No Liver, No Shoes

Study The Dead Echoes From Alcatraz Now We're Live Out Of Focus Tags punk hardcore punk rock Simi Valley. If you like Aggro Mucho, you may also like: Gilbert Alvarado go to album. Shedkitty go to album. I had gastrointestinal upset and constipation for years. I'm 70, so whatever happens, happens. He has drunk Vodka for years. The whites of his eyes are yellow and so is his face. Complains of bad stomach pain and his stomach is distended.

He also has a lump down below his sternum. Has severe back pain. He is constantly sleeping in bed, hardly ever gets up but to go to the restroom yet never gets rest. His doctor said he needed to go to the emergency room about the lump but he won't. He has shortness of breath and states he can't breathe, but won't go to the hospital. I drank more than I ate, and lost lots of weight. With cirrhosis my legs, feet and ankles swelled so bad that I could not wear shoes. I was feeling very short of breath and went to the emergency room, ended up there for a week and they found liver cirrhosis.

I was sent to a transplant specialist and began the process of getting on the list. In the meantime my life is completely different. The tired shaky feeling never goes away, the medicines keep me on the toilet all the time, and the diuretics and lactulose make it difficult to leave the house. Also my lack of mental clarity and feeling tired keeps me in bed a lot. I have lost the ability to walk without a cane and am not able to enjoy the things I used to do, like garden, fish and drive myself. I am totally disabled and need a care provider but for now use a walker during the day when my partner is at work.

My husband was losing weight, having fevers, and periods of weakness; then he would feel better. The doctor could find nothing wrong although he was steadily losing weight. Finally he was diagnosed with early stage cirrhosis. He does not drink and never has but was given blood transfusion in the Vietnam War and contracted hepatitis C. He went through treatment years ago. He is tired a lot, has varicose veins , portal hypertension , and has lost his muscle mass and 35 pounds.

He is feeling ok otherwise, I would love it for him if he could gain weight. He has a good appetite and eats a lot but still losing. It is so hard and we are both still in shock and very sad.

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My father is an alcoholic and I've had him living here with me since his fall 3 months ago. I've noticed that he'll get chills, lightheaded, clammy feeling and I'll go buy him some beers. I'm guilty but I'm scared for him. I'm no doctor but I believe he has cirrhosis. He's been complaining of abdominal pain and discomfort. He had swollen testicles about a month ago. He doesn't want to go see a doctor. He says if it's his time then he's ready. I'm sad, mad, confused and not sure if there's something I can do to help him.

My 35 year old daughter has been an alcoholic for at least 10 years. A year ago she was diagnosed with liver damage, to what extent cirrhosis has progressed, I don't know. She now has a very painful enlarged stomach she looks 9 months pregnant very yellow eyes and skin, and insect bite like marks on her chest and arms.

She has lost a lot of weight, her teeth are rotting and her hair has thinned out a lot. Swelling, pain, pancreatitis , and vomiting were my symptoms of cirrhosis of the liver. I am an alcoholic with stage 4 cirrhosis of the liver. I have been sober for 9 months and am on a liver transplant list. I felt fine and good and had to rush to the hospital in August with terrible pain in my stomach and diarrhea along with a fever. My eyes had yellowed and so had my skin. I took 3 courses of vancomycin and it eventually worked.

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My eyes went back to being white and my skin looked good. Now, I am 9 months sober and my eyes have turned bright yellow again. My levels have gone up again, especially bilirubin and I am baffled at why this could be. I wonder if it is common for levels to fluctuate that much for no reason! I do not take drugs, I do not have hepatitis and I do not take any medication or vitamin supplements other than a breakfast replacement drink Ensure , which my hepatologist told me was ok. I am getting really scared and I really hate these yellow eyes.

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The number of patients without obesity and diabetes were 34 One person found this helpful. He took a lot of aspirin for the pain. AmazonGlobal Ship Orders Internationally. Having unsafe sex, particularly with multiple partners, could be a bigger threat to your liver health than you may realize. The disorder has a broad histological spectrum from simple fatty liver to a progressive hepatic injury condition, called NASH. I took 3 courses of vancomycin and it eventually worked.

Alcohol had me in chains. I drank vodka every day for 20 years. I was diagnosed 7 years ago with alcoholic hepatitis and stage 4 liver cirrhosis. I didn't think I could go one day without a drink. I am so grateful today that I have stayed sober ever since. My life has meaning, and it is so wonderful to wake up sober.

