The Gold Chromosome

Skip to main content. Kolas , Anton Svetlanov , Michelle L. Lenzi , Frank P. Macaluso , Steven M. Introduction The eukaryotic DNA mismatch repair MMR family repairs a variety of mismatches and also participates in reciprocal recombination events during meiosis Kolodner, ; Modrich, ; Kirkpatrick, Results Temporal dynamics of MutL association with MN during recombination The synaptonemal complex SC is the tripartite protein structure that forms a continuous filament structure along homologous chromosomes and tethers them together during prophase I Page and Hawley, View inline View popup.

Discussion The principal observations in this report include the following. Chromosome preparations The standard chromosome spreading protocol has been described previously for our laboratory Lenzi et al. Antibodies The numerous antibodies used were obtained from a variety of sources: Quantitation and statistical analysis Immunofluorescence chromosome counts and cell staging were performed by at least three independent observers, compiled using Excel, and then analyzed using the statistical software package, Prism 3.

Chromatin immunoprecipitation Adult testes were decapsulated, placed in a drop of cell culture media, minced, and seminiferous tubules squeezed to release germ cells. Online supplemental material Two figures are presented as supplemental data items.

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Acknowledgments The authors acknowledge, with gratitude, Dr. Kolas and Anton Svetlanov contributed equally to this work. Synaptonemal complex damage as a measure of genotoxicity at meiosis. Distribution of crossing over on mouse synaptonemal complexes using immunofluorescent localization of MLH1 protein.

Caught in the act: Synaptonemal complex damage in relation to meiotic chromosome aberrations after exposure of male mice to cyclophosphamide. Involvement of mouse Mlh1 in DNA mismatch repair and meiotic crossing over. Most classical Mus musculus domesticus laboratory mouse strains carry a Mus musculus musculus Y chromosome. Comprehensive human genetic maps: Mouse MutS-like protein Msh5 is required for proper chromosome synapsis in male and female meiosis. A new method for the cytological analysis of autoantibody specificities using whole-mount, surface-spread meiotic nuclei.

Meiotic pachytene arrest in MLH1-deficient mice. Mammalian MutS homologue 5 is required for chromosome pairing in meiosis. Links between replication, recombination and genome instability in eukaryotes. Male mouse recombination maps for each autosome identified by chromosome painting. High-resolution organization of mouse telomeric and pericentromeric DNA.

Organization and evolution of an alpha satellite DNA subset shared by human chromosomes 13 and Mouse centric and pericentric satellite repeats form distinct functional heterochromatin. Meiotic recombination intermediates and mismatch repair proteins.

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MSH5, a novel MutS homolog, facilitates meiotic reciprocal recombination between homologs in Saccharomyces cerevisiae but not mismatch repair. Nucleotide sequence of mouse satellite DNA. Meiotic instability of CAG repeat tracts occurs by double-strand break repair in yeast. Meiotic recombination involving heterozygous large insertions in Saccharomyces cerevisiae: Roles of the DNA mismatch repair and nucleotide excision repair proteins during meiosis.

MutS homolog 4 localization to meiotic chromosomes is required for chromosome pairing during meiosis in male and female mice.

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Biochemistry and genetics of eukaryotic mismatch repair. Eukaryotic DNA mismatch repair. Trinucleotide expansion in haploid germ cells by gap repair.

Structural features of trinucleotide repeats associated with DNA expansion. Extreme heterogeneity in the molecular events leading to the establishment of chiasmata during meiosis i in human oocytes. An Msh2 point mutation uncouples DNA mismatch repair and apoptosis.

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Meiotic arrest and aneuploidy in MLH3-deficient mice. Msh2 deficiency prevents in vivo somatic instability of the CAG repeat in Huntington disease transgenic mice.

The Gold Chromosome [Harley L. Sachs] on *FREE* shipping on qualifying offers. When Adam Rottman's childless Aunt Sadie Gold died, the. Editorial Reviews. About the Author. Though born in Chicago and raised in Indiana, Harley L. The Gold Chromosome - Kindle edition by Harley Sachs.

Strand-specific mismatch repair in mammalian cells. The time course and chromosomal localization of recombination-related proteins at meiosis in the mouse are compatible with models that can resolve the early DNA-DNA interactions without reciprocal recombination. Triplet repeats form secondary structures that escape DNA repair in yeast. Multiple functions of MutS- and MutL-related heterocomplexes.

Long palindromic sequences induce double-strand breaks during meiosis in yeast.

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Mouse Y-specific repeats isolated by whole chromosome representational difference analysis. The budding yeast Msh4 protein functions in chromosome synapsis and the regulation of crossover distribution. The genetics and molecular biology of the synaptonemal complex. A drying-down technique for the spreading of mammalian meiocytes from the male and female germline.

Evidence for the lack of mismatch-repair directed antirecombination during mouse meiosis. Expression of deoxyribonucleic acid repair enzymes during spermatogenesis in mice. Cloning, characterization, and localization of mouse and human SPO Separation of mouse spermatogenic cells by sedimentation velocity. Mutation of a meiosis-specific MutS homolog decreases crossing over but not mismatch correction. Abundant gene conversion between arms of palindromes in human and ape Y chromosomes.

Linkage map of Escherichia coli K, edition 7. Recalibrated linkage map of Escherichia coli K Temperature-sensitive mutation in the initiation codon of the rIIB gene of bacteriophage T4. DNA sequence studies of simian virus 40 chromosomal excision and integration in rat cells. The density distribution of gene loci over the genetic map of Escherichia coli: Translational initiation in prokaryotes. Evolutionary variants of simian virus Cellular DNA sequences and sequences at recombinant joints of substituted variants.

A role for mRNA secondary structure in the control of translation initiation. Nucleotide sequence of the gene for ribosomal protein S20 and its flanking regions. Chromosome 1 contains the endogenous RAV-0 retrovirus sequences in chicken cells. Transforming DNA integrates into the host chromosome. Localization of a unique gene by direct hybridization in situ. Colloidal gold, a useful marker for transmission and scanning electron microscopy. Terminal labeling and addition of homopolymer tracts to duplex DNA fragments by terminal deoxynucleotidyl transferase. End-group labeling of nucleic acids by enzymatic phosphorylation.

The sequence arrangement of Drosophila melanogaster 5s DNA cloned in recombinant plasmids.