A Matter of Faith: Harmony Village Series, Vol. 2

Books by Anna Dynowski

Seduced into the Greek's World. Kept for Her Baby. A Princess for a Bride. All the King's Men - The Beginning. His Seduction Game Plan. Real Men Don't Drink Appletinis. The Rancher's One-Week Wife. Lizzie Searches for Love Trilogy. A Modern Fairy Tale. Amish Friendship Bread - Sarah. A Plain Love Song. The Legacy of Lancaster Trilogy. The Amish Christmas Kitchen. Primal Heat Part 1. Rosemary Opens Her Heart. Moretti Men Series, Vol. Whether or not pride and prodigality have had a place in my heart, springing up there unobserved?

Whether, from the length of time, I have become remiss in attending to the affairs of government; and have been unable to attend to them with that serious diligence, strenuous effort, which I ought? Whether I have used irreverent words, and have deserved reprehension? Whether perfect equity has been attained in conferring rewards, or inflicting punishments? Whether, in raising mausoleums and laying out gardens, I have distressed the people and wasted property?

Whether in the appointment of officers I have failed to obtain fit persons, and thereby the acts of government have been petty and vexatious to the people? Whether punishment have been unjustly inflicted or not? Whether the oppressed have found nom eans [no means] of appeal? Whether in persecuting heterodox sects, the innocent have not been involved? Whether or not the magistrates have insulted the people, and refused to listen to their affairs? Whether in the successive military operations on the western frontiers, there may have been the horrors of human slaughter, for the sake of Imperial rewards?

Whether the largesses bestowed on the afflicted southern provinces were properly applied; or the people were left to die in the ditches? Whether the efforts to exterminate or pacify the rebellious mountaineers of Hoonan and Canton were properly conducted; or whether they led to the inhabitants being trampled on as mire or ashes?

To all these topics, to which my anxieties have been directed, I ought to lay the plumb-line, and strenuously endeavor to correct what is wrong; still recollecting that there may be faults which have not occurred to me in my meditations. Prostrate I beg Imperial Heaven, Hwvng Teen, to pardon my ignorence [ignorance] and stupidity; and to grant me self-renovation; for myriads of innocent people, are involved by me a single man.

My sins are so numerous, it is difficult to escape from them. Summer is past and autumn arrived; to wait longer will really be impossible. Knocking head, I pray Imperial Heaven, to hasten and confer gracious deliverance-a speedy and divinely beneficial rain-to save the people's lives; and in some degree redeem my iniquities! Imperial heaven, observe these things! Imperial Heaven, be gracious to them. Reverently this memorial is presented. The above prayer of the Emperor of China, is given, that the saints may know the agitation, and troubles, in the far East.

We have nothing to say of the Emperor, or his prayer, knowing that the Lord is not well pleased with those that find fault with their fellow creatures. We expect to see many strange things in these last days. Before the great day comes, the Lord says: There shall be a great hailstorm sent forth to destroy the crops of the earth: An extra from the Batavia N.

Times and press, gives an account of a heavy fire which occurred in that village on the 18th of April. Nine or ten buildings were destroyed.

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Herrmanns' were about giving a concert at 8 o'clock. The large ball room, capable of holding people, was prepared and the anteroom to it, had been previously decorated with branches in imitation of an arbor, in which Captain Back the previous evening received the company who attended the dinner given to him by the citizens of Montreal. About a quarter before eight variegated lamps were lighted, and in an instant the boughs, which were left from the previous evening and perfectly dry, caught fire and presented, before you had time for reflection one mass of flame.

Luckin, formerly of the fire department of this city, instantly closed the large folding doors, and we had no means of escape but by the windows, which were four stories high in the rear and three stories in the front. There were at this period only 4 gentleman and about 27 ladies present. The cries and shrieks were appalling. The flames soon burst into the room with an indescribable fierceness, while we were expecting instant death. At this critical moment a ladder was raised to one of the front windows, and miraculously we all escaped.

Had it occurred a quarter of an hour later there would have probably been three hundred persons in the room, and in that case, few could have been saved. Nothing but the walls are standing. The consternation in the city was indescribable: Some have peen [been] severely burnt, amongst whom, we hear is one of the Herrmans. I write in great haste, with a mind horrified by the scene, and thankful for the escape of myself and family.

