Dime Store Magic: Number 3 in series (Women of the Otherworld)

Paige also grows curious about the differences between witch and sorcerer magic.

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She starts to realise that there were once several grades of spell: However, at some point the higher level spells were lost or deliberately destroyed, only a few surviving in old grimoires that the Coven Elders refuse to let the other witches use. These grimoires are kept by Savannah's aunt, Margaret.

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When they visit her to borrow her car, Paige takes the grimoires. She, Savannah and Lucas then drive to Salem, Massachusetts. There, the two witches argue. Savannah insists on the ceremony her mother wished to use, not the Coven approved one Paige underwent. Paige finally agrees to Savannah's wish, but the ceremony requires them to get certain ingredients which requires them to go to the cemetery. Afterwards, Paige shares the knowledge of the grimoires with Lucas and they become lovers.

The next day Paige's house is fire-bombed, and she and Savannah are kidnapped by the Nast Cabal. Nast presents his claim to Savannah. Savannah agrees to it provided she can have Paige do the originally planned ceremony and also that Paige can stay. They then meet Greta and Olivia Enwright. They are supposed to be teaching Savannah, however during this lessons they force her to sacrifice a boy and drink his blood.

Savannah is deeply upset. Nast denies any knowledge. Sandford observes that the Cabal Witches had expected Greta's daughter to succeed her, not Savannah, and that the ritual might have been a form of revenge. Paige is secured and gagged so that she can't spellcast. Sandford brings her to the notice of Lucas' family and one visits her. He orders her death by sundown. Friesen takes her away to kill her, but Paige manages to escape. When she returns to Nast's house, it is to find all hell has broken loose in her absence.

Savannah has called a demon as she attempts to raise her mother from the dead. Nast is killed trying to save his daughter. Lucas tells Paige a spell that will permit her to look like Eve Levine temporarily. They use this to get Savannah out of the house. From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia. Literature written by Kelley Armstrong. Otherworld Darkest Powers Nadia Stafford.

Exit Strategy Made to be Broken Truth and Consequences Savage Ascension Beginnings Retrieved from " https: Books with missing cover. Views Read Edit View history. This page was last edited on 27 August , at By using this site, you agree to the Terms of Use and Privacy Policy. Savannah acts like a pre-teen girl which is annoying at least half the time.

The book wins with its storyline because there are different forces pushing against them, plenty of tension, action is kept strong, and personal relationships better the characters actually keep me caring. If I had to say a bad thing, it'd be Paige's naivitiy with falling into some of the traps was annoying. The funeral home, come on! If you've shied away from reading more of the series because you don't want head-swapping, I assure you Paige's story is filled with magic, dimension, and all sorts of Urban Fantasy goodies.

I loved Bitten and Stolen, but found myself a little bitter that the series would start following different characters from there. It does tie back to Stolen, but more in a spin-off kind of way. It also had a decently organic romance, which I always appreciate. I finished this book feeling genuinely excited to see where the story went next.

It expanded the plot sufficiently for me even though the story went in a different direction than I was expecting. It was much more inclusive of other supernatural groups, which made the whole world feel more robust and well-developed. The further I read, the more I appreciate how Armstrong is writing this series. Armstrong did a great job adapting her storytelling to both of these unique POVs, but I can see how such a drastic change caused a lot of readers to complain of a quality decline.

Via The Obsessive Bookseller at www. Well, what can I say? Even more than what I want to admit. Maybe it is because I was so sure I would not like this series. Of course no complains from me as this series turned out to be a wonderful surprise which I was definitely not expecting. Even though in this installment we get things from Paige's POV, which I thought would be extremely boring as I did not liked her in the previous book, we still get to read about this same world which is captivating me little by littl Well, what can I say?

Even though in this installment we get things from Paige's POV, which I thought would be extremely boring as I did not liked her in the previous book, we still get to read about this same world which is captivating me little by little. I like that in a paranormal series, to start book by book and get to know a bit more of that new world with each new installment we get to read. And I definitely love it when we get to read about a lot of different paranormal species in a same series. This installment is specifically about witches and sorcerers, but we still get glimpses about the other species as well.

