A Streak of Sandalwood

Ecrire un commentaire client. Commentaires client les plus utiles sur Amazon. This was a story about a widow in Kerala, who is trying to survive after her husband dies and her kids have left. Thie story is very true for a lot of women who live in India. The book was exceptionally well written, with a easy flowing story line. I actually have never read a book that has not been reviewed before but took a chance on this one and was very pleasantly surprised.

If you have lived in India, this book will be self explanatory,but otherwise there are quite a few words that have no meaning in the English dictionary. However,you can guess the gist of the word.

A Streak of Sandalwood

It would have been nice if the author could have included a glossary of words at the end so that non Malayalees could also understand the meaning. I was able to follow along as I am also from Kerala although I dont live there any more. That was the only criticism that I had for this book. There were some excellent descriptions of Cochin and its suburbs. I will definitely read more from this author.

I liked this story. I did not understand a lot of the cultural aspects and vocabulary, but I will say that these pressures are universal. The story is told in such a way that the protagonist is revealed as an imperfect person, and her frailties are exposed with sensitivity and great understanding of the undercurrents and insecurities of an older woman in the midst of a potentially embarrassing affair. As usual, the Heart and the Head are in conflict.

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A Streak of Sandalwood [Anand Nair] on bahana-line.com *FREE* shipping on qualifying offers. Thankam breaks all the unwritten laws of widowhood in Kerala: she. A Streak of Sandalwood has 39 ratings and 2 reviews. Rae said: WowAs an American reading this was intriguing. I have found a new respect for the strugg.

I liked the strength of the main character and her ability to deal with judgmental busy-bodies. I really loved learning about the foods enjoyed by the people of India, and I had to go to a restaurant in Portland called Namaste to try a variety of the dishes described by the author.

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They were, by the way, delicious! I guess I could say that I took this story to heart and brought it into my life by eating the foods described in the story. I would recommend this book to those who enjoy learning of different cultural influences and the contrasts between the expectations of men and women, and those who just like romance without having to play the part of a voyeur in the bedroom. The story is very smooth, it goes like a river. I like the character of the widow, very wise,patient and humane.

This is the story of one woman's efforts to live by her own rules and not allow her community and family to stifle her in the name of love.

Police Arrested Red Sandalwood Smugglers at Nellore District

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  • Cook In Minutes.
  • A Streak of Sandalwood eBook: Anand Nair: bahana-line.com: Kindle Store.
  • Henri VI (3/3) (French Edition).
  • .

Share your thoughts with other customers. Write a product review. Most helpful customer reviews on Amazon. This was a story about a widow in Kerala, who is trying to survive after her husband dies and her kids have left. Thie story is very true for a lot of women who live in India. The book was exceptionally well written, with a easy flowing story line. I actually have never read a book that has not been reviewed before but took a chance on this one and was very pleasantly surprised.

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If you have lived in India, this book will be self explanatory,but otherwise there are quite a few words that have no meaning in the English dictionary. However,you can guess the gist of the word. It would have been nice if the author could have included a glossary of words at the end so that non Malayalees could also understand the meaning. I was able to follow along as I am also from Kerala although I dont live there any more. That was the only criticism that I had for this book. There were some excellent descriptions of Cochin and its suburbs. I will definitely read more from this author.

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I liked this story. I did not understand a lot of the cultural aspects and vocabulary, but I will say that these pressures are universal.

The story is told in such a way that the protagonist is revealed as an imperfect person, and her frailties are exposed with sensitivity and great understanding of the undercurrents and insecurities of an older woman in the midst of a potentially embarrassing affair. As usual, the Heart and the Head are in conflict. I liked the strength of the main character and her ability to deal with judgmental busy-bodies. I really loved learning about the foods enjoyed by the people of India, and I had to go to a restaurant in Portland called Namaste to try a variety of the dishes described by the author.

They were, by the way, delicious! I guess I could say that I took this story to heart and brought it into my life by eating the foods described in the story. I would recommend this book to those who enjoy learning of different cultural influences and the contrasts between the expectations of men and women, and those who just like romance without having to play the part of a voyeur in the bedroom.

The story is very smooth, it goes like a river. I like the character of the widow, very wise,patient and humane. I feel I now know more about Indian life. I am amazed that this is the first novel of the writer, she seems in control of her material. I am waiting for her second novel.