There was, says the Courier and Enquirer,. Not less than one hundred houses destroyed and certainly five hundred families thrown out of a home. When we left the spot, at 3 o'clock, the fire was still raging and its ravages may have extended still further, though we are in hopes, as around it was little else than vacant spots, that the devastation is at an end.

The wind was high, and the engines played with little apparent effect. The streets in the vicinity were filled with the furniture of the inmates of the houses consumed. One woman, it is said, lost her life. It is said to be one of the most distressing fires known this spring. The Cholera is raging here with much fury; it is impossible to form any correct opinion of its fury; its ravages, although I have endeavored to do so-I even question whether the Government itself has returns of the number of interments; of the number of cases I know it has not, for I heard one of the most eminent physicians say to-day, he had not had time to report for a week past.

Business is almost paralyzed, and all who could leave the city have done so; there are some cases in the country some plantations have suffered severely.

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Two cargoes of slaves, over arrived a few days since; one of them landed her cargo south of this Matanzas on the other side, all of whom died, although landed in perfect health; and the other, a few leagues to leeward of this, the most of whom are dead, and the residue dying. I received a letter to-day from Havana, dated the 10th ult.

Galignani's Paris Messenger, of the 11th ultimo, says-"Adultery, incest, murder and suicide; all the vices and crimes by which social life can be profaned, form the leading incidents in nearly every work of amusement! The brig Cambrian, Capt. Goodhue, arrived at this port on Saturday from Buenos Ayres [Aires], whence she sailed on the 1st of February. Goodhue reports that the English had taken possession of the Falkland Islands, previous to which the garrison mutinied and murdered the Governor. The garrison had arrived at Buenos Ayres [Aires]. The Buenos Ayreans [Arians] were much exasperated against the British for this act as they were previously against the Americans.

In Manchester, which a few years ago numbered only seventy, there are now 42, members of this church. Many other large towns show a similar increase. A gentlemen who left Fort Gibson, about a week since, for Arkansas, is said by the Gazette of that place, to have brought information that the U. Commissioners anticipated the speedy conclusion of a treaty with the Osages for all their country west of Arkansas, and for their removal, some two hundred miles N. The Arkansas Gazette says it is possible that the evacuated country will be offered to the Georgian Cherokees, on condition of their ceding their country in that state to the United States.

Howland, we have received Canton papers to December We have also the Chinese Repository for November, which is published at the close of the month:. Heengin the imperial commissioner ordered two forts to be built, on two commanding hills, to awe those who had recently been in rebellion. But the highlanders waited till the commissioners had set off for Pekin, and the troops were withdrawn to Canton, when they assembled, and attacked the workmen; and after putting them to death, laid their works to ruins.

It is further rumored, that a large party of banditti in the neighborhood of Sanlhow, a little eastward of the late seat of the insurrection, have commenced resistance to the government, under the appellation of the Yangteefan association; or "iron bar political union. It has not rained for a moment since the first week in Jan. The estate of Temple Hall, with two hundred and forty negroes, which cost, a few years since, fifty thousand pounds, was recently put up at auction, and no bid was made of more than eight thousand.

The coffee plantation of Pleasant Hill, which had two hundred and sixty-nine negroes, and cost L,, was also offered at auction, and bought in, only L10,, having been bid for it.

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These are said to be fair specimens of the general deprecation of estates in the islands. On Friday night a few minutes after 8 o'clock a tremendous shock of earthquake, resembling rather a violent explosion, was felt here, and such was its force and violence, and long continuation, as to create the most fearful anxiety in the minds of all for their safety, instant destruction being apprehended. This was succeeded, soon after by two more shocks of slight duration, and about nine o'clock, another severe shock was experienced, nearly as severe as the first; and during the whole of that night, with little cessation, the shocks continued to agitate the town, and to increase the alarm and fears of the terrified inhabitants, several of whom left their abodes to escape the imminent danger, which, from the rocking of the houses particularly the stone buildings, they were threatened with, and remained in the open streets until morning-many others quitted their houses and repaired to the fields.

The distressing cries, and deafning [deafening] screeches of the affrighted negroes-the terror of families who hastily assembled together; the shrieks of the prisoners in Jail, whose voices were distinctly heard among the confusion, calling for mercy by releasing them-had such an effect as baffles all description! This renewed the alarm-the stores which had been opened, were immediately closed-and some of the inhabitants went on board the vessels in the harbour [harbor], preferring to trust their safety to the uncertain waves, rather than to remain on shore, considering the latter more unsafe; others preparing to follow their example if shocks continued.