I thought it would't be interesting to read about them, but it ended up being original and refreshing. The author made a terrific work with the world building and the description of this two species, so elaborated that I just got sucked into the story. Read the whole book in a day, couldn't put it down. I'm just not giving 5 stars still because the endings in this series are always incomplete, not exactly cliff hangers, just torturing little details you wanna know about but you never do.

As we know there are still many more books so I am not worried about it, but I am a very curious person to be completely satisfied with a book without having all the information explained at the end. I can understand cliff hangers because they are about situations and actions, but in this case we just know somethings will come in the future and we just have to wait for the other books to see it.

Just wanna clarify that from now on I am a fan! Just bring me more books because I wont be able to stop with this series for a while. View all 25 comments. Oct 16, Jennifer rated it liked it Shelves: I loved the shifter characters featured in the first two books: In the second book: Stolen , I tolerated the witches that were introduced and seemed to slowly but surely take over the plot. Now in the third book, the shifters appear to be totally absent - this story is only about the witches.

I'm not a happy reader right now since the only reason I follow this series is for the shifter pack. Even though I want to thoroughly enjoy my temper tantrum, I must take a moment to say Dime Store Magic wasn't a bad book. I wish it was so I would be justified in hating it but to be honest the story was fairly engaging.

Needless to say, I didn't enjoy the characters much at all, and if this series continues with the witches then I may have to drop it so please tell me that Elena, Clay, Jeremy, and the rest of the family will be coming back I grabbed the nearest discarded robe. Be polite, I reminded myself. Witches should respect Wiccans, even if we didn't quite get the whole Goddesss-Worship thing.

I knew some Wiccans, and they were very nice people, though I must admit they'd never arrived in my backyard naked and kissed my tits before.

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  5. Dime Store Magic (Women of the Otherworld, book 3) by Kelley Armstrong.
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Been four years since I read the previous book. Underwhelmed pretty much covers it. For some reason that I can't really explain, I wasn't all that into Elena and Clay's story the way that most fans of the series were. I liked the writing, the world building, the action, but not the characters. I didn't like them but I didn't dislike them either, I just couldn't bring myself Been four years since I read the previous book.

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Editorial Reviews. From Publishers Weekly. Unlike the Wizard of Oz, the witches in this sexy. Dime Store Magic (Women of the Otherworld, #3) .. Of course no complains from me as this series turned out to be a wonderful surprise which I was definitely .

I didn't like them but I didn't dislike them either, I just couldn't bring myself to care about what happens to them. So it was with a heavy heart that I picked this one up, considering that most readers found it to be a lesser instalment in the series after the werewolf stories. And what do you know? Yeap, the odd one out once again, forever alone, call it what you want but I loved Dime Store Magic.

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The funny thing is that the MC, Paige, was in the previous book as well and I can't even remember her. I loved her in this one.

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She's tough, she's smart, she's funny, she's stubborn, she's lost, she's the girl next door and one that most readers will be able to relate to. She's 13 and a major pain in the ass. A total brat and not in the endearing term of the word. Reading about the two of them trying to understand each other, hell, to communicate, was frustrating and the same time totally understandable. Considering Savannah's upbringing and the events of the previous book, it would have been completely unrealistic to have it any other way. He wants to make the world a better place and he offers his services to people in need something like the cloaked crusader in a permanent Clark Kent disguise, according to Paige.

Paige and Lucas do fall for each other, but that's a very minor part of the story and it happens well past the first half of the book. What you can expect is a good written story, with much more information on the creatures of the Otherworld, lots of action, some funny moments and little romance thrown in to spice things up. View all 9 comments. A really good read. I absolutely adore Paige and identify with her purely.

Even though these stories are not always told by the same person, there is a flow to them. Like, for example, Paige and Savannah were not only introduced in the second book, Stolen, but they also rely heavily on the set up into this story.

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And I fell asleep mu You should read this if you like: She wasn't an emotionless murderer. I'd forgotten how much they butted heads in the beginning. Right now she is one spoiled and snarky year old. I'm not too fond of kids and don't ever want any for myself. Savannah has called a demon as she attempts to raise her mother from the dead.

Paige is a yo WrensReads Review: Paige is a young twenty-something witch who is taking care of a tween named Savannah. Well, here comes a Volo telekinetic half-demon cop named Leah who just really wants Savannah for some reason. She wants custody over the girl. In order to lay her claim, Leah goes and finds Savannah's dad. For some reason she believes that it is a sorcerer who is a big bad business lawyer, Nast Cabal.

