Performing Qualitative Cross-Cultural Research

Cultural relevance and equivalence in the NLSS instrument: Integrating etic and emic in the development of cross-cultural measures for a psychiatric epidemiology and services study of Latinos. International Journal of Methods in Psychiatric Research 13 4 , — Skin flint or the garbage man's kid: A generative autobiographical performance based on Tami Spry's Tattoo stories.

Text and Performance Quarterly 20 1 , 97— The reenacting and inciting of culture. In Denzin , N. Qualitative Social Work 7 1 , 9— The identity of NZ-born Samoans. Race, class, and gender in qualitative research. In Stanfield , J. The ethics of clinical research in the third world. New England Journal of Medicine 12 , — A letter to 3rd World women writers.

In Moraga , C. Writings by radical women of color pp. Women of Color Press. A mental and moral feast: Reading, writing, and sentimentality in Black Philadelphia. Journal of Women's History 16 , 78— Reclaiming the past to inform the future: Contemporary views of Maori sexuality. The life story interview. In Gubrium , J. Context and method pp. Latino parent narratives of struggles in a college access program.

Teachers College Record , — Let's tell you a story: In Liamputtong , P. Ethical and methodological perspectives pp.

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Reliability testing of the hospital anxiety and depression HAD scale in the English, Maltese and back-translation versions. International Journal of Nursing Studies 39 2 , — The lives and values of researchers: Implications for educating citizens in a multicultural society. Educational Researcher 27 7 , 4— Womanist ways of knowing: Theoretical considerations for research with African American women. Advances in Nursing Science 22 3 , 33— Storytelling and analysis rooted in African American oral tradition.

Qualitative Health Research 12 3 , — Cross-cultural perspectives on research participation and informed consent. Pacific Health Dialogue 7 , 13— In Barrett , M. Contemporary feminist debates pp. Reclaiming indigenous voice and vision. University of British Columbia Press. Research ethics for protecting indigenous knowledge and heritage. Reframing research involving humans.

In Sherwin , S. Pharmaceutical research involving the homeless. Journal of Medicine and Philosophy 27 5 , — In Trimble , J. Methods to document semantic equivalence of a translated scale. Crossing the border with Esperanza's story. A new look at international research ethics.

British Medical Journal 30 September , — Perceptions of quality of prenatal care among immigrant Latina women. Qualitative Health Research 11 6 , — Audiovisual documentation of oral consent: A new method of informed consent for illiterate populations. The Lancet , — Testimony, action research, and empowerment: Puerto Rican women and popular education.

In Gluck , S. The feminist practice of oral history pp. When black is not enough: Doing field research among Gullah women. NWSA Journal 6 3 , — Gaining access to underresearched populations in women's health research. Health Care for Women International 20 , — Research methods in anthropology: Qualitative and quantitative approaches , 2nd edition. A culturally appropriate format for a focus group? Aboriginal Nurse 16 , 17— Doing race in the context of feminist interviewing: Constructing whiteness through talk.

Qualitative Inquiry 9 6 , — Convergence in cross-cultural research and methodologies. Cross Cultural Research 35 1 , 23— Testimonio, subalternity, and narrative authority. Human rights, politics and reviews of research ethics. Lancet , — Asian women fashion the diaspora economies. A study of South Asian women. Researching South Asian women: Issues of sameness and difference in the research process. Journal of Gender Studies 10 3 , — Conducting focus group research across cultures: Translating from one language to another. Freeing ourselves from neocolonial domination in research: Film, focus groups, and working children in Bangladesh.

Visual Anthropology 13 2 , — Theatre of the oppressed. Games for actors and non-actors , London: Theatre of the oppressed , London: Researching health and homelessness: Methodological challenges for researchers working with a vulnerable, hard-to-reach, transient population. Australian Journal of Primary Health 5 3 , 76— The views of Negev Bedouin Arabs on health services.

