Numbers Their Occult Power And Mystic Virtues

Numbers Their Occult Power And Mystic Virtues

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William Wynn Westcott —who usually published as W. Wynn Westcott or W. Westcott and occasionally under the motto Sapere Aude —was a coroner, Theosophist, and Freemason who was a leader in the Societas Rosicruciana in Anglia and went on to co-found the Hermetic Order of the Golden Dawn, later remaining involved with the breakaway group Stella Matutina. Trivia About Numbers Their Occ Blavatsky, a work of erudition containing a vast fund of archaic doctrine, has supplied me with valuable quotations.

If any readers desire a deeper insight into the analogies between numbers and ideas, I refer them in addition to the works of Eliphaz Levi, Athanasius Kircher, Godfrey Higgins, Michael Maier, and John Heydon ; I have quoted from each of these authorities, and Thomas Taylor's " Theoretic Arithmetic " has supplied me with a great part of the purely arithmetical notions of the Pythagoreans, the elucidation of which was mainly due to him.

The first edition of this little book has been long out of print, and for several years I have been asked to enlarge it, but until the present time sufficient leisure has not been found to collect the additional matter which seemed desirable. This essay on Numbers now appears as Volume IX. I have added in this edition many notes on the notions of the Rabbis of Israel, both from those who contributed to the Mishnah and Gemara of the Talmuds of Jerusalem and of Babylon, and from the Rabbis who made a special study of the Kabalah. Only a few Talmudic treatises have as yet appeared in the English language, and hardly any Kabalistic tracts, except three from the Zohar or Book of Splendour, viz.

A few others are to be read in German and French translations. Many Talmudic and Kabalistic quotations may, however, be found in J. Joel, Leipzig, , narrates the relation between the Kabalah and Platonism, Neo-Platonism, Greek philosophy and the Zoroastrian doctrines of the Parsees. The fundamentals of the numerical Kabalistic ideas on creation are laid down in that treatise ; it has also been printed both in French and German, and there is an American edition.

Upon Egyptian Numbers consult the works of E. Mystics will find much food for thought in the Yi-King, a very curious product of ancient Chinese lore. The Gnostic philosophy has a deep numerical basis, and the works of C. Mead may be suitably studied. Many volumes of " Bijou Notes and Queries " have been published by S. Gould of Manchester, U.

I am prepared to find that critics will declare this volume to be an undigested collection of heterogeneous information, still I prefer to leave the data in their present form; for there is a scheme of instruction running through it, which will be recognised by students of certain schools, and others will be able to find a basis for a general knowledge of numbers viewed from the standpoint of occult science.

A FEW corrections have been made, and interesting notes have been added ; many of these have been supplied by my pupils and fellow-students of the Rosicrucian Society. Pythagoras, one of the greatest philosophers of ancient Europe, was the son of Mnesarchus, an engraver. He was born about the year B. Very little is known of his early life, beyond the fact that he won prizes for feats of agility at the Olympic Games. Having attained manhood and feeling dissatisfied with the amount of knowledge to be gained at home, he left his native land and spent many years in travel, visiting in turn most of the great centres of Learning.

History narrates that his pilgrimage in search of wisdom extended to Egypt, Hindostan, Persia, Crete and Palestine, and that he gathered from each country fresh stores of information, and succeeded in becoming well acquainted with the Esoteric Wisdom as well as with the popular exoteric knowledge of each. He returned with his mind well stored and his judgment matured, to his home, intending to open there a College of learning, but this he found to be impracticable owing to the opposition of its turbulent ruler Polycrates.

Failing in II 12 this design, he migrated to Crotona, a noted city in Magna Graecia, which was a colony founded by Dorians on the South coast of Italy. It was here that this ever-famous Philosopher founded his College or Society of Students, which became known all over the civilized world as the central assembly of the learned of Europe ; and here it was in secret conclave that Pythagoras taught that occult wisdom which he had gathered from the Gymnosophists and Brahmins of India, from the Hierophants of Egypt, the Oracle of Delphi, the Idsean cave, and from the Kabalah of the Hebrew Rabbis and Chaldean Magi.

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For nearly forty years he taught his pupils, and exhibited his wonderful powers; but an end was put to his institution, and he himself was forced to flee from the city, owing to a con- spiracy and rebellion which arose on account of a quarrel between the people of Crotona and the inhabitants of Sybaris: Among the ancient authors from whom we derive our knowledge of the life and doctrines of Pythagoras and his successors, the following are notable: From three books of this author it is believed that Plato compiled his book Timaeus ; he was probably the first who committed to writing the doctrines of Pythagoras.