The Cabal thing is just too much for me to explain for you. There are different branches for each family? There are satanic rituals, house burnings, running from the police, grave digging, conjuring demons, unexplained deaths and the dead walking in this book. The story itself is literally the most entertaining thing. Now, the writing on the other hand… is literally better. Armstrong does not disappoint when it comes to writing in a way that makes you laugh and makes you feel for the characters she wants you to. Paige is nothing like Elena, yet she is everything and more.

I love Elena and Paige for different reasons and I am happy that more than one character has been the center of a book. Get into this series if you like risky things, gore, horror, supernatural, twist, and nonstop wonderfulness. WrensReads Goodreads Twitter Instagram Dec 17, Bark rated it really liked it.

I haven't yet read Armstrong's "Bitten" or "Stolen" so had to pay very close attention to the first few chapters to get the feel of this world and figure out who was who and what they had to do with the current story but now that I've got most of it figured out the pages are flying. Paige is tough and gutsy and vulnerable as well. Kind of reminds of very early Laurell K. Hamilton before she became I haven't yet read Armstrong's "Bitten" or "Stolen" so had to pay very close attention to the first few chapters to get the feel of this world and figure out who was who and what they had to do with the current story but now that I've got most of it figured out the pages are flying.

Hamilton before she became sex obsessed to the point where a coherent plot was no longer an option ; The action is pretty much non-stop and the secret world of witches and cabals working behind the modern day world is well done and a nice take on things. The fact that they have to hide their abilities from normal folks is a nice touch and adds a touch of realism to the plot but I'm a little annoyed at the author for taking such obvious joy at poking fun at modern day Wiccans in the "They Aren't Naked, they're Skyclad.

Her Wiccans all seem to be a bit loony and stereotypical. This was an enjoyable read with some great action, humor, romance and characterization but at times I feel like I was missing something when past events were mentioned in passing and probably should have read this series in order. Apr 15, Delirious Disquisitions rated it it was ok Recommends it for: You should read this if you like: Dime Store Magic reminds me of that time I went to watch Avatar with my whole family. I mean, what an interesting concept! But ultimately, I was bored out of my mind and fell asleep halfway through the movie.

And I fell asleep mu You should read this if you like: And I fell asleep multiple times. Having read the first couple of books in the series, I was interested to explore more of this supernatural world. However, I think I might just stick to the Werewolves in this series. Like its Puritan origins, the witch's Coven in Dime Store Magic are abysmally boring, steeped in petty superstition, and run by a trio of old, narrow minded women.

The dialogues in this book made me want to pull my hair out! Nothing ever gets done in this Coven because of the sheer paranoia of the Elders. It was frustrating how they just refused to change, or listen to reason, or do literally anything helpful! Honestly, reading about this town and its people just made me feel terribly claustrophobic. If that was the author's intent, then I applaud you for doing such a terrific job of it. It wasn't a very pleasant experience however, and I don't think I would like to repeat it anytime soon. The other problem I had was with the characters.

I just, I felt nothing for them? I've never been the maternal sort. I'm not too fond of kids and don't ever want any for myself. Dime Store Magic just confirmed those feelings. There were times, while reading this book, that I seriously just wanted Paige to dump Savannah's whiny ass on the side of the road and set it on fire. Savannah is hands down the most fucking annoying teenage brat I've ever read about.

I hated literally every. And honestly, no one was happier when she finally realized how much shit she is in. Like child, you need to fucking listen to your guardian for once in your God damned life or else she will end up dead and literally you only have yourself to blame! I get she's I just hated her anyways. This book did nothing for me so I don't think I'll be continuing with this series anymore. May 08, Lucy rated it it was ok Shelves: I read Bitten a few months ago and gave it four stars, but I didn't continue with the series.

I'm not sure why because I really did enjoy Bitten. I have a feeling it was one of those times where I picked up the first book and I had a pile of other stuff to read and I just never circled back to it. I enjoyed Stolen the second book in the series, although not as much as the first. I felt b I read Bitten a few months ago and gave it four stars, but I didn't continue with the series. I felt bad for her at times, but my feelings about Paige were much like Clay's about Paige. I was annoyed she was around interfering with the series.

