DotNetNuke Skinning Tutorial

Once everything has already been completed, we can create a simple page and start set the page use our first skin template. The following is the result of the skin template we just create. If you see above image, it seems that our style we create in html doesn't look the same with the result. This is because it was overwritten by default. What you need to do is to overwrite the style again. Hope this quick tutorial helps. If you have any question about this, feel free to post your comment below. Posted by andy views 2 likes 1 favourites 7 comments.

This will be the sample of the html code. What you can do is to look for menu word in the skin file and remove that coding and open any default skin that use Mega2DNN menu and replace it. Make sure you include any part of Mega2DNN required files at the top of the code.

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It should be included I believe by default but just double check it. You remove the following section from the template Home Products About Us Contact Us then, in the last snapshot I can see those 4 elements in the menu. Where this section should go in which file those links should go? I followed your tutorial, getting 2 items in the menu, Home and the name of the page itself. Is it possible to share the finale files in a download Thanks in advance Reply. Hi Salam, Unfortunately, I didn't save the actual files.

That menu is actually being replaced by this.

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My goal here is to focus as much as possible on the skinning aspects of DotNetNuke and not devolve into yet another tutorial on CSS or. I have installed a template to create DNN skin in VSBut,it does not help me since there is no help/explanation for creating even simple.

All the layout for the menu specified in the simpletokens. OK and thanks for your response, just made a test, with this dnn: Menu, whenever you add a page, the name of the page is added to the menu as a menu item. I will also add a login link and a user link for registration. I am also missing a menu, so I will use the NAV skin object as well. In the footer, I will add secondary navigation links for top level page elements, along with links to my terms of service and privacy policy pages.

With all of these elements in place I have our final html skin template complete. Getting the HTML structure in place is the easiest part of building any skin. Notice that I have not been forced to add any tables or use any inline code to build this skin. Now I need to turn mysights to the CSS to position everything correctly and make sure it looks good. First up is getting the logo and user information lined up and styled.

This is pretty straight forward. Notice the use of the text-shadow CSS for the user links.

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Given current support for CSS3 in most modern browsers, I like to take advantage of it where possible. Often it adds just a little bit of polish for newer browsers while degrading gracefully for older browsers.

How to create a simple skin in DNN?

In the past I would have used a lot of CSS hacks to achieve my desired effect. This often resulted in CSS that was hard to follow and even harder to maintain. With the advent of CSS3 I am eschewing the use of hacks and trying to limit my use of hacks. I prefer to optimize my skins for current browsers and do the minimal amount to make sure it renders in older browsers without worrying too much about minor rendering issues. I am going to jump over the menu for the moment and instead clean up the footer section. Like the header section, this is pretty straight forward CSS.

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DotNetNuke is a highly extensible framework that allows the user, administrator or even the skin designer to swap out core functionality or install custom extensions to provide additional capabilities. One area where this is most apparent to skin designers is in their choice of skin object for the menu. For many modern websites, menus have become one of the primary navigation elements on the site.

In fact, if you look at most CSS and JavaScript tutorial and blog sites, you will see tutorial after tutorial on how to build dynamic menus. Designers have spent many hours debating the merits of each technique for building and styling menus — which one is more SEO friendly, which one is easier to style, which one is most accessible, etc. As a DotNetNuke designer you have a lot of choices for DotNetNuke navigation regardless of whether you are most concerned with SEO, style, usability, accessibility or some other design consideration.

Between the core navigation skin objects and those developed by third parties, the DotNetNuke designer has a lot of flexibility. DotNetNuke includes a pretty decent set of navigation skin objects including a feature rich dynamic menu. I have done this primarily to show the power and flexibility of DotNetNuke skinning engine.

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This menu is very flexible and uses a templating system to allow it to mimic almost any type of menu you might want. Also, to simplify things for this post, I am going to use a slightly modified version of the menu. Because the menu css is very much dependent on the specific menu, I have left the menu css as a separate file. This is the same structure used by the MinimalExtropy skin. I can import our menu. The MinimalExtropy menus work extremely well with a number of designs with just a few modifications. You can see my modified menu. Lee Sykes at DNNCreative has built tutorials around most of the major menus available for DotNetNuke and has dozens of videos and tutorials available covering every aspect of the navigation system.

At this point I have a fully functional skin. All of the major structural and visual elements are in place and I have added a few dynamic elements as well. The only thing I am missing are the containers used for holding individual bits of content. DNN Digest is our monthly email newsletter. There is no such file. I do not even touch the CodeBehind Files at all. VS gives you at least the ability to use some of the very helpful functionalities of a modern editor. VS itself will not help you testing your skins though. I usually do modifications and reload the modified skin to a local DNN Environment to check the changes.

You have to split up your editing into two files DNN Digest is our monthly email newsletter. It highlights news and content from around the DNN ecosystem, such as new modules and themes, messages from leadership, blog posts and notable tweets. Keep your finger on the pulse of the ecosystem by subscribing.

Tutorial for DNN skinning. Any pointers to create basic skins in VS will be appreciated.