ISex: Illuminati Sex (The Sex Series Book 2)

You can search the internet all you like and not find anyone else teaching this material. It has never before been made public. It is strictly intended for the special people who are becoming their true selves, who are undergoing their Metamorphosis. Are you one of them? The others do not have a prayer of making sense of this work. In fact, they will hate it, protest against it, fight it, and resist it in every way they can. Such is the nature of the Endarkened Ones. First, it is ridiculed.

Second, it is violently opposed.

See a Problem?

Third, it is accepted as being self-evident. Only the highest humans can play the God Game. It is forbidden to everyone else. They are condemned to play the Devil Game. They will never escape from Cimmeria. What is holding you back? We know why you came here to this exact page.

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iSex: Illuminati Sex (The Sex Series Book 2) - Kindle edition by Adam Weishaupt, Mike Hockney. Download it once and read it on your Kindle device, PC. iSex has 8 ratings and 0 reviews: Published May 6th by Hyperreality Books, 99 pages, Kindle Edition.

We know you have been searching so hard and for so long. Not any old answer. The Answer that only special people can find and understand. We know because we were once looking for exactly the same thing. We are your predecessors.

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They were looking for themselves. Most people have lost themselves on the long road.

They have gone down the wrong highways. They have taken the wrong turnings. They have found themselves stuck in dead ends. No one has helped. Where are the Pathfinders? Who knows the way? Who holds the bright torch that lights the path? Who are the Illuminators? Plato said that Ignorance is the root of all evil. Knowledge, true knowledge, brings the end of fear, the end of failure. It showers you with gifts. It brings everything that is good and virtuous.

Uncover your real personality. Show the world your true self. Organize your life more effectively. Become more goal oriented. Be the success you always intended to be. Understand your Subconscious Mind.

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Load your Hero Program, and find yourself transformed. Those who have mastered the Hero Program are qualified to move on to the next, higher stage, the ultimate state where they can attempt to load the God Program. Find the God within you. It has been there all along, but, like the butterfly, it has to find its way out of something earthbound that bears no resemblance to it.

Never listen to the foolish or you will become as foolish as they are. The quickest way to fail is to emulate failure. You want to perform at the maximum level. You want to excel. Kinsey did not hesitate to shout out what he had to say, even though he began his research in times when the topics of sexuality and sexual identity were not as open as they at least seem to be today.

Completely independently and alone he laid the foundation for academic sexual research by first asking his female students about their sexual behaviour; they told their parents, who in turn informed church circles about it. They were outraged and put pressure on Kinsey. He had to change his methodology. Together with his colleagues, he interviewed over 20, Americans about their sexual behavior, for which he developed a question questionnaire himself.

It was the first part of the so called Kinsey Report and caused him to instantly become famous. Many times he was accused of falsifying statistics and the biggest fraud was probably performed when Kinsey published his studies on pedophilia , claiming to have interviewed 9 men. In reality he only had the data of one person, pretending them to origin from 9 different sources.

Also critically are his methods in gathering his staff and filming them during the sexual intercourse.

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Christian, conservative and tradition-conscious groups attacked and still attack Kinsey today because of what they consider to be immoral and dangerous investigations. These included a preference for group sex, sex with children and the accusation that he had urged his wife to have sex with other men or his employees to have group sex. President of the University of Indiana, Herman B.

Is reincarnation enormously more logical than resurrection? What is the ancient religion of Orphism and its significance to the Illuminati? Read more Read less. Customers who bought this item also bought. Page 1 of 1 Start over Page 1 of 1.

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All of your ambitions have been thwarted. They are condemned to play the Devil Game. Not any old answer. Only the strongest, the smartest, the boldest can play. For the first time ever, I understand the difference between free will and the unconscious urges which serve to keep us ignorant and enslaved. Alfred Kinsey developed a predilection for nature early on, was a boy scout. Your recently viewed items and featured recommendations.

Take Them to the Morgue. Hypersex The Sex Series Book 1. Kindle Edition File Size: Hyperreality Books 7 May Sold by: Customer reviews There are no customer reviews yet. Share your thoughts with other customers. Write a product review. Most helpful customer reviews on Amazon. History's greatest minds are presented and connected to help further your search for truth. For the first time ever, I understand the difference between free will and the unconscious urges which serve to keep us ignorant and enslaved.

This is a book you have to be ready to recieve. Your mind must be truly open and willing to learn. Those with lots of ego and preconceived truths, will not understand. You are the ones Jesus spoke of, without "ears to listen". Stop repressing your sexuality. Repression is a physically and psychologically unhealthy coping mechanism which leads to destructive behavior. Sublimate your will to power, do not deny it.

iSex: Illuminati Sex

Open your mind to new ideas and experiences. Waste of time and money. I was hoping for a more meaningful topic. Oh well, live and learn. This is another excellent book from a series of excellent books by the Pythagorean Illuminati. The Pythagorean Illuminati is an ancient secret society of rational freethinkers that was officially founded by the great polymath Pythagoras.

Alfred Kinsey and his Scientific Interest in Sex

Before its founding by Pythagoras the Illuminati existed as a loose confederation of wandering holy men and women, mystics, and esotericists. The Illuminati are not some villains from a crumby science fiction movie as so many conspiracy theorists would have you believe. In fact, the Illuminati are mathematicians, philosophers, scientists, psychologists, artists, musicians, writers, filmmakers, futurologists, technologists, and radicals.