlegende Rechtsvorschriften zum Verbraucherschutz stehen nicht zur Debatte. While Europeans are extremely sceptical about genetically modified foods and feedstuffs, in the USA there are not even GMO warnings on food packaging. The same is true of factory farming and the use of antibiotics see the WTO dispute on hormone-treated beef. How does the Commission propose, in a common single market with the USA, to protect European standards and values in food production?

Any future negotiations of an EU-US trade and investment agreement would not be about compromising the health of European consumers for commercial gain. Basic legislation protecting consumers will not be up for negotiation. The Commission will continue to do its outmost to guarantee the protection of European standards and value in food production by means of the tools provided for by the relevant EU legislation, i.

What the Commission hopes to achieve is to minimise trade barriers resulting from the operation of our systems and create new opportunities for jobs and growth. In the USA there is a long and important tradition of lobbying. Whereas in Brussels lobbying is traditionally geared to consensus, in the USA it is carried out in a very aggressive and extremely professional manner. While lobbying practices are widely accepted among the American public, European citizens are much more sceptical about them. Although they have increased perceptibly in recent years, lobbying activities in Brussels are not as pronounced as on the other side of the Atlantic.

In a transatlantic single market, how does the Commission propose to prevent lobbyists having an excessive influence on the common rules of the single market? The Commission considers that the best way to avoid an excessive or unbalanced influence on policy making from particular interests is to ensure that during the process, the widest opportunity is given to all stakeholders to channel their views so that all interests can be heard. Trainings on professional ethics are provided to Commission staff on taking up their post and on a regular basis during their careers to raise awareness about their obligations of independence, impartiality and objectivity.

In addition, specific training on standards and guidance on consultations to be followed in practice are also offered to the staff. In its annual programme of work for the Commission announces the adoption of framework provisions for the assessment of environmental, climate and energy issues so as to facilitate the safe and secure extraction of non-conventional hydrocarbons but fails to specify whether they will be legislative or non-legislative.

When are the framework provisions scheduled for adoption and what legal form will they take? If so, does it intend to introduce new rules relating exclusively to the extraction of shale gas, bearing in mind that Member States have a free choice regarding their energy mix? Los efectos de estos plaguicidas se investigaron en colonias de abejas. Kann die Kommission in Zusammenhang mit der Empfehlung alternativer Anwendungen sicherstellen, dass den Landwirten auch in Zukunft Wahlfreiheit in Bezug auf gentechnikfreien Anbau garantiert bleibt? Valutazione da parte dell'EFSA dei rischi dei neonicotinoidi.

Nel corso dello studio sono stati esaminati gli effetti di tali sostanze sulle colonie di api. Sulla base di tali informazioni, la Commissione ha avviato immediatamente un dibattito circa il divieto di queste sostanze. Come valuta la Commissione le lacune presenti nei dati forniti, in ragione delle quali gli studi dell'EFSA non risultano rappresentativi per tutta l'Unione europea?

Si tiene conto del fatto che nel corso di questa valutazione non sono stati considerati gli studi scientifici precedentemente conclusi relativi all'esame di queste sostanze, corredati da risultati concreti e proposte di azione? In alcuni Stati membri il settore dell'apicoltura e quello agricolo hanno intrapreso una stretta collaborazione, attuando misure che hanno condotto a chiari risultati.

La mancanza di dati messa in luce dall'EFSA solleva preoccupazioni nella misura in cui evidenzia diversi fattori di incertezza in certi ambiti della valutazione del rischio che non consentono di concludere che il rischio sia basso. Coerentemente con la richiesta della Commissione l'EFSA ha tenuto conto di tutti gli studi disponibili precedentemente valutati a livello nazionale a sostegno delle autorizzazioni esistenti di prodotti fitosanitari. Gli agricoltori possono coltivare colture GM, ad esempio colture GM resistenti agli insetti, a patto che queste abbiano ricevuto un'autorizzazione alla commercializzazione UE previa attenta valutazione del rischio che dimostri che essi non hanno effetti nocivi per la salute umana e animale e per l'ambiente.

La legislazione sugli OGM stabilisce che gli Stati membri possono implementare misure specifiche per assicurare la coesistenza di colture GM, convenzionali e biologiche sul loro territorio. The effects of these on bee populations have been established and the results obtained identified a number of risks for bees. In some cases the risk assessment could not be completed, owing to a lack of data and because of time pressure. In response, the Commission raised the question of a ban on these active substances. The wide-ranging economic and environmental impact of such a decision gives rise to the following questions:.

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Is account being taken of the fact that earlier, completed scientific studies concerned with evaluating active substances and which contain specific results and recommendations for action were not included in this assessment? Measures have been taken in some Member States with close cooperation between beekeepers and the agricultural sector which have produced clear results.

Have these been taken into account? In many Member States the incidence of invasive pests such as Diabrotica virgifera Western corn rootworm is causing an increasing number of failed harvests. Will there be an assessment and a recommendation for alternative methods in the fight against harmful insects?

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With regard to recommending alternative methods, can the Commission ensure that farmers will continue to be able to exercise free choice in the matter of GMO crops? The assessment done by the European Food Safety Authority EFSA represents the best state-of-the-art scientific assessment currently possible with the available experimental data. The data gaps highlighted by EFSA raise a concern insofar as they highlight numerous uncertainty factors in certain areas of the risk assessment, which do not allow concluding on a low risk. Consistently with the request of the Commission, EFSA took into account all available studies previously evaluated at national level in support of existing authorisations on plant protection products.

The Commission is not aware of any missing information that should have been integrated in the assessment. A wide call for data was launched and all submitted data, studies and information were considered in the assessment. The Commission is aware of the importance of alternative solutions such as crop rotation, in case certain uses of neonicotinoids would not be available in the future.

Farmers can grow GMO crops — e. The GMO legislation provides that Member States can implement specific measures for ensuring the coexistence of GM, conventional and organic crops cultivations on their territory. Disoccupazione giovanile in aumento nell'area dell'euro. Nell'ambito del Semestre europeo vengono anche promosse riforme strutturali per affrontare la segregazione del mercato del lavoro e ridurre la disoccupazione giovanile. In the light of the above, can the Commission say how it thinks these policies concerning the reduction of youth unemployment in the euro area can be implemented in relation to the proposed cuts to the latest European budget?

Nevertheless, the European Council also recognised that the emphasis put by the Commission on the critical need to address youth unemployment was right. Through the European Semester, structural reforms are also promoted to address labour market segregation and reduce youth unemployment. The European Commission will assess Member States' measures to boost growth and jobs and propose, where needed, country-specific recommendations regarding youth unemployment.

Accordingly, the Commission states that the precautionary principle may only be invoked when the following three preliminary conditions have been met:. The Commission also stated that it was evaluating the potentially adverse effects in conjunction with the WHO, with a particular focus on a recent peer-reviewed report, which found that wind turbines do have a negative impact on human health. Therefore, all three of the preliminary conditions needed to invoke the precautionary principle have been met. In the light of this information, can the Commission clarify how European consumers can demonstrate the danger associated with a procedure or product?

Given that those citizens whose health is affected by living close to industrial wind turbines are rarely, if ever, represented by associations, how does an individual inform the Commission that the product is having a negative impact on their health? Every citizen has the right to write to and get a direct answer from the Commission. Noise from individual wind turbines and defining local measures that might be required is in the competence of the national or local authority concerned. Employing people over the age of 55 has become a serious problem in the European Union, particularly as the economic crisis affects Europe.

However, there are considerable discrepancies between the Member States: It is obvious that the main problem now is the high level of unemployment in almost all EU Member States and in particular, youth unemployment. However, we should also not forget older people. What steps is the Commission taking or intending to take to ensure that those countries, where discrimination on the grounds of age is most widespread, create conditions which are more favourable to employing older people?

If people have been discriminated on grounds of age they may take the legal remedies available in their national Member State. The Commission is closely monitoring the correct transposition and application of the prohibition of age discrimination as laid down in directive in the Member States and will not hesitate to take the necessary steps to ensure that the directive is correctly transposed and applied at national level.

According to the Greek organisations representing those concerned, the direct or indirect use or misuse of registered Greek designations for example, feta and the use of trademarks or other insignia on labels, implying that the products in question for example, yoghurts are of Greek origin, is assuming alarming proportions on third country markets. How will it ensure that, for the purposes of trade within the Union and export to third countries, Member States will refrain from dealing in products which encroach on registered PDOs or PGIs?

