I Dream About Sex. A Handbook For The Grown And F*&king.

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In this case, the fear may be so great that we cannot face it. If the nightmares are recurring, you might want to seek professional help in confronting what is hidden but perhaps wants to be known through the dream. Freedom, to move beyond your limitations or the limitation of the job or relationship.

It can also represent your imagination, such as a "flight of fancy. A dead bird can be like a threat to freedom or your ideals while an attacking birds can be a threat to your opinions from others or from yourself. In Celtic mythology, birds could be an omen and either the message or the messenger. In a Celtic legend, the goddess Deirdre dreams of the three great birds.

They arrived bearing honey and left with blood, symbolizing treachery on the part of King Conchobar. In the Christian tradition, and especially through the early Christian Celts, the bird was seen as symbolizing the Holy Spirit. The natives of the North American Pacific Coast, saw the Raven as a hero, messenger, thief, and trickster and creator of the world there's an Inuit story about how Raven brought the light into the world of darkness.

The Raven is a symbol for solitude and an attribute of many saints whom the Ravens fed in the wilderness, i. Paul the Hermit, and St. God sent ravens to feed Elijah the Tishbite by the brook Cherith during a long drought 1 Ki And the Rraven has long been a symbol of divine providence Psa Though many may remember the Lord's command to consider the sparrow and the lilies, but the words, "Consider the Ravens, for they neither sow nor reap, which have neither storehouse nor barn; and God feeds them," are seldom revealed Lk In the Song of Solomon, the Beloved's locks are "black as a raven" Song 5: It is still used as a symbol in modern magic, witchcraft, and mystery.

In alchemy, it represents change and the advanced soul dying to this world. It is also considered the symbol of intuition. The symbolic Crow is associated with the sun, longevity, beginnings, endings, change, bad luck, prophecy, Christian solitude, and death. As with the Raven it also is considered a messenger of the gods.

Among ancient Greeks and Romans there were some who considered the Crow a bad omen and the raven a good one. In the telling of myths and legends, the crow frequently took the place of the raven. The Irish war-goddess, Badb, often took on the shape of a crow. In classical mythology, this bird is an attribute of Cronus or Saturn and Athena, the goddess of wisdom, victory, and the arts. Finally, the Crow is associated with motherly love and spiritual strength. It was believed that fairies turned into crows in order to cause trouble. In heraldry, a Crow was used to indicate a dark person such as a Moor or a Saracen.

In Egypt, two Crows, like two Doves, were the sign of monogamy. Among the Celts, the white Crow was the emblem of the heroine, Branwen. Her heroic brother, Bran, was pictured as a raven. Early Christians gave a more sinister look to white Ravens, suggesting that God turned them black because they were selfish. For another look at the symbolism of birds go to the Sept 20, Dream Dragon blog entry. Passion, instinctual response, basic drives. This can also present itself as a Minotaur, the mythological character with the head of a bull and the body of a man.

Within the beast may be deep unconscious hurts that may be driving you to lash out at others. This creature can also represent someone you're dealing with in your life who has a scary beast-like nature. Where the Minotaur is and what he's doing will give you some idea. If it is in a labyrinth where he would have been found in Greek myth he might be symbolic of the fears you're experiencing in a life which seems to have never-ending twists and turns that aren't getting you anywhere and you feel lost and threatened.

Theseus and the Minotaur mosaic click pic to enlarge. Transformation, change, freedom, independence. The feminine aspect, the soft and yielding, independence. The trickster, as in the Navajo tradition. The trickster is one of the human archetypes as well see archetypes. Gentle, harmless, vulnerable, and easily hurt. Sometimes representing the soul. Basic urges; the old brain, or an old outmoded way of doing, or thinking about, something. Aggression, loyalty, or unconditional love. The Celts saw them as protection animals, guardians and animals of the hunt. Winston Churchill called his depression "The Black Dog.

