Kleine Universitätsgeschichte Greifswald (German Edition)

Meaning of "Kampfgefährte" in the German dictionary

Die von alliierter Seite angestrebten strukturellen Reformen wurden von den deutschen Stellen weitgehend abgewehrt. Dazu wurde das Hochschulrahmengesetz geschaffen.

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Universities typically provide undergraduate education and postgraduate education, the word university is derived from the Latin universitas magistrorum et scholarium, which roughly means community of teachers and scholars. Universities were created in Italy and evolved from Cathedral schools for the clergy during the High Middle Ages, the original Latin word universitas refers in general to a number of persons associated into one body, a society, company, community, guild, corporation, etc. Like other guilds, they were self-regulating and determined the qualifications of their members, an important idea in the definition of a university is the notion of academic freedom.

The first documentary evidence of this comes from early in the life of the first university, the University of Bologna adopted an academic charter, the Constitutio Habita, in or , which guaranteed the right of a traveling scholar to unhindered passage in the interests of education. Today this is claimed as the origin of academic freedom and this is now widely recognised internationally - on 18 September , university rectors signed the Magna Charta Universitatum, marking the th anniversary of Bolognas foundation.

The number of universities signing the Magna Charta Universitatum continues to grow, the university is generally regarded as a formal institution that has its origin in the Medieval Christian setting. The earliest universities were developed under the aegis of the Latin Church by papal bull as studia generalia and it is possible, however, that the development of cathedral schools into universities was quite rare, with the University of Paris being an exception.

Later they were founded by Kings or municipal administrations. In the early period, most new universities were founded from pre-existing schools. The students had all the power … and dominated the masters, princes and leaders of city governments perceived the potential benefits of having a scholarly expertise develop with the ability to address difficult problems and achieve desired ends.

The emergence of humanism was essential to understanding of the possible utility of universities as well as the revival of interest in knowledge gained from ancient Greek texts. The rediscovery of Aristotles works—more than pages of it would eventually be translated—fuelled a spirit of inquiry into natural processes that had begun to emerge in the 12th century. Some scholars believe that these represented one of the most important document discoveries in Western intellectual history. Richard Dales, for instance, calls the discovery of Aristotles works a turning point in the history of Western thought and this became the primary mission of lecturers, and the expectation of students.

The university culture developed differently in northern Europe than it did in the south, Latin was the language of the university, used for all texts, lectures, disputations and examinations. Professors lectured on the books of Aristotle for logic, natural philosophy, and metaphysics, while Hippocrates, Galen, outside of these commonalities, great differences separated north and south, primarily in subject matter. Wissenschaft — Science is a systematic enterprise that builds and organizes knowledge in the form of testable explanations and predictions about the universe.

The formal sciences are often excluded as they do not depend on empirical observations, disciplines which use science, like engineering and medicine, may also be considered to be applied sciences. In the 17th and 18th centuries, scientists increasingly sought to formulate knowledge in terms of physical laws, over the course of the 19th century, the word science became increasingly associated with the scientific method itself as a disciplined way to study the natural world.

It was during this time that scientific disciplines such as biology, chemistry, Science in a broad sense existed before the modern era and in many historical civilizations. Modern science is distinct in its approach and successful in its results, Science in its original sense was a word for a type of knowledge rather than a specialized word for the pursuit of such knowledge.

In particular, it was the type of knowledge which people can communicate to each other, for example, knowledge about the working of natural things was gathered long before recorded history and led to the development of complex abstract thought. This is shown by the construction of calendars, techniques for making poisonous plants edible.

For this reason, it is claimed these men were the first philosophers in the strict sense and they were mainly speculators or theorists, particularly interested in astronomy. In contrast, trying to use knowledge of nature to imitate nature was seen by scientists as a more appropriate interest for lower class artisans. A clear-cut distinction between formal and empirical science was made by the pre-Socratic philosopher Parmenides, although his work Peri Physeos is a poem, it may be viewed as an epistemological essay on method in natural science.