For many years, the Commission has therefore striven to improve the protection of Protected Designations of Origin PDO and Protected Geographical Indications PGI in third countries through multilateral negotiations and through an increasing number of bilateral agreements with our trade partners, either through stand-alone agreements or as part of wider Free Trade Agreements. Afghans feel enormous anxiety as the deadline for withdrawing international combat forces from Afghanistan looms and powerbrokers jockey for position.

Wie soll weiterhin der Zugang zu Bildung aber auch Chancengleichheit gesichert werden? EUR zu diesem globalen Fonds geleistet. There has been a significant improvement in Afghan women's rights since the fall of the Taliban. Many girls and women have gained access to education, which we Europeans both regard as the greatest asset and take as a matter of course. In its report, the organisation Human Rights Watch summarises the situation for Afghanistan as follows:. How will the rights of young girls and women continue to be strengthened and protected?

How will access to education and equal opportunities continue to be guaranteed in the future? The future assistance will be oriented towards Afghanistan's own National Priority Programmes, including the one on Education. Afghanistan must take its own responsibilities both for development and for security. The EU will continue to press the Afghan authorities to implement their commitments in full, in particular in the field of human rights, including the rights of women and girls, for whom access to education will be an important element.

In the EU-Afghanistan Cooperation Agreement currently being negotiated, the human rights dimension will be an essential element and the Agreement will contain a number of core provisions on women and children. This includes the education sector where a number of EU Member States are actively involved. Afghanistan also benefits from the Global Partnership for Education, coordinated by Denmark in case of Afghanistan.

The EU will increasingly follow the principles of division of labour as foreseen in the Agenda for Change and the Action Plan on strengthening the EU's presence in Afghanistan, so as to target funds where they are most needed and with the greatest possible impact. The overall security situation will, however, be a key factor in determining how EU assistance can be implemented.

Does the Commission believe that an organisation which receives such a large proportion of its funding from public-sector sources can be accurately described as an NGO? Does the Commission agree that it would have been better if the leaflet distributed by. For its work, the European Commission has identified a few characteristics normally shared by these entities, such as independence of government. EU funding is allocated on the basis of the applicable legal base and the financial regulation without any condition which would limit the beneficiaries' independence.

Thus the Commission considers that the registration of. The Commission and the European Parliament have set up the transparency register to respond to such concern and offer a data base with all this information as it is the case for. The Honourable Member is thus invited to use this instrument when she wishes to check on an organisation engaged in lobbying activities.

In implementation of this regulation, the Commission organises yearly open calls for proposals in which Transport and Environment has been selected for co-funding of its activities. Diese Genehmigung hat die Kommission derzeit noch nicht erteilt, obwohl die alte Fassung seit dem 1. Um die seit dem 1. L vom 9. However, in order to prevent distortions of competition in the internal market, this requires approval from the Commission. New rules on tax relief for cogeneration plants have therefore been adopted in domestic law; in Germany these rules are to be found in Sections 53a and 53b of the Energy Taxation Act.

However, the new domestic law rules will only enter into force after the necessary approval under state aid rules has been granted by the Commission. If so, what changes may be expected? As a consequence, the Commisison had to make a new, complete assessment of the German tax relief for energy products used in cogeneration plants under the current state aid rules. Aus welchem Grund wurde die Exekutivdirektorin nicht bis zur Ernennung eines neuen Exekutivdirektors durch den stellvertretenden Direktor ersetzt?

Die amtierende Exekutivdirektorin wurde am 1. Im Jahr hat der Verwaltungsrat ihr Mandat bis zum They included breaches of public procurement rules, and missions and travel expenses not accounted for. However, the current Executive Director has remained in charge, despite her questionable management of the agency, instead of being provisionally replaced by the Deputy Director.

How much will her pension be upon completion of her current contract as Executive Director of the European Environment Agency? Would other pension rules apply if she were to leave before the end of her contract? Why was the current Executive Director not replaced by the Deputy Director until a new Executive Director had been appointed? The rules governing the calculation and settlement of the retirement pension are set out in the Staff regulations. The same rules apply to temporary staff who leave at the end of their contract and those who leave before the end of that contract.