Refer to his works " De Finibus '' and ''De natura Deorum. Coming down to more recent times, the following authors should be consulted: They collected and epitomized all that was extant of previous authors concerning the doctrines of the Pythagoreans. The first eminent follower of Pythagoras was Aristaeus, who married Theano, the widow of his master: After the original school was dispersed, the chief instructors became Clinias and Philolaus at Heraclea ; Theorides and Eurytus at Meta- pontum ; and Archytas, the sage of Tarentum.

The school of Pythagoras had several peculiar character- istics. Every new member was obliged to pass a period of five years of contemplation in perfect silence ; the members held everything in common, and rejected animal food ; they were believers in the doctrine of metempsychosis, and were inspired with an ardent and implicit faith in their founder and teacher. The teaching was in a great measure secret, and certain studies and knowledge were allotted to each class and grade of instruction: No person was permitted to commit to writing any tenet, or secret doctrine, and, so far as is known, no pupil ever broke the rule until after his death and the dispersion of the school.

We are thus entirely dependent on the scraps of infor- mation which have been handed down to us from his successors, and from his and their critics. A considerable amount of uncertainty, therefore, is inseparable from any consideration of the real doctrines of Pythagoras himself, but we are on surer ground when we investigate the opinions of his followers.

It is recorded that his instruction to his followers was formulated into two great divisions — the science of numbers and the theory of magnitude. The former division included two branches, arithmetic and musical harmony ; the latter was further subdivided into the consideration of magnitude at rest — geometry, and magnitude in motion — astronomy. The most striking peculiarities of his doctrines are depen- dent on the mathematical conceptions, numerical ideas, and impersonations upon which his philosophy was founded.

The principles governing Numbers were supposed to be the principles of all Real Existences ; and as Numbers are the primary constituents of Mathematical Quantities, and at the same time present many analogies to various realities, it was further inferred that the elements of Numbers were the elements of ReaUties. To Pythagoras himself it is believed that the natives of Europe owe the first teaching of the properties of Numbers, of the principles of music, and of physics ; but there is evidence that he had visited Central Asia, and there had acquired the mathematical ideas which form the basis of his doctrine.

Hence they called forms, numbers ; a point, the monad ; a line, the dyad ; a superficies, the triad ; and a solid, the tetrad. Intuitive knowledge was referred to the Monad type. Indeed, they referred every object, planet, man, idea and essence to some nujinber or other, in a way which to most moderns must seenT curious and mystical in the highest degree. The sacredness of numbers begins with the Great First Cause, the One, and ends only with the nought or zero — symbol of the infinite and boundless universe.

Tradition narrates that the students of the Pythagorean school, at first classed as Exoterici or Auscultantes, listeners, were privileged to rise by merit and ability to the higher grades of Genuini, Perfecti, Mathematici or the most coveted title of Esoterici. The foundation of Pythagorean Mathematics was as follows: The first natural division of Numbers is into even and ODD, an even number being one which is divisible into two equal parts, without leaving a monad between them.

The ODD number, when divided into two equal parts, leaves the monad in the middle between the parts. All even numbers also except the dyad — two — which is simply two unities may be divided into two equal parts, and also into two unequal parts, yet so that in neither division will either parity be mingled with imparity, nor imparity with parity.

The binary number two cannot be divided into two unequal parts. Thus lo divides into 5 and 5, equal parts, also into 3 and 7, both imparities, and into 6 and 4, both parities ; and 8 divides into 4 and 4, equals and parities, and into 5 and 3, both imparities. But the ODD number is only divisible into uneven parts, and one part is also a parity and the other part an imparity ; thus 7 into 4 and 3, or 5 and 2, in both cases unequal, and odd and even. Another reason they saw was that the monad, added to an even number, became an odd number, but if evens are added to evens the result is an even number.

The Monad, then, is the first idea of the odd number ; and so the Pythagoreans speak of the " two " as the " first idea of the indefinite dyad," and attribute the number 2 to that which is indefinite, unknown, and inordinate in the world ; just as they adapt the monad to all that is definite and orderly. They also noted that every number is one half of the total of the numbers about it, in the natural series ; thus 5 is half of 6 and 4.