Health Policy and Planning 15 2 , — In Seale , C. Outline of a theory of practice. In search of respect: Selling crack in El Barrio. Experiences with service providers. In Miller , G. The necessity of fieldwork. Translating culture and language: A research note on multilingual settings. British Asian families and the use of child and adolescent mental health services: A qualitative study of a hard to reach group. Poetics for a planet: Discourse on some problems of being-in-place.

Difference, diversity, and differentiation. In Donald , J. South Asian young Muslim women in the labour market. Research paper No London Department of Employment. Brant Castellano , M. Ethics of aboriginal research. Journal of Aboriginal Health 1 1 , 98— Researchers in American Indian communities.

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Theory into Practice 39 3 , — The ethics of outsider research. Journal of Philosophy of Education 35 3 , — Back-translation for cross-cultural research. Journal of Cross-Cultural Psychology 1 3 , — International Journal of Psychology 11 , — The wording and translation of research instruments.

In Lonner , W. In Scheyvens , R. A practical guide pp. Creating collaborative visions with Aboriginal women: Focus groups with research study recruiters. Ethical practices in doing development research. In Desai , V. Accessibility self-advocacy in the disabled community.

In Park , P. Participatory research in the United States and Canada pp. Education, research, and action: Theory and methods of participatory action research. In Tolman , D. A handbook of interpretive and participatory methods pp. New York University Press.

Social research methods , 3rd edition. The use of interpreters in fieldwork. Researching race and racism. First, do no harm: Culturally centered measurement for early intervention. Challenges and opportunities for HIV prevention and care: What the bloody hell does it mean? The Age, 28 March, p. Candida Smith , R. Analytic strategies for oral history interviews.

Performing Qualitative Cross-Cultural Research

Photovoice as a social process of critical consciousness. Qualitative Health Research 16 6 , — Qualitative research for occupational and physical therapists: Qualitative Research 8 2 , — Reflections on interviewing across the ethnic divide. International Journal of Social Research Methodology 7 4 , — Telling tales out of school: What's the fate of a black story in a white world of white stories? In Lopez , G. Human Organization 61 2 , — Modifying photovoice for community-based participatory indigenous research. Ethical community-based research with Hispanic or Latina o populations.

Challenges for a North American doing research with traditional indigenous Guatemalan midwives. International Journal of Qualitative Methodology 5 4 , Article 4. Biographical approaches in comparative work: In Hantrais , L. Handbook of oral history. Multiple lenses, approaches, voices. The dance of race and privilege in CBPR. In Minkler , M. From process to outcomes , 2nd edition pp.

Researcher eligibility in an ethnographic study of urban Indian women in Hindu arranged marriages. International Journal of Qualitative Methodology 5 4 , Article 2. Contesting and complementing dominant models. In Martens , D. Ethical conduct of research with Asian and Pacific Islander American populations. How useful are focus groups for obtaining the views of minority groups? In Barbour , R.

Politics, theory, and practice pp. Methodological ruminations on subjectivity, positionality, and reflexivity. International Journal of Qualitative Studies in Education 19 4 , — Tactics of intervention in contemporary cultural studies. Identifying and recruiting Mexican-American partners and sustaining community partnerships.

Journal of Transcultural Nursing 14 3 , — Ethics and politics in qualitative research. Methodological issues and recommendations on research with at-risk youth across cultures: Childhood 4 4 , — University of California Press. Revealing a Zuni-Appalachia collaboration. Sex in the field: In Welland , T. Knowledge, consciousness, and the politics of empowerment. Border crossing subjectivities and research: Through the prism of feminists of color.

Race Ethnicity and Education 11 1 , 11— The use of activity-oriented questions in focus group discussions. Qualitative Health Journal 17 10 , — On the use of focus groups in cross-cultural research. Reduction of maternal-infant transmission of Human Immunodeficiency Virus Type 1 with zidovudine treatment. New England Journal of Medicine 18 , — Participatory research — An empowering methodology with marginalized populations.