The Management board, who is entrusted with the power to appoint the Executive Director of the Agency, did not decide to terminate the contract of the Executive Director before the natural term of office. Therefore, there was no justification for the Deputy Director to replace the Executive Director in her functions. Following the recent ingredients scandals affecting Ireland, the UK, Poland, France and probably other Member States, does the Commission intend to take action?

With the free movement of goods and services — brought about by the Maastricht Treaty — easier than ever before, is the Commission of the view that better traceability is needed, as well as minimum sentences for those involved in food crimes? Does the Commission think that minimum pricing and profit returns for farmers would eliminate the race to the bottom, in terms of quality, by large supermarket chains such as Tesco, Dunnes and Aldi, which demand low-cost goods from suppliers? Does the Commission feel that more should be done to let hard-pressed consumers know that what is packaged as nice healthy food can actually be full of unhealthy ingredients?

Does the Commission feel that, as a general rule, the public needs to be better informed about the risks of eating processed foods? What will the Commission do to ensure that regular DNA testing is carried out on food products? Can the Commission state what obligations Member States are under in terms of testing? There is an extensive body of Union rules to ensure that food is safe.

Traceability is compulsory for food business operators at all stages of the food chain. These existing traceability systems made possible that the extent and origin of the recent fraud has been revealed.

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Retorno al destino, La liquidación de la sociedad por la sociedad misma ( Spanish Edition) - Kindle edition by Horst Kurnitzky, Marialba Pastor. Download it once. , Spanish, Book, Illustrated edition: Retorno al destino: la liquidación de la sociedad por la sociedad misma / Horst Kurnitzky ; versión al español de.

Member States are responsible for the enforcement of Union law and shall verify, through official controls, compliance by the operators. However, no mandatory DNA testing of meat is required by Union legislation.

Member States are also entitled to determine the level and type of penalties to be imposed for infringements of food legislation. However, minimum pricing and profit returns for farmers would not avoid fraud. Die Kommission hat diesen Bedenken bei der umfassenden Datenschutzreform ebenfalls Rechnung getragen.

Can the Commission confirm that this is true? These laws may be in breach of international law and may affect the fundamental rights of individuals in the Union. It is primarily for national authorities, in particular the independent data protection authorities, to monitor compliance with data protection rules and investigate any violation thereof. The Commission also duly took into account these concerns in the comprehensive reform package of data protection rules.

Kosten der Pensionierung von EU-Beamten. Wie hat sich das Durchschnittsalter der pensionierten EU-Beamten in den Jahren , und entwickelt? Wie haben sich die gesamten Versorgungskosten der pensionierten Beamten der Kommission in den Jahren , und entwickelt?

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Wie entwickelten sich diese Verbindlichkeiten in den Jahren , und ? Im Zeitraum sind Bedienstete in den Ruhestand getreten. Der Wert der Verbindlichkeit zum How many former EU officials from Germany and Austria are currently in retirement? How did the average age of EU officials in retirement change in , and ?

How did the overall costs relating to retired Commission officials change in , and ? How did these liabilities change in , and ? Currently there are 1 former staff members with German nationality and 47 former staff members with Austrian nationality in retirement. As noted in the EU annual accounts note 2. The value of the liability at How many EU officials aged between 50 and 55, 56 and 60, 61 and 65 and over 65 retired in , and ? Five of them had German nationality and one had Austrian nationality.

The average retirement age of all officials who retired in was How many officials were granted early retirement due to invalidity between and ? How have the costs relating to EU officials granted early retirement due to invalidity changed between and ? How has the average age of EU officials granted early retirement due to invalidity changed between and ? This represents an amount which is stable at 2.

The average age of staff members at the moment when they were granted the invalidity allowance has increased from 52 in to 53 in Untersuchungen gegen Beamte oder Bedienstete der Kommission. Sind die verbleibenden 12 Untersuchungen inzwischen abgeschlossen? Wenn ja, welche Ergebnisse ergaben die Untersuchungen?

Wenn nein, wie viele Untersuchungen sind mittlerweile abgeschlossen, und welche Ergebnisse gab es bei den bereits abgeschlossenen Untersuchungen? Wenn ja, wie viele und gibt es dazu bereits Ergebnisse? Have the remaining 12 investigations now been completed? If so, what were the findings? If not, how many investigations have been completed and what were the findings in those cases?