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And also of the sum of the numbers again above and below this pair ; thus 5 is also half of 7 and 3, and so on till unity is reached ; for the monad alone has not two terms, one below and one above ; it has one above it only, and hence it is said to be the " source of all multitude. Such are those which divide into two equal parts, and each part divides evenly, and the even division is continued until unity is reached ; such a number is These numbers form a series, in a duple ratio from unity; thus i, 2, 4, 8, 16, A series of these numbers is formed by doubling the items of a series of odd numbers, thus: Odd numbers also are susceptible of being looked upon from three points of view, thus: These have parts which are denominated from a foreign number, or word, as well as proper unity, thus 9 has a third part which is 3 ; 1 5 has a third part which is 5 ; and a fifth part 3 ; hence as containing a foreign part, it is called second, and as containing a divisibility, it is composite.

The Third Variety of odd numbers is more complex, and is of itself second and composite, but with reference to another is first and incomposite ; such are 9 and These are divisible, each of them that is second and composite, yet have no common measure ; thus 3 which divides the 9 does not divide the Odd numbers are sorted out into these three classes by a device, called, the "Sieve of Eratosthenes," which is of too complex a nature to form part of a monograph so discursive as this must be.

Even numbers have also been divided by the ancient sages into Perfect, Deficient and Superabundant.

William W. Westcott – Numbers: Their Occult Power And Mystic Virtues

Superperfect or Superabundant are such as 12 and Deficient are such as 8 and Perfect are such as 6 and 28 ; equal to the number of their parts; as 28 — half is 14, a fourth is 7, a seventh is 4, a fourteenth part is 2, and the twenty-eighth is i, which quotients added together are In Deficient numbers, such as 14, the parts are surpassed 19 by the whole: In Superabundant, as 12, the whole surpasses the aggre- gate of its parts ; thus the sixth is 2, a fourth is 3, a third is 4, a half is 6, and a twelfth is i ; and the aggregate is 16, or more than Superperfect numbers they looked on as similar to Briareus, the hundred-handed giant: Evil is indeed opposed to evil, but both to one good.

Good, however, is never opposed to good, but to two evils. There is but one perfect number between i and 10, that is 6; only one between 10 and , that is 28; only one between and , that is ; and between and 10, only one, that is A number which is formed by the multiplication of an odd and an even number together they called Hermaphrodite, or "arrenothelus. The nature of good to them was definite, that of evil indefinite ; and the more indefinite the nature of the evil, the worse it was. Goodness alone can define or bound the indefinite. In the human soul exists a certain vestige of 20 divine goodness Buddhi ; this bounds and moderates the indefiniteness and inequality of its desires.

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It may be demonstrated that all inequality arises from equality, so that obtaining, as it were, the power of a mother and a root, she pours forth with exuberant fertility all sorts of inequality ; and did space and time allow, it could be also shown that all inequality may be reduced to equality. Ozanam, a French mathematician, a. Another such pair of numbers are 17, and 18, Very curious speculations as to the relation between Numbers and marriage, and the character of offspring from it, are to be found scattered through the writings of the Philosophers.

Plato, in his " Republic," has a passage con- cerning a geometric number, which, divinely generated, will be fortunate or unfortunate. Nicomachus also speaks of this same number, and he calls it the Nuptial Number; and he passes from it to state that from two good parents only good offspring can come ; from two bad parents only bad ; and from a good and a bad parent only bad ; whence he warns the Republic against wedlock in a confused or dis- orderly manner, from which, the progeny being depraved, discord will result.

Simplicius, in his commentary on the 2nd Book of Aristotle, "On the Heavens," remarks that Pythagoras and his followers claimed to have heard the Music of the Spheres, to have heard an harmonic sound produced by the motion of the planets, and from the sound 21 to have calculated by numbers the ratio of distance and size of the Sun, Moon, Venus and Mercury. To this Aristotle objected, but perhaps the difficulty might be solved: Animals can be scented, and their presence definitely known, by dogs when at great distances from them, and when man is in complete ignorance of their existence.

Some of the ancients thought the soul had three vehicles — the terrestrial body, an aerial one in which it is punished, and an ethereal one, luminous and celestial, in which the soul abides when in a state of bliss. For why do we see the stars, while yet we hear not their motion: Why come not angels from the realms of glory To visit earth, as in the days of old? Is heaven more distant Or has earth grown cold? Many nations of antiquity made use of the letters of their alphabets as substitutes for any independent signs to typify numerical conceptions.

