Everything You Need to Know to Feel Go(o)d

Everything You Need to Know to Feel Good

By the second half of the book, though, I was skimming paragraphs to get to the end. Apr 05, Julie McNelis rated it it was amazing Recommends it for: Folks intetested in complex health issues and novice molecular biologists. I loved this book for the author's authenticity, candor and exploration of a wide range of topics that effect the human spirit. For an author who has published hundreds of scientific articles, her writing is very approachable and very human.

This book inspired me to take better care of my life, and empowered me to look into how so many areas of life are interconnected into the web of my feeling "good. Pert's compilation of resources to other books and scientific contributors in the areas of I loved this book for the author's authenticity, candor and exploration of a wide range of topics that effect the human spirit. Pert's compilation of resources to other books and scientific contributors in the areas of holistic health is a blessing to us all - a skilled researcher took the time to share with us what she has discovered.

Very kind of her, indeed. Jul 06, MaryKim rated it it was amazing. I want everyone I know to read this Aug 30, Yassy rated it it was ok Shelves: This book had some great ideas However, the book was more of an autobiography than a analysis of advances in neuroscience in the mind-body arena. I found it really slow going, wading through all the personal recollections and anecdotes to get to the science of it all - which was what I really wanted from the book.

May 19, Clare rated it liked it. I met Nancy, her co-author, in Santa Barbara many years ago, so feel a real connection.

The "chatty" conversational style isn't my favourite but it worked well enough to get the message across. Reading this alongside Joe Dispenza's latest is a real eye-opener! Je Go e d voelen. Candace but her heart and soul into this healing book. It is easy reading and will help with healing your emotional self. Mar 12, Lynn O'Neill rated it really liked it. I loved this book and the idea of the mind-body. A must for anyone interested in healing.

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Also, take a look at the film "What the bleep do we know" - the author is also in this film. The book was given to me as a gift, so it is outside of my norm. The author is rather annoying for the first thirty or so pages of the book, which reads like a personal commercial for herself and her supposed AIDS cure. She finally starts trying to stitch together random bits of research to support her belief that there is a body-wide system of instantaneous ability to change our emotions, bodily functions, nervous system, brain activity, and immune system, which in turn affects our perception a The book was given to me as a gift, so it is outside of my norm.

She finally starts trying to stitch together random bits of research to support her belief that there is a body-wide system of instantaneous ability to change our emotions, bodily functions, nervous system, brain activity, and immune system, which in turn affects our perception and interaction with reality and other people. Some of these ideas are explained using very briefly mentioned scientific research to help "prove" her points. And these "meaty" parts of the book are scattered through her ongoing self-commercialization and more "proof" based on things going on in her personal life which reads more like a diary blog for more than half the book.

I would have liked more science and even more in depth explanation of complex ideas that she presents but fails to explain, and less self-aggrandizement and self-effacement turmoil to wade through. For most people in this world, these are not theories they have the privilege or luxury to believe in. Inspiring and educative Balance of intuition and science bringing those to unity. A bridge between science and God. Caitlin Grace rated it it was amazing Jul 25, Cathy rated it liked it Sep 05, Priya Vaswani rated it really liked it Feb 19, Jaime Chandra rated it it was ok Dec 13, Emotional Alchemy Tara Bennett-Goleman.

Review Text 'A beautiful collection of short essays which act as a spiritual and emotional first-aid kit.

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Everything You Need to Know to Feel Go(o)d Paperback – November 1, She discovered that, at the end of the day, all people really want to know is how to feel good. Molecules Of Emotion: The Science Behind Mind-Body Medicine by Candace B. Pert Paperback $ Start by marking “Everything You Need to Know to Feel Go(o)d” as Want to Read: Everything You Need to Know to Feel Go(o)d is Candace Pert’s response to the questions she’s been asked in her worldwide travels ever since the publication of her book Molecules of Emotion, and.

The Guardian show more. Review quote 'A beautiful collection of short essays which act as a spiritual and emotional first-aid kit. The Guardian 'Lesley Garner has produced the perfect bedside book for those nights when you can't sleep and it's too late to call a friend You magazine 'She writes like a dream About Candace Pert Dr Candace Pert is an internationally recognized pharmacologist who has published over scientific articles on peptides and their receptors and the role of these neuropeptides in the immune system.

Everything You Need To Know To Feel Good : Candace Pert :

Alongside her husband she has been researching a cure for AIDS for the last 15 years. Dr Pert has also lectured worldwide on these and other subjects, including her theories on emotions and mind-body communication. Our customer reviews "I too like the first reviewer of this book was looking forward to reading this book, having seen Candace Pert in the Movie "What the Bleep! I found the style grating, nerve jangling, hurried, unfinished and self-indulgent, truly unbearable.

I kept reading the book right to the end just to see, if there was a turnaround in the story, some evidence of this promise of 'Everything You Need to Know to Feel Good'. The book did not deliver its promise. Candace seems to revel in the me, me, me-ness of how wonderful she is, how she just has to get her life sorted so she can finish this book, how she's being pushed by her friend and co-author Nancy Marriott to edit a chapter, finsish a chapter, have a hurried meeting here and there, jump on a plane, attend a conference, get on another plane, spill milkshake over some papers she's supposed to be editing for the book whilst she's on that plane going to another conference where she'll be surrounded by adoring fans who'll have to be kept at bay whilst she edits another page or two or three of her wonderful book, while she's having a reunion meal with her daughter But this book was about the author not the readers.

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It followed Candace as she gave papers, did book signings, met friends for coffee and flew on planes, all the time reminding us what great work she had done and how her audience loved her. I'm sure this is true - but this was not how the book advertised itself. I was hoping for insight and sound advice - what I got was a self-absorbed and meandering disappointment.

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I've written quite a few review on amazon and other sites -and again I was motivated to write this one to save other people from wasting money when there are so many other books that offer so much more. Please, seriously don't waste your money on this book. Joe's 30 Minute Meals Joe Wicks.

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Everything You Need to Know to Feel Go(o)d

Ultimate Confidence Marisa Peer. Relax And Renew P.

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