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Medieval Irish chronicles reveal persistent volcanic forcing of severe winter cold events, CE. Su historia, sus tradiciones, sus alrededores. El nom de Catalunya: Who Invented de Golden Age? Lo que vino de Oriente. Foc, fum, torxes i miralls - senyals visuals dels fars a Catalunya. The Veracity of Caesar. Lettre de Baluze a M. Lafaille, ancien capitoul de Toulouse. Capitularia regum Francorum, cum notis doctissimorum virorum.

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Evolutionary epistemology, language and culture: Diplomatari de la ciutat de Manresa: Le cas de Julien. Les importations de vin italique dans le Toulousain au cours du IIe s. Berault Bercastel, Antonio E. Aspects of Jewish Exile. Quam notitiam linguae hebraicae habuerint christiani medii aevi temporibus in Gallia. The experience of power in medieval Europe, Jewish life before the revolt: Cartulaire de l'abbaye de Savigny suivi du petit cartulaire de l'abbaye d'Ainay.

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The Events of A. Nobility and Family in Medieval France: Ptah, Creator of the Gods: Reconsideration of the Ptah Section of the Denkmal. Sentius Saturnius and the Roman Invasion of Britain. Acta of the fifth international congress of greek and latin epigraphy. Journal of the Royal Geographical Society of London.

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Journal of religious history. The Economic history review. Les Euskariens ou Basques, le Sobrarbe et la Navarre, leur origine, leur langue et leur histoire. Les monnaies dans la chanson de Roland. Juifs et non Juifs, essai sur la Diaspora en Asie Mineure. The Problem of Citation in the Digital Humanities. El trabajo sobre hueso, asta y marfil en Covalta. Els Oblidats comtes de Cerdanya: El nombre de Hispania aparece en la historia.

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Geografia general de Catalunya. El Camino de Santiago. The Cartulary of Flavigny The Cartulary of St. Julien entre biographie et analyse historique. Liber miraculorum Sancte Fidis: Section Sciences Historiques et Philologiques. Recueil des historiens des Gaules et de la France. Le capitulaire de Kiersy-sur-Oise Rabbinization and the Making of Early Jewish Mysticism. Las vidas des trouvadours catalans. Franks, Moravians, and Magyars: Two Carolingian Campaigns Reconsidered.

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The Christian Invention of Judaism: Les circonscriptions carolingiennes du Limousin. Lay morality, clerical immorality, and pilgrimage in tenth-century Ireland. An Early Instance of the Idea? I Greci delle periferie - dal Danubio all'Atlantico. Una algarada fins ara mal coneguda contra la Plana de Vic. Textos del al Entre francs i andalusins: The Export of Slaves from Colchis. Thesaurus hispano-latinus utriusque linguae verbis et phrasibus abundans. Two Colums from La Daurade. Gregory of Tours History of the Franks: From the Apocalypse of Peter to the Apocalypse of Paul.

Spolia from Constantine to Charlemagne: Was Hippolytus a Schismatic? Biblical History and Jewish Biblical Theology. Early Medieval Muslim Graves in France. First Archaeological, Anthropological and Palaeogenomic Evidence. Between Medicine, Magic, and Religion: Les juifs dans la Russie primitive.

Journal of Ancient Near Eastern Religions. Journal for the study of Judaism. British journal of ethnomusicology. Remarks on a System A Text for Venus.

Studies in Babylonian lunar theory, part I. Studies in Babylonian lunar theory, part II.