It is with the Hebrew letters as numerals that we are chiefly concerned, and to a smaller extent with the Greek. Ancient records show that the Greeks used their numbers almost exclusively for everyday purposes ; while the Jewish Rabbis added to their practical value special peculiar purposes, and looked to them to furnish deeper views of nature, existence and doctrine. No doubt can exist that the ancient Egyptians were fully aware of the wondrous mysteries which numbers are able to disclose, so, considering that Greece, and neither Judea nor Babylon, succeeded to the empires of ancient Egypt, it is a curious fact how little knowledge of the dogmas of the Hierophants of Sais, Memphis and Thebes Greek literature has transmitted to us.

The Jewish Rabbis discovered so much of interest and importance behind the merely superficial value of numbers, and of words as their representatives, that they gradually developed a complete science of numerical conceptions apart from mathematics ; this took the name of Kabalah or Qabalah, Cabbala, or even Cabala, words variously misspelt from Qblh — the Received doctrine, from the root Qbl, meaning to Receive. The Greeks as aforesaid did not develop nor use their letters as numbers for mental conceptions, yet in the Middle 23 Ages we often find Greek letters used to transliterate Hebrew similars, and so there was formed a bastard Greek Kabalah on the Hebrew type.

It must be constantly borne in mind that all Hebrew words or numbers are read from right to left, or the reverse of English words ; but in their English transliteration they are here in English order. The corresponding numerals, Greek and Hebrew letters, are here given with their English names, and the English synonymous letters are also added.

Another point of importance is that the Jews never write JH Jah for 15, because it is a Deity title, they use instead 9, 6 thus TV, teth vau. In certain Kabalistic numerical computations many Rabbis deemed it permissible to add an Aleph, one, and this they called the Colel. In some cases we find the Greeks to have used their letters in direct order for purposes of numeration, as may be seen in some copies of very old poems the 24 books of Homer's Iliad and Odyssey, for example , in which the stanzas bear the letters consecutively, in a similar manner to the Hebrew letters heading the portions of the th Psalm in our Bibles.

The former is specified as the Dogmatic Kabalah, the latter as the Literal Kabalah. By means of associating the ancient doctrines of Numbers with the letters of the alphabet, the Planets, Stars, Zodiacal signs and other astronomical terms, a form of divination became practised, by which the professors attempted to foretell the future, life and death, good and evil Fortune, detection of theft, etc.

With this system is associated the practice of pure Astrology, the divination of Fate by means of the Heavenly bodies, especially the formation of the so-called Horoscopes — schemes of the arrangement of the Planets at the moment of Birth, from which all the important phases of the life can be inferred — by soipe few persons.

The more practical part of the system was involved in the three processes of: When the sum of the numbers of the letters composing a word was the same as the sum of the letters of another word, however different, they perceived an analogy between them, and considered them to have a necessary connection. Some Christian Kabalists point out that in Genesis xlix. Astronomy teaches that as Leo passes away from the meridian, Scorpio rises. The Kabalists sometimes considered the units to refer to Divine Beings, the tens to celestial bodies, hundreds to things of earth, and thousands to future events.

Refer to Deuteronomy xxx. For example, the alphabet of 22 letters is halved and the two sets placed one over the other in reverse order, thus: This form is called At bash or Ax-Bsh ; it will be seen that there must be 2 1 other possible forms, and these were named in order, thus, Albat, Agdat, etc. This method is used in a superficial manner in Mark Master Masonry. A further development of the Numerical Kabalah consists of arithmetical processes of Extension and Contraction ; thus Tetragrammaton is considered as Y 10, H 5, V 6, H 5, or 26, but also may be spelled in full Yvd 20, Ha 6, Vv 12, Ha 6, or Again, the Kabalists extended a number by series.

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Zain Z or 7 becomes i and 2 and 3 and 4 and 5 and 6 and 7, or After another manner they contracted, as 28 was equal to 2 and 8, or Again, Tetragrammaton 26 became 2 and 6, or 8, so every number was reducible to a primary numeral. In this manner, within certain restrictive laws, every word had analogies with certain others ; thus Ab father i and 2 are 3, Ihv Jehu 10 and 5 and 6 are 21, 2 and I are 3. I cannot, without Hebrew letters, explain well the change of sound in the Shin Sh, from Sh to S, but it is marked by a dot over the right or left tooth of the three teeth of the letter.