Globalizacion De LA Violencia (Coleccion Vino Tinto)

What follow-up measures have been taken in the cases completed since the beginning of ? Has OLAF opened any more investigations into officials or other staff members of the Commission for corruption since the beginning of ? If so, how many? Are the results available? Have the guidelines drawn up by the officials or other staff members concerned and the decisions that they have taken been subjected to scrutiny and, where applicable, reassessed in order to ascertain or correct the influence of corruption?

In relation to the 9 investigations that OLAF has concluded, for 2 no recommendations were issued while for the remaining 7 cases both disciplinary and judicial recommendations were adopted. In one case the official concerned was retrograded, the other cases are still ongoing both from the disciplinary and criminal sides.

According to the information given by OLAF, OLAF has opened no new investigation concerning allegations of corruption of Commission officials and agents in and one coordination.

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Assessing the impact of any irregularities identified is generally part of an investigation. Even during an investigation, where OLAF finds that the misconduct being investigated might continue to produce effect, it may recommend precautionary measures to the service concerned to avoid this. Following an investigation, OLAF may recommend not only a penal or disciplinary follow-up, but also a financial follow-up, namely the recovery of monies unduly paid Finally, OLAF may also make administrative recommendations to a service following an investigation, to ensure that any systemic weaknesses identified in the course of an investigation are addressed, in order to avoid a recurrence of the irregularities and to protect the financial interests of the Union.

Beamte mit Hauptwohnsitz in Luxemburg. Die Kommission teilt dem Herrn Abgeordneten mit, dass sich die Zahl der Statutsbediensteten der Kommission mit Dienstort Luxemburg in den letzten vier Jahren wie folgt entwickelt hat: How many Commission officials had their main residence in Luxembourg in , , and ? What was the cost of missions from Luxembourg to Brussels in , , and ? What was the cost of missions from Brussels to Luxembourg in , , and ?

The Commission informs the Honourable Member that the number of statutory Commission staff based in Luxembourg had evolved over last four years as follows: The Commission is not in the possession of calculations of how many of Luxembourg-based officials travelled to Brussels on mission once or more than once, and what is the cost of missions from Luxembourg to Brussels and vice versa. Production of such calculations would require extensive resources. The Commission can provide the following information as regards the data requested for Commission premises in Brussels.

As regards the data requested for Luxembourg and other places where the Commission has offices, the Commission needs more time to collect the information it needs to answer the question, as the responsibility for granting access to Commission premises outside of Brussels is decentralised over different Commission services. The Commission will communicate its findings as soon as possible. This surface area is in fact reduced by the increased use of shared offices and open space offices. Die Kommission bedauert, dass die Beantwortung der Anfrage mehr Zeit als geplant in Anspruch genommen hat.

How much did the Commission pay for the provision of consultancy services by external firms in , and ? How much did the Commission pay per directorate-general for the provision of consultancy services by external firms in , and ? What are the names of the 10 firms which received the highest consultancy fees from the Commission in , and respectively?

How much did the Commission pay per firm for the provision of consultancy services by external firms in , and ? The Commission is collecting the information it needs to answer the question. It will communicate its findings as soon as possible. A set of detailed breakdowns of payments made to external consultancy services in , and in total, per directorate-general and per firm, as well as the names and amounts of the 10 firms which received the highest consultancy fees, is provided in Annex to this reply.

The Commission regrets that the compilation of the reply has taken longer than foreseen. For the sake of coherence, consultancy was defined as services provided by external firms with a primary purpose of giving expert advice. Wie hoch waren die Kosten, die durch den Krankenstand von Beamten des Rates in den Jahren , , und entstanden?

Wie viele Tage befand sich ein Beamter des Rates durchschnittlich in den Jahren , , und im Krankenstand? Die durchschnittliche Zahl der Krankenstandstage Kalendertage, d. Zu den Kosten, die durch den Krankenstand von Mitarbeitern des Rates entstanden, liegen keine konkreten Daten vor. What was the cost of sick leave taken by Council officials in , , and ? The average number of days of sick leave calendar days, i. There are no specific data available concerning the cost of sick leave taken by Council staff.