When riding it it can symbolize humility or a feeling of being less than. Perhaps you need to act less arrogant and get off your high horse? Visions of animals imparting hidden knowledge has been around for some time. Remember the story of the donkey in the old testament where the prophet Balaam ignored his donkey who thrice darted off the road because it sensed a danger that Balaam could not Numbers The instinct of the donkey opened its eyes to what stood in the road and its actions eventually helped to open the eyes of Balaam.

Trust your inner animal as a guide. In medieval europe people who secured a coat of arms from the king often used animals to represent qualities in themselves, the dragon represented a brave defender and protector. In the east a dragon motif on a family banner meant good luck and fortune.

If breathing fire, do you use your anger or aggression to get your own way? However, if the Dragon is a spiritual creature for you then it may be symbolic of that which protects your soul and may even represent the nature of that soul. When morphing into a dragon or any animal one might be aware of their transformation into something new.

A " paper dragon " can mean a false power. In the Chinese tradition Dragons bring wisdom note the pearl of wisdom being offered by many Chinese Dragons. Click on scroll for more on dragons. This link to the DreamDragon blog might prove helpful with regard to this tricky dream image: That which we are not willing to face, as in "the elephant in the room. Feelings coming to the suface; thoughts, fantasies and emotions swimming around inside us. In a religious context it could also represent Christianity. Jesus was also considered a "fisher of men".

If you believe in the Zodiac you might look up some of the attributes of Pisces. Similar to the coyote, i. Exuberance, energy, sexual drive, or a loss of any of these things, as in "falling off the horse" or a "dead horse. The wild aspect of the dog, or a trickster like the coyote or fox; sometimes associated with death. Childlike and dependent, vulnerable, innocence. Physical strength and strong emotions especially temper , and power.

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Perhaps you're blocking your own growth and development? If someone abuse: are you abusing someone or something (drugs, alcohol, sex, etc.). The angel can be a guide to higher consciousness or an epiphany. They arrived bearing honey and left with blood, symbolizing treachery on the part of King Conchobar. In this change I should like to perceive an expression of the growing conviction .. on dreams has already more than once served us as a guide in considering the .. Finally, the influence of sexual excitement on the dream-content is obvious methods of dream-interpretation are furnished by Drexl, F. Schwarz, and the.

The lion can also represent one's father or God. In the Celtic tradition, it was seen in warrior gatherings, and in the Christian tradition the Celts used it to represent St. Mark and power and royal dignity. Lions can also represent the emotion of pride. Be who you are, you can't change your spots or that you need to. Foolishness or being ruled by impulse, mischievous. His story can represent similar waking life allegory for the dreamer.

This is true for all cultural images. Timidity, small fears, or worries. Sexuality, luck, or insecurity. The Celts associated the rabbit with magic and to do something considered impossible as in to "pull a rabbit out of the hat. Conformity, a follower not a leader, just one of the herd, as in "the blind sheep.

Power of the kundalini, sexuality, energy, and the symbol of awakening as in higher self-realization. In the Celtic tradition, the snake's ability to shed its skin made it a symbol of rebirth. They could also stand for fertility due their large number of progeny. The Celts also used them to represent the creation process, and of course, they figure in the Biblical creation story as well.

They are often seen in the ancient Celtic traditions as strongly associated with the healing cults.

Recurring dreams: Understanding the meaning will transform your life

Note the Caduseus or the Rod of Asclepius, both of which represent the healing arts. Ouroboros, a snake biting its own tail thus forming a ring, can be seen as symbolizing something circular or cycling and self-contained. In Arnhem Land in Northern Australia, the Aborigine tell of rainbow snakes or serpents that are the personification of fertility and rain. There is Yingara, the mother serpent and creator of all beings, and Ngalyod, the father serpent who transformed the land. These serpents guard the water holes and underground aquifers. In Africa, the Tonga, and Mashona people worship Nyaminyami, who is the serpent river god of the Zambezi who protects the waters of the river.

His symbol is worn to protect against the forces of darkness and to attract wealth. Throughout the world, the serpent is often linked to protection and guardianship. In the Aztec and Mayan Mesoamerican cultures, the snake god quetzacoatl and kukulcan the feathered serpent respectively were gods of the priesthood and protectors of and communicators with the underworld. The concept of the cosmic serpent shows up across all cultures and is found in the air, in the water, and on the land, binding all the earth and its creatures together.