Now here we have the addition of an H or 5, the essentially Female Letter, to the name of Abraham, and a conversion of a Yod into He, Y into H, in the case of Sarah ; and then their sterility is destroyed. Some learned men consider Abraham to be a conversion of Brahma, the Hindoo Deity. The name splits up curiously. Ab is father, Br is son.

The number of Abrm is i, 2, , 40 or , the number of the man figure, Seir Anpin, representing Microprosopus. King, " The Gnostics. The of Abram becomes by adding H, and Sarai becomes by taking 5 off, putting H for Y, and the total of the two names is unaltered, being ; is the number of the members of Microprosopus and of RchM, rechem or Mercy. Before leaving this subject, a reference must be made to the Magic Squares, of the Planets, etc. Thus the Square of Saturn has three compartments each way, and in each subdivision is a unit, i to 9, so arranged that the columns add up to 15 every way, the total being The Square of Jupiter has a side of four divisions, total 16 ; each line adds up to 34, and the total is Of Venus, 7, 49, , Of Mercury, 8, 64, , Of Luna, 9, 81, , Each number then becomes a name.

It will be noticed that the great number of Sol is , called Sorath, Surt, the number of the Beast, about which so much folly has been written. Of these the first, third, and last number , but opera and its reverse number only The letters of Iesous also make a magic square of 36 divisions, adding every way to Consult the " Arithmo- logia " of Kircher.

As a curiosity, note that the Roman X for 10 is two V's, which are each 5 ; C, or, squarely drawn, E, for con- sists of two L's which are each According to " The Canon," of , an anonymous work. It remains by itself among numbers, for no number can be taken from it, or separated from its unity. The Monad, Unity, or the number One received very numerous meanings.

Photius tells us that the Pythagoreans gave it the following names: God, the First of all things, the maker of all things. Intellect, the source of all ideas. Male and Female — both together produce all things ; from the odd proceed both odd and even. Matter, the last development of universality.

Chaos, which resembles the infinite, indifferentiation. Obscurity, because 3 34 in the Ineffable principle of things, of which it is the image, all is confused, vague and in darkness. A Chasm, as a void. Tartarus, from its being at the lowest extremity, is dissimilarly similar to God, at the highest end of the series. The Styx, from its immutable nature.

Horror, the ineffable, is perfectly unknown and is therefore terrible. Void of Mixture, from the simplicity of the nature of the ineffable. A Virgin, from the purity of its nature. Atlas, it connects, supports, and separates all things. Pyralios, dweller in fire. Vesta, or the fire in the centre of the earth. The Monad being esteemed the Father of numbers is the reason for the universal prejudice in favour of Odd Numbers over Even ones, which are but copies of the first even number the Dyad, or universal Mother; the father being more esteemed than the mother, for " Might.

The number one is represented in the Roman and Arabic systems, by an upright simple line, but in many old systems whose numerals were their letters, we find that almost universally the letter A, from being chosen to commence the set of letters, had the task of representing the Monad. The Talmud in Beraehath vi. One pang of remorse is of more avail for reformation than many stripes. One thing obtained with difficulty is more valued than a hundred obtained with ease.

It is indiscreet for one man to sleep in a house alone, for fear that he may be attacked by Lilith, who was said to have been Adam's first wife ; she is the Night Spectre, and has also power over newly-born infants who are not protected by an Amulet. Rabbi Nathan exhorted — "Repent One day before thy death " ; a wise maxim inculcating the duty of being ever prepared ; every day some advance in knowledge and good- ness should be attained.

Ever work and ever pray, " for the road winds upward all the way," as the Lord Buddha taught in ancient India. As was the case with the Monad so the Dyad also was said to represent a large number of different objects and ideas ; things indeed so dissimilar that it is difficult to understand how such multiplicity of opinion arose.

And first it is the general opposite to the Monad, the cause of dissimilitude, the interval between multitude and the Monad. Of figures, those which are characterised by equality and sameness have relation to the Monad ; but those in which inequality and difference predominate are allied to the Dyad.

Monad and Dyad are also called Bound and Infinity. Erato, because it attracts the Monad, like Love, and another number is formed. Patience, because it is the first number that endures separation from the Monad. Phanes, or Intelligible Intellect. It is the fountain of all Female divinities, and hence Nature, Rhea and Isis. Cupid, just as Erato, from desiring its opposite for a partner.