He was particularly concerned that some of the early physicists treated nature as if it could be assumed that it had no intelligent order, explaining things merely in terms of motion and matter. The study of things had been the realm of mythology and tradition, however. Aristotle later created a less controversial systematic programme of Socratic philosophy which was teleological and he rejected many of the conclusions of earlier scientists. For example, in his physics, the sun goes around the earth, each thing has a formal cause and final cause and a role in the rational cosmic order.

Motion and change is described as the actualization of potentials already in things, while the Socratics insisted that philosophy should be used to consider the practical question of the best way to live for a human being, they did not argue for any other types of applied science. Forschung — It is used to establish or confirm facts, reaffirm the results of previous work, solve new or existing problems, support theorems, or develop new theories. A research project may also be an expansion on past work in the field, to test the validity of instruments, procedures, or experiments, research may replicate elements of prior projects or the project as a whole.

The primary purposes of research are documentation, discovery, interpretation, or the research and development of methods. Approaches to research depend on epistemologies, which vary considerably both within and between humanities and sciences, there are several forms of research, scientific, humanities, artistic, economic, social, business, marketing, practitioner research, life, technological, etc. The earliest recorded use of the term was in , Research has been defined in a number of different ways.

Another definition of research is given by John W. Creswell and it consists of three steps, pose a question, collect data to answer the question, and present an answer to the question. Original research is research that is not exclusively based on a summary and this material is of a primary source character. The purpose of the research is to produce new knowledge. Original research can take a number of forms, depending on the discipline it pertains to, in analytical work, there are typically some new mathematical results produced, or a new way of approaching an existing problem. The degree of originality of the research is among major criteria for articles to be published in academic journals, graduate students are commonly required to perform original research as part of a dissertation.

Scientific research is a way of gathering data and harnessing curiosity. This research provides scientific information and theories for the explanation of the nature, scientific research is funded by public authorities, by charitable organizations and by private groups, including many companies. Scientific research can be subdivided into different classifications according to their academic, Research in the humanities involves different methods such as for example hermeneutics and semiotics.

Humanities scholars usually do not search for the correct answer to a question. Context is always important, and context can be social, historical, political, cultural, an example of research in the humanities is historical research, which is embodied in historical method. Historians use primary sources and other evidence to systematically investigate a topic, other studies aim to merely examine the occurrence of behaviours in societies and communities, without particularly looking for reasons or motivations to explain these.

These studies may be qualitative or quantitative, and can use a variety of approaches, Artistic research, also seen as practice-based research, can take form when creative works are considered both the research and the object of research itself. It is the body of thought which offers an alternative to purely scientific methods in research in its search for knowledge. Christentum — Christianity is a Abrahamic monotheistic religion based on the life and teachings of Jesus Christ, who serves as the focal point for the religion.

It is the worlds largest religion, with over 2. Christian theology is summarized in creeds such as the Apostles Creed and his incarnation, earthly ministry, crucifixion, and resurrection are often referred to as the gospel, meaning good news. The term gospel also refers to accounts of Jesuss life and teaching, four of which—Matthew, Mark, Luke. Christianity is an Abrahamic religion that began as a Second Temple Judaic sect in the mid-1st century, following the Age of Discovery, Christianity spread to the Americas, Australasia, sub-Saharan Africa, and the rest of the world through missionary work and colonization.

Christianity has played a prominent role in the shaping of Western civilization, throughout its history, Christianity has weathered schisms and theological disputes that have resulted in many distinct churches and denominations. Worldwide, the three largest branches of Christianity are the Catholic Church, the Eastern Orthodox Church, and the denominations of Protestantism.


There are many important differences of interpretation and opinion of the Bible, concise doctrinal statements or confessions of religious beliefs are known as creeds. They began as baptismal formulae and were expanded during the Christological controversies of the 4th and 5th centuries to become statements of faith. Many evangelical Protestants reject creeds as definitive statements of faith, even agreeing with some or all of the substance of the creeds.