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The dark feminine force; organization and patience. Conflicts that you may feel caught in and any emotions that you may not want to get caught up in or deal with. Perhaps something is "bugging" you. A mother figure may be dominating you. Something hidden in you. The deep unconscious, or the ugly part of ourselves. Can represent fear or be powerful male sexuality, instinct, and threat. The wolf can be the wildness in ourselves. In my dreams, he is always white, indicating clarity or purity.

The wolf is a loyal guardian in my dreams and is usually depicted in its alpha or lead wolf form. Some would say that the wolf is my spirit animal. In some Native American tribes, the wolf is the "teacher" animal that teaches us about our inner nature and our intuitive sense and to listen to the still, small voice within. Carl Jung used this word to express something that he observed in human nature in terms of common themes in dreams. He perceived it as something in the psyche not personally created, but more a genetic bequeathment as in something from the collective unconscious.

To see extended Archetypes pages, click here. Where do you hope for a resolution? If arguing in a dream between you and another person it could also represent an internal conflict. Either internal or external conflict. Are you gathering your forces? Defensiveness, or aggressiveness, or your disciplined nature, or need for discipline. In some cases this image could be symbolic for control and domination.

Fear of being caught or a restraint of some kind. Creative aspect of self. What part of you is ready to be expressed? Rising feelings; finding a different perspective; trying to get to your higher self. Remains of an experience. What is finished for you?

Paulo Coelho

Strength and skill; need to work on physical energy. Your competative nature, who are you competing with? Feeling attacked with your own basal impulses, e. Attacked by one's beliefs or point of view. Could also be a self-attack e. A biting dog, or snake can also symbolize this. The higher consciousness, or stored past e. What's in the attic? What do you feel while in there? Was the door locked or open? Need for appreciation, or if you're in the audience, appreciating yourself, or watching some emotion, or some aspect of your life. Are you ready to make something public?

Looking at something in you that has died or looking for something inside you that is hidden. Trying to figure something out. A catastrophic release of emotion. The triggering of some barely controlled feelings. What are you ready to chop away? Rebirth, the infant self.

What is being born in you? New beginnings, new development,or something being developed. It can also represent feelings such as joy, curiosity, innocent love, vulnerability, and dependence. Privacy, a barrier, or repressed urges. When pushed or pushing back, it could mean being restrained or fighting back. The back of your body could represent the unconscious. What is happening that you cannot see? Is there something "happening behind your back"? Small burdens, things that we carry around with us in a psychological way.

As a handbag, it might mean something to do with your identity, just as with a wallet. Protection; hurt feelings in need of healing. Covering up an emotional wound. Could mean the threat of loss. What are you afraid to give up? Anything to do with money, financial issues, social power, or something you can count on.

What can you count on? What do you want to keep safe? Banks may also have current day meaning based upon certain behavioral aspects of banks in the current environment that contribute to financial meltdown e. These meanings are situationally specific and tend to wax and wane over time. If you were to suffer loss from a bank, the meaning for this image could then reflect that. If you don't trust banks then it could present that lack of trust.

Banks are also places where we store things of value e. Recognition or a need for acknowledgment. A less controlled part of yourself, less refined aspect of yourself. Similar to a cave. A cleansing or release. What do you want to wash away? The place of cleansing or getting rid of something. What are you ready to let go of? A conflict or struggling with something or someone. Are you at war with something, someone, or with yourself?

Or just alcohol in general means conviviality, as in where do you need to relax in your life? Your judgments about alcohol could also color the meaning of this image. New beginnings of life skills, projects, attitudes, or points of view. These may represent huge changes in your life and the death of old ways. Birth dreams for expectant mothers may be chronicling changes going on in them physically, psychologically, and emotionally. This may be true for their husbands as well as many men seem to have sympathetic physical experiences and frequently have their own issues regarding parenthood and the changes that their wives are going through.