Arts-based and collaborative research methods pp. Distrust, race, and research. Archives of Internal Medicine , — What is participatory research? Secondary analysis of archived data. Nursing ethics, caring and culture. The validity and integrity of Maori research. In Tolich , M. Fundamentalism, multiculturalism, and problems conducting research with populations in developing nations. Nursing Ethics 8 5 , — Self-expansion, stigmatized groups, and the researcher-participant relationship.

Journal of Contemporary Ethnography 36 6: Domesticated time and restricted space: University and community women in Downtown Eastside Vancouver. BC Studies , 91— Using focus groups with minority ethnic communities: Researching infertility in British South Asian communities. Qualitative Health Research 17 1 , — A drama approach to AIDS education: AIDS Bulletin 1 1 , 9— An investigation of the impact of psychosocial research on a native population. Research and Practice 24 3 , — Conducting a qualitative culture study of pediatric palliative care.

Qualitative Health Research 19 1 , 5— Views of US researchers about informed consent in international collaborative research. Striving for a common language: A white feminist parallel to indigenous ways of knowing and researching. Women's Studies International Forum 28 , — Living on the ground: White culture and black women's law. Research which sustains living culture. Randomised placebo-controlled trails and HIV-infected pregnant women in developing countries.

Ethical imperialism or unethical exploitation? Bioethics 15 4 , — Developing a low-cost technique for parallel cross-cultural instrument development: The question appraisal system QAS International Journal of Social Research Methodology 10 3 , — Critical pedagogy and the politics of culture. Emancipatory discourses and the ethics and politics of interpretation. The discipline and practice of qualitative research. Critical methodologies and indigenous inquiry. Handbook of critical and indigenous methodologies.

Sociological research methods in context. A health researcher's guide to qualitative methodologies. Aboriginal grandmothers' experience with health promotion and participatory action research. Qualitative Health Research 10 2 , — Undertaking sensitive research in the health and social sciences: Managing boundaries, emotions, and risks.

Fictive kin, paper sons, and compadrazgo: Women of color and the struggle for family survival. In Zinn , M. When the ground is black, the ground is fertile: Exploring endarkened feminist epistemology and healing methodologies in the spirit. Glimpses of street life: Representing lived experience through short stories.

Qualitative Inquiry 4 2 , — Young and strapped in America: Learning through a short story about a Latino youth finding meaning in Tupac's rap. Whose roles, whose responsibilities? In Truman , C. Developing appropriate research methodologies with black and minority ethnic communities. Reflections on the research process.

Health Education Journal 57 , — Does anyone know we're here: Alternative schooling for African-American youth.


Race, subjectivity, and the interview process. Content and method pp. Translating clinical tools in nursing practice. Journal of Advanced Nursing 44 4 , — Applied post-colonial clinical and research strategies. In Battiste , M. Connecting method and epistemology: A white woman interviewing black women.

Women's Studies International Forum 13 , — A critical examination of the use of interpreters in the qualitative research process. Journal of Ethnic and Migration Studies 24 1 , — Journal of Community Psychology 28 3 , — Social Policy Journal of New Zealand 25 , 88— Reflectoins of a black female researcher on the intersection of race, gender, and other power positions on the research process. International Journal of Social Research Methodology 4 3 , — Recruiting transcultural qualitative research participants: International Journal of Qualitative Methods 4 2 , Article 4.

The Native American oral tradition: Voices of the spirit and soul. Autoethnographic reflections on life and work writing lives. Reflections on cancer in the context of women's health: Focus group discussions with Iranian immigrant women in Sweden. What makes clinical research ethical? Journal of the American Medical Association 20 , — A comprehensive method for the translation and cross-cultural validation of health status questionnaires. Asian American women and men: Labor, laws, and love. Another step in the study of race relations.

Sociological Quarterly 41 2 , — From meaning to meaning: The influence of translation techniques on non-English focus group research.