The Baptists have been non-creedal in that they have not sought to establish binding authoritative confessions of faith on one another. Also rejecting creeds are groups with roots in the Restoration Movement, such as the Christian Church, the Evangelical Christian Church in Canada, the Apostles Creed is the most widely accepted statement of the articles of Christian faith. It is also used by Presbyterians, Methodists, and Congregationalists and this particular creed was developed between the 2nd and 9th centuries.

Its central doctrines are those of the Trinity and God the Creator, each of the doctrines found in this creed can be traced to statements current in the apostolic period. The creed was used as a summary of Christian doctrine for baptismal candidates in the churches of Rome. Most Christians accept the use of creeds, and subscribe to at least one of the mentioned above. The central tenet of Christianity is the belief in Jesus as the Son of God, Christians believe that Jesus, as the Messiah, was anointed by God as savior of humanity, and hold that Jesus coming was the fulfillment of messianic prophecies of the Old Testament.

The Christian concept of the Messiah differs significantly from the contemporary Jewish concept, Jesus, having become fully human, suffered the pains and temptations of a mortal man, but did not sin. Akademischer Grad — An academic degree is a qualification awarded on successful completion of a course of study in higher education, normally at a college or university. The most common degree is the bachelors degree, although in some countries lower qualifications are titled degrees while in others a higher-level first degree is more usual.

The doctorate appeared in medieval Europe as a license to teach at a medieval university and its roots can be traced to the early church when the term doctor referred to the Apostles, church fathers and other Christian authorities who taught and interpreted the Bible.


The right to grant a licentia docendi was originally reserved to the church required the applicant to pass a test, to take oath of allegiance. The Third Council of the Lateran of guaranteed the access — now largely free of charge — of all able applicants, at the university, doctoral training was a form of apprenticeship to a guild. The traditional term of study before new teachers were admitted to the guild of Master of Arts, originally the terms master and doctor were synonymous, but over time the doctorate came to be regarded as a higher qualification than the master degree.

The earliest doctoral degrees reflected the historical separation of all higher University study into three fields. Over time, the D. The degree title of Doctor of Philosophy is of a later time. Studies in what once was called philosophy are now classified as sciences and humanities, Master of Arts were eligible to enter study under the higher faculties of Law, Medicine or Theology, and earn first a bachelors and then master or doctors degrees in these subjects.

Thus a degree was only a step on the way to becoming a qualified master — hence the English word graduate. The naming of degrees eventually became linked with the subjects studied, scholars in the faculties of arts or grammar became known as master, but those in theology, medicine, and law were known as doctor. As study in the arts or in grammar was a prerequisite to study in subjects such as theology, medicine and law.

The practice of using the doctor for PhDs developed within German universities. The French terminology is tied closely to the meanings of the terms. Frauenstudium im deutschen Sprachraum. Frauen in der Wissenschaft. Professors lectured on the books of Aristotle for logic, natural philosophy, and metaphysics, while Hippocrates, Galen, outside of these commonalities, great differences separated north and south, primarily in subject matter 2. Motion and change is described as the actualization of potentials already in things, while the Socratics insisted that philosophy should be used to consider the practical question of the best way to live for a human being, they did not argue for any other types of applied science 3.

It is the body of thought which offers an alternative to purely scientific methods in research in its search for knowledge 4. The Christian concept of the Messiah differs significantly from the contemporary Jewish concept, Jesus, having become fully human, suffered the pains and temptations of a mortal man, but did not sin 5. Graduation ceremony on Convocation day at the University of Oxford. Behind them, a bedel , a Doctor and Bachelors of Arts and Medicine graduate.

The University of Bologna in Italy , founded in , is the oldest medieval university , the word university Latin: Meeting of doctors at the University of Paris.

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From a medieval manuscript. Maize , known in some English-speaking countries as corn, is a large grain plant domesticated by indigenous peoples in Mesoamerica in prehistoric times. Engraving from Vesalius , Albrecht Durer Man drawing a lute, using Perspectivist techniques, as well as Alhazen's technique of taut strings to visualize a light ray. Isaac Newton , shown here in a portrait, made seminal contributions to classical mechanics , gravity , and optics.