Where the conscious and unconscious meet. What are you blaming? What are you blaming someone else for? Are you feeling guilty or feeling a failure? Are you feeling blamed? To lose sight of something or someone. Not looking at some aspect of self or other, concealing something from yourself or others. Ostentation, wanting to stand out or perhaps you should demure a little. The universal life within us, essence, life itself, and all peoples shared experience. To lose blood is to lose energy and aliveness.

Losing blood can also be a symbol for depression. Your journey through life with its rough and smooth places. The movement across deep emotions. The emotions that you are navigating. Note the roughness of the seas and the condition of the boat, for this may give you an indication of how you are doing on your journey at the moment. Missing a boat might be just a play on words for a missed opportunity. A sinking boat could be a sense of loss, or failure. This can be another symbol for depression see blood. This generally reflects your image of yourself and how you feel about that.

Different body parts have different meanings: Something that you can't "stomach"? If swollen or pregnant then perhaps some new project is in the works. What do you want to get rid of? Or what are you holding on to? What you can't see, what's behind you this can be a metaphor for the past as well. Burying a bone could refer to the hiding of something. Are you being an ass? Do you need forgiveness?

What are you ready to listen to? If injured, what are you not hearing, or are not ready to hear? Vision, clarity, awareness, the soul or psyche. This quote reminds me of a time when just after sunset I left work and headed down the hill to the parking lot. I had been worrying all day how I was going to deal with some very upsetting events when I passed a young man and happened to catch his eye.

His eyes shown like stars and I had the distinct impression that I was looking at myself through his eyes! I was really taken aback and was going to say something when I noticed the eyes of people in cars passing by. They all shown with that same light! It was as though God were looking at me through their eyes. I began to tear when I realized that every one of us where looking at each other through God's eyes. Try you looking and the whole universe seeing. Eyes were often painted on things to ward off the " evil eye ".

An exaggerated apotropaic eye was painted on Greek drinking vessels in the 6th century BC to ward off evil spirits while drinking. Fishing boats in some parts of the Mediterranean region still have stylized eyes painted on the bows. A Turkish budget airline has adopted the symbol known as Nazar bonjuk as a motif for the tailfin of its airplanes. To see your own eyes in your dream might represent enlightenment, knowledge, comprehension, understanding, or intellectual awareness.

Unconscious thoughts may be coming onto the surface. According to the ancient Egyptians the left eye was symbolic of the moon, while the right eye represents the sun See the Eye of Horus. It could also be a pun on "I" or the self. If you dream that your eyes have turned inward so that you see the inside of your head, then it might symbolize insight and something that you need to be aware of.

This dream may be literally telling you that you need to look within yourself. Trust your intuition and instincts. If you dream of having something in your eye and you believe in the biblical admonition, ""Why do you look at the speck of sawdust in your brother's eye and pay no attention to the plank in your own eye? To dream that you have one eye, indicates your refusal to accept another viewpoint. It suggests that you may be one-sided in your way of thinking. Perhaps you are seeing what others cannot. Or perhaps you should start looking within yourself and trust your instincts.

The Horus eye symbol is worn for protection and to ward off evil spirits. The third eye of the Chakra that which leads to the inner realms of higher consciousness. It is the symbol of enlightenment in both Hinduism and Buddhism. Your self-image, ego, and identity. If you're hiding it, you may feel shame or guilt.

Other emotions can be read from the face as well. If your face has been injured you may be suffering some public injury or an attack on your reputation. Someone with two faces could mean that either you or some else are being untrustworthy and pretending to be what they are not. Sensitivity and the ability to manipulate, physical and mental dexterity, they also can represent communication. If damaged or cut off it can suggest some anxiety about your ability to accomplish some task.

Are you losing your grip? Your grounding or "footing," your balance, or your contact with reality. Loss of your feet may have something to do with a loss of independence or mobility. To see dirty feet could be a self-image issue regarding some behavior. In India the feet are the holiest part of the body. Another part of your self-image, your sensuality. The cutting of any hair could have something to do with change. Dark hair may reflect dark thoughts whereas red hair may reflect incendiary, destructive, or flamboyant thoughts. White hair or beard could mean wisdom or experience. Can mean your self-expression or your "grasp" of situations.