Dime Store Magic revolves around a custody dispute over a young witch. Most of the book is an idiot plot, as in the main character has to be an idiot for the plot to move forward. Paige makes the wrong choice at every turn and walks into some very obvious traps. I can forgive a lot of it, but when she gets a phone call requesting she go to the funeral home where a man she's been accused of murdering is being waked There was absolutely no reason the paperwork she was going to retrieve couldn't be sent to her via UPS.

She walked into a trap that was built off a situation that had ALSO been a trap. Paige is an idiot and you have to spend plus pages with her. I didn't think she was a particularly good guardian and I didn't have a lot of interest in the coven side story so it was really hard for me to be emotionally invested in any of this. A lot of universe rules were broken in this book, including characters risking exposure they normally wouldn't risk. There's a whole scene at a funeral home that's totally implausible given the world building and the fact that Kelley Armstrong's universe is a hidden universe, meaning it exists within the one we all occupy.

It's not so hidden with corpses flying around. I'm sorry, but I can only buy hidden universe stories if the hiding is taken seriously by the occupants of the world. The romance is lackluster I'm all for smut! I'm all for magic smut! I thought the sex scenes in Bitten and Stolen were well written Paige and Lucas didn't have a lot of chemistry to begin with and then when they finally sleep together it's all magic fireballs and radios.

Also, I've never had a man stop kissing me when sex was fast approaching so he could like tune the radio station. I get what Armstrong was trying to do here. She had magical people, she had the opportunity to write a magical sex scene, but I just wasn't sold on how it happened or when it happened I was mostly embarrassed to be reading it. Unfortunately I was doing therapeutic book buying when I picked up Kelley's books.

I own them all. I don't know if this means I'm going to skip the next one to preserve myself, take a long break between three and four, or if I'm just going to swallow the fourth book as a loss and move onto five. View all 16 comments. The story is centered on Savannah, a powerful teenage witch who is taken care of by Paige.

A custody battle ensues when Savannah's sorcerer father tries to bring the girl to his Cabal. He does it with the help of telekinetic half-demon Leah, also introduced in "Stolen. Once again, Armstrong creates a very convincing world of witches and sorcerers, Covens and Cabals, spells and rituals. I thought the hierarchies, the structures of the societies of the two races, even politics and history were very well thought out and written, and yet for some reason I wasn't taken by this new world as much as I was by the werewolf world in "Bitten" and "Stolen.

The romance part also lacked. Paige's love interest Lucas is a nice enough guy, but nothing more. He is rather uptight, proper, and a bit goody-goody for my taste. Plus, the entire romance part was very secondary to the main story line and introduced almost as an afterthought. I will continue reading the series, maybe I will warm up to Paige and Lucas in the next book about them.

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Also, I am curious to see what will come out of Savannah's character. Right now she is one spoiled and snarky year old. I think she will make a great protagonist in the future books I heard she'll narrate books 11 and 12 of the series. View all 3 comments. At the end of Stolen , Paige took custody of Savannah--an arrangement that promised to be entertaining as at age 22, Paige was only roughly ten years her senior. In Dime Store Magic , we fast-forward nine months. Things between Paige and Savannah are stable, but not comfortable; they're still trying to understand each other.

This is complicated when Paige receives a summons to appear for a custody challenge. Paige shows up only to find that the challenge is really coming from Kristof Na At the end of Stolen , Paige took custody of Savannah--an arrangement that promised to be entertaining as at age 22, Paige was only roughly ten years her senior. Paige shows up only to find that the challenge is really coming from Kristof Nast, Savannah's biological father, a sorcerer and heir of the Nast Cabal. Not long after this, Lucas Cortez, heir of yet another Cabel, shows up on Paige's doorstep offering legal representation.

This is not my favorite in the Otherworld series. Lucas and Paige lack the passion of Clay and Elena--aside from a comment Savannah makes to Paige insinuating Lucas likes her, I didn't realize they were seriously interested until they suddenly jumped each other. And while it is completely understandable that Savannah is having serious issues for various, valid reasons, the fact remains, in this book she is a B-R-A-T.

A temper-tantrum throwing little hellion. And not at all in an amusing way.