No other was felt, until about 8 o'clock at night, and another at four in the morning of Sunday. About a quarter after six on Sunday morning, a smart shock was felt, and during that day and night there were several slight. On Monday morning about half past 3 another severe shock was felt, and from that time there having been several slight shocks, making a period of seven nights and seven days from the commencement of these appalling occurrences.

The sea during the whole period, was much agitated; there was a swell from the southward, and the noise from the sea, as well as that which proceeded the shocks of earthquakes, resembled the firing of cannon or the murmur of distant thunder. Yesterday morning the sea became perfectly calm, and we were blessed with a few light showers of rain-after which about half past nine o'clock, a smart shock was felt and at ten last night and four this morning, there was a slight shock, and during the last night, we had a few light showers of rain. We were again much alarmed by a smart shock, about 11 o'clock this forenoon.

The injury done to the Buildings in Basseterre is very great-there is scarcely a stone building or store we think, that has not been injured in some degree; and several old walls and chimneys have been thrown down. The Church, the Wesleyan Chapel, the Jail, the Custom House, the Reading Room, the Tavern, have all received damage, and several private dwelling Houses have been so shaken as to cause the walls to separate in many places.

The Parish Church of St. Thomas, Middle Island, has suffered materially. A considerable quantity of bottled liquor was destroyed by the first shock of earthquake-the value, supposed to be some hundred pounds sterling. The Cholera has spread all around. Noonan, Curate of Knockany, was here to day to purchase coffins, there not being hands enough in that place to make them. Forty persons were attacked last night with the pestilence, out of which the above number fell victims to its fury. O'Connel said mass yesterday, and appeared to be in excellent health.

The manner of his death being taken off in three or four hours, has created a general feeling of regret and consternation through the surrounding country. Killmallock, too, is nearly as bad. Bruree is totally deserted. Fedamore attacked at all points; the Reverend Mr.

M'Carthy, the parish priest, and his coadjutor, have been called out of bed to attend the sick and the dying, eleven nights in succession. In short the panic through the country far exceeds any thing within the memory of man. Kilmurry, Ibraikane, and Seafield, in the county of Clare, have been likewise visited with the disease, and as if to provoke its rage, the deluded inhabitants refuse to go to the hospital, where every necessary is provided, but perish in their own miserable dwellings.

Upwards of 60 deaths out of seventy three attacks, have occurred in Killmallock.

Trailer de "A Matter of Faith" (Una Cuestión de Fe)

Of those who were effected, seven remain under treatment, only six have recovered. In several other places in that part of the Kingdom the disease was extending. Bombay papers to the fifth of December have been received at Salem. One of them says: About two hundred people are already said to have died of starvation, and the survivors are said to be suffering all the horrors of famine. Many distinguished English gentleman, and some worthy and compassionate Hindoos [Hindu's], and other native residents of Calcutta, have made a subscription, and bought a quantity of rice, which they have sent to Cuttack, to be distributed gratis among the poor people.

The government also had despatched a small ship laden with the same article,-not, however to be given way, in charity, to the starving population, but to be sold at prime cost! According to this authority, the population returns of the celestial empire, in , amounted to millions; of which number the capital, Pekin, alone, is said to contain five millions. Our object in quoting this caution of our blessed Savior, is to give the saints and the world, inasmuch as the inhabitants thereof wish to enter in at the door and be saved, a few hints relative to false prophets.

There have been, are, and will be, till the Lord comes, false prophets, that have tried to, and would if possible, but it is not possible, deceive the very elect. Jesus said, Beware of false prophets, which come to you in sheep's clothing, but inwardly they are ravening wolves. Ye shall know them by their fruits. To come to the point, there were to be many that should deceive many in the last days: It has long been so, that if a saint went east, west, north or south, he could not go, without having his ears continually saluted by individuals of this character.

How often have many in the presence of many, declared, without the gift of inspiration, that such and such would be damned, except they believed thus and thus, when the Lord says, more than once in the scriptures, Vengeance is mine, I will repay. It is, and has long been, an acknowledged point, that there can not be but one church of Christ, as there is one Lord, one faith, and one baptism. With this sacred truth before us, amid all the confusion, and trouble now existing, in consequence of so many different denominations, all declaring they are right, and that they take their doctrines from the holy scriptures, we feel it a duty that we owe to God and to all that seek the riches of eternity, to say as Jesus said: Beware of false prophets, which come to you in sheep's clothing.