It can mean what you are ready to handle, whereas dirty hands can mean an unclean activity, the doing of some dirty work. To soil one's hands are to do something that you are not proud of. Intellect, thoughts, intentions, or understanding. Celtic head cults thought that to own the head of someone was to inherit its abilities and essence to ward off evil. Any damage to the heart may indicate having been hurt or even something physical that should be investigated.

Confidence and independence as in "standing on one's own legs. Connection between body and mind. The throat is quite vulnerable. Instinctive knowledge, intuition, curiosity. Wisdom, getting involved in something that may be none of your business nosey. A lack of confidence or hopelessness, overcome by fear. Actually awakening while still in REM sleep and unable to move. Sometimes the body hasn't yet overcome the motor paralysis that is natural for the body so that you don't act out your dreams.

For males, this represents his drive in life, his yang power, and potency of expression. Burden, how strong you are to carry what life presents. Power, independence; to lose teeth is to be weakened as in to lose power. Frequently psychologists use Projective Tests such as " The House, Tree, Person" or the " Draw-a-Person" where a child draws certain standard objects and unconsciously "projects" their emotional patterns into the drawing. These projections, generally speaking, come from the same place as Dream Material. An effective reading of dreams can enhance the material gained by the use of the more formalized Projective Tests.

An explosive situation something that may cause fear; totally unexpected. An atom bomb is just more so in that the situation may be devastating. Guidance, information, memory storage. Type of book will give more information e. What are you hiding from yourself? To contain something, a way of keeping something safe or making sure something doesn't get out, such as an emotion or a secret. Opening it can be about you revealing some part of yourself see gift.

Perhaps you're not getting acknowledged enough or you're trying to get too much acknowledgment? The spirit and the measure of life. To take in something or to "breathe a sigh of relief. Transition from one phase of your life to another. The connection between you and someone or something else. When building a bridge, you may be trying to find a way to deal with something or someone.

Something unpleasant coming up from the unconscious or someone actually intruding into your life or stealing something precious from you.

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Something put to rest, something from the past. Something dead and gone, or not visible to the every day. A shared journey, trying to get somewhere with the help of others. It can also refer to your giving up responsibility for the direction your life is going. At a bus stop could be a metaphor for waiting for something to happen in your life, rather than taking charge of it however, if this is your only form of transportation then "the shared journey" aspect may be more appropriate.

Transformation, a life change, or sense of freedom. It can also mean a "flighty" personality vs. Or do you just need help to get where you want to go? Do you want to simplify and enjoy the simpler things in life? What's in the cabinet can help with the interpretation. Is someone trying to stick it to you? Are you acting too self-protective by being prickly? It could also symbolize that something inside you is dead or is dying.

This may be a symbol of your ambition s in life. Choice of things that can nurture you. Something is suppressing your expression, limiting your freedom. Perhaps you're feeling powerless or inhibited. You might be caught in some relationship. What feelings are imprisoning you? Perhaps resentment or anger. Maybe you need to share more?

Maybe you're not getting your fair share? The passage of time, or a reminder of something. Some peoples lives seem to be run, or controlled, by the calendar. Emotional or physical endurance, or survival. Often associated with the desert so it could symbolize lonliness, or barreness, or burdensomeness, in life. To record something or to take notice of something.

How does this look to you? It may also be similar to the eye in that it can represent point-of-view. Destructive growth, or something in your personality that is out of step with your image of self. Something that may be eating away your self-confidence. A loss of personal control. The flame of the candle can represent life itself. Is the flame sputtering, has it gone out may indicate depression or impending failure?

Has the candle melted down impending change or a softening of a position? A brightly burning candle may represent passion. For some Christians it can represent a prayer. Graduating from one stage and moving on to the next stage. You may also be a powerful influence on something or someone. Are you trapped in your own denial of something?

Held captive by your own beliefs, prejudice or ignorance? Personal power, your motivating drives, ambition, personal mobility, or the power to direct your life. If someone else is driving, then they may be driving the direction of your life. A crashed car may indicate failure or self-destructive, or reckless, behavior if you are driving the car.

Looking in the mirror could mean what you are seeing that you left behind. Running out of fuel could indicate weakening motivation. With your headlights off, you may lack awareness of what is happening in your life. A parked car might suggest that you need to turn your energies elsewhere or to put your life in drive and get on with it whatever "it" is.

The type of car can also aid in the interpretation e. Making a game of life and not taking it seriously. Taking a chance or a risk on something or someone. What do you hope to win? Going nowhere in life or in some job or relationship. Limits to your creativity, or a denial of your power, or your sexuality.

A fear regarding your sexual drive, or rejection especially by the opposite sex. The feminine aspect, the independent self. See cat in the animal section. Life changes; getting ready to emerge as the new you. Hidden issues; things from the past. Has also been interpreted as female sexuality. An entrance to the unconscious mind.

What is it inside you that you want to explore? The primordial aspect of self; in other words, what is basic to your nature. Also see telephone below. A place of endings, where things from the past are put to rest. Note any emotions associated with the dream cemetery. During Halloween it can be seen as the place where the dead and the living can come together.

What binds you or restricts you. What connects you with others. Does the same problem keep coming up again and again? Are you being bullied? If chasing; what are you pursuing? Being dishonest with self or another person. Something that is not right or a betrayal of trust. It can also refer to a sense of abandonment, or not being attended to.

Sometimes when there isn't enough romance in a relationship this image can show up. Innocence, something within you developing. This may also be about your feelings or thoughts about your childhood and family relationships. In many myths and religions it is a child that reunites Heaven and Earth Man and God.

There seems to be an universal urge to seek paradise either in the form of spiritual growth and transformation or as in the case of Shambhala, a physical world of perfection. To see either a child or heaven or paradise in a dream can suggest a seeking for innocence, or perfection of the spirit, or perfect happiness. You may also be trying to escape the difficulties that you're experiencing in life. A powerful dream symbol not necessarily connected with the historical Jesus.

It is a powerful influence on one's personality. It can also represent one's universal connection see archetypes. Spiritual belief, moral codes. What is holy in your life? Also see synagogue below. A mandala see mandala that might represent the soul or your inner self, positive change or inner peace. Concentric circles might represent layers of your inner self or of your own complexities or the complexity of some project, situation, or relationship see onion.

Culture, a civilized order, or one's interaction with the society he or she lives in. One's sense of community. If lost, you may be uncertain about your place in society or lost your direction or purpose see ruins. On the edge of something, danger. It can also be a challenge to aspire. Sometimes the standing at the edge of a cliff is to face your fears. Aspiration, growth, and achievement. What are you trying to get to or escape from?

A sense of urgency or plenty of time could be interpreted through clocks or watches. The ticking of a clock could represent your life passing by or the beat of your heart. A stopped clock may indicate the death of something or if it is racing, a sense of urgency. It can also be about the restrictions we place on ourselves i. With a door, it could mean you have closed yourself off to something or someone.

The stance we take in social situations.


The American Presidency Project. The first edition of the Sea Wolf came out in , and is collectible. King's intent was to provoke mass arrests and "create a situation so crisis-packed that it will inevitably open the door to negotiation. In , Ludwig commissioned the first drawings for his buildings, starting with Neuschwanstein and Herrenchiemsee , though work on the latter did not commence until Randall of Baker University signed and dated November 24, You may be able to find out more about your book on worldcat. This copy is or seems to be particularly old.

It is our identity and our self-image. What we put on to the rest of the world see face. It is also what we put on to hide our real selves as well as a cover up or a symbol for hiding something. May be about the upper versus. Might have something to do with opinions or thoughts. May indicate the private self and your sexual identity. Indicate one's grounding and connection with the world.

Would be mysterious or suggest something hidden or to be revealed. Depending on whether it is a bright or dark day, they could either be uplifting or depressing. What contains the end of something or someone, a reminder of your mortality.

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  2. Ludwig II of Bavaria.
  3. On-line Dream Dictionary: In-depth Meaning of Symbols!
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To put someone into a coffin might suggest that you want to get them out of your life. Something of small value; things of little concern. Missed warmth or holding back of emotion. There is a feeling of neglect in this symbol, as in "being left out in the cold. Emotions, especially when they are vibrant.

The vitality of something or of the self. Separation, the unconscious, evil, depression, the shadow side of the self. Depression if it is dark; intuitive awareness, almost spiritual in nature if it is light blue. Something of great worth. Sometimes symbolizes the soul. Can also be an aggressive color as with anger. Lightness, vitality, hopefulness but also cowardice or cautionary, depending on context. Color meanings are a bit iffy. You should be especially careful to interpret their meanings based on the resonance and meaning for you.

Color interpretation is also cultural in nature. The above meanings are western in nature. Leadbetter also created a chart in his book, Man Visible and Invisible that doesn't seem to follow any of the current cultural or western definitions. A similar color chart was used to interpret Auras, or what the Theosophist's Annie Besant and Leadbetter described as "Thought forms" believing that thoughts are things, radiating vibrations and floating forms.

These ideas were presented in their treatise, Thought Forms Though in all fairness their definitions were slanted toward his understanding of the spirit world and the concept of auras. My symbol interpretations tend to be somewhat more prosaic.


Note that the musical scale is an ascending chromatic scale where the frequencies range from low to high on both the visual and auditory scale. The zodiac symbols don't follow a consistent pattern, however, in that there are many zodiac color wheels with all being different. This attempt to coordinate color and sound to affect an emotional state is nothing new, both Isaac Newton and Pythagoras created their own scale.

There is a story that Pythagoras noted a young man bringing hot coals to the door of his lover's house so as to burn it down as retribution of her having scorned him. A man playing a flute nearby was playing an energetic little song that seemed to be spurring the young man on. When Pythagoras asked the flutist to play another song that was much more soothing, the young man seemed to come to his senses and removed the coals. It is highly probable that the Greek initiates gained their knowledge of the philosophic and therapeutic aspects of music from the Egyptians.

Pythagoras realized the emotional and therapeutic aspects of both music and color. Also see "music" below. Impending change; birth of something new. It is also a messenger and an awakening or something just passing through. An attempt to find your direction in a situation or in life. Communication or the rational, unemotional mind. A fear of differences an attempt to control what you fear or find distasteful, to keep these uncomfortable feelings out of sight.

To work in harmony. Work on yourself or building something new in life. The way one transforms the unpalatable to the palatable. Where are your decisions and choices leading you? The familiar house of the self. The resolution of conflicts though in some cases it might refer to either justice or injustice, pain or resolution, redemption or loss. A regressive movement that might suggest the taking of one's time. As in a crazy person appears, you might be feeling threatened. As yourself, you might be thinking about controlling your behaviors.

There is a loss of control element herewith, perhaps an aspect of falling apart or going out of control. Being limited or disabled in some way emotionally, socially, physically, or spiritually. For millennia, the cross has been a symbol with special spiritual meaning. The cross has four points symbolizing the four cardinal directions, the four seasons, the four winds, the four archangels, and the four gospels.

This symbolism is also seen in the Native American medicine wheel. In Christian tradition, the cross can mean resurrection as it does with the Egyptian Ankh. To be chosen or recognized. The noble side of yourself. A high achievement a 'crowning achievement. A release or grief. Sometimes if held back during the day, the dream can act as a pressure release. This can be a cleansing or healing. Feelings associated with death. A place of hidden forces and perhaps a connection with the unconscious. Things feelings or thoughts "buried.

A substitute for personal support. A sense of weakness or being incapacitated. Feminine aspect of nourishment. A cup, cauldron or the Holy Grail is a ritual object of feminine gender. Bran's life-restoring cauldron and the Grail. In physical essence the cup in ritual is often crescent shaped. There are many symbolic references to the feminine, the Holy Grael being one of them.

Though descriptions of the Last Supper of Jesus speak of a cup in which Jesus poured wine and offered it as his own blood and that they should drink it in remembrance, the famous painting by Leonardo DaVinci shows no cup on the table, only a plate, or dish. Was the plate, or dish the original Grael? Whether a dish or cup, both might represent the feminine aspect of nourishment.