Qualitative Health Research 11 4 , — Integration and its challenges in participant observation. Qualitative Research 3 2 , — Fals Borda , O. The application of participatory action research in Latin America. International Sociology 2 , — In Fals Borda , O. Breaking the monopoly with participatory action research pp. Participatory action research in social theory: In Reason , P. Concise paperback edition pp. Journal of Health Care for the Poor and Underserved 8 , — Reinventing self and other in qualitative research. Ethics in drug abuse and related HIV risk research. Applied Developmental Science 8 , 90— The Indian family wellness project: An application of the tribal participatory research model.

Prevention Science 3 3 , — Goodness-of-fit ethics for multicultural research. Through the community looking glass: Re-evaluating the ethical and policy implications of research on adolescent risk and psychopathology. Interventions to improve research participants' understanding in informed consent for research: Journal of the American Medical Association 13 , — Informed consent in anthropological research: We are not exempt.

Human Organization 53 1 , 1— In Bernard , H. Ethics and the profession of anthropology , 2nd edition. From neutral stance to political involvement. From formal to postmodern.

Editorial Reviews

The journey of becoming a mother amongst women in northern Thailand. Participatory research — An empowering methodology with marginalized populations. Aging and Asian Americans: Doing research with children , 2nd edition. Journal of Acquired Immune Deficiency Syndromes 24 , — Nursing and Health Care 14 2 , 78—

Ethics in family violence research: Family Relations 47 1 , 53— Educating for competence in community and culture: Exploring the views of exemplary African American teachers. Urban Education 27 4 , — Black American women's health concerns. African American views on research and the Tuskegee syphilis study.

Pedagogy of the oppressed. Pedagogy of the oppressed trans. Creating alternative research methods: Learning to do it by doing it. In Hall , B. Participatory research in development pp. Society for Participatory Research in Asia. Continuum originally published Under the shadow of Tuskegee: African Americans and health care. American Journal of Public Health 87 , — Social work and empowerment-based research: Possibilities, process, and questions.

Australian Social Work 54 , 29— Socio-cultural factors influencing prevention and treatment of tuberculosis in immigrant and aboriginal communities in Canada. African American women, community work, and social change. In a different voice: Psychological theory and women's development. The birth of pleasure: A new map of love. Participation of minorities in cancer research: The influence of structural, cultural, and linguistic factors. Annals of Epidemiology 10 8 Supp , S22— Studying domestic violence in Chiapas, Mexico.

Qualitative Health Research 8 3 , — Re-presenting research through poetic transcription. Qualitative Inquiry 3 2 , — What's so special about women?: In Dunaway , D. An interdisciplinary anthology pp. American Association for State and Local History. Is it so special? In Charlton , T. The feminist practice of oral history. Doing social research in Africa. International Journal of Social Research Methodology 9 1 , 61— Memoirs of a geisha. Laughter out of place: Race, class, violence, and sexuality in a Rio Shantytown. A placebo-controlled double-blind crossover investigation of the side effects attributed to oral contraceptives.

Fertility and Sterility 22 9 , — Nervousness and depression attributed to oral contraceptives: A double-blind, placebo-controlled study. American Journal of Obstetrics and Gynecology 22 , — Investigating queer future meanings: Qualitative Inquiry 15 3 , — In Triandis , H. Coping with trauma and hardship among unaccompanied refugee youths from Sudan. Qualitative Health Research 14 9 , — Contradictions of feminist methodology.

Informed consent, cultural sensitivity, and respect for persons. Journal of the American Medical Association , — Participatory photography in cross-cultural reserach: A case study of investigating farmer groups in rural Mozambique. The real story and beyond. Doing research with children , 2nd edition. What we didn't learn because of who would not talk to us. Qualitative Health Research 9 6 , — Theatre in participatory action research: Participative inquiry and practice , 2nd edition pp.

Researching race and ethnicity: Methods, knowledge, and power. The serious play of writing. Qualitative Inquiry 6 1 , 3—8. Even the rat was white: A historical view of psychology. We drink from our own wells: The spiritual journey of a people. Common sense and science: Urban core black observations. In Messerschmidt , D. Methods and issues in the study of one's own society pp. History, power, and imperialism in academia, Palestinian case.

Qualitative Inquiry 11 5 , — Considerations in undertaking focus group research with culturally and linguistically diverse groups. Journal of Clinical Nursing 16 6 , — Participatory research, popular knowledge, and power: Convergence 14 3 , 6— A case study examining research challenges among religious groups. Qualitative Health Research 14 3 , — Some notes on carrying out feminist research in cross-cultural interviews with South Asian women immigrant applicants. International Journal of Social Research Methodology 7 2 , — The realities of doing research in the social sciences.

Women and health policy: On the inclusion of females in clinical trials. In Sargent , C. An international perspective pp. Upper Saddle River, NJ: What's wrong with ethnography? Community, crime, and disorder: Safety and regeneration in urban neighbourhoods. The social psychology of access in ethnographic research. Journal of Contemporary Ethnography 32 5 , — Challenging barriers to participation in qualitative research: International Journal of Qualitative Methods 2 2 , Article 2.

Seeing health and illness worlds — using visual methodologies in a sociology of health and illness: Sociology of Health and Illness 24 6 , — Human subjects and informed consent: The legacy of the Tuskegee syphilis study. Research, Teaching and Public Service Fall, 23— Exploring the health needs of Bangladeshi women: A case study in using qualitative research methods. Health Education Journal 55 , 11— International focus group research: A handbook for the health and social sciences.

Language and communication in cross-cultural qualitative research. Research methods as a situated response: Towards a First Nations' methodology. Qualitative Studies in Education 11 1 , — In King , J. A transformative research and action agenda for the new century. Methodological and ethical issues. Qualitative Health Research 16 4 , — The practice of qualitative research.

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Conflicting notions of research ethics: The mutually challenging traditions of social scientists and medical researchers. An approach to intervention research with a Native American community.

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Advances in Nursing Science 27 3 , — Holman Jones , S. Making the personal political. Perceptions of the religion-health connection among African American church members. Qualitative Health Research 16 2 , — Positions, power, and practice: Functionalist approaches and translation quality assessment. Current Issues in Language and Society 4 1 , 6— Talking back — Thinking feminist, thinking black. Hard road to freedom — The story of African America. Self report in clinical and epidemiological studies with non-English speakers: The challenge of language and culture.

Predictors of breast cancer screening in a panel study of African American women. Women Health 34 3 , 35— Rigor in cross-cultural nursing research. International Journal of Nursing Studies 41 , — The researcher as insider versus the researcher as outsider: Enhancing rigour through language and cultural sensitivity. Methods in community-based participatory research for health. Research ethics for social scientists: Between ethical conduct and regulatory compliance.

Aging and Asian Americans: Developing appropriate research methodology. In Hall , G. The science of lives in context pp. Coping with stress among Aboriginal women and men with diabetes in Winnipeg, Manitoba. Observations bearing on fieldworkers manners and conduct. Indigenous Knowledge and Development Monitor 8 3 , Effective palliative care for minority ethnic groups: The role of a liaison worker. International Journal of Palliative Nursing 7 , — The role of qualitative methodology in cross-cultural research.

Performing Qualitative Cross-Cultural Research | Pranee Liamputtong | The Co-op

Qualitative Research Journal 3 1 , 18— Methodology out of context: Getting Zimbabwean entrepreneurs to participate in research. International Journal of Social Research Methodology 3 4 , — In Ferrell , J. Crime, deviance, and field research pp. Focus group interviewing with low-income minority populations: In Morgan , D. Advancing the state of the art pp.

Gender and qualitative methods. Strategies for recruiting African-American residents of public housing developments into a randomized controlled trial. Culture brokering in migrant farmworker health care. She offers thought-provoking perspectives and diverse cultural examples which will be of value to both novice and experienced cross-cultural researchers. Throughout the volume there are references to the excellent work of many cross-cultural researchers who have paved the way in different social and cultural settings. Read more Read less. Review 'Liamputtong conveys a wonderful sense of excitement in her advocacy for this type of research.

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