When men, who pretend to be shepherds of the Lord's sheep, without authority, rail against the word of the Lord, or endeavor to warp its meaning to fit some peculiar notion, which will never extend farther than to gain the esteem and goods of this world, we say, Beware of false prophets, which come to you in sheep's clothing.

When men, as servants of the Lord, under the sacred name of religion, instead of building up the church of Christ, by preaching baptism for the remission of sins, and the gift of the Holy Ghost, by the laying on of the hands, with a promise of eternal life, by keeping all the commandments of the Lord, and continuing faithful to the end, are building up mite societies, temperance societies, missionary societies, bible societies, or any other societies wherein the scribes and pharisees sit in Moses' seat; or wherein money is the principal means of urging on the work of the Lord, as it is termed seeing that the blessed Savior never taught any such things as the gospel, or as an appendage to it, we exclaim, Beware of false prophets, which come to you in sheep's clothing, but inwardly they are ravening wolves.

When men, that are looked up to as teachers in Israel, mingle in the follies and fashions of the world, and look upon sin with any degree of allowance; give their opinions on the most popular side of the question, because great A is on that side too, without even examining into the truth of either side; yea when such men are ready and willing, without being asked, to write, print, or publish their opinions upon what they are not acquainted, and much less judges, whereby they unman themselves of honesty, for the sake of forcing public opinion against any man, or men, country or kingdom, earthly or heavenly-we caution all men, and who will not do so to?

Beware of false prophets, which come to you in sheep's clothing, but inwardly they are ravening wolves. We might pursue this subject to a great length but who, that believes in the revelations of the Lord, is not ready to say, the world is full of such men? Instead of seeing all men every where, repent to prepare for the kingdom of God, the time has come, when they will not endure sound doctrine; but after their own lusts they heap to themselves teachers having itching ears. Instead of seeing all men every where, coming to a unity in the faith, and enjoying the glorious privilege of the new covenant, the time has come, when almost every teacher forms his own creed, and where we would expect to find one of Christ's-we behold hundreds of man's churches.

Instead of seeing devout and humble followers of the meek and lowly Jesus, preaching the gospel without respect to persons, without purse or scrip, willing to become any thing for Christ's sake, contending earnestly for the faith once delivered to the saints, we may behold some, supported by large salaries, striving shrewdly to maintain the systems invented by men since they rejected the gift of the Holy Spirit, which is enough to cause the righteous to shudder, and cry out, Beware of false prophets.

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We are sure that the Lord delights in plainness, if it is expressed in meekness, and he is well pleased with those that serve him in spirit and in truth: He is not the author of confusion in his church, but of peace. The gospel was committed unto man that he might pe [be] prepared for a kingdom of glory; but when we observe them that pretend, or profess to be disciples of him that sinned not, but did the will of his Father in all things, full of pride, and full of contention; fond of vanity, and fond of variety, what can constrain us from crying, Beware of false prophets?

Lest we should offend any of the disciples of Christ, or even tire the patience of any, that are earnestly seeking the kingdom of our Redeemer and its righteousness, we will say something about true prophets. When the Lord by the mouth of Noah, warned the inhabitants of the earth of a flood, giving them one hundred and twenty years to prepare in, the flood came: This proved that Noah was a true prophet.

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When the Lord said to Abram, know thou for a surety that thy seed shall be a stranger in a land that is not theirs; and shall be afflicted four hundred years and after wards they shall come out with great substance: When the children of Israel were brought out of Egypt under the hand of Moses, precisely four hundred and thirty years from the time that Jacob with his household entered into it, having been afflicted four hundred of that time, the fact must have been, if not before, established in the minds of all who had a knowledge of the word of the Lord to Abraham, that he was a true prophet.

When Moses declared the words of the Lord to the children of Israel, that if they would not observe to do all the words of the law, as it was written in the book that they might fear the glorious and fearful name of the Lord their God, that the Lord would scatter them among all people from the one end of the earth even to the other, and they were afterwards scattered, the ten tribes first and so on, and at last the Jews, until the power of the holy people had ceased to be known, or even the elect to be respected, who, that believes the scripture denies that he, even Moses, was a true prophet of the Lord?

