My Seduction: The Rose Hunters Trilogy

If Wishes Were Earls. A Little Bit Sinful. Seducing the Single Lady. The Secrets of a Scoundrel. The Most Dangerous Duke in London. What a Lady Needs for Christmas. Love and Other Scandals. Dancing On the Wind. Duke of Scandal Moonlight Square, Book 1.

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Between the Duke and the Deep Blue Sea. Mad, Bad, and Dangerous in Plaid. Too Scot to Handle. In Love With a Wicked Man. The Duke of Desire. Once Upon A Pillow. A Rogue of Her Own. A Study in Scandal. The Lady Most Willing Heaven with a Gun. The Lady Most Likely The Laird's French Bride. How to write a great review. The review must be at least 50 characters long.

The title should be at least 4 characters long. Your display name should be at least 2 characters long. At Kobo, we try to ensure that published reviews do not contain rude or profane language, spoilers, or any of our reviewer's personal information. You submitted the following rating and review.

We'll publish them on our site once we've reviewed them. Item s unavailable for purchase. Please review your cart. You can remove the unavailable item s now or we'll automatically remove it at Checkout. Continue shopping Checkout Continue shopping. Chi ama i libri sceglie Kobo e inMondadori. I really liked her throughout the book. The hero character was not that well developed and there were too many things that remained open in the end - l Disappointing. The hero character was not that well developed and there were too many things that remained open in the end - like his mysterious plaid that had to come from a clan but which one - like his mysterious training at the abbey.

In many ways, he reminded me of the character of a mythical and perfect highlander rather than of a real person. The story developed very slowly for the first half. That was honestly a bit boring though it helped build a strong picture of Kate, shortcomings and all. I can only stand such a number of pages regarding destitution, not having any food, nor warm clothes to wear, sleeping on the floor. The second half was better, with a faster pace both for the romance and the investigation. The culprit behind the assassination of Kate's cousin and her husband was quite obvious to me, but I liked the way it all unravelled.

Frustratingly though not unexpected, the answer to the traitor question was not answered yet. Two more books to sustain for that. What I liked best however was the love story between Kate and Kit and how both of them made small steps towards the other, without wanting to deprive him of his best options. I really enjoyed their banter and how they admitted their love, which I totally believed in.

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Last thing that irritated me: There are 3 dates mentioned at the beginning of some chapters. But they are not coherent with the storyline. They first met in , then in which magically is 3 years later, then they got married in January A twisted and unmastered timeline is really one of my pet-peeves. I think I'll steer clear of her books, as I find them a bit lacking. I loved this book!!!

Loved loved loved it!!! I read As You Desire , loved it, and went straight to this one.. Once again, Connie Brockway delivers a story where the hero doesn't think himself worthy of the heroine, but what a hero he is!!! After reading My Seduction , I went ahead and dreamt of Kit, lol! Kate almost got on my nerves with her insistence on being wealthy, but she definitely redeemed herself!!! View all 5 comments. Jul 25, Ewa rated it liked it Shelves: They kissed and I kind of lost interest. All the tension was gone. They said one thing, then did another. Or they said one thing and it took just 5 minutes of coaxing by the other to change their minds.

I didn't understand why Kit's obsession for Kate lasted for 3 years. He met her once for 15 minutes. Surely, that's not enough to fall in love forever. Boring story but good writing, hence 3 stars. Aug 12, Nancy Brooks rated it it was amazing. This is just my second book by Brockway. My first was the final book in The Rose Hunters Trilogy. I would recommend reading the in order for the greatest suspense. Knowing who the traitor was did take a bit away from it, but this book was still a great beach read for me. Our heroine's father exchanged his life for three young imprisoned spies and the three vow to repay his family for their sacrifice.

This is the premise for the trilogy and each sister's story ties in with one of the three. Impov This is just my second book by Brockway. Impoverished but still classy Kate and damaged but still gallant Kit are a wonderful romantic couple. I am searching for my "missing link", the second book in the trilogy! Ich habe diese Reihe ausnahmsweise nicht wegen den vielen Rezensionen begonnen, sondern allein wegen der Titel und den Covern, die mir wirklich gut gefallen.