It has a life restoring quality to it. The cauldron is the symbol for the goddess. To see a cauldron in your dream, may imply that you are undergoing some transformation, It could also indicate destiny or some magical, spiritual force. Consider the symbolism of what is in the cauldron and its importance. To see a cup in your dream, might also represent love, nurturance and the womb. The cup may also signify healing, rejuvenation, and healing. Alternatively, it could indicate transcendence into a realm of higher consciousness.

Is the cup half-full or half-empty? Do you see life from an optimistic or pessimistic point of view. To see a cup with a broken handle, suggests your feelings of inadequacy and anxieties of being unable to handle a particular situation. Perhaps you feel unqualified or inadequate in dealing with a situation. If the cup is a chalice, it could represent your need for spiritual nourishment.

You are on a search, or quest, for your individual self and for a more meaningful existence. You can either open them to reveal or close them to hide. To sever connections with someone or some feeling or desire. Aggressiveness, anger, force, or hatred. Can also represent a penis.

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Feeling at one with someone or something or with yourself. In harmony with the world and ourselves. One's dance with life. The unknown, secrets hidden, mystery, potential, or a place of fear. What is hidden to you? Some person or aspect in your life that has died and you are dealing with it.

Dealing with grief of the death a loved one or your own future death and its inevitability. What has ended in your life? The dream usually indicates a positive and healthy progression in our lives, as we are being invited to step into unfamiliar territory and display our talents. If you are wary of opening up to people, you may appear cold. It might be nerve-racking, but express your true self without thinking about how people are judging you.

You are sitting an important exam but are shocked to realise you have done no studying. Your lack of preparation shows you usually prepare meticulously for every task. You set yourself high standards and feel a constant anxiety that you will end up with a poor result. When you judge yourself too harshly, you will feel like a failure, no matter how successful you are. First you have the sensation of floating, then you soar into the sky and fly through the air.

You have a tremendous feeling of exhilaration. You have been released from circumstances that were weighing you down. Although you may regard this feeling of liberation as luck, you created the opportunity yourself. Consider other chances in your life where you could go off into the realms of new possibilities. Over the age of ten we have four to six dreams per night.

They can last from five minutes to half an hour. Everything seems normal, but then you suddenly feel your legs give way as you stumble and fall. Sometimes the fall is minor, other times you tumble downstairs or plummet off a cliff into a chasm. This signifies a fear of losing control. Falling suggests you need to let go of responsibilities that are dragging you down. This dream is often triggered by stress and so is encouraging you to take a more relaxed approach in certain areas of your life. Muscle tension can make you feel like you spend most of your day braced for impact.

Try relaxing your muscles before going to bed. You are in a vehicle that is spinning out of control. You desperately try to slow down because you are scared of crashing.

Guided Meditation for Lover Lucid Dreams // Astral Tantra

While you may have a plan, circumstances are getting out of control. An imminent crash shows you are going to be in contact or conflict with something unavoidable. Rather than abandoning your present position, consider the areas where you do have control. Accept there are some situations over which you have no control.

You open it to find a room you had completely forgotten about. Homes in dreams symbolise ourselves and different rooms are aspects of our character. The unnoticed door indicates you have a chance to step into an exciting new possibility. The size of the room reflects the size of the chance. You might think you know your achievements and limitations, but you have talents you have yet to discover. Be open to even the most unexpected opportunities. You are on your way to an appointment and realise you are late. On the way you get caught up in obstacles and distractions.

You keep looking at the clock and are alarmed at time passing. You are worried you are missing an opportunity and that time is running out to carry out a plan, such as starting a family or achieving a career goal. The obstacles and distractions show you are procrastinating, that you have been filling your life with lots of other activities, but they are not getting you anywhere.

Commit to meaningful action rather than involving yourself in meaningless action. Once a decision has been made, your direction will become clear and your time becomes your own, rather than being subject to the whims of what is happening around you. The views expressed in the contents above are those of our users and do not necessarily reflect the views of MailOnline.

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