Again, many things have come to pass just as they were foretold, and who doubts that the men who delivered them, were moved upon by the Holy Ghost, and were true prophets? The prophet Joseph, who brought forth the book of Mormon, containing the fulness [fullness] of the gospel of Jesus Christ, declared through the medium of that book, that there should be a gathering of the righteous on this continent, and in a revelation directly to the church, that in this generation, there should be men standing that should see a desolating sickness cover the earth, and in the name of the Lord, let us ask how long it will take, if so much as has come to pass in three years, is not sufficient evidence, to prove that he also is a true prophet of the Lord?

The only way of ascertaining a true prophet, is to compare his prophecies with the ancient word of God, and see if they agree, and if they do and come to pass, then certainly he is a true prophet: For it is not possible that the Lord will suffer FALSE prophets, to bring forth the truth, moved upon by the Holy Ghost, for it is written that the Holy Ghost dwelleth not in unholy temples. By their fruits shall they be known. When, therefore any man, no matter who, or how high his standing may be, utters, or publishes, any thing that afterwards proves to be untrue, he is a false prophet.

And if he does it uncalled for, for the sake of injuring his fellow-beings, or for the sake of gain, or to deceive any man, by putting a false coloring upon a matter of religion, to lead astray or prejudice the minds of any, to hinder them from receiving the truth, wo unto him, he is a false prophet and will have his part with the beast in the lake of fire and brimstone, where their worm dieth not and the fire is not quenched!

Truth is light, and needs no art to recommend it to the soul that loves the Lord: A wise man is choice of his heart, but the fool exposes his to the world, and is not the better for it. Here then we can say, where we find a person uttering, or publishing, what he does not know to be a truth, merely to make a noise, whereby the least saint on earth might be offended, beware of false prophets, lest you have a portion with them, in the lake of fire and brimstone where their worm dieth not and the fire is not quenched.

Brethren in the church of Christ, did you ever hear of a true prophet, that persecuted any one for his religion, whether pure or of man? Did you ever hear, or have you ever read of a true prophet, that spake evil of any man, or that would lie to further the cause of God, or any thing else? If you have, brethren, then has the hypocrite an excuse for leaving his own fault unexposed, and, publishing his neighbor's to the world! Then has the false prophet an opportunity to plead his right to send his lying words abroad, that he may obtain the praise and glory of this world, and deceive the simple.

But this is not so; what is good comes from the Lord, and what is evil comes from satan: Brethren, when a man who obeys the ordinances of the Lord, preaches, prophecies, utters or publishes, any thing that will make men better; anything that will guide men in the path of eternal life; any thing that will promote the fulness [fullness] of the gospel of Jesus Christ, showing by a godly walk, and a holy conversation, that he is meek and humble; and witnessing unto the world that he is willing to leave father and mother, wife and children, houses and lands, for the sake of his Savior, follow his example, for his end will be peace, and his glory eternal in the presence of God.

Solomon once said, let the saints mark the saying. The words of a wise man's mouth are gracious; but the lips of a fool will swallow up himself. The apostle Paul said, in his day, Beware lest any man spoil you through philosophy and vain deceit, after the tradition of men, after the rudiments of the world, and not after Christ. And when the disciples have read the following passing events of the bible, they may judge whether Paul was a true prophet or not.

They are gleaned from our exchange papers. Curtis has exposed some enormous errors, and variations from the original text, as given in King James time. Some of the grosser ones, which would seem to have been concerted and intentional, have been rife for forty years. The true sense of Holy Writ, it is contended, has been greatly warped by these errors; and measures are in train to have them rectified, in all future editions of the Scriptures published in England. It is stated that the churches in America have long since adopted the edition in question, as a standard;-if so, it is of the last importance, we should conceive to import one of the corrected copies, now preparing, at the earliest period.

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The writer remarks, with much sorrowful feeling, that such preversions [perversions] of the Sacred Word have given rise to more scoffers and infidels, than could have been otherwise produced by any one cause. Noah Webster, the lexicographer, is engaged in preparing for publication an edition of the Bible, in the common version, but with amendments of the language, chiefly in the following particulars-. The omission of obsolete words and phrases, and the substitution of equivalent terms now in use.

The use of euphemisms for such indelicate words and phrases as are most offensive, and which cannot be uttered without pain both to the reader and hearer. As the church of Christ will soon have the scriptures, in their original purity, it may not be amiss for us to show a few of the gross errors, or, as they might be termed, contradictions.

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It is said in the first chapter and 30th verse of Genesis, in our present King James' translation, That to every beast of the earth, and to every fowl of the air, and to every thing that creepeth upon the earth, wherein there is life, I have given every GREEN herb for meat. But the Lord said thus: To every beast of the earth, and to every fowl of the air, and to every thing that creepeth upon the earth, wherein I grant life, there shall be given every CLEAN herb for meat.

It needs but little wisdom to discern the difference between green and clean.

In the king's translation, in the sixth chapter and 6th verse of Genesis, it is said that the Lord repented: It is thus written: And it repented the Lord that he had made man on the earth, and it grieved him at his heart. The Lord never said that he repented as it is thus recorded in the present English bible: But it is thus: And it repented Noah, and his heart was pained, that the Lord had made man on the earth, and it grieved him at his heart.

Let one more sentence suffice for the present: As to a new translation, by Dr. Webster, we think he is already superseded in one which follows; yea, with all the euphemisms he could collect from his Quarto dictionary, he could not destroy the sublimity of the scripture faster, than Dr.

Paul's Parish, Pendleton District, S. The avowed object of this translation, is "to furnish a work better adapted than the old translation to the advanced state of literature and refinement, and correct the errors in grammar and rhetoric, and the harsh and indelicate expressions which are dispersed through the common version.

The same came to Jesus by night, and said unto him, Rabbi, we know thou art a teacher come from God; for no man can do these miracles thou doest, except God be with him. Jesus answered and said unto him, Verily, verily, I say unto thee, except a man be born again, he cannot see the kingdom of God.

Nicodemus saith unto him how can a man be born when he is old? Can he enter the second time into this mother's womb, and be born? Jesus answered and said, I say unto thee, except a man be born of water, and of the Spirit, he cannot enter into the kingdom of God. That which is born of the flesh is flesh, and that which is born of the Spirit is Spirit. He came to Jesus by night, and said unto him, Teacher, we know that thou art an instructor emanated from God; for no one can achieve these miracles which thou porformest [performest], unless God be with him.

Jesus answered and said to him, Indeed, I assure you, that except a man be reproduced, he can not realize the reign of God. Nicodemus saith to him, how can a man be produced when he is mature? Can he again pass into a state of embryo, and be produced? Jesus replied, I most assuredly declare to you, that unless a man be produced of water and of the Spirit, he can not enter the kingdom of God.

That which is produced from the body, is natural life, and that which is produced from the Spirit is spiritual life. Amos said, Behold, the days come, saith the Lord God, that I will send a famine in the land, not a famine of bread, nor a thirst for water, but of hearing the words of the Lord: And they shall wander from sea to sea, and from the north even to the east; they shall run to and fro to seek the word of the Lord, and shall not find it. With the old copy full of errors; with Dickinson's and Webster's polite translation, with Campbell's improved, and many more from different persuasions, how will a person of common understanding know which is right without the gift of the Holy Spirit?

Well might Amos prophesy of a famine to hear the words of the Lord, for it will be even so with thousands of our fellow-men. It must be admitted by all who have any knowledge of the general state of society, at the present time, that it is very corrupt; and those who have a knowledge of things as they really are, and as they really will be, know that it does and wiil [will] grow worse from year to year, and yet the bible, instead of the hearts of men must be PURIFIED!

Now just at the close of this world, or more properly at the close of this wicked generation, the bible, after a period of hundreds of years, is found to be faulty and indecent. It has been translated and sent to almost all nations, and now, the whole work is full of errors, and unchaste expressions! Well may the saints of Christ's kingdom, exclaim, like the Roman orator, "O the degeneracy of the times! O the corruptness of the manners! What better testimony needs the disciple of the humble Jesus, that satan rules in the same places, where the daughters of the Mother of abominations, are corrupting nations and holding vile commerce with the sons of men?

O what a blessing, that the Lord will bestow the gift of the Holy Spirit, upon the meek and humble, whereby they can know of a surety, his words from the words of men! He sends her to some never-before-heard-of principality somewhere on the Adriatic Sea to cover some never-before-heard-of prince at some boring high society shindig. But the prince is real easy on the eyes. A Pocketful of Hope: Harmony Village Series, Vol. September 20, by Write Words Inc. Beneath the outwardly quiet and gracious manner of Janek Koznaski lies a dark and painful past: Two days out into the secular world, with insecurities plaguing her, ex-nun Kerry Heaton is flying solo without a compass.

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