Don't get me wrong, because some days I get really depressed and I've been hospitalized 4 times for hepatic encephalopathy. I have to plan my day around the toilet. I'm on Xifaxan , lactulose, and diuretic. I think only people with this understand how much gas we get. Yea, it bites but I am so glad I don't have to lie to doctors anymore. I've been on transplant list 6 years. Male patient diagnosed one year ago with cirrhosis of the liver.

I am his wife. He was told to stop drinking. He cut the number of drinks in half, as best I can tell by the amount in the bottle.

Clinical Manifestations and Diagnosis of Non-Alcoholic Fatty Liver Disease

He is still progressively going downhill: He has bouts of irritability and rage before lunch every day and again late evening before he has a drink. In between he sleeps. I wonder if I would be able to tell his doctor to see if he could give him something to make life bearable for me. If the doctor were to tell him I 'tattled on him', there's no telling what he would do. I was just recently diagnosed with cirrhosis of the liver. My stomach is extremely bloated and I'm having stomach pain.

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My husband is 57 and found out in that he had alcoholic liver disease and continued to drink. He started losing strength in his arms around the early part of During the past four years he had intermittent bouts of jaundice, very dark yellow eyes and skin. His testicles started swelling in April to the size of a cantaloupe and soon his lower right leg and eventually both legs were swollen very big.

I had noticed also, a couple of months before the swelling, his abdomen was getting really big but I just thought he was eating too much.

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On June 9, I had to call because he started having seizures and couldn't stand or walk without having them. He was admitted to ICU and was told that his blood pressure was terribly low and ended up getting a blood transfusion. The next day he started having extreme DT's while in ICU, he was there for one week and was able to come home. He went straight to a 30 day rehab and no longer drinks alcohol. He had done amazingly well since rehab but just last week Nov. I understand this is all part of it and I'm trying to get him to take his medication to help get rid of some of the ammonia in his blood.

It has made a non-drinker out of me and hopefully our 15 year old son. I'm 44 and have been a heavy drinker since my teens. About a year ago I began gaining weight in my mid section. I've always been thin but never blessed with a waist.

J Dilla - It Don't Get No Liver Than This Instrumental (14 minute version)

I just attributed my new belly with mid-age spread and went up a size in pants. This Spring I began having problems with my bowels, cramping, bloating. With all of the new products, and extensive advertising promising to cure such problems, I went the home remedy route Needless to say, June 26th I couldn't take it anymore and went to the doctor whom immediately sent me to the E. There I experienced the joy of having my abdomen tapped and drained. Luckily I was able to go home the next day to continue treatment.

I was your typical hard core girl. Work hard play hard. Thought as long as I was maintaining my house, family and finances everything was o. Diuretics daily one helps maintain potassium Next week they scope my esophagus to my intestines, looking for possible bleeders, that they will band if necessary or start me on a prescription of beta blockers to reduce pressure in those veins. Hopefully I won't have to do either. This is my future, something I will forever have to be mindful of if I choose to enjoy the rest of my life. Did I ever expect to do it without a cold beer in my hand?

But, perhaps if I hadn't ever done it, that delicious cold Bud Light wouldn't just be a memory. I am 34 years old, and I went to the emergency room about week ago for extreme stomach pain. I had occasionally vomited blood; I believed it was an ulcer. I didn't think anything about the dark color of my stool, except that I haven't made a solid bowel movement in months, if not a year.

I figured it was all related to my ulcer problem. Boy was I wrong. I have been a heavy drinker since I was about 16 years old. The CT scan revealed my ulcer, which was no surprise, and then the ER doctor asked me to sit down.

I did, and he then revealed to me that I have cirrhosis of the liver. He told me in the best case, I have 17 to 24 months to live. Since I don't have insurance, this is my fate. My hands are shaking as I type this. Sorry, I just can't believe that I have just been given an expiration date like what's on a battery or a gallon of milk. The only thing I can say to this is: If you have children and they like to party like I did, please inform them of the fate that might be in store for them.

I am 32 years old and cannot remember a day when my mother did not have at least one drink. The summer of , she was diagnosed with hepatitis C and cirrhosis of the liver. She experienced rapid weight loss , jaundice, weakness, swelling in her legs, redness of her hands and feet, and lethargy. Even after her diagnosis, she continued to drink. She has since stopped drinking; however, the damage has been done. My days consist of shuffling my mom to and from different doctor appointments to treat the different ailments that keep arising from her cirrhosis.