Newton shares credit with Gottfried Leibniz for the development of calculus. Basrelief sculpture "Research holding the torch of knowledge" by Olin Levi Warner. Primary scientific research being carried out at the Microscopy Laboratory of the Idaho National Laboratory. Scientific research equipment at MIT. German historian Leopold von Ranke — , considered to be one of the founders of modern source-based history. Various depictions of Jesus. The Bible is the sacred book in Christianity. The Great Sphinx and the pyramids of Giza are among the most recognizable symbols of the civilization of ancient Egypt.

A typical Naqada II jar decorated with gazelles. From the Imam's guesthouse Historic Town of Zabid Yemen listen ; Arabic: A Sabaean gravestone of a woman holding a stylized sheaf of wheat, a symbol of fertility in ancient Yemen. A funerary stela featuring a musical scene, first century AD. The ruins of The Great Dam of Marib. The House of Wisdom Arabic: Scholars at an Abbasid library in Baghdad. The earliest scientific manuscript s originated in the Abbasid era. Physician learning a complex surgical method. Hulagu Khan 's siege of Baghdad Interior of Al-Azhar mosque.

An entrance to the mosque and university. The Minaret of Qunsah al Ghuri is visible on the right.

Oh no, there's been an error

An Azhari institute in Tanta. Towers on the Nile. Louis Comfort Tiffany — Registan , Sher-Dor Madrasa in Samarkand. The date of Cramer's works. The publication-date of the Rhynchotal part of the 'Voyage of the Coquille'. A note on the authorship of the 'Hope Catalogues', etc. De fem aeldste Fortegnelser over danske Sommerfugle. The Editions of Goedart's 'Metamorphosis Naturalis'. On Kaltenbach's 'Die Pflanzenfeinde' [] The publication dates of Dejean's catalogues.

A hitherto unknown book of entomology. Surinamensische Vlinders von J. Patrick Browne's The civil and natural history of Jamaica , Ihre Bibliographie und Geschichte. Ihre Geschichte und Bibliographie. Notes on the dates etc.

The Generic Names of Moths of the World. Noctuidae, Agaristidae, and Nolidae. Thecla, Polyomattus [sic], Lycaena, Nemeobius. An annotated review, with a catalogue of the existing types. Sa vie et son oeuvre. Apoidea; excluding Apis mellifera. John White's Journal of a voyage to new South Wales Bibliografia lepidopterologica din Romania. Archiv der Insectengeschichte von J. Fauna Insectorum Europae, ]. Corsuccio da Sascorbaro ed il suo 'Vermicello dalla seta'.

Notes on the Linnean Dissertations. Das 'Wiener Verzeichnis' von Historical series, London 4 4: Index to Panzer's Fauna Insectorum Germaniae. A, Original-Arbeiten, Berlin 78 9: Die Cicadidae in Ramburs Fauna von Andalusien. Datierung der Lieferungen des Werkes von Rambur]. Entomology in Garcilasso's 'Conquest of Florida'. Dates of the Parts of P. Note on Thomas Martyn's 'Psyche', Index Animalium sive index nominum quae ab A.

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Dates of the Parts of H. Burmeisters 'Genera Insectorum' - On the Dates of Cuvier, 'Le regne Animal' etc. On the Dates of G. Epilogue, additions to bibliography, additions and corrections, and index to trivialia. Index to trivialia under genera. On the Dates of Publication of Costa O. Fauna del Regno di Napoli, Note on John Curtis' British Entomology, ; The Dates of Esper's 'Schmetterlinge'. Catalog of Hymenoptera in America North of Mexico. Institution Press, Washington and London: Publication of Catesby's Natural History of Carolina. On the papers 'Systema Glossatorum Insectorum sive Minimorum Animalium Theatrum.

The Butterflies and Moths. Archetypa Studiaque Patris Georgii Hoefnagelii The Entomology of Hooke and Leeuwenhoek.