In Astronomy, we speak of 2 nodes. The followers of Pythagoras spoke of two kinds of enjoy- ment. First, lasciviousness and indulgence of the belly, like the murderous songs of Sirens ; second, honest and just indulgences, which bring on no repentance. Hierocles says 2 things are necessary to life, the aid of kindred, and benevolent sympathy of one's neighbours. A notable ancient Egyptian hieroglyphic was formed of two serpents in connection with a globe or egg, representing the world.

Another celebrated pair, in connection with worship, is the association of a tree and a serpent, referring as some say to the Mosaic account of the Tree of Know- ledge and the Tempter Serpent. Some have supposed that it is only since the condemnation '' on thy Belly shalt thou go" that the Serpent has been limbless, and obliged to crawl.

Note, it has been argued, and by a great churchman too, that the whole tale rests on error, and that for serpent we should read " Ape " Rev. This is substi- tuting one error for another. Duahty introduces us to the fatal alternative to Unity or Good, namely Evil ; and to many other human and natural contrasts — night and day, light and darkness, wet and dry, hot and cold, health and disease, truth and error, male and female, which man having fallen from his high estate, from spirit to matter, cannot avoid associating himself with.

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Numbers, Their Occult Power and Mystic Virtues, by W. Wynn Westcott, [], full text etext at NumbersTheir Occult Power And Mystic Virtues. By W. Wynn Westcott. I must apologize for the barbarous appearance of for- eign words; but it was not found.

Two is a number of Mourning and Death, mis- fortunes are apt to follow ; turn to our History of England, see the unhappiness of Kings numbered the second of each name — William II. The Romans dedicated the 2nd month to Pluto, God of Hades, and on the 2nd day of it they offered sacrifices to the Manes.

The Two Talmuds of the Jews, among other quaint notions, have the following ideas of the number Two. There are two important things; first, that one's bed should be placed north to south, and that one should pray in front of his bed. There are two ways before a man, one leads to Paradise and one to Gai-hinnom, the place of punishment. There are only two Jewish laws, the written law of Moses, and the oral law of the Kabalah. Every Jew who goes from the Synagogue to his house on the eve of the Sabbath is accompanied by two angels, one good and one bad, and if the house is all in order the good angel confirms a blessing, but if it be in disorder the good angel has to say Amen to the condemnation spoken by the evil angel.

Many persons nowadays beheve that birth names somehow affect their owners, as names given are prophetic of the nature and fate of the person. Speech may be worth one Selah a Jewish coin , but silence is worth Two. Which things point a moral as well as adorn a tale. Given two dry firebrands of wood and one of green, the dry will destroy the green. Two dogs once killed-ar Hon, so the minority must at last always give way to a majority. The Talmud argues that Adam had two faces ; some say one before and one behind, while others say one looked to right and one to the left.

Others say that Adam was both a male and a female. Others say that Eve was made from his thirteenth rib, and was not drawn out from his head, lest she should be vain ; not from his eyes, lest she should be wanton ; not from his mouth, lest she should talk too much ; not from his ears, lest she should be an eavesdropper ; not from his feet, lest she should be a gadabout ; and not from his heart, lest she should be jealous: Of two who quarrel, he or she who first gives in shows the noblest nature.

Two negatives or affirmatives are as good as an oath. The Twos of the Two Testaments are two Tables of the Law ; the Disciples were sent out two and two ; two disciples were sent by Jesus to fetch the ass's colt ; two to make ready the Passover ; two disciples buried Jesus ; Caleb and Joshua were the two spies ; two angels rescued 40 Lot; there were two witnesses of the Resurrection, and two of the Ascension.

The Book of Revelation of St. John the Divine speaks of Two Witnesses, two oHve trees and two candlesticks. If a dream was dreamed two times it foretold a truth ; as in Genesis xli. The animal kingdom shows all sexual generation to arise from pairs of contrasted beings, the male and female ; the microscope now discovers to us the spermatozoon and the ovum, but the truth was known of old to philosophers of India, Egypt and the Gnostics, in whose lore we find human generation to spring from the Serpent and the Egg.

Photius observes that the Triad is the first odd number in energy, is the first perfect number, and is a middle and analogy. The Pythagoreans referred it to Physiology; it is the cause of all that has the triple dimension. It is also the cause of good counsel, intelligence, and knowledge, and is a Mistress of Music, mistress also of Geometry, possesses authority in whatever pertains to Astronomy and the nature and knowledge of the heavenly bodies, connects and leads them into effects. Every virtue also is suspended from it, and proceeds from it.