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Still, it was an entertaining, quick read. When I first realised the series moved away from Elena and the werewolves, I was slightly sceptical. After reading the second book, though my liking for Elena took a bit of a decline and I wasn't too bothered about getting away for a bit. Following Paige's story would not have been my first choice, as she was very irritating in the last book. But this goes more in-depth with her character and she is much cooler than I first thought. Not only has she taken teenage witch Savannah under her wing, sh When I first realised the series moved away from Elena and the werewolves, I was slightly sceptical.

Not only has she taken teenage witch Savannah under her wing, she is also coven leader to a group of crusty old witches who would rather hide than stand up for anything. Enter the lovable Cortez and things start to get real interesting! This pulls the series back up there from the last book. Looking forward to the next one!

The thing about Kelley Armstrong is that while I didn't love the main characters or even the story line here, her writing is completely addictive and her world building amazing. I'm enthralled by her Otherwold and in awe of her ability to tell the reader so much about it without ever presenting it in an info dump or mind-numbingly confusing way. And as for Lucas Cortez The issue I have The thing about Kelley Armstrong is that while I didn't love the main characters or even the story line here, her writing is completely addictive and her world building amazing.

And the entire way the villains and mystery played out seemed like an episode of Scooby Doo gone awry. Even with unlikable uninteresting characters, Armstrong had me hooked the entire novel. Perhaps it's the ex-Catholic schoolgirl in me, but I loved all the witchy rituals and candle burning and whatnot.

View all 10 comments. Nov 24, Kathy rated it really liked it. From a blog post I wrote in I found a new author I really dig. Kelley Armstrong has a series of books out with supernatural characters. The first two and the last books have as their main character the lone female werewolf in the world.

The third and fourth book have a young witch as the focal point and the fifth one features the story of a dead but ghostly witch. These were really go From a blog post I wrote in These were really good. My favorite topics, sex and violence, are in there but there's also a lot about personal relationships and a well developed world that the characters reside in. The books share the same characters throughout. The stories and characters actually show growth which is nice. I'm really growing tired of series where the characters seem to be stuck at a certain point and it all feels like just more of the same think Anita Blake.

Good stuff here, check it out. May 31, Robin Edman rated it did not like it. Jesus God, this book is boring! It's one long explication of a magical quality that doesn't exist, explained by people I wouldn't allow in my home twice I don't invite anybody back who lacks a personality. When the book takes a break from that, it's canting morality at me. I just cannot tell you how dull it is to listen to a person agonizing over the morality of a non-issue.

And I most certainly do not recommend that you find out for yourself by reading this tripe. People with fully developed Jesus God, this book is boring! People with fully developed personalities know right from wrong and can pin it down for the rest of us in seconds. Aug 03, Carol. A ridiculously fast re-read, done mostly to keep my mind of a building headache. It's done well enough. I found the story interesting.

I just remained amazed that Paige could be so naive. Mistake after mistake, and the classic romantic "throw your rescuer out on his heels" mistake. Still, maybe small town living and thinking help explain some of that. Another great installment of the Women of the Otherworld series! The first two were about werewolf Elena Michaels and the last introduced Paige Winterbourne, the protagonist of this story.

Paige is stubborn, smart, and determined — something her new ward Savannah should be happy about. Savannah lost her mother, Eve, in the last book and Eve was a suspected practitioner of black magic. Despite receiving no support from her coven, Paige is determined to keep Savannah and mentor her to be a witch fo Another great installment of the Women of the Otherworld series! Despite receiving no support from her coven, Paige is determined to keep Savannah and mentor her to be a witch for good.

  • Which Side Are You On A Voice Of Warning!
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  • Women of the Otherworld: Dime Store Magic Bk. 3 by Kelley Armstrong (2007, Paperback).
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  • Dime Store Magic.

From here things only continue to escalate and poor Paige and Savannah are dealing with issues ranging from annoying to downright life-threatening as the book continues. Yay for Lucas - but despite his help things keep spiraling out of control. This book started slow but ended up being quite a ride! So far every book in this series has been completely different but I have liked them all.

It is hard to compare since they are so different but so far I like 2 the best, then this and 1 is my least favorite but it is still entertaining. Apr 07, Samantha rated it it was amazing Shelves: I did a re-read of Dime Store Magic for one of my reading challenges. After the events of Stolen , Paige Winterbourne has taken in thirteen year old Savannah Levine whose mother recently died.