Lost Souls: Found! Inspiring Stories about Golden Retrievers

When I finally had the ability to begin my canine family, it was my husband, Gary, who actually suggested we seek out a Golden. And, for that I will be eternally grateful.

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  • Dear Finn: How My Golden Retriever Changed My Life?

Here he is wearing one of his most favored sweatshirts one of many Golden gifts I have given him over the years. Embroidered with the word Golden and a Golden canine figure, you can see why it is a favorite. In an article, entitled Following the Golden Brick Road , that I recently wrote, my first Golden experience is described: I was hooked that afternoon. Hopelessly and forever hooked. I had walked down a flight of stairs into a Golden heaven of sorts—a litter of soft little fluff balls all scurrying about, this way and that.

Could there really ever be anything as drop-dead gorgeous as these eight-week-old Golden puppies? Nothing could compare to the vision that greeted me that day. And, once seated and cuddling wildly amidst a chaos of fur and licking tongues—with adoration flowing in from far too many Goldens to count—I instinctively knew life would never again be the same. I was never warned about the Golden obsession that can take over once exposed to such unconditional love.

Intoxicating for sure, but addicting just the same. So, now with Golden pawprints forever stamped on my heart, there was understandably no turning back. I had been a small dog, Poodle person, growing up. But my husband, Gary, having grown up during the Lassie era, had a beautiful and most cherished sable-colored Collie named Laddie.

Maybe not as large as a Collie, but certainly bigger than a miniature Poodle. So, guided by his wisdom, I was led down the Golden Brick Road, my eyes wide open to the existence of these exquisite furry retriever angels. I cannot imagine that my life would have been as rich or as fulfilling or as filled with laughter as it is without such a discovery.

Adventure Puppy Helps Rescuer Heal After Losing His Best Friend

But, my spiritual side has also led me to believe that this Golden gift was sent from a mother, watching out from above for her baby girl. For, at the time, I was still deeply grieving the loss of a much loved mother who had been the heartlight of my existence.

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Totally devastating to have to end her life. Golden bliss abounds as friends have literally been made all over the world. Amazon Music Stream millions of songs. A Dog Like Ralph: We opened the door to your room and you perked up like a puppy! If you love animals and feel good stories, this is the book for you. All of these Labs are home.

Do be sure to keep Following the Golden Brick Road in order to get the whole story. We opened the door to your room and you perked up like a puppy! What ensued next was the classic Finnegan behavior we all knew and loved so much: The vet suggested that we take you home for quality time since it was highly likely it would be your last day. When we got home, you and I napped together in my room and somehow you managed to give me more comfort than I gave you.

You just wanted to please. If everyone else was happy, so were you.

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Of course, our brotherhood was forged during the spring and summer I graduated from college. I was home for a few months and we spent every day together: It may have been the most fun I had ever had with a dog. As the years progressed, you became my best friend. Whenever I came home, you howled like a wolf and followed me around the house.

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Golden Retrievers love balls, swimming, and make great therapy pets. But did you know that some also hunt for Easter Eggs? Lost Souls: FOUND! Inspiring. Inspiring Stories About Golden Retrievers Vol. II [Kyla Duffy, Lowrey Mumford] on bahana-line.com *FREE* shipping on qualifying offers. Lost Souls: FOUND!.

Typically, when a dog finds a place it likes, it will lie down. Instead, you would put your butt up to someone and just sit there. It was the most incredible thing. One of my favorite memories of you comes from our summers in Long Island. You were always a good swimmer, not a great one, but you were fearless. The further we threw the balls, the happier you were. The problem was that you not only had to retrieve one, but you had to get all of the others.

Two, three, sometimes four tennis balls. By the time you got back to shore, your protocol was to drop the quartet of balls into the water, and dive right back in with your head fully emerged!

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This would go on for an hour, until you were finally exhausted, wading in the water like a tired polar bear. How do I know this? People have asked me over the past week what I will miss the most about you Finny. Loyal to your core, kind, handsome, a miserable sleeper, friendly to all but always by my side and passionately driven by food especially bananas, red apples, cottage cheese, ice cream and carrots.