EP2514: Boston Blackie: The Ghost of Florence Newton

He runs into a mysterious woman called Sunwoo Hye Lee Ji-ah who appears at every crime scene. From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia. The Ghost Detective Promotional poster. Crime Horror Thriller Mystery. Retrieved July 9, Retrieved August 2, Retrieved July 13, Retrieved August 1, Star News in Korean.

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Retrieved July 31, Retrieved August 5, TV Report in Korean. MK News in Korean. With subtlety and grace, Thomas Lowenstein has created a fascinating world where life and death coexist without fear.

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This is a novel where those of us who still struggle for meaning in the madness can now find just a glimpse of hope. The Ghost Detective will haunt you long after you've read it; the only mystery is why you haven't already. With a special interest in helping those wrongly convicted of a crime and in campaigning against the death penalty, he has worked tirelessly to focus attention on inequities in the American criminal justice system.

Born in New York, educated in Boston, Mr. Lowenstein now lives in New Orleans. Kindle Edition , pages. To see what your friends thought of this book, please sign up. To ask other readers questions about The Ghost Detective , please sign up.

Deadman (DC Comics)

Lists with This Book. Mar 16, Lynda Staniskis-sigler rated it liked it. It was a good book. Confusing at first but all questions were answered at the end. It kept you thinking hmmm? Jul 17, Andrea Allison rated it really liked it Recommends it for: This review has been hidden because it contains spoilers. To view it, click here.

In the closing months of the 20th century, James McParland arrives in Boston to seek redemption. Thomas Lowenstein took his passion for turning a wrong in to a right and translated it into his debut novel, The Ghost Detective. I see a lot of promise in this writer.

The Ghost Detective

The novel skips around between POVs and time periods, but not so much the reader gets confused or lost. The characters were drawn out.

The premise is rather interesting. A long dead detective uses his investigative skills to help lost souls finish their unfinished business so they can move on from purgatory. The novel itself is rather well written. However, the descriptions tended to drown the story in certain places.

Boston in fiction

On occasion, the dialogue was a bit stiff. Tags were used when not needed. No breaks to indicate POV shifts in mid-chapter. Character's thoughts don't stand out among other sentences.

I think each has a way of taking away from the story, but I believe this author has a good career ahead of him. I would recommend this book, even more so since 50 cents from the sale of every digital copy of The Ghost Detective, payable by the author and the publisher, goes to the Pennsylvania Innocence Project, a non-profit organization dedicated to the release of those wrongly imprisoned for a crime they did not commit. Jan 15, IndieHeart rated it really liked it.

I really enjoyed this book after a somewhat confusing start.

While it was well written throughout, the book didn't start to cohere until about halfway through when the relationships of the characters and storylines developed. However, I found a couple of the sub-stories sufficiently interesting to want to continue reading.

Boston Ghosts, Ghost Stories and Haunted Folklore in New England

I probably would not have continued if I had not read the previous reviews that assured it would all come together in the end. I wish that the story had been as engrossing from the beginning! However, if you are willing to wait out the feeling that the stories you are reading cannot possibly end up cohering into one tale, you will find the book has an enjoyable and emotionally affecting ending with some quite interesting twists and turns. This book obviously has paranormal overtones as evidenced by the title , but it is not a "paranormal" novel. I have been reading so much genre fiction lately I'd forgotten that you can have a little bit of paranormal without the formulaic construction of the genre.

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This is very much a contemporary novel with intelligence and a focus on the human. Readers hoping for a paranormal romance should look elsewhere. I recommend the book for readers who don't need an immediate dash into the meat of the story but can wait patiently until all of the threads of the tale are in place. It was a very satisfying read, and I will definitely keep an eye out for more from this author.

Jul 06, Mickey Hoffman rated it liked it. This was one of the oddest books I've ever read. The premise is amusing, as you can see by the title. I don't believe in ghosts or anything of that nature, but you don't have to in order to enjoy the story.