In Mythology it is referred by Nicomachus to: Saturn, Time, past, present, and future. The Horn of Amalthea, the nurse of Jupiter. Poly- hymnia, among the Muses. Number being more increased by multiplication than it is by addition, the number 3 is, properly speaking, the first number, as neither the Dyad nor Monad are so increased. It is a '' Middle and Analogy,'' because all comparisons consist of three terms, at least ; and analogies were called by the ancients ''middles.

With regard to the Heavenly bodies, the number Three is important ; there are 3 quaternions of the celestial signs, the fixed, the movable, and the common. In every Zodiacal sign also there are 3 faces, and 3 42 decans, and 3 Lords of their TripHcity; and among the planets there are 3 Fortunes and 3 Infortunes; according to the Chaldeans also, there are 3 Ethereal words prior to the sphere of our Fixed Stars.

On account of the perfection of the Triad, oracles were delivered from a Tripod, as is related of the Oracle at Delphi. With regard to Music, 3 is said to be Mistress, because Harmony contains 3 symphonies, the Diapason, the Diapente, and the Diatessaron. There were Three cities of Refuge on the East side of the Jordan: Hebron, Shechem, and Kedesh Naphtali.

Euphrosyne, Aglaia, Thalia, says Hesiod. Pluto's dog Cerberus had 3 heads. There were Three founders of the Roman Empire: See Purchas, " The Pilgrimage," A letter Yod within an equilateral triangle was a symbol of the ineffable name Jehovah and was so used by the Jews. The moderns have pointed out that this form suggests the idea that they knew something of a Triune God. Other monograms of Jehovah were also triple; thus 3 rays, and the Shin, and three yods in a triangle. Note also 3 stones of the arch, 3 Principals and 3 Sojourners ; 3 Veils ; and in the Craft Lodges, 3 officers, 3 degrees, 3 peram- bulations.

In the Roman Cultus, the number 3 is of constant occurrence, as for example see Virgil, Eclogue 8, The Pharmaceutria ; the priests used a cord of 3 coloured strands, and an image was carried 3 times round an altar. It is not necessary here to enlarge upon the transcendent importance of the Christian Trinity. In old paintings we often see a Trinity of Jesus with John and Mary.

Indeed it is impossible to study any single system of worship throughout the world, without being struck by the peculiar persistence of the triple number in regard to divinity ; whether as a group of deities, a triformed or 3- headed god, a Mysterious Triunity, a deity of 3 powers, or a family relationship of 3 Persons, such as the Father, Mother and Son of the Egyptians, Osiris, Isis and Horus. And again in the various faiths we see the chief Dignity 44 given in turn to each person of the Triad: Under this notice of the Triad we may refer to the em- blem of the Isle of Man, three legs united at the hips ; this is supposed to have been derived from Sicilian Mariners at an early date, for the same emblem is found at Palermo in Sicily, and this design is there to be seen on an old public building.

Sicily was anciently named Trinacria, from its three promontories. Three is a notable number in the mythology of the Norseman: The three Norns Fates attend to the root in Asgard: The Talmuds are crowded with quaint conceits concern- ing the Triad, and many are very curious. The ancient Hebrews said there are three night watches, in the first the ass brays, in the second the dog barks, in the third the mother suckles her infant and converses with her husband. He who three times daily repeats the th Psalm is sure of future happiness.

In three sorts of dreams there is truth ; the last dream of the morning, the dream which is also dreamed by a neigh- bour, and a dream twice repeated. He who is born on the Third day of the week will be rich and amorous. Three despise their fellows ; cgoks, fortune-tellers and dogs. Three love their fellows ; proselytes, slaves and ravens.

Three persons live a life which is no life ; he who lives at another man's table, he who is ruled by his wife, and he. Orthodox Jews were very particular about the cuttings from the nails ; a pious man buries them, an orderly man burns them, but he who throws them away is wicked ; for if a woman step over them, mischance may follow. Moed Katon, 1 8.

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The nails should be trimmed on a Friday and never on a Thursday. Taanith, 2 ; I and 2. The Jewish butcher of Kosher meat must use three knives ; one to slaughter the animal, another to cut it up, and a third to remove the suet which was unlawful food ; as pork is. Three acolytes must attend the High Priest when he went in to worship ; one at his right, one at his left, and one had to hold up the gems on the train of his vestment. There are three parts of a man. The Sanhedrim could order as a punishment three degrees of Excommunication — separation for an undefined time, exclusion for 60 days, and execration for 30 days.