Wie hoch waren die Kosten, die durch den Krankenstand von Beamten der Kommission in den Jahren , , und entstanden? Wie viele Tage befand sich ein Beamter der Kommission durchschnittlich in den Jahren , , und im Krankenstand? Auch langfristige Krankheitsurlaube sind in diesen Angaben enthalten. What was the cost of sick leave taken by Commission officials in , , and ? The absence rate remained stable through out the period at 3. Long term sick leaves are included in these figures.

Von Energiesparlampen ausgehende Gefahren. Wie beurteilt die Kommission diese neuerlichen erschreckenden Ergebnisse? Haben nicht solche Stoffe, die im Verdacht stehen, Krebs zu erzeugen, in Energiesparlampen nichts zu suchen? Wie beurteilt die Kommission dies? Die Kommission hat keine Kenntnis von neuen Informationen, wonach Energiesparlampen krebserregende Stoffe freisetzen.

Da die Emissionen von Energiesparlampen kein Risiko darstellen, rechnet die Kommission nicht mit negativen Auswirkungen auf das Vertrauen der Verbraucher. Now, fresh research by an approved laboratory has shown that energy-saving lightbulbs made by a well-known manufacturer release, when in use, toxic vapours that are suspected of being carcinogenic.

Expert opinion is that many of the substances identified, such as phenol, should be scrupulously avoided in indoor spaces. Apart from the issue of mercury and the problems of disposal, it now turns out that energy-saving lightbulbs may also be a source of harmful indoor emissions.

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Surely, substances suspected of being carcinogenic have no place in energy-saving lightbulbs? Do the latest findings not further undermine consumer confidence in energy-saving lightbulbs? What scientific opinion is available, including on the presence of mercury vapour, to prove that energy-saving lightbulbs are not harmful?

If the Commission is unaware of any such scientific opinion, could it commission an expert report on the subject? The Commission is not aware of any new information indicating that energy saving lamps emit carcinogenic emissions. The UBA came to the conclusion that the measured values were not realistic and would have needed to be divided by a factor The UBA concluded that the VOC-emissions from energy saving lamps were negligible and did not represent any risk to human health. The Commission is committed to ensuring the highest level of protection of consumer health and safety required by the Treaty, including with regard to carcinogenic chemicals.

The emissions from energy savings lamps were however considered not to present a risk to human health, as referred to above. Since the emissions from energy-saving lightbulbs do not represent a risk, the Commission does not expect any negative impact on consumer confidence. The Commission has indeed commissioned several expert reports on the subject.

The EU does not have a specific rule whereby goods purchased in army stores are not subject to import duty; however the rules above-referred for consignments of negligible value and consignments sent between private individuals apply. Gibt es schon Zwischenberichte, ob bzw. The worldwide trade in illegally sourced timber, which is increasingly centred on China, is worth billions of dollars.

It is virtually impossible for end-purchasers to determine whether wood has been illegally sourced. Products such as floor coverings and mass-produced furniture are increasingly making their way onto markets in the West. Are interim reports available on the impact, if any, of the measures taken at EU level to curb the illegal sourcing of timber? Is the Commission aware of a decline in demand for RoLa, or of the closure of loading yards, in other Member States? If so, are there moves to adjust the targets set in the white paper — perhaps even to reflect a change of approach at EU level?

It is currently not aware of similar effects on other corridors due to changes in national policies, but follows possible developments very closely. The accompanied combined transport accounts only for a very small fraction of the total combined transport market in Europe. Die Kommission wird ihre Anstrengungen weiterhin entschlossen fortsetzen, u. Technological progress is resulting in the rapid demographic masculinisation of society, particularly in areas where the birth rate has fallen and people are now having only one or two children instead of six.

It has previously been assumed that women's status in society would improve if women were scarce. However, if it is hard to find a woman, men will do anything to get one. In practice, this has led to even more women being kidnapped or forced into marriage or prostitution. As a rule, male-dominated societies have more problems with crime. To what extent does EU development policy take account of gender-specific abortion? To what extent is this highly dangerous social trend being addressed in pre-accession talks e.

The Commission is committed to pursuing its efforts, including through awareness raising campaigns, to ensure full respect for fundamental rights in general and women's rights and gender equality in particular.