Why Jesus Matters

Thankfully God has made a way for us to be redeemed through his son, Jesus. He lived, died, and was resurrected so that we may be reborn and remade. It is our number one objective and chief agenda that you would come to know his love for us all and place your trust in Him. In trying to find words to express their faith in Jesus, the New Testament writers gave him various names. Jesus was Master, Rabbi, Teacher.

He was the Way, the Truth, and the Life. He was the Doorway to the sheepfold, the Light of the world, the Prince of Peace, and more. In the church's long tradition, scores of other names or titles have been given. Let's look at five of the most central biblical names for Jesus:.

We believe in Jesus as God's special child. We call this the Incarnation, meaning that God was in the world in the actual person of Jesus of Nazareth. The Gospel writers explain this in different ways. In Mark, Jesus seems to be adopted as God's Son at his baptism.

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And it has taken years to uproot wrong thinking patterns, but I can truly say God has been faithful in helping me change the way I think. Even if you don't believe in God, you are still stuck forging your own meaning out of an accidental existence -- which is no small task. Excellent and relevant guide by the always wise George Stroup. The followers of Christ did their part to tell the truth about Jesus as they carried out his command to take the Good News message of his life throughout the world. Does that surprise you? Why Jesus Matters 4.

In John, Jesus is God's pre-existing Word who "became flesh and lived among us" 1: However this mystery occurred, we affirm that God is wholly present in Jesus Christ. Paradoxically, we also believe that Jesus was fully human.

God made this world and us so that we might respond to Him in loving relationship. For example, the Bible says:. Yet he is actually not far from each one of us. You see, that explains to me why every single civilization since the dawn of time has had an innate desire to worship a Being external to ourselves. We look at this marvelous world — the billions of uncountable stars in the sky, the vastness of the ocean, the majesty of mountain ranges — and we instinctively know that this is not the work of blind random chance but of an intelligent purposeful Creator.

  • First, I learnt from the Bible that God made this entire universe including brilliant ole me.!
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No wonder British astronomer Sir Fred Hoyle said that the probability that life could emerge through random mutations of dead matter is as far-fetched as a hurricane bursting through a junkyard and assembling a Boeing airplane! Said Flew in his book, There is a God: I believe that life and production originate in a divine Source. Why do I believe this, given that I expounded and defended atheism for more than half a century?

The short answer is this: If you think about it, God as Creator makes sense of lots of other things, too.

My second discovery is this: I had rebelled against God.

It explains why love and relationships are important to us — because God made us for a loving relationship with Him and one another. It explains why we appreciate abstract things like music and art and natural scenery — because God is the ultimate creator of music, art and natural beauty. It explains why we value morality and justice and know innately that we should do good to one another — because that is how God intends for us to live.

And thank God He made us with such wonderful capacities!

John Piper - How We Represent Jesus Matters

Yes, I may be pretty good compared to Hitler and Mas Selamat[iii], and yes, I may be an upright and law-abiding citizen. The Bible is absolutely scathing here. Just listen to these words:. All have turned aside; together they have become worthless; no one does good, not even one. I had never once stopped to acknowledge God or thank Him for my existence. In fact, I had convinced myself that I was the sole reason for my successes in life.

But it was actually God who had given me everything I had — my intellect, my sporting abilities, my looks just humour me on this one! The Bible warns me that rebellion against God puts me on a collision course with God. Right now, I stand condemned by God already for rejecting Him. That is, Jesus took the punishment I deserved for rebelling against God by dying on the Cross, when it should have been me, Denesh Divyanathan, hanging and bleeding on that Cross for my sin.

No, God had done it all by sending His Son Jesus to pay the price to set me free. But that is exactly what He did.

Why Jesus Matters

This book is not yet featured on Listopia. Apr 22, Robert D.

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  4. Why Jesus Matters by George W. Stroup.
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Cornwall rated it it was amazing Shelves: When I started reading the book I thought -- well this is a nice, easily read, book about Jesus for a general audience from a thoughtful moderately liberal theologian. But as I continued to read, I found that my initial impressions were correct, but I also discovered that this was really more than that. It is not only a testament to why Jesus matters, but I think could truly help Christians rediscover Jesus for our day. So, if you want to read a book about Jesus in the coming months, I think thi When I started reading the book I thought -- well this is a nice, easily read, book about Jesus for a general audience from a thoughtful moderately liberal theologian.

Why Jesus Matters

So, if you want to read a book about Jesus in the coming months, I think this is as good a place to start as any -- probably better!! Jan 03, Daniel Rothamel rated it it was amazing Shelves: This is an excellent introduction to Christology, in general. Stroup does a good job of surveying the various kinds of theology that have influenced Christology through the centuries, and also gives a lot of food for thought for Western Christians on how to approach Christology in the future. Perhaps the best thing I can say about the book is that it is written in a very approachable and readable style that takes a subject that can often be complex, and makes it accessible to just about anyone.

Oct 15, Nancy Graham rated it it was amazing. Excellent and relevant guide by the always wise George Stroup. Jenn rated it liked it Jun 09, Mark rated it liked it Oct 11,