Geospatial Information and Geographic Information Systems (GIS): An Overview for Congress

National University of Singapore: The Power of GIS Integration

Before that, he taught Engl StateScoop Ambitious new federal legislation has been introduced that would fill longstanding governance gaps in the world of geospatial information systems GIS. A pair of bills — S. As the proliferation of smartphones has boosted the importance of GIS and GPS technologies in recent years, the government organizations charged with managing the adoption, organizational capabilities and data sharing and management surrounding those technologies has lagged behind.

The Geospatial Data Act would codify existing federal governance structures, like the Federal Geographic Data Committee and the National Geospatial Advisory Committee, and mandate congressional oversight of federal geospatial expenditure. For states, it would also encourage new partnerships and governance structures that give subnational entities a stronger voice in the further development of GIS governance.

The centerpiece of these efforts is the National Spatial Data Infrastructure NSDI , formed by an executive order in , that has never lived up to its original intent of effectively coordinating geospatial data efforts across all sectors. Rowan said he was excited and "extremely encouraged" with the introduction of the act, which he called "a momentous occasion. Furthermore, the GeoPlatform would be strengthened by the bill to ensure public and commercial access to a wide and growing range of geospatial data.

Geospatial Information and Geographic Information Systems (GIS): An Overview for Congress

This would directly benefit and promote public safety, emergency response, community planning, and job growth. Bruce Westerman, who introduced the bill to the House, said he likes to work on legislation by bringing together groups of people who can "work positively and make something together.

For AAG President Doug Richardson, the legislation is the product of more than a decade of work that has grown increasingly relevant. He noted that geospatial technologies like GIS and GPS are "a tremendous force" that were developed by American companies like Esri and Google and have now become essential. States , Washington, D. Maps that are being constantly updated show evacuation zones, the latest hot spots and fresh aerial photography of the many fires blazing in the West.

Dates and time periods associated with this report. Geographical information about where this report originated or about its content.

Description The report discusses issues that may be of interest to Congress-managing, sharing, and coordinating geospatial information-and includes examples of legislation. Physical Description 23 pages. Who People and organizations associated with either the creation of this report or its content. Publisher Library of Congress. About Browse this Partner. What Descriptive information to help identify this report. Identifier Unique identifying numbers for this report in the Digital Library or other systems. Collections This report is part of the following collection of related materials.

About Browse this Collection. Digital Files 1 file.

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Digital Historical Maps [Web]. Requirements and structure for Storage and Archive.

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  2. Geospatial Information and Geographic Information Systems (GIS): An Overview for Congress.
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Report from WP4 Storage and Archiving. Digital Preservation of Geospatial Data. Digital Research Data Curation: Geographic Information for Sustainable Development in Africa. The National Academies Press [Web]. Data Science Journal, 3, [Web]. Maintaining Long-term Access to Geospatial Data.

National e-Science Cneter [Web]. University of California, Santa Barbara [Web]. National Fire and Aviation Executive Board. National Wildfire Coordinating Group [Web]. Summary of an International Workshop. General Study 09 Final Report: Results of a Web-based Survey. An exploration of the Geospatial Cyberinfrastructure for Environmental Sensing. Challenges to Effective Data Sharing.

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Testimony by Linda D. Library of Congress [Web].


Informal Repositories and Users' Perspectives. Geospatial Digital Rights Management. Open Geospatial Consortium, Inc.

An Overview for Congress. BMC Research Notes , 4: Geospatial Web Services and Geoarchiving: Library Trends 55 2 , [Web]. HDF as an Archive Format. International Oceanographic Commission [Web]. Commission on Intellectual Property Rights [Web]. Issues and Challenges for Federal Geospatial Information. Issues in the Appraisal and Selection of Geospatial Data.

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Information Systems (GIS): An Overview for census, mapping foreclosures, congressional redistricting, and responding to natural hazards. Prepared for Members and Committees of Congress. Geospatial Information Systems (GIS): Current Issues and Future Summary.

LOC recommends formats for preservation of software, data sets. Legal Agreements Governing Archiving Partnerships: Libraries as Distributors of Geospatial Data: Library Considers Data Appraisal, Selection. Long-Lived Digital Data Collections: Enabling Research and Education in the 21st Century. Long-term Preservation for Spatial Data Infrastructures: