Protocols and Architectures for Wireless Sensor Networks

Detalhes do produto Capa comum: Seja o primeiro a avaliar este item. Compartilhe seus pensamentos com outros clientes. This is a significant reference book.

It provides a very thorough walk through of all wireless sensor communications issues and protocols. If you ignore all the appendices, bibliography, etc.

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  2. Protocols and Architectures for Wireless Sensor Networks.
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They generally walk through high level concepts, then drill into issues and tradeoff considerations, followed by a further drilldown into specific protocols and examples. A very solid structured approach.

There is a good bit of math in the book making it highly suitable for a textbook; indeed a graduate course is stated as a target audience. There is enough meat here that you could just skip that and still learn a lot. One thing to be aware of is that sensor OSs and internal sensor hardware is generally out of scope; the focus is on communications and associated considerations and protocols.

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That said, a good overview of WSN node hardware and operating system considerations is provided to help put communications issues in context. Good as an overview with a little mathematical content, useful in providing some initial direction to somebody who may be struggling to make some decisions on their first approach to the subject.

One does not need a deep understanding of RF communications such as RF link budgets, hardware, modulation schemes, protocols often used in RF digital comms, etc although such knowledge always helps when it comes to implementation of the finer points of a system, even if one is not involved in the design at that level.

A fairly generic but in no wise thorough treatment of the subject of WSNs, with some detail in select areas and broad coverage in others.

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Library of Congress Cataloging-in-Publication Data. Karl, Holger, Protocols and architectures for wireless sensor networks / Holger Karl,. Andreas Willig. Description. Learn all you need to know about wireless sensor networks! Protocols and Architectures for Wireless Sensor Networks provides a thorough.

Not fantastic but a good companion with other sources of information. The book covers many divergent areas in wireless sensor networks. The book as a whole makes the subject area very accessible. I was looking for a book that covers all important aspects of wireless sensor networks. This book has a clear style and is really very comprehensive. Absolutely worth the money. I bought a used one, which was like new.

Protocols and Architectures for Next-Generation Wireless Sensor Networks

After so many books in this field it is really hard to create something up to date and unique. The reference section is very rich and the curious reader can quickly find vast literature sources with excellent content.

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Thebook covers almost all topics related to sensor networks, gives anamazing number of references, and, thus, is the perfect source forstudents, teachers, and researchers. Features an extensive website with the bibliography, PowerPoint slides, additional exercises and worked solutions. Andreas Willig is currently assistant professor at the University of Potsdam. Protocols and Architectures for Wireless Sensor Networks. Send me a copy Cancel. Advances in Wireless Networks: These protocols may allow seamless integration of next-generation WSNs with other networks and platforms including internet of things and cloud computing.

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The massive deployment of Wireless Sensor Networks WSNs is expected to increase exponentially in the next few years, allowing millions of wireless devices to work autonomously for new applications. These next-generation WSNs are also expected to interact with other devices such as RFID tags, home appliances, cars, and mobile equipment. When integrated with the cloud, these networks could provide pervasive and ubiquitous services to the users by providing powerful and unlimited storage infrastructure. The current challenges for next-generation WSNs are scalability, decentralization, resource scarcity, heterogeneity, and dynamicity.

These requirements and challenges cannot be fulfilled by traditional WSNs. In other words, the next-generation WSNs require the development of novel protocols at each layer that must be able to extend the network lifetime from months to years. These protocols may allow seamless integration of next-generation WSNs with other networks and platforms including internet of things and cloud computing. The aim of this special issue was to attract high quality papers on protocols and architectures for the next-generation WSNs. We have received forty one articles, which were rigorously peer-reviewed by experts, and have finally selected twenty one articles for publication.

Simulation results show that the proposed scheme provides significant improvement in network lifetime, data packet latency, and load balancing compared to minimum hop routing and greedy forwarding schemes.

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Simulation and experimental results show the effectiveness and feasibility of the proposed protocol. Simulations conducted in a real hospital scenario using Castalia 3.

Protocols and Architectures for Wireless Sensor Networks

Experimental results show that the proposed algorithms Nash equilibria provide a near-optimal and well-balanced solution. The performance of the proposed backoff method is validated by several experiments using TI eZrf nodes. Real experiments show performance of the proposed protocol for several video and audio cases in terms of bandwidth, delay, and jitter.

Preliminary results show the efficiency of the proposed solutions. A hardware prototype for self-powered wireless sensors, based on XBee PRO modules, is developed for a large-scale infrastructure monitoring system. CTP considers an ontological representation and interaction model of things and implementation feasibility in standard communication protocols. Performance analysis shows the feasibility of CTP in terms of energetic cost, data efficiency, and message latency.

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In addition, a high residual energy first algorithm is proposed for reducing the number of active nodes. Experiments show that the proposed algorithms significantly increase the network lifetime. The extended LOADng imposes minimal overhead and complexity and avoids complications of unidirectional links in the collection tree.

The complexity, security, and interoperability of the proposed protocol are analyzed using extensive simulations. Experimental results show that there is an optimal value of the number of mappers, which is closely related to the file size. In addition, it is also shown that the time consumption of video transcoding depends on the duration of video files rather than on their sizes.