A Kingdom Called Desire: Confronted by the Love of a Risen King

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A Kingdom Called Desire has 92 ratings and 8 reviews. Kurt said: In this book, Rick McKinley uses, essentially, a poetically minimalist style to guide re. Including practical theology of why living out of a place of authentic desire is central to living in the Kingdom of God, Rick McKinley will help you understand how.

Share your thoughts with other customers. Write a customer review. Read reviews that mention rick mckinley kingdom called called desire deepest desires felt like beautiful mess desire god easy to read jesus in the margins read this book love for jesus mckinley book god mckinley gospel church questions chapter death heart honest.

A Kingdom Called Desire: Confronted by the Love of a Risen King

There was a problem filtering reviews right now. Please try again later. Kindle Edition Verified Purchase. Unless Amazon can fix whatever is wrong with the digital format, I do not recommend buying this on your Kindle. It's a good book--I've read it before and liked it--but currently you cannot get the page width of the actual text after the copyright and the table of contents wider than about one and a half inches in the digital version. It's like reading lines of poetry and will drive you batty. If Amazon can fix that problem, then it would be worth a digital download.

Amazon, if you can fix this problem, feel free to remove this review.

All I Desire (Lyrics) ~ Victory Worship

One person found this helpful. Did all the teams get together and pick McKinley to be the Designated Hitter? And he doesn't disappoint, but takes it deep. This is full on McKinley saying " do you get how huge the redemptive love of Jesus is, and do you want to be transformed by that? Rick takes the reader clearly through the gospel, and if there's any part that you haven't gotten before, that is clarified. Sure, having the desires of self fade away may not sound great, but, as we grow in our desire for God and what He is doing , all that He has for us becomes a desire that is beyond what we could imagine.

Rick is gifted in getting out the words to challenge and grow us, to help us understand how to be a part of this huge beautiful kingdom. Newspaper headlines will even look better to you after you finish this. He doesn't throw at your head to get your attention, this if aimed at your heart. Too many modern Christian books are becoming predictably similar: Rick simply does a good job of drawing the line between a life of duty and a life of desire. The latter is what God is looking to ignite in us, because from that flow so many other good things--in fact, the stuff that really honors Him.

If you want a book that aims at the heart, this is a good book for laying important foundations. One person found this helpful 2 people found this helpful. Rick McKinley is a gifted writer. The passion that he lives by is contagious. He is able to put into words what a person has been thinking and yet unable to articulate. And he does it in a way that is engaging and easy to read.

In fact, as you read you feel as if you are having a conversation with him. Whenever that happens you know you have found a treasure. The book is both encouraging and convicting and one that I will read over and over again. And let's be honest - we all have. I read this book in a week while I was on vacation, and it has since spurred my wife and I on to some great conversations about trying to be "better" and focusing our desire on the One who actually IS better. Rick McKinley always stirs my spiritual imagination, and this book didn't disappoint.

Rick's first book, "Jesus in the Margins," centered on mission and his second book, "This Beautiful Mess," centered on the kingdom. This book focuses on the redemption of our heart, exploring what it looks like for our desires and affections to be captivated by Christ's kingdom: Rick opens with the observation that we live in a culture of "how" focused on method and technique.

We are a very busy, active people out to change the world or plant churches or get our life together or Motivational speakers tell us, "You can do it! Go out and change the world! But we pay very little attention to the "why? Rick highlights three of the biggest obstacles he's found to our heart's being engaged and transformed by the love of God: Duty, Dishonesty and Death. Regarding duty, he explores how our religious activity can create a false feeling of "health" in our spiritual lives ie. Regarding dishonesty, when we don't feel like we want God we often feel the need to "fake it," to put on a plastic smile or drum something up that's not there rather than get honest with God and those around us on where we're really at.

The chapter on death was my favorite.

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Go out and change the world! May 09, Taylor Storey rated it it was ok. At Kobo, we try to ensure that published reviews do not contain rude or profane language, spoilers, or any of our reviewer's personal information. I am not required to write a positive review. The book is not perfect.

It felt like Rick hit a stride in the writing where we were let into his own thoughts as he was thinking them, almost a stream of consciousness feel--leading us into an articulation of many of the thoughts so many of us carry beneath the surface of ourselves regarding a subtle and often unarticulated or even unrecognized fear of death that shapes our way of living in the world. Yet the book doesn't leave us there: I felt one of the greatest strengths of this book was Rick's transparent honesty with how these questions and obstacles have played out in his own life: Rick frames the Christ-centered affections within the broader story of the gospel.

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He presents Jesus as both the face of God to man where we look to see what God is like ; and the face of obedient man the life we couldn't live to God. He explores the marital imagery of our union with Christ, in the Spirit, to the Father, as the centrality of what is happening in redemption: One of the greatest strengths of the book was, in my estimation, Rick's ability to bring the depths of really rich affective theology to life in a way that is easy to read and accessible in a conversational style. In my own life it brought words like mediation and reconciliation that tend to feel more abstract to life in some fresh ways.

Threaded throughout this conversation, Rick provides fresh grounding for the mission of the church not as first and foremost an activity but rather as a responsive overflow to the love of God in Christ shaping who we are in the deepest core of our being.

A Kingdom Called Desire: Confronted by the Love of a Risen King - Rick McKinley - Google Книги

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