The name of Adam is of three letters. A, D and M: The Soul of Rahab passed to Heber the Kenite. The Soul of Jael passed to Eli. Some Souls of pious Jews pass into the persons of the Gentiles, so that they shall plead for Israel. Some evil Hebrew souls have passed into animals, as that of Ishmael into the she-ass of Balaam, and later into the ass of Rabbi Pinchas ben Yair.

The Soul of a slanderer may be transmigrated into a stone, so as to become silent ; and the Soul of a murderer into water.

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The Jewish butcher of Kosher meat must use three knives ; one to slaughter the animal, another to cut it up, and a third to remove the suet which was unlawful food ; as pork is. Shopbop Designer Fashion Brands. The number one is represented in the Roman and Arabic systems, by an upright simple line, but in many old systems whose numerals were their letters, we find that almost universally the letter A, from being chosen to commence the set of letters, had the task of representing the Monad. Kindle Edition Verified Purchase. On the 9th day of Ab modern Jews do not wear the Talith and Phylacteries until evening.

There are three causes of dropsy, depending on diseases of the breast, the liver and the kidneys. There are three forms of coma, that is insensibility; due to brain injury, brain disease and brain poisoning. There are three modes of death, beginning either at the brain, the lungs or the heart. One Zodiacal Sign, that of Scorpio, has three emblems ; the eagle in the highest symbolism, the snake, and the scorpion in evil aspects only. Astrologic Natal Figures are often erroneous by reason of the alleged moment of birth being incorrect: In both the Old and the New Testaments we find the Day was divided into three day watches and four night watches.

There is also another scheme in which the planets are related to a six-hour period by Ragon and Blavatsky. Three Lokas, Swarga, Bhumi and Patala ; heaven, earth and hell. The three Fires being the three aspects of the human soul, Atma, Buddhi and Manas.

There were three prongs of the trident, and three eyes in the forehead of Siva. Note also the 3-syllabled Holy Word Aum. At the Oblation of the Elements in the Celtic Church, 3 drops of Wine and 3 drops of water were poured into the chalice. In the present Christian Church we notice 3 crossings with water at Baptism, 3 Creeds ; the Banns of Marriage are published 3 times ; and a Bishop in benedic- tion makes the sign ot the Cross 3 times.

In Roman Catholic churches, the Angelus Bell is rung three times a day, a peaTof 3 times 3 for the heavenly hierarchies of angels: In civil life the usher of a court 3 times repeats the warning Oyez, Oyez, Oyez, which word means " hear " or "listen. The great Confucius wrote a supplement to it. This book is a mystical work on Symbolism referring to Cosmogony, to Man, and to the purposes of life. The initial symbols are the Yang, male, and the Yin, female. Then follow 8 trigrams, formed of emblematical lines ; they are: Some say that one Fo-Hi invented these symbols.

A later Mystic expanded the system into 64 figures, each composed of 6 lines of whole and half lines.

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With these were associated two diagrams formed of circles, named the " River Horse," and the " Writing of i 48 Lo ": Yang, male, is also associated with Heaven, the Sun, Light and 25 the total of the odd units. Yin, female, with the Moon, the Earth, darkness and the number 30, the total of the even numbers to ten. Shaw calls attention to the number 3J as being of mystical importance, as the half of seven, typifying present suffering as compared with future joy. Antiochus Epiphanes persecuted the church 3 J years. Forty-two months, or 3 J years, are symbolical of times of trouble.

Jesus preached 3I years. In the Revelations, the Bride, the Lamb's Wife, suffers days in the wilderness, being a time, times, and a half, Rev. Again the Holy City is said to be trodden under foot forty-two months, or 3I years. The first edition of this little book has been long out of print, and for several years, I have been asked to enlarge it, but until the present time sufficient leisure has not been found to collect the additional matter which seemed desirable.

This essay on Numbers now appears as Volume IX of my Series entitled "Collectanea Hermetica," of which it seem to form a suitable part, and I am hopeful that it maybe as well received by students of mystic philosophy as the previous volumes which treated of Alchemy, in the Hermetic Arcanum, Hermetic Art, Euphrates and Aesch Metzareph; the Dream of Scipio and the Golden verses of the Pythagoreans, the Pymander of Hermes and Egyptian Magic.

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