A Murder of Crows Salvation

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This is the true story of Tony Crowe. His life is fast and out of control. Drugs, guns and money surround him. He is living a life that can only lead to death or jail. Everything goes wrong when his neighbour is attacked in his own house late one night by two men wearing face masks. Tony is the first suspect in the minds of the local police. When his house is searched early that morning drugs are found.

Tony leaves the small village in the north on England for a life on the run. Interpol arrest him one year later leaving the small island of Malta for Sicily. After nearly two years in prison waiting for his second trial; the first being a hung jury, he is found guilty of attempted murder. His sentence is 12 years.

Tony Crowe

His first prison is a maximum security unit inside a maximum security prison. On the first night in that dark place he gives his life to Jesus Christ. This is the worst case of attempted murder I have ever seen. If you had killed him, and you very nearly did, I would have no option but to sentence you to life in prison.

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However, you have no convictions for any violence in the past. Just give it to me so I can get out of here. However, the best laid plans of mice and men often go awry. The Death of the Poet.

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A Murder of Crows Salvation

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