Sie ist eine von drei Schwestern der Familie Nash. Die drei Schwestern haben es nicht gerade ei Ich habe diese Reihe ausnahmsweise nicht wegen den vielen Rezensionen begonnen, sondern allein wegen der Titel und den Covern, die mir wirklich gut gefallen. Kate ist Witwe und noch immer sehr arm. Sie hofft, dass der Marquis of Parnell ihr aus der misslichen Lagen befreien kann. Auf dem Weg nach Schottland trifft sie einen alten Bekannten wieder: Sie ist genau nach meinem Beuteschema und auch die Umsetzung war ganz gut. Allerdings konnte ich mich mit dem Schreibstil eher weniger anfreunden, weswegen ich so meine Probleme beim Lesen hatte und auch sehr schwer in das Buch hineingekommen bin.

Seine sympathische und positive Art hat mich voll eingenommen und mich bei der Entwicklung einer ernsthaften Beziehung zwischen ihm und Kat mitfiebern lassen. May 07, Wandax21 rated it really liked it Shelves: This review has been hidden because it contains spoilers. To view it, click here. Kate, Charlotte and Helena are sisters whose father died when he saved three soldiers from French captivity. The three warriors swear an oath to help the sisters as soon as they send them a rose as a sign.

Three years later, Kate sets out on a journey to a relative, whom she wants to ask for financial support. In a pub brawl, a Highlander comes to her aid. It turns out it is Kit - one of the three soldiers.

He is looking for the traitor, who delivered him and his companions to the French. But so Kate, Charlotte and Helena are sisters whose father died when he saved three soldiers from French captivity. But someone has sent him a rose, so he helps Kate first, without giving his identity away.

Books like My Seduction (The Rose Hunters Trilogy #1)

The two travel together to Kate's destination. This journey is the best of the book, adventurous and slowly, the two get closer. But of course there's is a romantic problem: Kit is has the complex that he is not good enough for Kate because he is "simple commoner". When they reach their destination, he leaves her but is seized by smugglers and brutally interrogated. They are looking for hidden gold.

Of course, he can free himself and save Kate and the two marry in the monastery where he spent his childhood as an orphan. There he also meets again one of his 2 companions: The first two thirds were great, towards the end it has decreased a bit, so 4 stars. Feb 11, Jill rated it liked it Shelves: I thought this one started out kind of slow However, I kept on and then I realized I was hooked and I really enjoyed the slow, sweet build-up.

So often I and other readers complain when an author jumps right into the action between two characters and then we complain when they don't do it fast enough. I felt that Brockway found a happy medium. I did have some issue I thought this one started out kind of slow I did have some issue with the last part of the book because I felt like maybe some parts were edited out that contained pertinent information.

How they "knew" that information is beyond me. That aside, though it was an enjoyable enough read for me to get the next one although I probably wouldn't have had I not wanted to know who the betrayer is--something that won't be resolved till the 3rd book. Aug 09, Judy Martinez rated it liked it. Hmm, this one missed the mark with me. Personally, I didn't connect with the heroine. She's mercenary, this isn't the problem.

She's closed off, again this isn't the problem.

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No Other Duke Will Do. Kit was brooding and heroic and Kate was fierce. The three warriors swear an oath to help the sisters as soon as they send them a rose as a sign. View all 5 comments. Mar 10, Abrown Brown rated it it was amazing. How to write a great review Do Say what you liked best and least Describe the author's style Explain the rating you gave Don't Use rude and profane language Include any personal information Mention spoilers or the book's price Recap the plot.

I think, perhaps, is that she's so against the hero at first, so adamant about being weary of him, being suspicious, trusting him to a point, that it seemed wholly out of character for her to suddenly be attracted, and emotionally invested in his "suit" for her. Up until the first kiss, her reaction Hmm, this one missed the mark with me.

Up until the first kiss, her reaction to him is very cursory, and clinical. She logically accepts that he's attractive and is exudes masculine appeal.

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And then the kiss happens and BAM! Fine, it's not like I wanted to be with him anyway. Also, this had a goodly amount of exposition. Hopefully the rest in this series don't follow in this vein. Mar 10, Abrown Brown rated it it was amazing. This is the first in the Rose Hunters Triology by Brockway. It has a place on my "keeper" shelf.

They took an oath of fealty to each other. They went to Napolean's France on a secret mission and ended up inprisoned as spies. Katherine's father offered himself in exchange for three scotsmen. He was executed in their place. The three appeared at his home and brought a rose bush to the widow and 3 daughters, stating that if they ever need them to send one of the yellow roses from the bush to St.

This is a book, I couldn't put down. It has great romance and a mystery that will be played out through the remaining two books of the triology.

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Jun 14, Elaine rated it really liked it Shelves: