Living With Mania

Living with Bipolar Disorder
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The manic episode is persistently driven by a goal-directed behavior or energy. A hypomanic episode is a distinct and abnormal state of elevated, expansive, or irritable mood that lasts for at least four consecutive days. If you have been diagnosed as suffering from bipolar disorder, you may experience any of the signs and symptoms during a manic period:. Manic behaviors interfere with functioning at school or work, in social situations, and in relationships. These behaviors occur on their own — they do not occur due to alcohol or drug use, a medical illness, or a side effect of a medication.

The depressive side of bipolar disorder is characterized by a major depressive episode resulting in a depressed mood or loss of interest or pleasure in life. If you are living with bipolar disorder, during depressive states, you may experience some of the following signs and symptoms:. Depressive behaviors can interfere with school or work, family or personal relationships, and social functioning. If you are suffering from bipolar disorder and undergoing a depressive episode, it is not the result of substance abuse, medications, an underlying medical condition, or stressful situation — such as grieving the loss of a loved one.

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If you are suffering from bipolar depression, you may be wondering what it is that caused this condition. What are the risk factors? Like most mental illnesses, there is not one single cause that scientists can pinpoint to tell you why you are suffering from bipolar disorder. Your risk of developing bipolar disorder is also increased significantly if you have a first-degree relative suffering from this mental state.

Environmental factors also have shown a connection to bipolar disorder — and they likely interact with genetic predispositions to catapult the onset of the disorder. What this means is that if you are living with bipolar disorder, it was probably a mixture of genes and a life event that triggered the disorder to present itself in your everyday life.

If you believe you are experiencing signs and symptoms of mania or depression, go see your doctor. If you are suffering from this condition, you may be reluctant to seek help at first — mostly because you are not able to notice how disruptive the disorder is to your life. And, you may enjoy feeling euphoric. However, it is important to treat this condition so you can manage your emotional states and live a productive, full life.

Bipolar disorder will not go away on its own and you are likely to live with this condition for the rest of your life. However, with the right treatment plan, you can live a good life.

Your doctor or mental health provider will assess you physically to rule out any underlying medical conditions that may be causing your manic or depressive states. If no underlying medical conditions present themselves, you are likely to be referred to a mental health provider for further diagnosis.

These assessments will aid your mental health provider in diagnosing the presence of this condition in your life and also determine which type of bipolar disorder you may be suffering from. Medications and psychotherapy are the most commonly prescribed treatment plans for people suffering from bipolar disorder.

And the success rate of these treatment plans is great if followed correctly and consistently. If you are living with bipolar disorder, you have likely been prescribed a number of different medications. The most common medications used to treat this condition include mood stabilizers, antidepressants, and atypical antipsychotics. Often, the first course of drug therapy is the prescription of mood stabilizers.

Lithium is one of the most well-known and effective mood stabilizers for individuals affected with bipolar disorder.

For When You Miss Your Bipolar Disorder Mania

You may also be prescribed an anticonvulsant for use as a mood stabilizer. Atypical antipsychotics are often combined with antidepressants to treat bipolar disorder.

Because the use of antidepressants can trigger hypomanic or manic states, you will likely take an antidepressant with a mood stabilizer to even out emotions. Psychotherapy has also been an effective tool for people living with bipolar disorder. Examples of items on this plan include:.

You can also create other plans with trusted family members or loved ones. For instance, your plan can record decisions about who will handle certain things during an episode. It might record who will take care of important tasks such as paying your bills or feeding your pets. It can also record who will manage financial details, such as finding sales receipts or making returns if spending sprees become a problem. You can practice who you would call, and ask them what they would do to help you. Examples of organizations that can help include the National Alliance on Mental Illness www.

If you experience mania, you can take steps to decrease your risk of having episodes, such as following your treatment plan and avoiding triggers. These steps can help reduce the number and severity of your episodes.

James' Story: Living with Manic Depression | Mental Health Foundation

Stay connected with your healthcare team, make decisions in advance of manic episodes, and be ready to reach out for help when you need it. Preparing for a manic episode before it happens can help you manage your condition and live more comfortably with bipolar disorder. Bipolar disorder runs in my family, but I didn't know that when I had my first manic episode. Mania and hypomania are both symptoms of bipolar disorder. Here's how these conditions are similar and different.

Can a person's genes and environment affect the development of bipolar disorder?

  • Manic Episode Symptoms.
  • James' Story: Living with Manic Depression.
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Learn what factors increase your risk. Dysphoric mania is another name for bipolar disorder with mixed features. Treating this type can be more challenging, so here's what you should know. Discover six diagnostic features of bipolar disorder, a mental condition where a person fluctuates between periods of mania and depression.

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Coping with Mania

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Medically reviewed by Timothy J. About mania Coping with mania Recovery Mania prevention Important preparations Outlook What is bipolar disorder and mania? Tips for coping with a manic episode. Recovering from a manic episode. Important preparations for coping with mania.

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What Causes Bipolar Disorder? Symptoms, Treatment, and More. Diagnosis Guide for Bipolar Disorder. Hypomania Mania and hypomania are both symptoms of bipolar disorder. Symptoms, Treatment, and More Dysphoric mania is another name for bipolar disorder with mixed features.

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For me, mania is the worst part of living with bipolar disorder. For anyone who isn' t aware of what bipolar disorder is, it's a condition that affects. "One of the strangest aspects of a manic depressive illness is that when you're feeling at your best, most productive, most generous, most alive and most active is exactly the same time as your GP and consultant say that you need extra medication and a stay in hospital until you.

Diagnosis Guide for Bipolar Disorder Discover six diagnostic features of bipolar disorder, a mental condition where a person fluctuates between periods of mania and depression. Your Anxiety Loves Sugar.