Now that sobriety has set in, she can understand the consequences of her actions. It is a shame that she has come to awareness too little too late.

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My advice is this: Pay attention to your body, get regular check-ups, and if you suspect something is wrong with your liver, insist on a blood test. It only takes one test to see if there is a problem. Early detection and treatment is essential to living a long life. I have alcoholic cirrhosis. I checked my fingers and eyes for yellowish color daily. I became constipated for 10 days before I was able see a doctor. My eyes became yellow as blood was drawn for testing. They told me it was end stage cirrhosis and sent me to a transplant hospital. I stayed a week and was seen by one of the top liver specialists in this hemisphere.

No chance of transplant and I was told I had less than 14 days to survive. No drinking, low protein and sodium diet , and 14 years later I live. My mother is suffering from knee pain , leg muscle pain, vomiting, constipation and hair loss , I think from liver cirrhosis. I'm 31 years old, and I have an appointment with a gastroenterologist on Tuesday. I already know he is going to tell me I have cirrhosis. It's so frustrating because I've been to two different doctors in the past 14 months about this and both of them told me I was perfectly healthy.

I even had blood work done and everything came back normal! I don't know why, but I can just feel that I have it. I have zero pain but many symptoms. These include hemorrhoids , nose bleeds and more recently light sensitivity. On Friday I was having a few beers and I spit up some streaks of blood. I already know what that is, esophageal varices. I don't even need to be told. Nevertheless, in many studies females were predominant; while, recent studies revealed the antecedence of male in this condition and the current results were comparable with those of them.

This could be related to life style and dietary changes and the fact that males are more susceptible to the same risk factors. In addition, some studies illustrated that stress may be involved in NAFLD progress and males are prone to daily stress 17 , 20 , Obesity itself is associated with metabolic syndrome, and sleep apnea and sleep disorders as the consequence of obesity, which cause chronic fatigue are all among clinical presentations of NAFLD 20 , 21 , In a recent study, Motamed et al.

This factor represents abdominal obesity, which in patients with NAFLD is usually, but not always, higher than normal. Blood pressure is considered as a manifestation of metabolic syndrome and NASH. An exact cannot be offered, but it could be due to the limited number of participants.

In conclusion, NASH could be presented with different clinical manifestation as long time before the diagnosis. Although fatigue is a common complaint of patients, the consultant must consider other related symptoms. Furthermore, it seems that NASH is not actually a female prominent condition. Moreover, poor quality of sleep and sleep disorder could be considered as the risk factors that should be investigated.

The current research was supported by Iran University of Medical Sciences. Authors thank the personnel of Firouzgar Hospital who provided insight, and expertise that greatly assisted the research. Conflict of interest statement. The authors declared no conflict of interest exists. Based on a work at http: Home Articles List Article Information. Iranian Journal of Pathology , 12 2 , Iranian Journal of Pathology , 12, 2, , Iranian Journal of Pathology , ; 12 2: Nonalcoholic fatty liver diseases NAFLD is the major cause of hepatocellular carcinoma and increases the risk of mortality.

Understanding the trends of its clinical and biochemical changes is essential to identify patients with NAFLD that are at the greatest risk of nonalcoholic steatohepatitis NASH and cirrhosis in Iran. They had negative serologic markers of viral or autoimmune hepatitis, no findings in favor of metabolic liver disease, and had not received medications that affect liver, such as silymarin and Ursobil. Biochemical and clinical symptoms and histological variables were evaluated for each patient. Descriptive statistics were used to compute all variables. A total of patients, including male and 97 female, with the mean age of The number of patients without obesity and diabetes were 34 Sleep disorder, delayed sleep, daytime sleepiness, and late dinner were noticeably common in patients with NAFLD.

Furthermore, anxiety, thirst sensation, bloating, warming sensation, defecation disturbances, and upper abdominal pain were common among patients with NAFLD. NAFLD is a heterogeneous disorder with vast clinical presentations. It seems that anxiety and gastrointestinal problem are common among such patients. Methods Patients In a cross sectional study that was conducted from March to December Clinical and demographic data collection The patients were interviewed and examined by 2 expert gastroenterologists. Results During the intervention, patients were enrolled into the study.

Pathology of fatty liver disease.